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The Lone Panther

Well, here it is...finally.

The Lone Panther is a new cinematic series that takes place in the same world as my previous cinematic series, the Sect of the Holy Mother, took place and that's the world of Kaliim. The events in the Lone Panther are about 25 years after the events in the Sect of the Holy Mother.

I am not yet sure how many chapters will I release but I believe it's safe to say that you can expect no less then five chapters, but probably more.

Well, I leave you now to watch The Lone Panther 1 - Blackened History.


Panther, Kaliim, Lone, Sect, Holy Mother, awesome, sequal, the, best, popular, History, Blackened

The Lone Panther (Map)

22:03, 12th May 2012 Vengeancekael: A cinematic of definitely high quality and something that should inspire many modders! While it's not quite worthy of a DC due to some odd voice acting, etc., it's still an amazing cinematic to watch.
Level 14
Apr 21, 2007
Lol, I love when you guys give out a random countdown timer. I said that the map would be released in 3 days if all went well, and for all to go well I need to receive most of the voice actings today which is highly unlikely because I won't be able to work on my map tomorrow and therefore if I don't receive most of the material today I will release the map on Tuesday/Wednesday(hopefully).
Level 14
Apr 21, 2007
No, not 1 day left, stop counting down guys, it's starting to piss me off. Scyth Master was busy this weekend and he didn't do the voices yet. So the cinematic can come out anytime between 4 and 6 days from now, if all goes well this time.

I'm sorry, but it's totally out of my hands. The map is done, I am just missing some voice actings from 2 people and 1 of them will send me probably today, but the other probably won't be able to do it before the next weekend :(
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Level 14
Apr 21, 2007
It's a cool cinematic. I found the way he tricked to guards very humorous :p

I like that you actually have voice acting in a cinematic. The voices are a bit screwed but they work.

One of the best cinematics I have seen so far. Good job!

This is all the verification I need to see that the map is good :)

Oh, and it has a rating of 4.94, not 4.93 :p
Level 2
Oct 13, 2008

hey you can help? how you do to units can move on house ? my skype: super-leliukas you best cinematic creator:spell_breaker: , you can learn my or I can create cinematic with you?:nemor : plyz help,I know you created with your friend but I can be in your creator team?:cool: your cinematic jobs very cool :cool::cool:
Level 14
Apr 21, 2007
I am not in any creator team. I work alone. The only thing I need from other people are voices and models and currently I have no need of a co-cinematic worker and I won't have a need for one.

Read some tutorials before going around asking basic questions.

I am glad you liked them and thank you for your support, but until I find a cinematic creator that is at least as good as me I won't forge any partnerships.
Level 7
Jul 13, 2004
Don't really feel like being a wet blanket... but to me, it wasn't amazing, or to me even as good as some other cinematics. The English isn't bad, but you can tell you're having a problem with it in some spots, the way you're using it in certain spots isn't 'fluid' or flowing and makes it seem really blocky, and really takes away from the seemlessness of a nice flowing script. The story seems interesting, however the scene with Gheege (might have misspelt his name) is so crucial to many points of the rest of the cinematic, and you're describing things that don't appeal to the viewer. You're whole "How can I know that I can trust you" ideal, keeps on getting topic-changed and never answered you explain a 'feeling' but you should really try to convey it so that the actual audience will understand what you mean (via music and actual motivation and emphasis in your voice overs would be the best way to do this) (you're doing something very similar to rail roading a group in D&D "You feel this" "You like this" "You believe this" "you do this" etc.) You keep referring "I could tell in his voice" "his soul sounded strong" (his voice was actually the quietest in he whole cinematic, and I couldn't understand him, I had to read the subs, and again the voice overs I personally think are horrible, they're so flat and nonenergetic it really took away from the point of them at least to me) and you're building your story line on a scene in which the audience (or at least me) are full-heartedly unconvinced of the scene you're trying to establish across to the audience. Another thing I've noticed is that the voice-overs, are really really... poor to be blunt, there's no emotion in any of the voices, the recordings seem fuzzy (you have to view it offline anyways so get good quality clips that sound nice) and again you can tell that one person was doing like three or four parts, all being almost monotone, and hard to understand (partly due to a voice-changer of some sort I'm assuming). I would really try without the voice overs because right now the quality of them actually took away from the cinematic, which could have been hyped up more using timing of music and other sorts of sounds. The sounds and music you have in there are fairly nice, (I really love the little fishing-town music) you should try playing with a rounder ambiance of sounds, you seem to be good at what you've tried so far. One of the really really well done things that I've noticed was the terrain. The terrain was really really well done, no complaints at all for me except for when you're describing the inside of the tower "It was truly fit for a king" or something, the inside of Gheege's room looked like a village hut, minus the paintings and furniture and such, the room itself looked really bland, and quite FAR actually from looking anything relatively regal.

I'm not saying I can do better because I can't, I don't know anything about triggering cinematics just trying to post some criticism because really at best I'd give this a 3/5, and I'm truly wondering why everyone is giving it a 515353555115/5 because it doesn't seem above (if at all) average to the cinematic's I've seen. (this means all you people going "omg epic *lol 5/5*" without saying anything I'm intrigued as to why everyone views this so high? Maybe it's because I'm missing something?
Level 7
Jul 13, 2004
I don't remember names of many cinematics as I watch them once (I watched this one twice before I posted my review because I wanted to see if it was me missing something). Cult of the Damned to me, is the one I have in my mind, that is leaps and bounds better than this in my opinion, it had me tuned in, into what was happening, where this just felt really long and drawn out. You guys are saying "well the story is so great!" It's not. You're confusing the story of the SERIES with the story of this cinematic as a solo cinematic, on it's own this cinematic is very dull (even with lack of back ground info to me it still should be able to function on it's own). The method of story telling on it's own is very flawed for me, (and I feel really bad after that troll that was flaming earlier, but I'm trying to be more sincere and such). (Not trying to be rude sorry if I am guys) but you guys keep saying "well why doesn't this deserve a 414214/5" but, I'm trying to figure out what makes it so outstanding, very VERY few people have actually posted criticism. And I agree that maybe in respect to average, this cinematic is better, however "better than average" could still be a 1, so even a 3 (which I voted) is still better than average as far as cinematics go on the hive, at least in my opinion.
Level 19
Apr 25, 2006
Damn, I watched it with my music turned off and I couldn't escape with ESC TT... The dialogue of the cinematic is very advanced. The terrain is nice and the camera too. I think I will watch your other cinematics too and this one some other time with the music on.
Level 31
May 3, 2008
Nice way of downrated resources, demise. You written clearly that you give the resources 3/5 while rate it 2/5.

We mod/admin have keep a record of those who rate the resources and we would not tolerate downrater. What else do you think we implement "Post first, rate later" system ?

I would let the admin take care of you at this moment.
For those who rate the resources, please rate the resources in proper way as we do not tolerate downrater.
Level 25
Apr 27, 2008
i hate when people downrate maps, if 95% of the users find it 5/5, and 5% dont like it
its normal because not all people have same taste, but it will be better for people not to downrate (3/5, 2/5 ...) because it will cause nothing but trouble for everyone, so please people post your opinion if you have a criticism and you dont like the map (in a polite way) and dont rate, it will be better, your opinion will be respected then and people will not fight over some map rating

(Cmarket keep up the good work :D and good luck )



Level 22
Aug 27, 2005
Whilst I said I'd write up a review after work, I extremely unappreciated it when someone reveals my mark out of 5 before I submit my review.

If CMarket can see the resource ratings, then fair play, however if a mod is submitting and telling the map creator both what myself and others rate this cinematic as, I suggest you stop. Now.
Level 12
Aug 19, 2007
Statement: I give this cinematic 4/5 because of the good voice-acting. The terrain was nice but you should give more time with it after the cinematic itself is complete. I think its your biggest problem at the moment.
Level 25
Mar 31, 2004
i hate when people downrate maps, if 95% of the users find it 5/5, and 5% dont like it
its normal because not all people have same taste, but it will be better for people not to downrate (3/5, 2/5 ...) because it will cause nothing but trouble for everyone, so please people post your opinion if you have a criticism and you dont like the map (in a polite way) and dont rate, it will be better, your opinion will be respected then and people will not fight over some map rating

(Cmarket keep up the good work :D and good luck )

Oh, so suddenly you decide that people who have an opinion that disagrees with yours shouldn't be able to vote? Useless suck-up yes men like you are a plague, I swear

In fact, I was SO annoyed by your comment, I actually downloaded this map to watch and rate. And you know what?

All you people giving this 5/5 must have lower standards than me. This is a 4/5 at BEST. At BEST people. I consider it just average, 3/5

Good Points:
The terrain, except in a few cases (Discussed below), is well made. The outside environments have a nice, atmospheric feel to them, and there's good use of doodads
It also paces fairly well, not getting stuck on certain scenes for too long or anything like that

Bad Points:
The voice acting. Especially with the main character. Oh god I could not stand him. He sounds so apathetic throughout the entire thing! Trying to be stealthy? Loud as talking to his girlfriend! Absolutely no environmental notice or anything like that, which was also bloody annoying. His voice just bored me, I'll be honest. It really sucked. The necromancer's voice was a biit unusual, and there was a fairly noticeable feedback on the girl's end, but both of them are minor compared to the main character who we heard the most
In the interior scenes, the textures went wild from clipping. You know you can set them just a tiny bit higher and they won't do that, right? That was incredibly distracting and really took away from the feel of the interior scenes. You could also see the ground beneath in some places. Invisible platforms help get rid of that, otherwise you can play with hover height as well
The models: This isn't terribly much, but... Seriously, the models played their alternate standing animations a bit too much, especially in the case of the two Demon-Hunter animation users. While the paranoid looking around worked well in this case, a few other animations just... Looked wrong. Its only a quick fix in the .mdl and it would improve the look of the whole thing to not have everyone spazzing out with the swords and what not
And finally, the dialog. It just didn't flow naturally in points, and a few points I actually laughed at it. For a serious work such as this, that isn't a good thing. Unfortunately I can't remember any specific incidents, but its there

Incidentally, can't you get a new skin for the main character's past variation or something, to really make it obvious when his portrait's talking in the past or the future? Or have all these months passed and the guy never bothered to change his clothes or something? In a few cases it was a bit hard to tell if he was talking in the present or not
Level 24
May 20, 2007
Oh, so suddenly you decide that people who have an opinion that disagrees with yours shouldn't be able to vote? Useless suck-up yes men like you are a plague, I swear

In fact, I was SO annoyed by your comment, I actually downloaded this map to watch and rate. And you know what?

All you people giving this 5/5 must have lower standards than me. This is a 4/5 at BEST. At BEST people. I consider it just average, 3/5

Good Points:
The terrain, except in a few cases (Discussed below), is well made. The outside environments have a nice, atmospheric feel to them, and there's good use of doodads
It also paces fairly well, not getting stuck on certain scenes for too long or anything like that

Bad Points:
The voice acting. Especially with the main character. Oh god I could not stand him. He sounds so apathetic throughout the entire thing! Trying to be stealthy? Loud as talking to his girlfriend! Absolutely no environmental notice or anything like that, which was also bloody annoying. His voice just bored me, I'll be honest. It really sucked. The necromancer's voice was a biit unusual, and there was a fairly noticeable feedback on the girl's end, but both of them are minor compared to the main character who we heard the most
In the interior scenes, the textures went wild from clipping. You know you can set them just a tiny bit higher and they won't do that, right? That was incredibly distracting and really took away from the feel of the interior scenes. You could also see the ground beneath in some places. Invisible platforms help get rid of that, otherwise you can play with hover height as well
The models: This isn't terribly much, but... Seriously, the models played their alternate standing animations a bit too much, especially in the case of the two Demon-Hunter animation users. While the paranoid looking around worked well in this case, a few other animations just... Looked wrong. Its only a quick fix in the .mdl and it would improve the look of the whole thing to not have everyone spazzing out with the swords and what not
And finally, the dialog. It just didn't flow naturally in points, and a few points I actually laughed at it. For a serious work such as this, that isn't a good thing. Unfortunately I can't remember any specific incidents, but its there

Incidentally, can't you get a new skin for the main character's past variation or something, to really make it obvious when his portrait's talking in the past or the future? Or have all these months passed and the guy never bothered to change his clothes or something? In a few cases it was a bit hard to tell if he was talking in the present or not

Excellent review Mech,but I have to disagree to the part where he should change the main character!

I find that a misterious faceless character is awesome!
Level 7
Jul 13, 2004
Figured I should also apologize here. I DID NOT MEAN TO UNDER VOTE, I simply wheeled down one to many on my mouse, and accidentally hit two in my tired posting last night. I changed it to three, sorry again about it. I wouldn't post two long posts and then go and gib you a rating, that doesn't seem fair or even ethically right. I still support the vote of three, to me the cinematic seems nothing outstanding, and a 3/5 is still to me above the average rating of a general cinematic. At least to me.

The voice acting everyone is saying it's good. It's not. It's honestly to me more annoying than just reading subs, because with subs you could use loads more music and effects for timing. Ironically the smaller roles are the better sounding ones (the best (still not being what I would consider 'good') would probably be the guards outside the tower, there's at least some attempt of energy and such in the dialogue)

I will agree for the most part that the animations on the models are very... irritating, however this is mostly because for the bulk of the sequences people are just sitting there, so they stick out more than they should, in more action-specific scenes as opposed to story-telling scenes (with story-telling flash backs as well) the stances themselves wouldn't be that bad, however the hunching of both the main characters was getting really annoying, at least for me.

You're aware of the minor terrain flaws with the clipping, but I didn't notice them that clearly, so I still say minus the clipping a really amazing job on the look of the terrain.

The camera movements always seem aesthetically correct, and nice and smooth, and are very well done, it was one of the few things that puts this cinematic higher up on the things out there, smooth camera movements is one of the most important things, as fast jittering cameras just are eye-sores for the audience.

The story was questionable, the premise, and on pen and paper it would look good. Unfortunately you're not on pen and paper, you can't say "I am the creator so I'm telling you, you feel to trust this man." You just can't do that in a cinematic, it doesn't work out. Again using some blended sound effects (even with the poor voice overs) could add a lot of emphasis to the whole conversation with Gheege, and make the audience actually believe what he is saying. For this whole cinematic (and maybe your whole mini-series) you NEED the audience to believe this scene if this scene isn't well established with the audience you'll have us second-guessing your whole story line "So he assassinated a king over a monotonous necromancer that couldn't deny his allegations?"

The actual English for the most part wasn't bad, but there were several parts where it was too blocky, you tried to explain the environment too far, (or in a poor manner) and actually killed the tension of your vocabulary use, and your descriptions. You also have to remember it's a cinematic, not a story, we can sort of see, and feel the environment (I know you're explaining it to a character, but it still didn't have to be as in depth). Your explanation of the environment should be your terrain, not your dialogue. I'll try to pop out an example for you, at the beginning when you're describing the fog as Henry tries to sneak into the castle, he gives a (decently enough) explanation of the fog, and such (still with no energy in his voice). Then you say "also it was cold" That line, KILLS, literally obliterates the nice description of the fog, if not what was happening even ten seconds ago, that one line is so blocky, it sticks out severely, it doesn't flow, and when something doesn't flow, you make it flow or you cut it, you can't leave blocky dialogue in a short-ish cinematic, it will not work for you, it kills your audiences, it really does. Cinematics need flowing dialogue, and I'm assuming English isn't your 'mother toungue' however, get someone who speaks English as their first language, to read over your scripts and correct the (sometimes blatantly obvious) blockyness of your script.

It's been said your stage directions (and random animations) should be triggered. I have to agree here, or cut out some of the crazy animations via mdl. For example, your sisters character, sometimes she stands on the one leg and does that demon hunter thing with the swords, that animation is not valid in your cinematic at any time as far as I'm concerned, yet it appears several times (which again kills tension and kills the flowingness of your cinematic.)

You should also remember, you can set units animation (and movement speed) lower using triggers // effects, this is a good idea for walking, as opposed to running, as when someone says walk, and the sprint to the other side of the room to look in a pot, it again is blocky, and aesthetically doesn't feel right for a cinematic.

You seem to be able to use the sounds and such, to a decent extent, use them more! Ambiance to a scene is almost as important (if not more important) to a scene than what the characters are saying. Want an example? Go watch a horror movie, with no music, or effect-building ambiance, the movies effectiveness would be cut at least 70%.

20% of the other 30% of a horror movie is in the delivery. Your cinematic (as I've said) has nice camera movements which help the delivery, but the stage directions, and weird animations again, make the cinematic very blocky, and not flowy, and kills the interest in the audience with these small errors.

As someone else said "Being stealthy while talking full voice" There are a lot of aesthetically incorrect errors in the cinematic, like talking loud while stealthing, or yelling help in a noticably different voice, and still fooling these guards.

I really liked how you used the storm tower, however, your character really jumped on those steps and was really noticeable. Try placing a ramp and then making it invisible (or lowering it beneath the terrain.)

A tip as to why your voice overs suck. You're all afraid of talking into a mic (I'm guessing because of family or friends in your house//dorm over hearing you.) Too bad. You need to talk loud, you need to emphasize, you NEED the people around you to think you're nutters, it is the only real way to make your audience believe what they're saying the need to be loud, they need to be energetic, they even need crescendo's and decrescendo's, you need fading effects on the voice while leading back into flashbacks, echos in this huge prison made of die-cast stone. You're mousing these voice overs (specifically you and your sister) if your sister was louder, I would probably say her voice overs were fairly decent. Even for your guest-voice-overs they're too quiet, they need to have the guts to make everyone think they're a schizo, otherwise the effect to the audience is lost in the hard attempt of voice overs.

also @ Mecheon, it's nice to see someone that agrees with what I think without being a rampant troll about it.
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Level 25
Apr 27, 2008
Oh, so suddenly you decide that people who have an opinion that disagrees with yours shouldn't be able to vote? Useless suck-up yes men like you are a plague, I swear

In fact, I was SO annoyed by your comment, I actually downloaded this map to watch and rate. And you know what?

All you people giving this 5/5 must have lower standards than me. This is a 4/5 at BEST. At BEST people. I consider it just average, 3/5

didnt mean that, you miss the point, some people just downrate maps like this one, and they dont give a good reason, they dont show any good reason for a 2/5 for example, you for example you rated the map based on your facts(good points, bad points ... what this map needs) but others are just downrating and saying that the map isnt that good, and are not saying why, and what are the problemes, i posted to tell them what you have seen, because many are facing trouble with mods for downrating
sorry if you got me wrong, i appologize
i hope everyone post an apropriate reply for there votes like you did
and dont downrate the map without an explaination
have a nice day :D
Level 7
Jul 13, 2004
I'd honesty rather have people vote me a 1, and not say anything, than vote me a 5 and say anything (like 70% of these responses) at least I'd know that the people don't like SOMETHING as opposed to everyone just being a fan boy and going "5/5" "5/5" "5/5" "5/5" If your work truly deserves a 5/5, no one will put a 1/5 "just for the lulz"
Level 14
Apr 21, 2007
Wow, a lot of comments.

I have no time to go through all of this but I saw a few things that I would like clarified:

@Mechmap: What is wrong with the terrain?

@Mecheon: All modern graphic cards, such as the one I have, negate the clipping which is why I can't see it and therefore can't fix it.

@Bloody_Demise: The "Help, Help!" was not meant to replace the guard's voice. It was just a random call for help that could have been from any villager. I doubt the guards know how every single villager sounds when he yells for help.
Level 23
Nov 29, 2006
I'd honesty rather have people vote me a 1, and not say anything, than vote me a 5 and say anything (like 70% of these responses) at least I'd know that the people don't like SOMETHING as opposed to everyone just being a fan boy and going "5/5" "5/5" "5/5" "5/5" If your work truly deserves a 5/5, no one will put a 1/5 "just for the lulz"

When I judge someone, I do not only take a look of 'pros and cons'. I would judge it as well on the competition. Has anyone done anything stunned which can be measured with this? And so on. So far CMarket is the best one out there according to me. Yet, I have a high quality computer so I don't usually take any notice of bad rendering of models.