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The Ultimate Terraining Map, Volume 4!

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Level 14
Oct 6, 2008
sorry for this lack of respect towards the threads suggested rules of format, but i am inactive (and came to this site today because of some bastard necroposting) and really lazy and at the same time i want to help people:

so without any further introduction i wanted to point you to my very old post on UTM3.0, because i still find it very useful: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...ning-map-3-0-a-45316/index14.html#post1519065

Why would anyone want to optimize the models of UTM? It's a terraining map, meant for terrains and showcases. There is just no need to get them optimized.

On-topic : UTM lacks any sort of futuristic/modern doodads. It is entirely set in the fairy tale/ mid age kingdoms. That's quite a waste considering it's volume 3 right now.
Level 23
Oct 20, 2012
I really don't get why we can't "suggest models that are already part of the UTM 3".. wouldn't it be better to have all those models in one terraining map? I mean importing models from UTM3.0 to 4.0 so that you can use it for your terrain seem inconvenient and time consuming... and size doesn't matter in terraining right?
Level 11
Apr 22, 2011
I really don't get why we can't "suggest models that are already part of the UTM 3".. wouldn't it be better to have all those models in one terraining map? I mean importing models from UTM3.0 to 4.0 so that you can use it for your terrain seem inconvenient and time consuming... and size doesn't matter in terraining right?

You can update the 3.0 with new models, but only models that are low res and that fit with other models, that is what I think should be done... And then, separately make maps with HD models such as B2M and Ogre's etc.

This way terrainers can chose what they want to make, and which models they use while making terrain. Also that ensures that the map size does not go over 8mb (If you compress HD models).
Level 14
Jun 27, 2008
Isn't the 8mb limit just for the map hosting stuff on Bnet? UTM isn't supposed to be playable.. right?


But it seems like there are many ideas and suggestions but there is nobody in charge for the coordination of the actual creation of the map. These kinds of projects never work out if there is nobody who takes the lead. So until that happens, this project is dead for me.
Level 20
Apr 14, 2012
Many things here on hive 'die' without notice. Projects, workshops, topics.

No I mean... UTM 4.0 is a major thing based on my observations... if it were dead wouldn't it disappear from the Notices above? Like for example after the contest(s) end it would disappear from the Notices because it's dead or finished or will no longer be active?
No I mean... UTM 4.0 is a major thing based on my observations... if it were dead wouldn't it disappear from the Notices above? Like for example after the contest(s) end it would disappear from the Notices because it's dead or finished or will no longer be active?
Well, not always. The modelling contest for The Dark Triad's deadline was the 20th march. Also, the Poll for the Icon Contest is closed.
Level 16
Nov 7, 2011
And then what? You'd all just let UTM die??

Give up just because it's too much work??
I don't seem to recall any successful mapper/terrainer/whatever claim victory just because he gave up on his work.

Get a hold of yourself guys, giving up is not what modding on the Hive's about.
Level 10
Dec 15, 2012
Suggestions for UTM
  • Don't really need so many models.500 is already a good number :ogre_hurrhurr:
  • Create themes for UTM !
    The Ultimate Terraining Map : Modern
    The Ultimate Terraining Map : Cartoon
    The Ultimate Terraining Map : North

    (so just need to import the models that match the theme)

    That's all :ogre_haosis:
    Just my suggestions.
I'm driving all the time....
Level 16
Nov 7, 2011
I do terraining a lot since I really want my maps to look aesthetically pleasing but I still have limits because I'm using the old version of worldedit that limits the number of doodads and destructibles I could put on the map. What's annoying is that with large terrains that you want your units venturing around in, pathing is always a problem. Because the largest Pathing Blocker in Worldedit is the PathingBlocker (Large). And if you've got ranges of mountain sides to cover, it also takes a toll on the number of doodads you're allowed to put in, having to put just a single PathingBlocker for every grid on the supposed-to-be-unwalkable terrain.

So my suggestion is(and I think this could be applicable to all themes):
>Larger Pathing Blocker Paths.

We could just use some of the other in-game pathing for a new Pathing Blocker object.
Here are some examples:
>PathingBlocker (Ground) (ExtraLarge) (Elongated)
-using the Ruins Massive Gate Pathing. Might be useful for Long walls
>PathingBlocker (Ground) (ExtraLarge)
-uses the CityBuilding 3/4/5 Pathing. May not be "THAT" Big but it does cover more ground than the average PathBlocker.
>PathingBlocker (Ground) (ExtraExtraLarge)
-uses the Lumber Mill pathing. It's actually got the same length dimension with ^that one^ but this Pathing is square, compared to the other which is rectangular.

I thought I would find these pathing objects already loaded into the UTM when I downloaded its latest version but there were none.

>>If there are no other Peasants or Peons available to work on adding these objects, I'd volunteer myself to do the work and submit the object data, AFTER I slay these bugs on my computer.<<
Level 16
Nov 7, 2011
This one provides a 24x12 pathing block...


What I meant was that it was the only Pathing Blocker OBJECT with the largest pathing, I didn't mean that it was largest Pathing available. Thanks for the Pathing Suggestion by the way, I kinda missed that, since just scrolling through Blizzard's Archives is really confusing.

I apologize if some of my posts may not be that easily understandable. Give me time, and maybe someday I'll be fully able to speak Orcish or whatever language you wish. :goblin_good_job:

Back to the topic, how's the progress of the UTM going?
Level 16
Nov 7, 2011
^ If there're people that want to create a own UTM then they can use the suggested doodads.Really nobody want to create a own UTM ??

If there are people who want to make their own UTM, go ahead.

we don't check up on this thread just to say we're making our own versions.

Let's focus on the main point of this thread: developing THE UTM 4

NOT developing our own UTM's
Level 23
Oct 20, 2012
^ The one who suggested it of course.. XP
Haha jk..

I'm kinda against the "themes" idea here.. One UTM can't even be completed.. XD
So, what if we just pass it around till we finish the thing? We just have to follow some kind of format for the doodads, some restrictions on what models can and can't be put in it, and some instructions on what should be done.... So that if it's the user's turn to make the UTM, he could place the doodads he thinks might be useful for the UTM.. but the user that can make the UTM should be the reliable ones...
Level 11
Mar 18, 2009
I dont think we need to start from scratch with the themed UTM's. We could ask if we could use some ones map template that has a large library of themed models in it already as a base for the UTM and just add in the missing models we want. And perhaps even get our hands on some map exclusive models that haven't been shared with the community yet.

stare at the Object editor for hours

My modding career in ½ a sentence xD
Level 21
Mar 27, 2012
Never gonna make my own UTM in that form.
If it's only for showcase terrains, then why bother with limiting filesize?
Why do people have to limit themselves in general?

I have a way that pretty much has unlimited filesize and doesn't import anything(also don't have to restart editor to show models).
There's many projects with such a dedicated playerbase, that downloading 1 thing besides the map is no problem.
1 thing for every map.
And it doesn't increase loading times. It doesn't increase map size. It doesn't lag(if used right). It actually decreases download time and makes max map size pretty much unlimited.
So I'm clueless why people don't use this way and prefer to limit themselves.
Example attached, just put unpack the locals folder into your WC3 folder and it works.


  • Local.rar
    22 MB · Views: 74
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Level 14
Jun 27, 2008
Never gonna make my own UTM in that form.
If it's only for showcase terrains, then why bother with limiting filesize?
Why do people have to limit themselves in general?

I have a way that pretty much has unlimited filesize and doesn't import anything(also don't have to restart editor to show models).
There's many projects with such a dedicated playerbase, that downloading 1 thing besides the map is no problem.
1 thing for every map.
And it doesn't increase loading times. It doesn't increase map size. It doesn't lag(if used right). It actually decreases download time and makes max map size pretty much unlimited.
So I'm clueless why people don't use this way and prefer to limit themselves.
Example attached, just put unpack the locals folder into your WC3 folder and it works.

You should consider reading the whole thread before commenting how shit the ideas are. Especially my post which initiated the discussion about splitting the UTM should be interesting since it explains why i find the splitting useful. (small hint for the reader: the filesize-limit is not the reason).
Level 21
Mar 27, 2012
You should consider reading the whole thread before commenting how shit the ideas are. Especially my post which initiated the discussion about splitting the UTM should be interesting since it explains why i find the splitting useful. (small hint for the reader: the filesize-limit is not the reason).

I always read the whole thread or at least about 20 pages. In this case whole. Separate questions are whether I agree with every post and whether I remember them.
Level 16
Nov 7, 2011
If it means anything, I volunteer with the making the additional Pathing Blockers since I already have a lot of them made already, I'll just upload the data once I finish.

Oh, and: Does the UTM already have custom tiles in them?
we could import them and just add a Comment Trigger with the list of all imported custom terrain tiles that the terrainer can choose from and he'll be the one to modify the paths.
I would volunteer Stryderzero for being in charge with the custom tiles: IF its alright with him.
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Maybe theyll just import them manually and take different tiles from my workshop :) A little suggestion from me. Ill surely expect that they will have similarity on terrain tiles when they post their work. (Mostly on the noobs who dont know how to import tiles) So maybe we dont mind importing tiles . we just need to focus on models and imports.

By the Way.
Im making a new Terraining map , a piece by piece terraining map for intermediate terrainers only.
But its different to UTM , lets say, not all components of UTM 3 is in this pack.

Just take a look.


  • 1.png
    11.4 KB · Views: 113
Level 16
Nov 7, 2011
Oh yeah, What about we start with A Beginner's Version of UTM? One with Tutorials and Terraining Tips included?

It'll have only a few doodads, the one's used for the less complex terrains.

And we could try to work on that first since it wouldn't need so much work. Just so we could come up with a small output before we move on to the actual UTM.

(I got the idea from Stryderzero)
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Level 20
Apr 14, 2012
Oh yeah, What about we start with A Beginner's Version of UTM? One with Tutorials and Terraining Tips included?

It'll have only a few doodads, the one's used for the less complex terrains.

And we could try to work on that first since it wouldn't need so much work. Just so we could come up with a small output before we move on to the actual UTM.

(I got the idea from Stryderzero)

Hey that's not a bad idea. I'm up for it. Now all I need are a few members more and we can start this thing.
Level 14
Apr 21, 2007
I'm not sure how going back is as good as going forward. Sure, there should be simpler UTMs for newbies, but it's far easier to remove than it is to add. Not to mention the fact that the UTM 2 offers less content than the 3rd edition. We should expand, not subtract.

The UTM 3 has been out for what, six years? Sure, the golden age of modeling for warcraft was right up to about that time, but six years is a long time, and surely there have been hundreds of models made, worthy of the UTM.

We need a new version, richer with content and larger in size, while still neatly organized, not a watered-down old version.

If I had the time I'd volunteer to help, but neither do I have the time nor the skill to properly assess the quality of a model for such a collection.
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