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The Ultimate Terraining Map

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Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Couple questions.

A) Can we get a version of the UTM that starts on land not shallow water?

B) Is there a way I can change the tileset and not lose all the imports?

The reason I want to know these is because I need to make the mountains in my map higher, but they are maxed. Therefore I need to make the base of the mountain lower, but when you lower you hit water because UTM starts as shallow water. I can't figure out how to get my mountains to go higher. I've tried using the Adjust Cliff Levels, I set it to -10 but nothing.

Here's a picture of what I have now. Right now the base level is a click or two above water, so basically water level. I need to get the water level all the way to the bottom. So that I can raise my mountains higher. Kind of hard to explain.


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Level 8
Jul 16, 2004
The UTM starts in shallow water so people can raise and lower the land to make rivers/beaches etc without having to use blizz's shitty hills. Try adjusting cliff height and see if you can decrease it, along with water level possibly. Or just turn off water in the camera view if that helps.

Also go to advanced - > manage tileset (or something like it) and just find the tileset you want in the top bar and click on it and it should change no problem
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Forgot that you could change the whole tileset! Thanks. +rep

No that won't help, and using shallow water as a start is not a good ides at all. It hinders not helps. Using this tutorial is much better way to make rivers and beaches that look good. And if you do it this way you don't have to worry about hitting water when lowering, and you can make more than one level of river, so you can have waterfalls. I highly suggest you or someone (me if need be) makes a second UTM that is on ground level, no water.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Yeah, but then you can't get rolling shores, and it's more work. I'm working on importing them all into a new map that doesn't have water. If I finish it will you post it?
Level 8
Jul 16, 2004
Yeah its a pain. I heard of a program that does it all automatically. Try asking around. Im pretty sure you can change water height though. Im looking for my TFT cd to make sure
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Somethings wrong with your WE or wc3.

I don't know what I was thinking. All I have to do it use cliffs to get rid of the water. Raise it, then lower it to where I want. I feel like an idiot. :p

Elenai, make some models! I would love them!
Level 8
Jul 16, 2004
I looked at mor)l(unes UTM a while ago and thought it was sort of messy if i recall, along with having unneeded models wasting space. Over winterbreak i can go through them all and sort out new models etc if no one else does it.

I've been hearing people complain about the lack of doodad variety in the UTM and people are just being picky. I dont think hi-res models should be included as they take away from the blizzard cartoonish style and limit creativity. If people want to use hi-res models than can download a package for it on their own time and not waste hte space of the UTM. (Assuming people had plans to add hi-res models)
Level 35
May 22, 2007
I was thinking more along the lines of this elf bed I just made (its not done yet)

And the elfbed V.2


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Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
I looked at mor)l(unes UTM a while ago and thought it was sort of messy if i recall, along with having unneeded models wasting space. Over winterbreak i can go through them all and sort out new models etc if no one else does it.

I've been hearing people complain about the lack of doodad variety in the UTM and people are just being picky. I dont think hi-res models should be included as they take away from the blizzard cartoonish style and limit creativity. If people want to use hi-res models than can download a package for it on their own time and not waste hte space of the UTM. (Assuming people had plans to add hi-res models)

Totally agree with you. In fact there are some things the the UTM that I think could be taken out. Mad ugly models and things (only a couple).

Looks awesome Elenai!
I dont think hi-res models should be included as they take away from the blizzard cartoonish style and limit creativity. If people want to use hi-res models than can download a package for it on their own time and not waste hte space of the UTM. (Assuming people had plans to add hi-res models)

Yeah the high-res models should stay out because they look good without much effort. Plop a few down and your terrain instantly looks good. Which is not a good thing; it takes out all the skill.
Level 9
Jun 27, 2007
Ah! So much confusion around here. Where to start...

Alot of the models in UTM aren't that great and are being addressed in my most recent version. It was never intended to contain big, heavy and either situational or ugly dooads but it just sort of ended up happening.

I don't intended to import the hi-res packs. I don't think they fit in with the War3 scheme and it helps to lower a little bit of bandwith (don't want 50 people downloading a 100MB map here).

As for rolling shores you shouldn't have to reimport EVERY doodad to fix this. The water was obtained by simply lowering a default base cliff level of 2 down to shallow water. If you want to go back to the default simply raise it back using the cliffs, then move on from there. The shallow water setup is used because, as someone else stated, it makes it much easier to use height to create cliffs/hills rather than deal with Blizzard's ugly cliffs.

As I've practiced and experimented more with this setup I've found for finishing photos it is much more effective to use iNfraNe's (sp?) water model which looks alot better resulting in me not even using blizzard's water at all. There are two methods to this. You can use depressions in the terrain and the water model. Or by simply placing the model water in line with the standard water and then stop displaying Blizzard's water by pressing "W"(I think). This latter method is useable in-game as well as you can make Blizzard's standard water invisible using triggers.

Gilles as for your problem mentioned a page back concerning the water I believe that can be fixed by raising cliffs in shallow water and then adjusting the base cliff level up top.

I know its been a while but my updated version should be coming out soon enough.
Level 8
Jul 16, 2004
Sweet, DungeonMs still working on it. If people have problems with the UTM they think should be fixed they should probably contact him, as I wont mess with it while hes working on it and i dont want to steal any thunder from the original author. I agree a lot of models do not need to be included and a lot need to be removed. So /salute to see you still working on it dude, I cant wait for it come out.

(Which makes me wonder if it should be stickied in a new thread when it is released or i can just redo this thread and give massive props to DungeonM for it.)
If you want to use High-Res stuff you can just use the map allready containing tons of that stuff from B2M. No need for it to put in this. UTM could benefit from more imports though, more variation than it currently has. ATM it has a ton of stupid buildings which neither I or a lot of other people use very often, it needs more environmental stuff for forests, deserts and so on.
Level 9
Jun 27, 2007
Don't worry about the thunder. I only started working on it again within the last month so I can understand that people would go about making their own versions. When the time comes I'll make a new thread.

I agree there are too many buildings in it as of now. The original focus was to simply supply the basic building blocks to build any kind of terrain, not provide pre-formed models. As of right now I believe I have just about every viable enviromental doodad that can be found here on the Hive or WC3C. If people know of any good packs or even single dooads from other sources be sure to let me know.

I'll be busy the rest of this week but should be able to get back on this by this coming weekend.

Edit: I should state for clarity that as of now I have not released anything but I do have a working version I intend to release very soon. I want to add in a few more doodads and then go through and reorganize names/posistion ect.
Level 35
May 22, 2007
And mabye an update on lists.

Like simplifying or polishing the rough edges of the doodad lists and ect.

And mabye a few new options here and there...and if possible new sky/weather options (if it is possible)

As the old saying goes, "why repair one thing, when you can do it all and be done with it"
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