The Ultimate Terraining Map, Volume 4!

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The Hive has changed a million faces, the model creators have improved themselves, but the terrain creators are still eager to shape their own worlds!

It's time to move on from the Ultimate Terraining Map 3.0 to 4.0!

Everyone is now free to contribute to the official release of this map!


  • The models that you suggest must be followed by a test map, a list of textures [if needed (full paths)] and a presentation image.
  • The models cannot be exported from other games and they have to follow the Site's Rules.
  • The authors of the models must all be credited in the Test Map and your post alike; however, you still need to follow the author's personal set of rules. That being said, you may not upload a model here, in case their author has clearly forbidden its distribution in another site (if it is taken from another site).
  • Don't suggest models that are already part of the Ultimate Terraining Map 3.0.
  • Do not edit models to fit the purposes of this map.
  • Do not trust the material of other maps, bearing the title of Ultimate Terraining Map 4.0. The official release has not been made yet.
  • Even after the map's creation, you are still inclined to suggest model updates and additional material for the map. Every now and then, the Ultimate Terraining Map v4.0 will be incorporated with massive updates.
  • You are free to defy the validity and legality of a suggested model, as long as you have evidence.
  • Irrelevant posts will be deleted.
  • The suggested models will be ultimately implemented in the map, if they go along with the following points:
    • Usefulness (Determines whether the resource will find any uses by a terrainer in a possible terraining venture or scenario and how it will possibly prevent further searching)
    • Modelling Accuracy (Determines the quality of the resource)
    • Modelling Disability (Determines whether the resource is bug free)


Off-Topic Moderator
Level 39
Dec 27, 2006
Not to be a spoilsport but you guys do understand that routing out models to add is not the challenge here, right?

What really made UTM ultimate was how everything was neatly organized. And trust me, that is going to be countless hours of grunt work and detail slavery in the object editor. Just know that people have tried many times before and gave up long before they even made any decent progress. If you really want to take it upon yourself to do it, make sure you don't half-ass naming conventions and important shit like scaling and pathing.

This was me and my input.
we do terrain directly from the UTM right? and I think terrainers use the WE picture of their terrains using the game-view mode instead of actually running the map...

as for playable maps, hmmm...

but anyway, how does it work? if we still need to give the positions of doodads, scale etc, I cannot think of how it will be better than doing them directly on the WE...

and will the creator of the tool actually allow you to add such things? and if yes, who will add those commands? It's not a simple thing to do...
Level 14
Oct 6, 2008
One thing that the UTM was lacking was modern warfare/futuristic decoration sets which was limiting the choices of terrain creations. People should focus on a theme that needs improving/ or does not exist. One can not be called ultimate if lacks all the possible choices.
Level 37
Nov 24, 2007
Everything Fladder said aside, wouldn't this map be the most laggiest thing ever?
- I mean, hell, UTM 3.0 was nearly unbearable, I can't imagine a beefier map would be any better.

I guess born of that statement is the question: Do you intend on making a new map, or to build on top of the already existing UTM?

And even so, every terrainer with some small amount of self-respect has their own variations of the UTM anyways, no need making a new one I'd say.

Then again, sure, if you see some need in going through the awfully tedious business of making a new UTM that many have tried and all have given up, run for it.



Level 8
Aug 31, 2005
Everything Fladder said aside, wouldn't this map be the most laggiest thing ever?
- I mean, hell, UTM 3.0 was nearly unbearable, I can't imagine a beefier map would be any better.
Loading times will become a pain. My UTM has twice the amount of custom doodads than the UTM 3 and it takes a fortnight to open the props/environment palette. It's like ~5 seconds on UTM 3 compared to almost half a minute on my version.
Level 5
Oct 13, 2010
there are some problems which are harder to solve:
- nowaday it's hard to find new war3 models and the models belong to UTM 3 are not allowed here.
- I found a few models are quite good but i don't know where they come from @@
- I saw many models that i need in many screenshot of everyone, but they seems to be not right with the site rules
Level 11
Aug 28, 2009
instead of just adding hundreds of new models to the utm why not just replace some of them with higher detail ones?
Level 37
Nov 24, 2007
I reckon that'd be because agreeing on what is "better" than something else would be rather hard, considering most terrainers have their preferable ways of using the doodads they have. That, and some terrainers don't really like using "high detail" doodads, due to maintain that "wc3" look to it.

I have to agree though, setting together a better mix of more useful doodads, and rule out the absolutely useless doodads would not only, likely, make the map smaller in size, but also more efficient and better.

All this aside, I still see little point in this, people will always make their own "UTM's" and stick to that. I guess the "UTM" is really only very useful to new terrainers and people who don't terrain, but like fooling around with terraining.
- Which happens to be a diminishing race.
Level 37
Nov 24, 2007
Actually, come to think of it, I'd actually say making a register containing filed doodads with links to the download source a better alternative.
Of course it would need to be cataloged into sections and neatly arranged, but as previously mentioned: People like making their own "UTM"s.
you can just extract the models from my FTM here. I'll be giving all of the usable models in that map into UTM v4.
and also, can these be included, too.
IDK if these are already included in UTM v4.
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