[Cinematic] The Lone Panther

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Level 14
Apr 21, 2007
Since the project is underway I might as well start recruiting voice actors. Can anybody voice a stereotypical teenage girl or a large brute of a man (a lumberjack, to be more precise, strong and courageous, possibly a bit light on the nerves).

More characters will surely arrive, but the first few scenes have these.
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Level 14
Apr 21, 2007
Sure, Nasrudin, just pm it and I'll see where I'll be able to fit it in.

As for the project, it's underway and the first 10 or so minutes are done. I wanted to make a single cinematic, but I'm afraid I went a bit over the top so I'll either make it a two parter or have one very long one. If I chose the later I'll probably implement some form of menu so that people can skip to the second half of the movie should they desire to.

I currently have a working name for the project, but I doubt it will stick. Once I do at least half I'll have a better idea on what to call it.

Weather or not I'll make it a two parter or one long one depends entirely on the doodad limit and won't affect the release date as even if I go for the two part course I'll still release the two parts when both are finished. As for any possible release dates, I'd say in three or four weeks to get the map done, and another week or two to get all the voice acting together.
Level 14
Apr 21, 2007
Rui, I honestly have no idea what's going to happen with the Lone Panther. I am extremely behind schedule on all my projects as I was hoping to do the following this summer:
- release the next update for the Golden Crest
- create the current cinematic I'm working on as well as release the third part of the Lone Panther
- learn to use the UDK and possibly make a small project with it

I've currently done none of the above and my priorities are currently to finish the current cinematic and then work on the update for the Golden Crest. Problem is that I usually have other stuff to do in real life and when I do have the time to work on my projects I don't work as fast as I'd like.

Now, onto something else:
Can anybody do a voice similar to that of Snape from Harry Potter?
Level 14
Apr 21, 2007
Sorry for keeping you guys in the dark, but I've been on vacation and after a few days of getting reacquainted with my hometown I'm ready to continue working on the cinematic.

I'm still not sure about the name, but I can say that the first 20 or so minutes are done and with that I'd say about one half of the cinematic, possibly slightly less. Can't talk about any potential release dates yet, but I'll probably have a better idea near the end of next week, once I see how much I can do each day.

Stay tuned.
Level 3
Jan 8, 2009
Greetings, CMarket!

I just wanted to say that I read through this thread now, and got (to say the least) excited by the news of a new cinematic. I do realise that it's quite some time since you posted your last message here, however, as an early fan I'm still excited for the possible return of your cinematics. I'd do whatever voice acting you desire if I had the possibility!

I'll stay tuned for any updates.
Level 14
Apr 21, 2007
Well, the cinematic, like so many of my projects, is currently paused. I have no idea when and if I'll ever finish it. The thing is, I'm busy with university and I'm going through some shit which is occupying most of my thoughts at the moment, so I can't really create anything. Once my uni exams are done and when I manage to clear my head I'm sure I'll have a tale or two to tell. The only question is the question of when this will happen.
Level 14
Apr 21, 2007
In case anybody is interested, The Clown of As'Latur can now be found on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0devl_ziIw&feature=plcp

This version has slightly better effects, modified outside the world editor. It's the same story with the same dialogues, but with better UI and filters.

Other than that, I have a new cinematic series in mind and the first part is pretty much done. I'm just waiting for three more voice actors before I can complete it.
Level 3
Jan 8, 2009
Huh, turns out I was subscribed to this thread...

I'm thrilled to hear of these news however. I hope you're doing okay now, CMarket.
Level 14
Apr 21, 2007
Level 14
Apr 21, 2007
A bump so this doesn't get locked. How is everyone?

I've been extremely busy with my university to do anything. I think I'll pop another Pile of Ugly somewhere during or at the end of summer. I'm bubbling with ideas and the only creative releases I had during this year was with my DnD group. I'm very eager to produce another story, and hopefully I'll have the time for it during this summer.
Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
A bump so this doesn't get locked. How is everyone?

I've been extremely busy with my university to do anything. I think I'll pop another Pile of Ugly somewhere during or at the end of summer. I'm bubbling with ideas and the only creative releases I had during this year was with my DnD group. I'm very eager to produce another story, and hopefully I'll have the time for it during this summer.

That is really good that you will be releasing another cinematic at the end of the summer. To ask, what month, you will specificly release a new cinematic?

Thats all for my question. I wish you a good luck on this and for the new story!

+4 REP, bro. Very nice!
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