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Unique healing abilities

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Level 7
Apr 12, 2017
Hello. I wanted to see some ideas regarding creative, (unique) healing abilities, now mind you these abilities are intended for living and not undead units so plz dont list things similar to canalize or anything of that nature.
Level 6
Apr 14, 2017
What about a non-hero spell which a hero unit has that heals a target unit depending on the level of the hero, lets say the spell heals the target unit by 50hp* (level of casting hero)

Seems pretty unique, at least to me
Level 12
Jun 15, 2016
Catgut (priest type unit - master update): instantly raises the unit's health to 80-90%, with the trade-off of lowering that unit's maximum health to 95%. Obviously this spell will only be able to be cast on allied units, not heroes. For example, you heal a near dead unit with max 1000HP. The unit heals to 850HP immediately,but it's maximum HP drops to 950, when cast on the unit again its max health will drop again to about 903HP. This will give the player an incentive not to use this spell frequently, while still making it a very potent healing option.

Cryo Flash (hero ability): targets a circle, storing the HP of all units in said circle. 15-20 seconds later, replaces current HP of units with the stored amount. The size of the target circle increases with level. The spell can be cast on allies with high health about to go to battle, or on fleeing enemy units with low health. Consider not allowing heroes as targets of this spell, as it can be used to negate the effect of potions and become broken easily.

Pulse (hero ability):
Following a short channeling duration where his armor is depleted (-5armor/5 seconds channeling) the hero releases a pulse of light, healing all ally units except the caster hero. Healing amount slightly increases with level, and armor reduction during channeling reduces.

Anti coagulant (ultimate hero ability):
creates an invincible ward which constantly drains HP from all enemies around it for about 15-20 seconds, storing the amount of "blood"(HP) was drained. When the ward's timer is over, the blood drained to the anti coagulant is re-purposed to create a healing item (i.e. a healing item spawns where the ward was), the more blood drained, the stronger the item. Just make sure to grab it before the enemy hero.
Level 11
Mar 28, 2015
???? - Arrow of light adds bonus damage to each attack, if a unit is killed with this attack it restores 100 hp to nearby surrounding friendly units of the caster. (made by modifying black arrow and having it spawn a short lived unit with an altered essence of blight ability on autocast)

???? - Targets an non-hero enemy and damaging it over time, when the unit is destroy a healing ward or similar item is spawned at its location. (made by modifying the doom ability)
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Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
You can probably get some interesting results by taking offensive spells (Frost Nova, Flame Strike, Forked Lightning...) and switching them to heal.

Selflessness: Gives up to 500 of the caster's HP to the target.

Dowse: Creates a temporary Fountain of Health at the target location.

Field Hospital (costs mana and resources): Targets a building, giving it a small health regeneration aura.

Healing Pulse: Creates an invisible ward that emits long-range Essence of Blight spells.



Level 14
Nov 7, 2014
What for? RPG with heroes or Altered Melee with armies? Maybe something else, perhaps?

I usually follow the concept of simple yet genius. A nice example of it is Overwath. Most of heroes' abilities in that game are simple and straightforward, yet together and in combination with other heroes they form a gameplay that even has it's own professional level.

Also a nice option - create complex spells by combining concepts like Scaling from maxHP, Priorizing units with the least hp, Healing over time or Burst healing, Stacking Effect (more times healed - more health received on the same unit), Secondary Resource usage (Gaining charges - spending charges), Scaling from any other factors (Amount of affected units, caster's mana, missing hp, etc.), Additional Buffs, Mana restoration, Additional Offensive effects, etc.

Here are some actual ideas:

1. Nature Spirits/Holy Spirits - A projectile/Bunch of projectiles that will bounce from one allied hero to another, prioritizing the most wounded allies and losing it's healing power with each bounce.

2. Eternal Courage - Inspire all allied units around you, providing everyone with a healing buff for a certain duration. The healing power of this spell depends on the amount of units being affected.

3. Spiritual Bulwark - Target a single allied unit and heal it aswell as all allies who surround the target. The amount of health restored to additional targets depends on the maximal HP of the initial target. The inital target also receives bonus healing depending on it's own maximal HP. (A frost-nova-like spell that can heal and is most likely to be cast on tanks)

4. Holy Wave - The hero emits a wave of light energy that heals nearby allies while damaging and knocking nearby enemies back. (Provides some neat Crowd Control which a good tank could use)

5. Heaven's Protection - Create a barrier of light energy that pushes enemies away and heals all allies within it's range.

6.1. Judgement - Damage all enemies in the targeted area and gain Holy Power charges.

6.2. Holy Flash - Spend your charges of Holy Power in order to heal all allies around you.

something like that...
Level 16
Mar 24, 2017
I just got an idea, what about a trigger based ability that restores Hp based on how much currently health a unit possesses, so I unit possessing 800/1000 health would be healed by 800*.2= 160hp, or maybe the reverse where a unit would be healed by a percentage of its health that has been depleted
Level 12
Jun 20, 2017
Some excellent healing abilities are discussed in this thread, however its not so easy to make them in the editor at least not for a novice like me...
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
Herbal Healing: A unit with this passive/buff gets increased regeneration when standing on any grass tile.

Mercy of the Earth Mother (Channeling): While a unit is channeling this spell, all that player's units standing on the same natural terrain tile (i.e. Dirt, Rock, Grass, Sand; and not Tiles, Ruins, Blight, etc.) the caster is on get increased regeneration. If another unit casts the spell on a different terrain (does not stack with additional casters), the targeted terrain switches to the new one, and the old caster is temporarily stunned.

Second Wind: Targets a unit, giving it the Second Wind buff. The unit will be healed for X HP as soon as it takes X amount of damage, dissipating the buff.
Level 12
Jun 20, 2017
Honestly the best healing ability is a healing aura, a kind of edited unholy aura that heals better than the original but provides no movement speed boost. . . although it cannot heal for large amount of health at a time, it takes up no mana and makes your whole army last much longer in battle as well as recover health at a much faster rate outside of battle.
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Level 11
Jul 25, 2014
Out of all the idea's posted here, as a passionate spell maker, @Nowow 's ideas seemed the most interesting one,
especially the anti-coagulant one. The spells are fun to make, not too boring and could be easily seen being useful
and not too overpowered. Would only make one change to the ultimate ability, instead of an item dropped, heal allies
around the ward based on the life drained, but that's only because you can't create a custom item via a trigger, it has
to be pre-made. At least that's what my current knowledge tells me :eek:
Some healing spells:

Short Rest:
Makes an target sleep for 10 seconds, while it sleeps caused by this spell it will restore 20 HP and 5 MP a second.​

Reversed Power:
Places for 10 seconds an buff on all units in an target area, if they would deal damage it is nulled and heals the target with 33% instead.
Wagon of Restoration:
Summons an wagon which can transport upto 2 units, units inside the wagon heal 10 HP a second and can't take damage.
Something immobile would be cool too.​
Level 2
Aug 1, 2017
Understanding: 1 second cast. for 1 minute, recover 5% of casters int, + 5% attackers (Strength + agility), each time the understanding unit is struck.

Osteograce: For 90 seconds, +10% chance to dodge all damage sources. when a Dodge is successful, restore 2% max health. When a dodge is not successful, 15% of the damage goes to mana instead.

IronShirt: -15% damage taken. when struck, recover 1% max health. +1 (or .25%) health and mana regeneration per second. lasts 5 minutes.

(an ultimate) And One for All: All damage taken by the team (or army) is calculated and saved, abut not applied. After 35 seconds, caster gets a damage over time debuff that applies the total damage taken by the army over 1 minute. Upon casting, your maximum mana is applied as healing spead evenly among affected allies, and you then have 0 mana left after casting the spell. If this damage kills you, your max health and mana are converted to healing for the army and they become immune to all damage for 1 second.

Melioration: Remove 1 damage and non damage debuff. Reduce damage taken by 5%. Increase damage dealt, move/attack speed, health/mana regen, and sight range by 5%. Increase healing received from caster by 50%. lasts 25 seconds. Upon fading, heals for a total of (15% base health for game in question)

Living link: When the target or caster receives healing or damage, 10% goes to the other. If the target or caster uses a healing spell, a 50% weaker copy is applied to the other. If the other IS the target of the spell being cast, a pause of 5 seconds is applied.

Feed the machine: 2 second cast. all nearby allies of the target gain 1 health for each abilities any ally uses. If an ally falls in battle for any reason, their max health is dispersed as healing to all nearby allies, favoring more injured allies. Anytime an ally falls, the rest gain +1% damage dealt, and +1 health regeneration.

Psi Link: mark two targets. For as long as both live, they gain +1 health and mana regeneration. All healing or damage effects used by either, cause 5% healing to the other mark. All effects which do not cause healing or damage to take place, cause 25% of the mana cost of the ability to be converted as healing for the non caster.

ChiDome: Toggled. While active, all damage dealt and taken is reduced by 20%, and the caster gains +1 health per second. Anytime the dome is struck, a counter forms around it. at anytime, these counters may be used as a resource. (8 counters: stun a target for 2 sec, and cause 1% max health healing to a random ally or self. 1 counter to heal a friendly target by 1% max health and mana. 3 counters to cause your next healing spell to be 50% more powerful. 2 counters to gain 4% of your mana back over 8 seconds. ect..........) Toggling off, causes the caster to heal 3 health and mana per counter. once toggled off, triggers a 10 second cool down.

(Ultimate) Life Surge: 2 second cast. (massive mana cost) Causes instant healing. every 4 seconds for 80 seconds, causes minor healing. for the duration, attacks made against the target heal the target for 2 health and mana. abilities cost 2% less, and using any ability causes healing based on 1% of the mana cost of the ability.

Upon fading the first time; if the target is below 20% health: it instantly heals for 50% health and causes damage dealt to be reduced by 60% for 5 seconds.

-OR- If the target is instead between 21-40% health: the duration increases automatically by 4 seconds, ticking every second.

-OR- If the target is above 40% health, 40% of the mana cost is refunded.

Ebb and Flow: For 30 seconds, target is healed every 2 seconds. At first, the healing is moderate, and each tic is weaker; until reaching the 7th and 8th tic. healing almost nothing. then, each subsequent tic becomes greater until the last tic, which heals an equal amount to the first.

StarScream: Cause all alies in cone in front of the cast to heal based on intelligence(wisdom, spirit, what ever) of the caster. Each unit then becomes immune to damage to 1 second, and StarScreams (at 35% effectiveness of the original caster) at a random target unit. Units then return to previous issued commands.

Ultra Nova: Time stops for 3 seconds. (haha...) and during that time, regeneration is increased by 1000% (of their own regeneration) for friendly units. After the effect ends, 10% of the healing caused is calculated in a sphere that enters the foe with the highest health and detonates inside of them. This explosion causes that damage to the target. the next time the detonated unit attacks, its damage is converted to healing instead.

Delusional offense: Target enemy. They must attack you for 10 seconds. All damage done is calculated as healing.

I usually think of a wide array of healing spells, but these are the only ones I've thought up that don't require synergy with other spells, or symbiosis from other units using abilities. Hope it helps.
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
Persistence of Antaeus (Passive): Whenever the hero is stunned, heals a large percentage of his HP.

Mithridized (Passive): Instantly cancels any DPS effects on the hero.

Powder of Sympathy (Active): Targets a friendly unit at melee range. Anytime the caster is healed, the target is healed by the same amount (works up to X times or until the buff is dispelled).

Unguent of Arms (Active): Targets an enemy unit. Any attacks made by the target heal twice the damage it deals (works up to X times or until the buff is dispelled).

Alchemy Set (Active): Creates a random healing item. Higher levels unlock better items.

Dividend Orb (Channeling): Creates a floating, ethereal orb of mana with timed life and 1% HP. When the orb disappears, heals surrounding units for [current % of HP]. If killed before the timer runs out, there is no healing.

Mageleech (Passive): Each negative buff on the hero (up to a limit) increases HP regen by 1 point.

Harmful Healing (Active): Heals a large amount of HP on the target, but gives it a bleeding debuff that slowly deals half the damage healed.

Cauterize (Active): Heals a small amount of HP and removes all buffs, but slows the target for several seconds.

Kinetic Conversion Barrier (Active, Drains Mana): Creates a mana-draining Mana Shield that also consumes additional mana on hit, but heals a small amount of HP on every hit taken.
Level 12
Jun 20, 2017
@cleavinghammer Blake wanted me to ask you if you knew what ability (besides spirit link or hardened skin, or mana shield) would make a hero unit carrying an aura (and because of this being the focus of enemy attackers ) harder to kill
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
Not exactly hard to find: Evasion/Drunken Brawler, Mirror Image, Phase Shift (don't know if the aura stays while the unit's out), Avatar, Spell Immunity, Defend, Divine Shield (always annoying)...

Healing-wise, you could base the spell on the Moon Well's or potion's abilities to create a self-heal.
Level 12
Jun 20, 2017
@Blake8 : The unit already has 24% evasion when the ultimate is attained, you could slightly enhance this. I dont know how enduring u want the hero to be though
Level 11
Mar 28, 2015

The other hero ability is a summon, however each hero in my campaign has a regular ability at the 1,1 position
Level 12
Jun 15, 2016
So the hero has these abilities and you want them to have something even better? You ought to be more specific, is it a timed ability? should the hero be protected all the time? is this still about a healing ability anyways?

If you really want a timed ability that'll make your hero resilient to most attacks, if not spells, make this one summon an invulnerable dummy unit with high HP and defense, then have that unit cast a special spirit link ability on your hero (protip: you can fiddle with how much HP each unit takes in the object editor). This way you have another control filter for the damage your hero receives.
Level 11
Mar 28, 2015
Ok look, this hero has the abilities listed above, however they increase in strength once the ultimate - Arcane Aptitude is learned

With arcane potency learned Flare Rain deals 215 damage instead of 115 and the AOE is increased by 100 for every level, For Mage skills each skill is doubled in effect size, Evasion goes from 12% to 24%, Healing aura goes from 1hp per second to 2hp per second and Magical Resistance goes from reducing magic by 10% to reducing magic by 20%, also there is a summoning ability that hasn't been made yet

But basically due to the unit having such an effective healing aura (especially after its Ultimate - Arcane Aptitude) is learned is likely to become the main target of enemy forces when in a group of people, we're trying to increase the survivability of the hero in such a situation and since each hero in my campaign gets a non ability in addition to all the hero ones I was simply asking what would be a good regular ability to add to a hero to increase its endurance when under a barrage of attacks.
Level 12
Jun 15, 2016
In that case my previous suggestion still stands

If you really want a timed ability that'll make your hero resilient to most attacks, if not spells, make this one summon an invulnerable dummy unit with high HP and defense, then have that unit cast a special spirit link ability on your hero (protip: you can fiddle with how much HP each unit takes in the object editor). This way you have another control filter for the damage your hero receives.

This should allow you to split anything from 1% to 99% of the normal damage dealt between your caster and some invulnerable, high HP dummy. It just needs some tweaking of spirit link.
Level 11
Mar 28, 2015
The hero is only OP if she has spirit link, otherwise since she has 975hp at level 10 it doesnt take a lot to take her down,

you might think she's OP, but in my campaign the heroes usually have lots more hp, for instance some paladin heroes have well over 1350 (at level 10) and certain other heroes over 1500, 975hp is certainly towards the lower end of the hp spectrum with something like 875 being the absolute lowest (although this belongs to a intelligence type support hero who is intentionally weak)
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Level 11
Mar 9, 2017
I think something of this nature has been brought up before, but what if you have an ability that heals a unit depending on how much hp it has as compared to it's total hp

lets say that (current hp)/(total hp) > 50% for this the ability should restore like 10% of the total hp
if (current hp)/(totalhp) < 30% then the ability should restore like 30% of the total hp

it could have several ranges as well but you people get the idea, this is pretty unique
Level 6
Oct 9, 2017
Really easy to set up one is life transfer. All the code on Drain Life and Siphon Mana is the same, they're actually the same ability in the game engine, they just use different values. So if you can get Siphon Mana to properly transfer mana to a friendly unit, making the Life Transfered Per Second value non-zero would then make it so that you can transfer life. Not sure if overflow is an option without triggers.

Another idea, requiring both non-standard editor tools and triggers, is a channeled heal that increases in strength over time that can overheal, with getting to twice the base health of the target resulting in the death of the target and an AoE heal based on the target's health. The non-standard editor tools are to make a healing version of the Firelord's Incinerate ability, while the triggers handle overheal, death upon getting too much overheal, and the AoE heal on death.
Level 11
Mar 9, 2017
The most unique thing I can come up with is an ability that checks a unit's mana and then takes the mana and converts it to hit points based on some formula,

Or you could have a unit that has a completely changed immolition ability, that takes away mana but restores health instead, I've seen this done in an rpg map I've played
Hmm, A healing thread (not a suggestion).

Spirits of the Light (Active) - Summons a certain number of orbs that heal nearby allied units and damage enemy units (if using a DDS, don't spam.). The orbs can be made so that they can be pushed away or pulled toward the caster. The spell has another sub-spell that allows it to launch an orb, allowing it to either heal or damage the target, depending on the alliance and mode.

Holy Strike (Active) - [Ripped off from Sun Strike] It heals allied non-undead units near a target area and damages enemy units. (Undead units receive twice as much damage). A visual indicator and a delay is present to inform your teammates.
Level 11
Mar 28, 2015
Unique healing = Let's say you have 8 units surrounding the hero, and the sum of all the units max's hp is equal to y,

Each unit would regain (Y/3)/8 HP

Let's say you got 3 units total, and their hps are 800, 1000, and 300, the sum of that would be 2100,

2100/3 = 700

700/3 = 233

so each unit regains 233 health
Level 8
Mar 19, 2017
- A reactive healing spell that instantly restore hp upong recieving damage. Can't trigger more than once per X seconds. The effect would be a
wisp unit that gravitates towards the target (like a drone or pet).
- A create your fountain healing spell. I think i saw this one somewhere. Target an area with corpses, creating a bloody or miasmic fountain that heals nearby allies. Fountain lasts longer/heals more/is objetively more powerful the more corpses are destroyed in the process.
- An i use my attack to heal spell. Turns the caster in some divine beign. During this effect the caster will heal on attacks, restoring some% of its damage as HP. This allow for some play-around damage items and builds. A smooth feature, in the trigger aspect, would be tracking smart orders of the transformed unit, reissuing an attack instead (if it is an ally), thus actively issuing a "heal" upong right-click.
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
Purify: Removes blight from all terrain tiles in target area. All non-undead units in the area heal X HP.

Focused Healing Beam (Channeling): Targets an allied unit. Target unit gets healed for increasing amounts of damage at increasing intervals. For example, 100 HP on casting, 200 HP 5 seconds later, 300 HP 10 seconds later, etc. Final heal also heals all units around the target.
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010

Phantom Craftsmen (Active): Target mechanical unit gets high HP regen along with slight attack and movespeed boosts.

Wood to Flesh(Active): Targets a friendly unit. Kills a tree in X radius of the target, healing Y HP (no trees around, no heal).

Cursed Blessing (or possibly Blessed Curse) (Active): Targets a non-hero unit. Target gains high HP regen but cannot cast spells, both are permanent until the target dies (on death, heals the target's allies in a small radius). Basically Doom with negative DPS and no Doom Guard at the end.

Loaned Life (Active): Targets a unit. Heals X HP on the target. When the buff fades, removes X HP even if it kills the target.

Spark of Life (Active): Channels to summon a temporary Spark. Spark has a melee-range, very fast HP regen aura, so the player judges where the Spark needs to go while the caster is channeling. Spark flies and has no attack, killing it ends the channeling.

Bedrest (Active): Targets a unit. Casts Sleep on the target and gives them high HP regen, both are interrupted if the target is attacked or HP reaches maximum.

Regenerative Disease (Active): Targets a unit. Casts Cripple on the target and gives them high HP regen.

Xylovore (Active): Targets a friendly unit. Target regains life when attacking buildings and mechanical units.

Thirst for Mana (Active): Targets a unit. Target gains negative mana regen and positive HP regen, stopping when mana reaches 0.

Hyperactive Metabolism (Active): Targets a friendly unit. Heals X HP but increases its foodcost by 1 for every cast. Alternately, target gets permanent HP regen by increasing its foodcost.

Fortitude Rewarded (Active): Targets a friendly unit, healing X+Y HP. X is a very small minimum that increases with level (such as 25, 50, 75...), Y is the amount of damage taken by the caster since the last time the spell was cast, up to a maximum that increases with level (so if the maximum is 500 and the caster took 600+ damage, the total healed is 525 and not 625).

Mana Eater (Passive): Gains stacking HP regen for every buff or debuff.
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Reverse Presence : Cancels all debuff and heals from all damage taken in the last X seconds

Rage of Soul : Increase damage and health regeneration by X and Y, respectively. However, damage taken is increased by Z%.

Hyperstate : Whenever uses a skill, increases health regeneration by X. Lasts Y seconds.

Time Slip : Heals X% of damage taken in the last Y seconds. Z seconds refresh. Passive.

Blood Assault : When attacking, sacrifices health to deal extra damage. When kills an opponent, restore health to an area.

Shadow Trace : Creates a past state of self that can be called to at any moment during ability duration. When called, reverse back to the past state at full health and mana but unable to attack for a few seconds.

Anti-Thesis : When activated, heal all missing health point and splash all of it's damage to all enemy in the area, dealing damage equal to restored health.

Balance : Balances mana and health.

Killer : When an enemy is killed, restore health.

Recomposition : Cancels all damage taken, but takes X increased damage for the next Z seconds.
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Spectral Healing (Inspired by Shadow Trace): Conjures a doppleganger of the unit at the location of the unit at the moment of effect. These dopplegangers will only be activated if the caster draws near, and will restore the caster's health at X percent of damage taken by the caster while within Y range of the doppleganger. The first doppleganger placed has priority over the second and the absorption of health will not stack. Lasts Z seconds or indefinitely.

Wisp-ful Thinking: Summons a wisp that is very difficult to kill (50% Evasion + 15 Divine Armor + 5 Damage Block + 5 HP Regen per sec + 120 max HP). At the start of the effect of the ability, the wisp is summoned and moved towards a certain target area. While near allied units, a tether will appear, healing them for X damage per second for Y seconds. When no longer linked, the allied unit gains a temporary armor buff for Z seconds for additional protection. When the wisp is unsummoned (or killed), all the links will be detached, and the erupting wisp knocks back nearby enemy units, placing a life-steal debuff on the enemy units (that is to say that enemies of the suffering unit will be able to regenerate health) for A seconds.

Elune's Avatar: Heals all nearby trees, supplanting them with spirit owls that scout the area, marking the tree with healing properties for all units. The healing property will heal allies for a greater amount, and player enemies for a lesser amount. Neutral enemies receive no additional bonus with the heal.

Soul Keeper: Keeps a part of the soul of a targeted unit, storing it for future use. When used further, the caster can heal a targeted ally but not himself/herself with this ability.

Ethereal Axe (Based on Clash Royale's Executioner's attack): Throws an ethereal axe towards a target location, healing any allied unit near the axe and banishing enemies. The axe then returns to the caster's position. While the ethereal axe is present, the caster cannot move or attack, and will receive 10% damage amplification from physical sources and 10% magic resistance.
Level 11
Mar 9, 2017
This would be a really cool ultimate: make a special trigger and a dummy ability, when a unit targets a friendly unit the trigger fires and gives the friendly units 2 abilities; ability A gives the unit (and maybe friendly surrounding units) a certain hp regeneration (regenerates an additional 1hp/sec) as well as ability B, Ability B damages all the hostile units in the area by a certain amount per second

I think it would be really cool if someone would put this into practice
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