Cinematics should never get more points than advanced maps (which use JASS and vJASS) mainly because they are in most cases made in GUI and are a lot easier to create ....
Anyway good cinematic though.
A cinematic must be rated on different areas than a map
Seriously, its like watching a movie. Do you downrate movies because they don't allow you to have any control over what happens in them? No, I didn't think so. (Also watch Wall-E)
Cinematics must be rated on how much they immerse the viewer, how well they use their resources, the lighting, the moods of the setting, everything that goes on. Also, they should be rated on the sounds used and everything like that. And away from the visual and the audio, they must also be rated upon their storyline, how well they present it, and above all, how good the story actually is. They may not be as technical as other forms of Warcraft mapmakery, but they should still be respected for what they are and judged accordingly
How many more answers do you want from me ?
If you don't accept them that's one thing, but you can't denny the fact I already justified myself a lot ...
Yeah, you tried to justify yourself. Unfortunately, you're trying to justify yourself judging a movie with the standards you'd subject a game to. You're pretty much saying "Y'know, Psycho isn't that good a thriller, I mean, who cares about all the direction and stuff, it didn't have wicked sweet special effects and stuff like that"
In summery, You fail. You are a miserable failure of a reviewer trying to justify yourself judging an apple with the same specifications you'd judge an orange
Anywho, guess what time it is kiddies? Its REVIEW TIME!
So, part two of the Lone Panther. Let's just get right to business, shall we?
What Mecheon Liked:
The terrain, as before, is nice and well constructed, and this time managed to avoid the clipping problems as seen in the first episode
The use of atmospheric sounds to alert you to the various monstrosities of the island before they came into sight was a nice touch, however could be improved upon
Very nice use of models. Pyramidhead's Silent Hill 4 2-headed baby thing especially
What Mecheon Disliked:
Yay, my favourite part
Okay, now this is going to be odd, but I didn't dislike ALL of the voice acting this time. Sadly, there was only 2 cases, and that's because they were the ones that showed some emotion (Pirate goon who got killed) or because the lack of emotion actually worked (Spiritelf guy)
Rest of the voices? Still bland. Still unemotional. I was especially disappointed in the pirate captain, because I could see some promise in his lines, but... Damn, no emotion at all! He needed sarcasm or something!
A few models seemed unnecessary. Like Olof's excellent undead Naga skin. Sure, its a great skin and all, but... The Naga didn't do anything. I was waiting for them to come back later or something but... They didn't. They just appeared, walked around, and never came back. Bit of a waste, especially considering what screentime the Locust got. Even the Abomination came back at the end, but nothing from the Naga. I feel they would have worked at the ending scene with the skeletons, but eh
On animations, I noticed that the main character tended to "flick" every now and again. Yeah, bit of a moot point, but still annoying
Dialogue was still a bit odd in points
Pacing. In the last one I commended you on your pacing, however here it didn't work so well. There was too much exposition and not enough stuff inbetween it to break it up. I admit, the end part with the spirit? Good exposition. Having 3 seperate chats with the pirate? Bad
The dying man sound being played for... Seemingly no reason. By the end there, this started to annoy me, seriously
The end actually. He's gotten the powerful sword, he can do stuff, so... Suddenly he appears outside. Huh. Why not have him raise the sword into the sky (Proudmore's/Paladin's spell animation) and call down some lightning that resurrects skeletons from the ground or something? It just seemed a bit... Rushed. (Incidentally, this was the one part some emotion was shown from his voice acting, with the evil laugh)
Speaking of the sword, the god damn sword was floating a fair distance from his hand. A noticable distance. Okay, node editing isn't as well known as just modifying verticies, I know, but still, that was incredibly annoying, seeing this sword floating there
Final Thoughts:
Some problems from the original were fixed up, but the biggy is still there. Seriously, the voice acting. I could handle maybe one or two characters with a lack of emotion, but when the whole cast has it? It really detracts from the experience as a whole and hampers the entire thing. As I mention, this does have promise, however this time it has, yet again, missed the mark