• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!

The Picture, take 6!

Level 16
Sep 29, 2008
Final Entry

Models used:

Moon by Thrikodius
Sylvanas Statue by vindorei
QM Human Props by jixed (Arch and Round base)
Lots of Decorations 2 by Mr. smite (stone floors)
Cityscape Doodad Pack by HL_Vortex (Stairs and Stone Fence)
Glows and Shadows provided by Feelsgoodman demo maps.


  • The Picture 6b.w3x
    11 MB · Views: 5
Level 7
Nov 18, 2014
Thank you mate for spoting it. It was not floating, it was set with rare degree. I have reworked that wall and added some shadows to improve the "penumbra"

Final Pre-Entry (2nd)
Much better indeed :grin:

Models used:

Moon by Thrikodius
Sylvanas Statue by vindorei
QM Human Props by jixed (Arch and Round base)
Lots of Decorations 2 by Mr. smite (stone floors)
Cityscape Doodad Pack by HL_Vortex (Stairs and Stone Fence)
Glows and Shadows provided by Feelsgoodman demo maps.

Thx ! :thumbs_up:
Level 5
Apr 13, 2024
Hey everyone! I'm new here and I've never publicly shared my WE works online (was treating it like a presonal hobby), but I couldn't resist this contest :^)

Since my time was limited, I decided to stick to SD vanilla style with zero imports. The theme I chose was inspired by Firewatch and slowly it evolved into an autumn forest in its transition phase with all kinds of colors represented. Hope you enjoy :wwink:

WIP 1.png
- started off with outlining basic shape of terrain with trees, some basic ground texturing and fog settings to get the "Firewatch" vibe

WIP 2.png
- the first iteration looked too monochrome and that's when the idea of an autumn forest in transition period came to me, so I started adding some green elements

WIP 3.png
- adding more details as well as changing some trees here and there to make it more diverse in terms of shapes and colors, also rotated that log on the left so it hangs above the road and it turned out quite nice, I suppose

WIP 5.png
- even more details, minor tweaks and adjustments. Also added a total of 6 animals, dare you to find them all :wgrin:

Current WIP 4 can be considered my final entry, unless I make more changes this weekend (in which case I'll update this post)
Also any advice/opinions from other terrainers are welcome!


WIP 10.png

The more I tried to introduce big changes, the more I realized that I was quite satisfied with current state of the map and didn't feel like drastically changing it (like adding a whole forest cave entrance or something like that). Thus, the final package is not very different from the previous WIP - I added a lone birb, bunch of autumn leaves and more bushes, trees, rocks, etc. I think, it's the most I can currently do with the self-imposed challenge of not using a single imported file

Attached map was updated to match the final version


  • The Picture 6 - glorioispoppy.w3m
    290 KB · Views: 2
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Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
Also added a total of 6 animals, dare you to find them all
2 elks, 3 frogs and a lousy wolf which can be confused with a rock. It doesn't look like it's prowling for the hunt. It doesn't look like anything really, not even an animal. I eventually recognized it as a wolf since I know the model, hue and texture.
Level 5
Apr 13, 2024
2 elks, 3 frogs and a lousy wolf which can be confused with a rock. It doesn't look like it's prowling for the hunt. It doesn't look like anything really, not even an animal. I eventually recognized it as a wolf since I know the model, hue and texture.
Wolf was added more as an easter egg and his resemblance with nearby rocks is expected. He is hiding in the grass, hunting the elk, which is supposed to create this "funny" tension - once you find it, you start worrying about elk's well-being. Well, at least that's how I perceive it. But again, it's not supposed to be a major detail, more like a joke.
Level 4
Nov 29, 2014
Meant to mess around with this earlier but didn't get around to it until today and now Super Earth needs me so this is where it ends. I went into this without a vision intending to import models but ended up enjoying using vanilla assets. I'm 50/50 with what I've made up to this point and I mean that fairly literally, I like the right half and dislike the left (Minus the spider cave).
Screenshot 2024-04-20 212916.png
Level 36
Nov 24, 2007
One week then.

But only for those who are already participating to finish up their entries, no new entries will be accepted during this time.

Also, I'd appreciate if anyone decide to update their submission: Please edit your "final entry" post instead of posting a new one, I've already made an index with hyperlinks to all the submissions, I'd hate to have to redo that.

There are currently more or less 20 entries, I'm completely blown away (and slightly overwhelmed) by this!
Last edited:
Level 5
Dec 13, 2015
One week then.
Also, I'd appreciate if anyone decide to update their submission: Please edit your "final entry" post
Presented my final in the same post where I submitted my valid WIPs! All sectioned under appropriate spoilers. Lmk if I ought to make a new post specifically for the final, instead. Also... thanks for the extra time! :p
Level 36
Nov 24, 2007
Well, so long as the contest was ongoing, I'd have preferred people to post their WIPs and final entries in separate posts, this helps with activity and keeps the contest thread fresh. However, as I stated in my previous post, now that I've made an index with links to each post containing a final entry (or final WIP), I'd prefer not having to redo the index, so I'd appreciate if you updated that post instead at this point.

Also, fair warning: Although I'll give everyone who participated scores and a fair chance for the podium, I'll only provide a written "review" for those who made a proper final entry.
Level 11
Dec 31, 2008
Well, so long as the contest was ongoing, I'd have preferred people to post their WIPs and final entries in separate posts, this helps with activity and keeps the contest thread fresh. However, as I stated in my previous post, now that I've made an index with links to each post containing a final entry (or final WIP), I'd prefer not having to redo the index, so I'd appreciate if you updated that post instead at this point.

Also, fair warning: Although I'll give everyone who participated scores and a fair chance for the podium, I'll only provide a written "review" for those who made a proper final entry.
Ohh I didn't know.

Sorry, I should have thought a clean post with the final entry was the best presentation form, I kind of rushed because of lack of time T_T
I'll edit my entry to be more fancy and I'll have this on mind for the next entry t.t
Level 5
Apr 13, 2024
Thank you for everyone's patience, I will try to have the results for this up by the weekend.

I might also be inclined to host another round if there is enough interest, please show your interest by posting.
What will another round look like, a new template to work with, reimagining of current template/submitted works or something else? Anyway, I'm in, unless something unexpected happens.
Thank you for everyone's patience, I will try to have the results for this up by the weekend.

I might also be inclined to host another round if there is enough interest, please show your interest by posting.
I'm probably in. If anything I can make the template, and judge, to give you a chance to participate. As long as I don't have to create a lot of engagement in the thread and whatnot.
Level 36
Nov 24, 2007
That would be great! :)

You would of course be under no obligations to do anything but provide the template and judge the contest.

What will another round look like, a new template to work with, reimagining of current template/submitted works or something else? Anyway, I'm in, unless something unexpected happens.

New template, same format ^^
Level 5
Dec 13, 2015
Another edition of this sounds good but I'm not sure I will be able to participate if I can't open the map without someone's help again
I think the resources used to convert the map template were made available earlier in this thread, I'd be happy to give a shot at figuring out how to make the conversion work if one is not default provided for the next round so that you & I can participate :grin:

(Which is, of course, to say that I'm in for round two, whoever hosts it!)
Level 36
Nov 24, 2007
In order to not delay, I will post the results and scores now, even though I am not finished writing all the reviews just yet.

I'll include the top 3 (+1 bonus) reviews for now together with the results, the rest will be included with the scores when I finish them all.

I will update this post with the reviews, and some closing thoughts, once they are all done, I expect this won't take too long, but since there are oh so many entries (20!), I had a hard time going through them all in one day. Expect the written reviews to be included sometime during the following week.

Hoyever, without further ado, here's the results:

1st. Place: PrinceYaser (93 pts)

Review: I remember when I saw your first WIP I got very excited, it had attitude and atmosphere like it was nobody's business, and then something was lost along the way toward this final entry. Don't get me wrong, I do think it's a very good piece overall, there's still a lot of attitude and atmosphere left, but now it also has an identity problem in the mix. A little like with Azurot's piece, I feel like you overcrowded it, there are just too many things to look at, and too many doodads that doesn't really compliment each other too well in terms of texture quality and/or contrast.
I do absolutely appreciate the creativity here, just like with FeelsGoodMan you found a way to completely change the scene without breaking any rules, which I always like seeing. I really like the big statue in the background, though I feel it would've been more of an impactful set-piece if it wasn't contending so much with all the other details. The sky is really nice, and the background, although a bit too bright for my liking, is also really nice, even though the "sunset/sunrise" almost seems like its more on the surface of the water rather than on the horizon, which kinda makes it look more like an explosion than a sun. There are some odd decisions here and there in my opinion, like the three boats in the foreground sort of "floating" and the vanilla ship model in the middle left, but yeah. All that said, I do have to appreciate how you managed to throw so many details together, and yet while I lean back and take in the whole scene, with the statue, the dawn, the sky and the warm lighting and nice feeling of the tranquil nature to the sides, it's a damn good piece.

2nd. Place: FeelsGoodMan (91 pts)

Review: Cudos for a very creative execution, and a lot of daring ideas. Knowing that it is practically impossible to make a torrent look good in wc3 I commend you for trying, but sadly I cannot say that I think the river looks good. As it stands it's just too much noise, too white, and lacking in detail. There are some really good techniques where you use a flattened cloudbox in conjuncture with waterplanes and the "bubble stream" doodads placed strategically to make "foam" effects to make a pretty convincing torrent, raid1000's waterfall castle comes to mind. Other than that, I also really like that you found a way to completely change the overall appearance of the terrain without actually breaking any rules, to be fair, the "similarity" score should probably have been set to 0 here, but then I feel like 5 really is the most balanced score I can give. I like the color-palette, it has a very haunted-ruin vibe going, and I like that the overall aesthetic has a very old-school touch to it. The doodad placement is very good, the details are good, but the overall impression I find a little bit lacking regardless. Mainly, this is caused by the background with the ships, the fog there is way too bright, almost to the point where it seems like there's some kind of explosion going on behind those ships. But the main issue with the brightness of the fog is that it causes a discrepancy between the lighting surrounding the fire and the lighting in the background, both are equally attention-drawing and thus creates a conflict in regards to what the focal-point should be. I think the background would serve this terrain way better if it was darker, honestly almost to the point where the ships would be almost indiscernible, like impending shadows in the background. Sadly I also think the flowing water torrent is too eye-catching as well, further adding to the conflict of noise. But the composition is nice and the execution is very creative. Good job!

3rd. Place: Azurot (86 pts)

Review: This is very mixed bag: The lighting and fog and background are very well executed, overall color-scheme is good enough, doodad placement is on point, but it is way too crowded. I really like the background, it fades nicely into the distance, the details are great, and especially so because I know how much of a pain backgrounds are in the reforged editor, but the foreground is a complete mess. It honestly looks like you tried to cram as many doodads into it as you possibly could with a dash of indecision on what theme to go with, or rather, an overflow of ideas. The color-palette is also kinda weird, on the one hand you have green and foresty plants, then there's the big trees with the way too dark leaves, the middle seems to be very deserty-themed, while the edges are more foresty. Dialing down the amount of doodads in the foreground by 1/3 or even 50% and playing around with the "light" model in relation to the trees and general area on the right side of the scene could potentially make this terrain a lot better. It is quite nice, but it could do with a little tidying up.


AestheticsOverall appearance of the final entry as a whole, e.g. an entry can lack detail and technique but still have an overall nice composition.15/35

How unique and original is the idea? How inventive is the execution? How creatively does it conform to the contest theme?15/30

Measurement and balance of detail in design. Impurities include rough edges, deficiency in execution, and general disorder.15/35
SimilarityHow close is the final entry to the original template? Is it drastically changed or can you see where it originated from?8/10


AestheticsOverall appearance of the final entry as a whole, e.g. an entry can lack detail and technique but still have an overall nice composition.5/35

How unique and original is the idea? How inventive is the execution? How creatively does it conform to the contest theme?10/30

Measurement and balance of detail in design. Impurities include rough edges, deficiency in execution, and general disorder.5/35
SimilarityHow close is the final entry to the original template? Is it drastically changed or can you see where it originated from?0/10

Review: This is a joke.


AestheticsOverall appearance of the final entry as a whole, e.g. an entry can lack detail and technique but still have an overall nice composition.30/35

How unique and original is the idea? How inventive is the execution? How creatively does it conform to the contest theme?26/30

Measurement and balance of detail in design. Impurities include rough edges, deficiency in execution, and general disorder.25/35
SimilarityHow close is the final entry to the original template? Is it drastically changed or can you see where it originated from?5/10


AestheticsOverall appearance of the final entry as a whole, e.g. an entry can lack detail and technique but still have an overall nice composition.30/35

How unique and original is the idea? How inventive is the execution? How creatively does it conform to the contest theme?28/30

Measurement and balance of detail in design. Impurities include rough edges, deficiency in execution, and general disorder.28/35
SimilarityHow close is the final entry to the original template? Is it drastically changed or can you see where it originated from?5/10


AestheticsOverall appearance of the final entry as a whole, e.g. an entry can lack detail and technique but still have an overall nice composition.15/35

How unique and original is the idea? How inventive is the execution? How creatively does it conform to the contest theme?15/30

Measurement and balance of detail in design. Impurities include rough edges, deficiency in execution, and general disorder.10/35
SimilarityHow close is the final entry to the original template? Is it drastically changed or can you see where it originated from?8/10


AestheticsOverall appearance of the final entry as a whole, e.g. an entry can lack detail and technique but still have an overall nice composition.32/35

How unique and original is the idea? How inventive is the execution? How creatively does it conform to the contest theme?28/30

Measurement and balance of detail in design. Impurities include rough edges, deficiency in execution, and general disorder.28/35
SimilarityHow close is the final entry to the original template? Is it drastically changed or can you see where it originated from?5/10


AestheticsOverall appearance of the final entry as a whole, e.g. an entry can lack detail and technique but still have an overall nice composition.18/35

How unique and original is the idea? How inventive is the execution? How creatively does it conform to the contest theme?21/30

Measurement and balance of detail in design. Impurities include rough edges, deficiency in execution, and general disorder.18/35
SimilarityHow close is the final entry to the original template? Is it drastically changed or can you see where it originated from?5/10

Azeroth's Most Wanted

AestheticsOverall appearance of the final entry as a whole, e.g. an entry can lack detail and technique but still have an overall nice composition.22/35

How unique and original is the idea? How inventive is the execution? How creatively does it conform to the contest theme?24/30

Measurement and balance of detail in design. Impurities include rough edges, deficiency in execution, and general disorder.15/35
SimilarityHow close is the final entry to the original template? Is it drastically changed or can you see where it originated from?5/10


AestheticsOverall appearance of the final entry as a whole, e.g. an entry can lack detail and technique but still have an overall nice composition.10/35

How unique and original is the idea? How inventive is the execution? How creatively does it conform to the contest theme?10/30

Measurement and balance of detail in design. Impurities include rough edges, deficiency in execution, and general disorder.10/35
SimilarityHow close is the final entry to the original template? Is it drastically changed or can you see where it originated from?5/10


AestheticsOverall appearance of the final entry as a whole, e.g. an entry can lack detail and technique but still have an overall nice composition.10/35

How unique and original is the idea? How inventive is the execution? How creatively does it conform to the contest theme?10/30

Measurement and balance of detail in design. Impurities include rough edges, deficiency in execution, and general disorder.10/35
SimilarityHow close is the final entry to the original template? Is it drastically changed or can you see where it originated from?3/10


AestheticsOverall appearance of the final entry as a whole, e.g. an entry can lack detail and technique but still have an overall nice composition.18/35

How unique and original is the idea? How inventive is the execution? How creatively does it conform to the contest theme?15/30

Measurement and balance of detail in design. Impurities include rough edges, deficiency in execution, and general disorder.20/35
SimilarityHow close is the final entry to the original template? Is it drastically changed or can you see where it originated from?5/10


AestheticsOverall appearance of the final entry as a whole, e.g. an entry can lack detail and technique but still have an overall nice composition.10/35

How unique and original is the idea? How inventive is the execution? How creatively does it conform to the contest theme?10/30

Measurement and balance of detail in design. Impurities include rough edges, deficiency in execution, and general disorder.10/35
SimilarityHow close is the final entry to the original template? Is it drastically changed or can you see where it originated from?5/10


AestheticsOverall appearance of the final entry as a whole, e.g. an entry can lack detail and technique but still have an overall nice composition.10/35

How unique and original is the idea? How inventive is the execution? How creatively does it conform to the contest theme?10/30

Measurement and balance of detail in design. Impurities include rough edges, deficiency in execution, and general disorder.10/35
SimilarityHow close is the final entry to the original template? Is it drastically changed or can you see where it originated from?5/10


AestheticsOverall appearance of the final entry as a whole, e.g. an entry can lack detail and technique but still have an overall nice composition.10/35

How unique and original is the idea? How inventive is the execution? How creatively does it conform to the contest theme?10/30

Measurement and balance of detail in design. Impurities include rough edges, deficiency in execution, and general disorder.12/35
SimilarityHow close is the final entry to the original template? Is it drastically changed or can you see where it originated from?5/10


AestheticsOverall appearance of the final entry as a whole, e.g. an entry can lack detail and technique but still have an overall nice composition.30/35

How unique and original is the idea? How inventive is the execution? How creatively does it conform to the contest theme?27/30

Measurement and balance of detail in design. Impurities include rough edges, deficiency in execution, and general disorder.20/35
SimilarityHow close is the final entry to the original template? Is it drastically changed or can you see where it originated from?5/10

Armelior is Back

AestheticsOverall appearance of the final entry as a whole, e.g. an entry can lack detail and technique but still have an overall nice composition.20/35

How unique and original is the idea? How inventive is the execution? How creatively does it conform to the contest theme?22/30

Measurement and balance of detail in design. Impurities include rough edges, deficiency in execution, and general disorder.15/35
SimilarityHow close is the final entry to the original template? Is it drastically changed or can you see where it originated from?5/10


AestheticsOverall appearance of the final entry as a whole, e.g. an entry can lack detail and technique but still have an overall nice composition.23/35

How unique and original is the idea? How inventive is the execution? How creatively does it conform to the contest theme?20/30

Measurement and balance of detail in design. Impurities include rough edges, deficiency in execution, and general disorder.25/35
SimilarityHow close is the final entry to the original template? Is it drastically changed or can you see where it originated from?5/10


AestheticsOverall appearance of the final entry as a whole, e.g. an entry can lack detail and technique but still have an overall nice composition.23/35

How unique and original is the idea? How inventive is the execution? How creatively does it conform to the contest theme?27/30

Measurement and balance of detail in design. Impurities include rough edges, deficiency in execution, and general disorder.28/35
SimilarityHow close is the final entry to the original template? Is it drastically changed or can you see where it originated from?5/10


AestheticsOverall appearance of the final entry as a whole, e.g. an entry can lack detail and technique but still have an overall nice composition.32/35

How unique and original is the idea? How inventive is the execution? How creatively does it conform to the contest theme?20/30

Measurement and balance of detail in design. Impurities include rough edges, deficiency in execution, and general disorder.20/35
SimilarityHow close is the final entry to the original template? Is it drastically changed or can you see where it originated from?5/10


AestheticsOverall appearance of the final entry as a whole, e.g. an entry can lack detail and technique but still have an overall nice composition.28/35

How unique and original is the idea? How inventive is the execution? How creatively does it conform to the contest theme?22/30

Measurement and balance of detail in design. Impurities include rough edges, deficiency in execution, and general disorder.20/35
SimilarityHow close is the final entry to the original template? Is it drastically changed or can you see where it originated from?5/10
Last edited:
In order to not delay, I will post the results and scores now, even though I am not finished writing all the reviews just yet.

I'll include the top 3 (+1 bonus) reviews for now together with the results, the rest will be included with the scores when I finish them all.

I will update this post with the reviews, and some closing thoughts, once they are all done, I expect this won't take too long, but since there are oh so many entries (20!), I had a hard time going through them all in one day. Expect the written reviews to be included sometime during the following week.

Hoyever, without further ado, here's the results:

1st. Place: PrinceYaser (93 pts)

Review: I remember when I saw your first WIP I got very excited, it had attitude and atmosphere like it was nobody's business, and then something was lost along the way toward this final entry. Don't get me wrong, I do think it's a very good piece overall, there's still a lot of attitude and atmosphere left, but now it also has an identity problem in the mix. A little like with Azurot's piece, I feel like you overcrowded it, there are just too many things to look at, and too many doodads that doesn't really compliment each other too well in terms of texture quality and/or contrast.
I do absolutely appreciate the creativity here, just like with FeelsGoodMan you found a way to completely change the scene without breaking any rules, which I always like seeing. I really like the big statue in the background, though I feel it would've been more of an impactful set-piece if it wasn't contending so much with all the other details. The sky is really nice, and the background, although a bit too bright for my liking, is also really nice, even though the "sunset/sunrise" almost seems like its more on the surface of the water rather than on the horizon, which kinda makes it look more like an explosion than a sun. There are some odd decisions here and there in my opinion, like the three boats in the foreground sort of "floating" and the vanilla ship model in the middle left, but yeah. All that said, I do have to appreciate how you managed to throw so many details together, and yet while I lean back and take in the whole scene, with the statue, the dawn, the sky and the warm lighting and nice feeling of the tranquil nature to the sides, it's a damn good piece.

2nd. Place: FeelsGoodMan (91 pts)

Review: Cudos for a very creative execution, and a lot of daring ideas. Knowing that it is practically impossible to make a torrent look good in wc3 I commend you for trying, but sadly I cannot say that I think the river looks good. As it stands it's just too much noise, too white, and lacking in detail. There are some really good techniques where you use a flattened cloudbox in conjuncture with waterplanes and the "bubble stream" doodads placed strategically to make "foam" effects to make a pretty convincing torrent, raid1000's waterfall castle comes to mind. Other than that, I also really like that you found a way to completely change the overall appearance of the terrain without actually breaking any rules, to be fair, the "similarity" score should probably have been set to 0 here, but then I feel like 5 really is the most balanced score I can give. I like the color-palette, it has a very haunted-ruin vibe going, and I like that the overall aesthetic has a very old-school touch to it. The doodad placement is very good, the details are good, but the overall impression I find a little bit lacking regardless. Mainly, this is caused by the background with the ships, the fog there is way too bright, almost to the point where it seems like there's some kind of explosion going on behind those ships. But the main issue with the brightness of the fog is that it causes a discrepancy between the lighting surrounding the fire and the lighting in the background, both are equally attention-drawing and thus creates a conflict in regards to what the focal-point should be. I think the background would serve this terrain way better if it was darker, honestly almost to the point where the ships would be almost indiscernible, like impending shadows in the background. Sadly I also think the flowing water torrent is too eye-catching as well, further adding to the conflict of noise. But the composition is nice and the execution is very creative. Good job!

3rd. Place: Azurot (86 pts)

Review: This is very mixed bag: The lighting and fog and background are very well executed, overall color-scheme is good enough, doodad placement is on point, but it is way too crowded. I really like the background, it fades nicely into the distance, the details are great, and especially so because I know how much of a pain backgrounds are in the reforged editor, but the foreground is a complete mess. It honestly looks like you tried to cram as many doodads into it as you possibly could with a dash of indecision on what theme to go with, or rather, an overflow of ideas. The color-palette is also kinda weird, on the one hand you have green and foresty plants, then there's the big trees with the way too dark leaves, the middle seems to be very deserty-themed, while the edges are more foresty. Dialing down the amount of doodads in the foreground by 1/3 or even 50% and playing around with the "light" model in relation to the trees and general area on the right side of the scene could potentially make this terrain a lot better. It is quite nice, but it could do with a little tidying up.


AestheticsOverall appearance of the final entry as a whole, e.g. an entry can lack detail and technique but still have an overall nice composition.15/35

How unique and original is the idea? How inventive is the execution? How creatively does it conform to the contest theme?15/30

Measurement and balance of detail in design. Impurities include rough edges, deficiency in execution, and general disorder.15/35
SimilarityHow close is the final entry to the original template? Is it drastically changed or can you see where it originated from?8/10


AestheticsOverall appearance of the final entry as a whole, e.g. an entry can lack detail and technique but still have an overall nice composition.5/35

How unique and original is the idea? How inventive is the execution? How creatively does it conform to the contest theme?10/30

Measurement and balance of detail in design. Impurities include rough edges, deficiency in execution, and general disorder.5/35
SimilarityHow close is the final entry to the original template? Is it drastically changed or can you see where it originated from?0/10

Review: This is a joke.


AestheticsOverall appearance of the final entry as a whole, e.g. an entry can lack detail and technique but still have an overall nice composition.30/35

How unique and original is the idea? How inventive is the execution? How creatively does it conform to the contest theme?26/30

Measurement and balance of detail in design. Impurities include rough edges, deficiency in execution, and general disorder.25/35
SimilarityHow close is the final entry to the original template? Is it drastically changed or can you see where it originated from?5/10


AestheticsOverall appearance of the final entry as a whole, e.g. an entry can lack detail and technique but still have an overall nice composition.30/35

How unique and original is the idea? How inventive is the execution? How creatively does it conform to the contest theme?28/30

Measurement and balance of detail in design. Impurities include rough edges, deficiency in execution, and general disorder.28/35
SimilarityHow close is the final entry to the original template? Is it drastically changed or can you see where it originated from?5/10


AestheticsOverall appearance of the final entry as a whole, e.g. an entry can lack detail and technique but still have an overall nice composition.15/35

How unique and original is the idea? How inventive is the execution? How creatively does it conform to the contest theme?15/30

Measurement and balance of detail in design. Impurities include rough edges, deficiency in execution, and general disorder.10/35
SimilarityHow close is the final entry to the original template? Is it drastically changed or can you see where it originated from?8/10


AestheticsOverall appearance of the final entry as a whole, e.g. an entry can lack detail and technique but still have an overall nice composition.32/35

How unique and original is the idea? How inventive is the execution? How creatively does it conform to the contest theme?28/30

Measurement and balance of detail in design. Impurities include rough edges, deficiency in execution, and general disorder.28/35
SimilarityHow close is the final entry to the original template? Is it drastically changed or can you see where it originated from?5/10


AestheticsOverall appearance of the final entry as a whole, e.g. an entry can lack detail and technique but still have an overall nice composition.18/35

How unique and original is the idea? How inventive is the execution? How creatively does it conform to the contest theme?21/30

Measurement and balance of detail in design. Impurities include rough edges, deficiency in execution, and general disorder.18/35
SimilarityHow close is the final entry to the original template? Is it drastically changed or can you see where it originated from?5/10

Azeroth's Most Wanted

AestheticsOverall appearance of the final entry as a whole, e.g. an entry can lack detail and technique but still have an overall nice composition.22/35

How unique and original is the idea? How inventive is the execution? How creatively does it conform to the contest theme?24/30

Measurement and balance of detail in design. Impurities include rough edges, deficiency in execution, and general disorder.15/35
SimilarityHow close is the final entry to the original template? Is it drastically changed or can you see where it originated from?5/10


AestheticsOverall appearance of the final entry as a whole, e.g. an entry can lack detail and technique but still have an overall nice composition.10/35

How unique and original is the idea? How inventive is the execution? How creatively does it conform to the contest theme?10/30

Measurement and balance of detail in design. Impurities include rough edges, deficiency in execution, and general disorder.10/35
SimilarityHow close is the final entry to the original template? Is it drastically changed or can you see where it originated from?5/10


AestheticsOverall appearance of the final entry as a whole, e.g. an entry can lack detail and technique but still have an overall nice composition.10/35

How unique and original is the idea? How inventive is the execution? How creatively does it conform to the contest theme?10/30

Measurement and balance of detail in design. Impurities include rough edges, deficiency in execution, and general disorder.10/35
SimilarityHow close is the final entry to the original template? Is it drastically changed or can you see where it originated from?3/10


AestheticsOverall appearance of the final entry as a whole, e.g. an entry can lack detail and technique but still have an overall nice composition.18/35

How unique and original is the idea? How inventive is the execution? How creatively does it conform to the contest theme?15/30

Measurement and balance of detail in design. Impurities include rough edges, deficiency in execution, and general disorder.20/35
SimilarityHow close is the final entry to the original template? Is it drastically changed or can you see where it originated from?5/10


AestheticsOverall appearance of the final entry as a whole, e.g. an entry can lack detail and technique but still have an overall nice composition.10/35

How unique and original is the idea? How inventive is the execution? How creatively does it conform to the contest theme?10/30

Measurement and balance of detail in design. Impurities include rough edges, deficiency in execution, and general disorder.10/35
SimilarityHow close is the final entry to the original template? Is it drastically changed or can you see where it originated from?5/10


AestheticsOverall appearance of the final entry as a whole, e.g. an entry can lack detail and technique but still have an overall nice composition.10/35

How unique and original is the idea? How inventive is the execution? How creatively does it conform to the contest theme?10/30

Measurement and balance of detail in design. Impurities include rough edges, deficiency in execution, and general disorder.10/35
SimilarityHow close is the final entry to the original template? Is it drastically changed or can you see where it originated from?5/10


AestheticsOverall appearance of the final entry as a whole, e.g. an entry can lack detail and technique but still have an overall nice composition.10/35

How unique and original is the idea? How inventive is the execution? How creatively does it conform to the contest theme?10/30

Measurement and balance of detail in design. Impurities include rough edges, deficiency in execution, and general disorder.12/35
SimilarityHow close is the final entry to the original template? Is it drastically changed or can you see where it originated from?5/10


AestheticsOverall appearance of the final entry as a whole, e.g. an entry can lack detail and technique but still have an overall nice composition.30/35

How unique and original is the idea? How inventive is the execution? How creatively does it conform to the contest theme?27/30

Measurement and balance of detail in design. Impurities include rough edges, deficiency in execution, and general disorder.20/35
SimilarityHow close is the final entry to the original template? Is it drastically changed or can you see where it originated from?5/10

Armelior is Back

AestheticsOverall appearance of the final entry as a whole, e.g. an entry can lack detail and technique but still have an overall nice composition.20/35

How unique and original is the idea? How inventive is the execution? How creatively does it conform to the contest theme?22/30

Measurement and balance of detail in design. Impurities include rough edges, deficiency in execution, and general disorder.15/35
SimilarityHow close is the final entry to the original template? Is it drastically changed or can you see where it originated from?5/10


AestheticsOverall appearance of the final entry as a whole, e.g. an entry can lack detail and technique but still have an overall nice composition.23/35

How unique and original is the idea? How inventive is the execution? How creatively does it conform to the contest theme?20/30

Measurement and balance of detail in design. Impurities include rough edges, deficiency in execution, and general disorder.25/35
SimilarityHow close is the final entry to the original template? Is it drastically changed or can you see where it originated from?5/10


AestheticsOverall appearance of the final entry as a whole, e.g. an entry can lack detail and technique but still have an overall nice composition.23/35

How unique and original is the idea? How inventive is the execution? How creatively does it conform to the contest theme?27/30

Measurement and balance of detail in design. Impurities include rough edges, deficiency in execution, and general disorder.28/35
SimilarityHow close is the final entry to the original template? Is it drastically changed or can you see where it originated from?5/10


AestheticsOverall appearance of the final entry as a whole, e.g. an entry can lack detail and technique but still have an overall nice composition.32/35

How unique and original is the idea? How inventive is the execution? How creatively does it conform to the contest theme?20/30

Measurement and balance of detail in design. Impurities include rough edges, deficiency in execution, and general disorder.20/35
SimilarityHow close is the final entry to the original template? Is it drastically changed or can you see where it originated from?5/10


AestheticsOverall appearance of the final entry as a whole, e.g. an entry can lack detail and technique but still have an overall nice composition.28/35

How unique and original is the idea? How inventive is the execution? How creatively does it conform to the contest theme?22/30

Measurement and balance of detail in design. Impurities include rough edges, deficiency in execution, and general disorder.20/35
SimilarityHow close is the final entry to the original template? Is it drastically changed or can you see where it originated from?5/10

Thanks for judging, and thanks for an in-depth review of the top 3 terrains. The river in the map you linked does indeed look very nice, and is something I'll look into in the future.

Will be looking forward to the next one.
Level 7
Nov 18, 2014
In order to not delay, I will post the results and scores now, even though I am not finished writing all the reviews just yet.

I'll include the top 3 (+1 bonus) reviews for now together with the results, the rest will be included with the scores when I finish them all.

I will update this post with the reviews, and some closing thoughts, once they are all done, I expect this won't take too long, but since there are oh so many entries (20!), I had a hard time going through them all in one day. Expect the written reviews to be included sometime during the following week.

Hoyever, without further ado, here's the results:

1st. Place: PrinceYaser (93 pts)

Review: I remember when I saw your first WIP I got very excited, it had attitude and atmosphere like it was nobody's business, and then something was lost along the way toward this final entry. Don't get me wrong, I do think it's a very good piece overall, there's still a lot of attitude and atmosphere left, but now it also has an identity problem in the mix. A little like with Azurot's piece, I feel like you overcrowded it, there are just too many things to look at, and too many doodads that doesn't really compliment each other too well in terms of texture quality and/or contrast.
I do absolutely appreciate the creativity here, just like with FeelsGoodMan you found a way to completely change the scene without breaking any rules, which I always like seeing. I really like the big statue in the background, though I feel it would've been more of an impactful set-piece if it wasn't contending so much with all the other details. The sky is really nice, and the background, although a bit too bright for my liking, is also really nice, even though the "sunset/sunrise" almost seems like its more on the surface of the water rather than on the horizon, which kinda makes it look more like an explosion than a sun. There are some odd decisions here and there in my opinion, like the three boats in the foreground sort of "floating" and the vanilla ship model in the middle left, but yeah. All that said, I do have to appreciate how you managed to throw so many details together, and yet while I lean back and take in the whole scene, with the statue, the dawn, the sky and the warm lighting and nice feeling of the tranquil nature to the sides, it's a damn good piece.

2nd. Place: FeelsGoodMan (91 pts)

Review: Cudos for a very creative execution, and a lot of daring ideas. Knowing that it is practically impossible to make a torrent look good in wc3 I commend you for trying, but sadly I cannot say that I think the river looks good. As it stands it's just too much noise, too white, and lacking in detail. There are some really good techniques where you use a flattened cloudbox in conjuncture with waterplanes and the "bubble stream" doodads placed strategically to make "foam" effects to make a pretty convincing torrent, raid1000's waterfall castle comes to mind. Other than that, I also really like that you found a way to completely change the overall appearance of the terrain without actually breaking any rules, to be fair, the "similarity" score should probably have been set to 0 here, but then I feel like 5 really is the most balanced score I can give. I like the color-palette, it has a very haunted-ruin vibe going, and I like that the overall aesthetic has a very old-school touch to it. The doodad placement is very good, the details are good, but the overall impression I find a little bit lacking regardless. Mainly, this is caused by the background with the ships, the fog there is way too bright, almost to the point where it seems like there's some kind of explosion going on behind those ships. But the main issue with the brightness of the fog is that it causes a discrepancy between the lighting surrounding the fire and the lighting in the background, both are equally attention-drawing and thus creates a conflict in regards to what the focal-point should be. I think the background would serve this terrain way better if it was darker, honestly almost to the point where the ships would be almost indiscernible, like impending shadows in the background. Sadly I also think the flowing water torrent is too eye-catching as well, further adding to the conflict of noise. But the composition is nice and the execution is very creative. Good job!

3rd. Place: Azurot (86 pts)

Review: This is very mixed bag: The lighting and fog and background are very well executed, overall color-scheme is good enough, doodad placement is on point, but it is way too crowded. I really like the background, it fades nicely into the distance, the details are great, and especially so because I know how much of a pain backgrounds are in the reforged editor, but the foreground is a complete mess. It honestly looks like you tried to cram as many doodads into it as you possibly could with a dash of indecision on what theme to go with, or rather, an overflow of ideas. The color-palette is also kinda weird, on the one hand you have green and foresty plants, then there's the big trees with the way too dark leaves, the middle seems to be very deserty-themed, while the edges are more foresty. Dialing down the amount of doodads in the foreground by 1/3 or even 50% and playing around with the "light" model in relation to the trees and general area on the right side of the scene could potentially make this terrain a lot better. It is quite nice, but it could do with a little tidying up.


AestheticsOverall appearance of the final entry as a whole, e.g. an entry can lack detail and technique but still have an overall nice composition.15/35

How unique and original is the idea? How inventive is the execution? How creatively does it conform to the contest theme?15/30

Measurement and balance of detail in design. Impurities include rough edges, deficiency in execution, and general disorder.15/35
SimilarityHow close is the final entry to the original template? Is it drastically changed or can you see where it originated from?8/10


AestheticsOverall appearance of the final entry as a whole, e.g. an entry can lack detail and technique but still have an overall nice composition.5/35

How unique and original is the idea? How inventive is the execution? How creatively does it conform to the contest theme?10/30

Measurement and balance of detail in design. Impurities include rough edges, deficiency in execution, and general disorder.5/35
SimilarityHow close is the final entry to the original template? Is it drastically changed or can you see where it originated from?0/10

Review: This is a joke.


AestheticsOverall appearance of the final entry as a whole, e.g. an entry can lack detail and technique but still have an overall nice composition.30/35

How unique and original is the idea? How inventive is the execution? How creatively does it conform to the contest theme?26/30

Measurement and balance of detail in design. Impurities include rough edges, deficiency in execution, and general disorder.25/35
SimilarityHow close is the final entry to the original template? Is it drastically changed or can you see where it originated from?5/10


AestheticsOverall appearance of the final entry as a whole, e.g. an entry can lack detail and technique but still have an overall nice composition.30/35

How unique and original is the idea? How inventive is the execution? How creatively does it conform to the contest theme?28/30

Measurement and balance of detail in design. Impurities include rough edges, deficiency in execution, and general disorder.28/35
SimilarityHow close is the final entry to the original template? Is it drastically changed or can you see where it originated from?5/10


AestheticsOverall appearance of the final entry as a whole, e.g. an entry can lack detail and technique but still have an overall nice composition.15/35

How unique and original is the idea? How inventive is the execution? How creatively does it conform to the contest theme?15/30

Measurement and balance of detail in design. Impurities include rough edges, deficiency in execution, and general disorder.10/35
SimilarityHow close is the final entry to the original template? Is it drastically changed or can you see where it originated from?8/10


AestheticsOverall appearance of the final entry as a whole, e.g. an entry can lack detail and technique but still have an overall nice composition.32/35

How unique and original is the idea? How inventive is the execution? How creatively does it conform to the contest theme?28/30

Measurement and balance of detail in design. Impurities include rough edges, deficiency in execution, and general disorder.28/35
SimilarityHow close is the final entry to the original template? Is it drastically changed or can you see where it originated from?5/10


AestheticsOverall appearance of the final entry as a whole, e.g. an entry can lack detail and technique but still have an overall nice composition.18/35

How unique and original is the idea? How inventive is the execution? How creatively does it conform to the contest theme?21/30

Measurement and balance of detail in design. Impurities include rough edges, deficiency in execution, and general disorder.18/35
SimilarityHow close is the final entry to the original template? Is it drastically changed or can you see where it originated from?5/10

Azeroth's Most Wanted

AestheticsOverall appearance of the final entry as a whole, e.g. an entry can lack detail and technique but still have an overall nice composition.22/35

How unique and original is the idea? How inventive is the execution? How creatively does it conform to the contest theme?24/30

Measurement and balance of detail in design. Impurities include rough edges, deficiency in execution, and general disorder.15/35
SimilarityHow close is the final entry to the original template? Is it drastically changed or can you see where it originated from?5/10


AestheticsOverall appearance of the final entry as a whole, e.g. an entry can lack detail and technique but still have an overall nice composition.10/35

How unique and original is the idea? How inventive is the execution? How creatively does it conform to the contest theme?10/30

Measurement and balance of detail in design. Impurities include rough edges, deficiency in execution, and general disorder.10/35
SimilarityHow close is the final entry to the original template? Is it drastically changed or can you see where it originated from?5/10


AestheticsOverall appearance of the final entry as a whole, e.g. an entry can lack detail and technique but still have an overall nice composition.10/35

How unique and original is the idea? How inventive is the execution? How creatively does it conform to the contest theme?10/30

Measurement and balance of detail in design. Impurities include rough edges, deficiency in execution, and general disorder.10/35
SimilarityHow close is the final entry to the original template? Is it drastically changed or can you see where it originated from?3/10


AestheticsOverall appearance of the final entry as a whole, e.g. an entry can lack detail and technique but still have an overall nice composition.18/35

How unique and original is the idea? How inventive is the execution? How creatively does it conform to the contest theme?15/30

Measurement and balance of detail in design. Impurities include rough edges, deficiency in execution, and general disorder.20/35
SimilarityHow close is the final entry to the original template? Is it drastically changed or can you see where it originated from?5/10


AestheticsOverall appearance of the final entry as a whole, e.g. an entry can lack detail and technique but still have an overall nice composition.10/35

How unique and original is the idea? How inventive is the execution? How creatively does it conform to the contest theme?10/30

Measurement and balance of detail in design. Impurities include rough edges, deficiency in execution, and general disorder.10/35
SimilarityHow close is the final entry to the original template? Is it drastically changed or can you see where it originated from?5/10


AestheticsOverall appearance of the final entry as a whole, e.g. an entry can lack detail and technique but still have an overall nice composition.10/35

How unique and original is the idea? How inventive is the execution? How creatively does it conform to the contest theme?10/30

Measurement and balance of detail in design. Impurities include rough edges, deficiency in execution, and general disorder.10/35
SimilarityHow close is the final entry to the original template? Is it drastically changed or can you see where it originated from?5/10


AestheticsOverall appearance of the final entry as a whole, e.g. an entry can lack detail and technique but still have an overall nice composition.10/35

How unique and original is the idea? How inventive is the execution? How creatively does it conform to the contest theme?10/30

Measurement and balance of detail in design. Impurities include rough edges, deficiency in execution, and general disorder.12/35
SimilarityHow close is the final entry to the original template? Is it drastically changed or can you see where it originated from?5/10


AestheticsOverall appearance of the final entry as a whole, e.g. an entry can lack detail and technique but still have an overall nice composition.30/35

How unique and original is the idea? How inventive is the execution? How creatively does it conform to the contest theme?27/30

Measurement and balance of detail in design. Impurities include rough edges, deficiency in execution, and general disorder.20/35
SimilarityHow close is the final entry to the original template? Is it drastically changed or can you see where it originated from?5/10

Armelior is Back

AestheticsOverall appearance of the final entry as a whole, e.g. an entry can lack detail and technique but still have an overall nice composition.20/35

How unique and original is the idea? How inventive is the execution? How creatively does it conform to the contest theme?22/30

Measurement and balance of detail in design. Impurities include rough edges, deficiency in execution, and general disorder.15/35
SimilarityHow close is the final entry to the original template? Is it drastically changed or can you see where it originated from?5/10


AestheticsOverall appearance of the final entry as a whole, e.g. an entry can lack detail and technique but still have an overall nice composition.23/35

How unique and original is the idea? How inventive is the execution? How creatively does it conform to the contest theme?20/30

Measurement and balance of detail in design. Impurities include rough edges, deficiency in execution, and general disorder.25/35
SimilarityHow close is the final entry to the original template? Is it drastically changed or can you see where it originated from?5/10


AestheticsOverall appearance of the final entry as a whole, e.g. an entry can lack detail and technique but still have an overall nice composition.23/35

How unique and original is the idea? How inventive is the execution? How creatively does it conform to the contest theme?27/30

Measurement and balance of detail in design. Impurities include rough edges, deficiency in execution, and general disorder.28/35
SimilarityHow close is the final entry to the original template? Is it drastically changed or can you see where it originated from?5/10


AestheticsOverall appearance of the final entry as a whole, e.g. an entry can lack detail and technique but still have an overall nice composition.32/35

How unique and original is the idea? How inventive is the execution? How creatively does it conform to the contest theme?20/30

Measurement and balance of detail in design. Impurities include rough edges, deficiency in execution, and general disorder.20/35
SimilarityHow close is the final entry to the original template? Is it drastically changed or can you see where it originated from?5/10


AestheticsOverall appearance of the final entry as a whole, e.g. an entry can lack detail and technique but still have an overall nice composition.28/35

How unique and original is the idea? How inventive is the execution? How creatively does it conform to the contest theme?22/30

Measurement and balance of detail in design. Impurities include rough edges, deficiency in execution, and general disorder.20/35
SimilarityHow close is the final entry to the original template? Is it drastically changed or can you see where it originated from?5/10
Dang, I didn't get notifications.

Well, better late than never: Congrats to the top 3 !

I didn't think I would get such a high score, glad you like my entry <3

I'll be looking forward for the next challenge :thumbs_up:


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
Round #7 has started!