Understanding: 1 second cast. for 1 minute, recover 5% of casters int, + 5% attackers (Strength + agility), each time the understanding unit is struck.
Osteograce: For 90 seconds, +10% chance to dodge all damage sources. when a Dodge is successful, restore 2% max health. When a dodge is not successful, 15% of the damage goes to mana instead.
IronShirt: -15% damage taken. when struck, recover 1% max health. +1 (or .25%) health and mana regeneration per second. lasts 5 minutes.
(an ultimate) And One for All: All damage taken by the team (or army) is calculated and saved, abut not applied. After 35 seconds, caster gets a damage over time debuff that applies the total damage taken by the army over 1 minute. Upon casting, your maximum mana is applied as healing spead evenly among affected allies, and you then have 0 mana left after casting the spell. If this damage kills you, your max health and mana are converted to healing for the army and they become immune to all damage for 1 second.
Melioration: Remove 1 damage and non damage debuff. Reduce damage taken by 5%. Increase damage dealt, move/attack speed, health/mana regen, and sight range by 5%. Increase healing received from caster by 50%. lasts 25 seconds. Upon fading, heals for a total of (15% base health for game in question)
Living link: When the target or caster receives healing or damage, 10% goes to the other. If the target or caster uses a healing spell, a 50% weaker copy is applied to the other. If the other IS the target of the spell being cast, a pause of 5 seconds is applied.
Feed the machine: 2 second cast. all nearby allies of the target gain 1 health for each abilities any ally uses. If an ally falls in battle for any reason, their max health is dispersed as healing to all nearby allies, favoring more injured allies. Anytime an ally falls, the rest gain +1% damage dealt, and +1 health regeneration.
Psi Link: mark two targets. For as long as both live, they gain +1 health and mana regeneration. All healing or damage effects used by either, cause 5% healing to the other mark. All effects which do not cause healing or damage to take place, cause 25% of the mana cost of the ability to be converted as healing for the non caster.
ChiDome: Toggled. While active, all damage dealt and taken is reduced by 20%, and the caster gains +1 health per second. Anytime the dome is struck, a counter forms around it. at anytime, these counters may be used as a resource. (8 counters: stun a target for 2 sec, and cause 1% max health healing to a random ally or self. 1 counter to heal a friendly target by 1% max health and mana. 3 counters to cause your next healing spell to be 50% more powerful. 2 counters to gain 4% of your mana back over 8 seconds. ect..........) Toggling off, causes the caster to heal 3 health and mana per counter. once toggled off, triggers a 10 second cool down.
(Ultimate) Life Surge: 2 second cast. (massive mana cost) Causes instant healing. every 4 seconds for 80 seconds, causes minor healing. for the duration, attacks made against the target heal the target for 2 health and mana. abilities cost 2% less, and using any ability causes healing based on 1% of the mana cost of the ability.
Upon fading the first time; if the target is below 20% health: it instantly heals for 50% health and causes damage dealt to be reduced by 60% for 5 seconds.
-OR- If the target is instead between 21-40% health: the duration increases automatically by 4 seconds, ticking every second.
-OR- If the target is above 40% health, 40% of the mana cost is refunded.
Ebb and Flow: For 30 seconds, target is healed every 2 seconds. At first, the healing is moderate, and each tic is weaker; until reaching the 7th and 8th tic. healing almost nothing. then, each subsequent tic becomes greater until the last tic, which heals an equal amount to the first.
StarScream: Cause all alies in cone in front of the cast to heal based on intelligence(wisdom, spirit, what ever) of the caster. Each unit then becomes immune to damage to 1 second, and StarScreams (at 35% effectiveness of the original caster) at a random target unit. Units then return to previous issued commands.
Ultra Nova: Time stops for 3 seconds. (haha...) and during that time, regeneration is increased by 1000% (of their own regeneration) for friendly units. After the effect ends, 10% of the healing caused is calculated in a sphere that enters the foe with the highest health and detonates inside of them. This explosion causes that damage to the target. the next time the detonated unit attacks, its damage is converted to healing instead.
Delusional offense: Target enemy. They must attack you for 10 seconds. All damage done is calculated as healing.
I usually think of a wide array of healing spells, but these are the only ones I've thought up that don't require synergy with other spells, or symbiosis from other units using abilities. Hope it helps.