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The Ultimate Terraining Map 4.0

Level 36
Nov 24, 2007
I tried in a new map, same problem :/

The problem here, I'm certain, is probably what SoJ didn't explain thoroughly enough:

Whenever you import a model to your map, you will have to get all textures (in the case
of a model that uses ingame textures that's not necessary) and you'll need to give them
all the proper paths. What's more, is that you'll have to save, close and reopen the map
for every new set of doodads you import.
Level 36
Nov 24, 2007
Did you even read the main post?

There's a thorough explanation there of what it is and how to use it, and for what
purpose the UTM is made for. It takes a long time to load because it's filled to the
brink with doodads, and should not be used for making any maps that are intended
to be played. It's mostly only used for making scenic terrains.
Level 4
Nov 25, 2013
Cant wait to start terraining because of this. I hope the materials on booody's map and cloudwolf's are here aswell.

+++Respect to the artisans who made this material
Level 4
Nov 25, 2013
No, those are not here. This map contains terraining assets found in our Terrain Board section and some other useful wc3 sites.
CW and Boody's are personal assets that have been made specifically for their respective maps.

Oh that saddened me a little but i could settle for any similar to those maps. I really loved those textures on those maps :(
Level 3
Oct 30, 2017
I just found this in my old folder, the ultimate terraining map. Found it very useful. By the way then, how do you make those doodad variations get into work, man? The external call about it doesn't work for me rather.
Level 36
Nov 24, 2007
What do you mean? Do you want to know how you get them to have collision?

If so, then you do that in the object editor, you find the doodad you want to use and then
find the line called "Pathing Texture", now simply set this to something that fits the size of
the model.

That's the simple way. Alternatively you use the doodads as they are and when you're finished,
you click "N" to show pathing on the map, then you find the "Pathing Blockers" tab under the
doodads tab in the Tool Pallet. And simply place the pathing blockers where you need them.

Pro-tip: You can make your own pathing blockers in the object editor, if you want larger or smaller

I hope this was what you meant, but if not, please explain a little better what it is that you need help
Level 3
Oct 30, 2017
What do you mean? Do you want to know how you get them to have collision?

If so, then you do that in the object editor, you find the doodad you want to use and then
find the line called "Pathing Texture", now simply set this to something that fits the size of
the model.

That's the simple way. Alternatively you use the doodads as they are and when you're finished,
you click "N" to show pathing on the map, then you find the "Pathing Blockers" tab under the
doodads tab in the Tool Pallet. And simply place the pathing blockers where you need them.

Pro-tip: You can make your own pathing blockers in the object editor, if you want larger or smaller

I hope this was what you meant, but if not, please explain a little better what it is that you need help
Nice informative thing I got about the pathing blockers, thanks, now I cleared up the spammy pathing blockers I propped into the map. Ah, some elaborations to make it clearer. I was wondering how to make 'doodad variations' successful, since when I try to make one, the doodads just show up '.....murloc.mdl0' cannot be found, just green/black chequered box appears. But at destructibles making variations like tree0, tree1, and so on..., variations work very fine.

I even tried the 'external call' method for variations but it crashed my map so quickly and can no longer be recovered from that corrupted. I wish to plan to compress the doodads to avoid too much of objects in the editor entries. :)
Level 36
Nov 24, 2007
Ah, that problem.

Well, variations are dodgy. I suspect the only way for them to work is if all the variations are part of the same model,
you know, like different "animations". And even in that case, I think maybe the World Editor is hardwired to only work
with doodads from wc3. I may be incorrect in this matter, though. I'm not entirely sure.

It might just be that you have to accept the reality that you might not have variations.

Otherwise, this might be a question for the modellers, maybe you should ask in either WEHZ or the Modeling and Animations
Level 3
Oct 30, 2017
Ah, that problem.

Well, variations are dodgy. I suspect the only way for them to work is if all the variations are part of the same model,
you know, like different "animations". And even in that case, I think maybe the World Editor is hardwired to only work
with doodads from wc3. I may be incorrect in this matter, though. I'm not entirely sure.

It might just be that you have to accept the reality that you might not have variations.

Otherwise, this might be a question for the modellers, maybe you should ask in either WEHZ or the Modeling and Animations
Thanks, man. I'll check out the sections and will try to seek some tutorials here if there are plenty to find. If there will be a new editor mod coming that will be a pleasure to all of us indeed. :)
Level 4
Dec 17, 2010
Woah I opened this up, crazy amount of doodads, reminded me of my custom Neverwinter Nights model numbers, we had a map so our mapmakers for our server had every possible model lol

Question - I myself had been making a mod that had a bunch of models just dumped in, 25MB, and I usually just plop it on melee maps, and they run totally fine. This one is 40MB, shouldn't it be alright for making melee maps on fast machines?
Level 3
May 5, 2007
Want to make a huge RPG map. Can i use this map as my start map? Could i resize the map becouse it is really small? Or what would be the best way the use the recources of this map? I would think export and importing them would be a pain becouse of the skins. And i would need to make a new doodad for every doodad in the object editor
Want to make a huge RPG map. Can i use this map as my start map? Could i resize the map becouse it is really small? Or what would be the best way the use the recources of this map? I would think export and importing them would be a pain becouse of the skins. And i would need to make a new doodad for every doodad in the object editor
If you want to make a huge RPG then I would say exporting and importing resources will be the least of your worries :p It takes time, and you need a lot of patience.

You can increase the map size in the map options. At the place you increase map bounds just tick the box that says increase map size, then you can make it as big as you want.

You should ideally pick the resources you want first though, then start by importing them all into your map instead of using this as a template. There's like, 1000000 models in here you won't use so it will be a lot of redundant stuff in your map.
Want to make a huge RPG map. Can i use this map as my start map?

Yes, that's the point of the map. Just make sure you put the credits list of the UTM to your project.

Could i resize the map becouse it is really small?

Yes, go to Scenario > Map Size and Camera Bounds > Tick Modify Map Bounds then adjust the size of the maps using the arrows around the map.

You should ideally pick the resources you want first though, then start by importing them all into your map instead of using this as a template. There's like, 1000000 models in here you won't use so it will be a lot of redundant stuff in your map.

While this is true it will be hard to figure out who actually made the resource that he will export from the map since WC3C is down.
Level 3
May 5, 2007
you are right that i wont use all of the models. but the problem is when i want to export the ones i like some need blp's and i cant figure out wich blp uses wich model
you are right that i wont use all of the models. but the problem is when i want to export the ones i like some need blp's and i cant figure out wich blp uses wich model
Use a model editor like Retera's Model Studio, then click "Tools>Edit Textures" then you can see all textures and their paths.
Level 2
Oct 29, 2020
will this ever get updated for the latest patch, or does this still work good on the latest version of Reforged? or is there any newer versions of this map that I'm not seeing?

if I use this to start a new map will it be running an older patch with different stats for units? or does everything automatically convert to the latest patch? I know I can pick the "latest patch" in the options of the world editor, but I always worry when using older customized maps with custom unit/object data that something will be left on the older patch... maybe I should just pick a few things out from this that I want and import them into my map to be on the safe side?

thanks :)


Off-Topic Moderator
Level 39
Dec 27, 2006
will this ever get updated for the latest patch, or does this still work good on the latest version of Reforged? or is there any newer versions of this map that I'm not seeing?
I haven't looked into the newer patches but the map is completely blank aside from imports and object data so I'd sincerely doubt it'd break with any update. In all likelihood I won't be updating this past this point though, but whoever wants to compile a new version is of course free to base it on this one if they'd like. In case somebody does, apart from new resources, you could also look into ~Void~'s suggestions.
Level 5
Aug 2, 2015
wc3c is gone,is there anybody can help me to download the model pack?its call "B2hdpack" i guess,45mb size,and you can find 2 type of the bandit watch tower,a lots of the wood fence with the camp,help help help