• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!

The Hive Workshop Roundtable — Advertise your website here!

Level 9
Jun 30, 2016
Roundtable - Advertise your website here!

This thread is reserved for users that want to advertise their websites. Before doing that, make sure that the website
  • Belongs to you, or members of this and/or affiliated sites that have given you permission to advertise it.
  • Doesn't contain pornography and/or extremely hateful/discriminatory content.
  • Doesn't contain malware, viruses, or content that may harm the machine of the people browsing it.
  • Doesn't contain any illegal content, including bootleg software, commonly illegal drugs, and pirated/stolen material.
Posts that violate these rules, especially items 2 through 4, will be deleted. Depending on severity the user posting may also, by moderator judgement, be infracted and/or banned.


This should really go without saying, but we at Hive Workshop are in no way responsible for what happens on a site linked in this thread. We will do what we can to keep the thread clean of malicious links, but that's the extent of our abilities. Browse at your own risk.

Have fun!
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Level 5
Jul 11, 2007
Clan FSE

Originally based around the game I created and am working on, Fortress Survival, Clan FSE is expanding into a community for players of the game as well as WC3 custom gaming in general. The old forums had 60+ members and our recent switch is gaining members steadily. I'm amazed at how fast Fortress Survival is growing as a game and the community along with it is awesome.

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Level 8
Oct 8, 2005
Official Home Of Humans vs Orcs

Humans vs Orcs

Our web site is dedicated to the production of the highly popular map, Humans vs Orcs.
HvO is an AOS for Warcraft III. The difference between HvO and other AOS’s is that HvO
allows you to save your character. Between games, your character keeps its unit type,
experience, weapon type, weapon level, faction, and a job class. This game can only be
played online between at least two people. The object of HvO is to destroy your opponents'
base. To help you achieve your goals, this map contains custom items, item recipes, custom
heroes, mercinaries, new innovative charters, plus all of your favorite original Warcraft heroes.

The HvO staff is extreamly open to the public. We are always working hard on new systems and user suggestions.

| Fourms | Clans | Staff | Mapping | Downloads | Contests | Register Now |
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Level 9
Sep 8, 2004
The StarCraft ZoneControl Community


Although at the moment still small, yet growing, the community around my map will probably dramatically increase in size upon release of the newest version of the map.

The website contains information about the map, credits and news, as well as a forum to discuss the map and anything related that comes to mind. Everyone is invited to come take a look, ask a question, post a tactic or just leave a message.

Soon, the entire website will be updated featuring a real CMS (driven by a Joomla engine) and new looks, much improving from what it is today. Be sure to take a look!

Level 5
Jan 3, 2008
Urahara Workshop

Hello everyone. I would like you to introduce my website which was created around a month ago. The main content of the website is in a forum format. The website contains some maps that were made by different people. It also has some skins and models are on their way. The website is generaly about a map development team called Urahara Workshop but everyone are welcome too. You can join the team straight on the forum, but there is a thread here on Hive about it in the reqruitment section. Urahara Workshop team currently has 10 members and two ongoing projects, one of which will be amazing(by my standards), Im not sure about the other one.
People that are in the team can create their sub-teams for whatever project they want to do, but to become the leader of the sub-team you must first gain my trust(Urahara). Once you finish the project with your sub-team you dont really have to abandon the it(the team) but instead get to work on some other project. Projects dont always have to be the whole maps. You can start a project for example to make a bunch of models if you get lots of modelers in the sub-team or make some different story lines for others to look at and inspire them for another project. Urahara Workshop excepts everyone that is active and loyal.
The home page a part from the forum is currently under construction but will be finished pretty soon. The forum is quite active and getting up to 20 new posts a day. The more people join, the better community is and everyone will share more fun.
Thnks to everyone.
Level 9
Aug 11, 2007
Game On™

Game On is a typical video game forum. It offers a great community, and is growing! Please, come contribute, their is contests, cool ranks, a shop, and even a game being designed right now "Nintendo world" as it is codenamed.

This site will become big, i dedicate ALL my time to it, so please come check it out, and consider registering.


Here are some features:

Signature [With Pictures]
More Customizable Posts
Skin Selector
Member Reputation
Friend List
A little Flag Next to your name of your favorite country
And Achieving cool ranks is much easier and doesn't require donating [Like ACC].
A Mushroom Kingdom Role Playing game, where you make your own character and role play with it [This is optional]

Also, many, many more features.

Game On is a gaming site / supportive site, where you can get help on anything form homework to art. Nintendo is the gaming category.
So please, come check us out, and consider registering, it is a great community.

Please do not report this thread, just remove yourself from it. We have many people joining daily. Hope to see you their, mod positions are still open if you CAN mod.
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Level 11
Sep 1, 2006
The Infestation Forums

Infestation Forums:

The Infestation forums are the official home of the "Parasite" map series, a popular "whodunit" map in which players seek to eliminate an alien parasite in a unique space station setting.

These official forums can be used to discuss the map in a community forum and report bugs\imbalances, though the creator uses the site, he is busy with life and may not have time to look through each thread, or at all.

Everyone is welcome! Just please read the rules before posting, thanks!



Level 22
Aug 27, 2005
The Guilds Hub


The Guilds Hub is a new idea started by the clan 'Devils-May-Cry'. It's basic aim is to provide a safe and secure place for Clans, whilst keeping a strong community feel that active forums provide.

Each clan, thats signed up, have their own 'Private Area', in which only their members can see, a public area, for announcements about their clan (which only the leader and the Shaman can post in) and have access to the public space (such as 'General Chat', discussions about Warcraft maps and the like). It also provides users with a Roleplaying forum in which there are discussions about roleplays within Warcraft, and text-based roleplays that happen on the board. However, users have to opt-in to the latter due to an issue we had earlier this year.

The Hub even provides a radio (currently down at the moment) that users can listen to, contact for song requests or get shoutouts put onto the air. We're also interested in finding a few more DJ's, /wink wink.

Currently TGH only has 3 clans 'signed up', the founding clan (DsMC), Clan PCG and Clan TSOS. We are looking to expand this by recruiting more clan's onto the Hub, so please feel free to contact either myself or 'Razmataz' (the other forum administrator) about hosting, and we'll sort something out ASAP.

Although, if you don't belong to a clan, or your guild already has forum's, then still sign up; you'll have access to everything that other clans do minus the private space.

We are still in our infancy, thus still developing things, so don't take the forums as the 'final product', or as so to speak. We rely on feedback from our users to make the forum better, and better.

So, with that out of the way; sign up, look around, and join in the community! We don't bite too often, although I'd stay away from Ranna; she's a feisty one.

DevilAsh - Admin of The Guilds Hub.
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Warcraft 3 Armory

Warcraft 3 Armory is a site I have been sharing with DesKaladA. Unfortunately, the old site got spammed with bots, so we totally wiped the site and upgraded our software.

The Armory right now is a very, very small community, as lots of details are nearly finished, such as the general forum (I still need to add in gallery and off-topic forums), the resource section, while the site remains to a small board. A bit modified BB3 prosilver theme is current on the site until a poll closes, which will decide what theme the members of the site would use.

Well, I can't think of anything else to say about the tiny stupid little site.
Level 2
Aug 21, 2006

www.GameModding.dk is a game modding community.
So far we mostly mod Warcraft III, but other games will soon be avaible to discus. The site is runned by me (Gerlif), Ragingspeedhorn and Seruk.

The site is all in Danish, Swedish and Norwegian.
So mostly people from Scandinavian would be able to understand most of the sites content.

We also host the "Apocalypse" project's new website:
(Which is in english)
Level 13
Mar 14, 2008
MMO Souls , Check it out

Hello everyone !! I would like to tell you about my forums that I've just started . They are called MMO Souls and you can get lots of useful things in there including warcraft 3 maps and guides , WoW and other mmorpg discussions and server creation guides . Anyway here's the link ----> <----

PS.: Respect for hiveworkshop :)
Level 15
Dec 24, 2007
Warcraft 3 Creations


Greetings from Warcraft 3 Creations!

Warcraft 3 Creations is a new Warcraft 3 moding site recently started by me. Although our numbers are few, we hope to see it grow!

Warcraft 3 Creations has many services to offer including:

-Hosted Projects
-General Warcraft 3 discussion

And much more!

The site is currently home to the project: TES:WC3

Thank You for taking the time to read this and I hope to se
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Level 12
Dec 16, 2007


DDayWorld is Warcraft III modding community which hosts projects such as DDay: Judgement (one of the most famouse three corridors maps; made by DDayteam, editor: markone. This is main project of DDaywold), DDay: Xtremme, Blood of Heroes(editor: DG!Mortal) and upcoming secret project. Not so long ago we opened new section for Resources (models, skins, tools, icons, spells), where you can show your originality and skills. Forum "Learning Center" can help you in programming areas such as Visual Basics, PHP, ASP, World Editor and JASS. In "Entertainment Center" forum you can post your art works, pictures, jokes and post other offtopic.

In last months DDay had a lots of new projects, such as making heroes and items database for map DDay: Judgement (map has 82 heroes and nearly 300 spells; well we try that every hero has a unique spell not repetitive, so we will continue to work on that). Before work on databases I thought that it would be nice to make a DDay cinematic, some kind of trailer for upcoming version of DDay: Judgement. So it is done and new trailer is coming soon (with Gilles as terrainer, bob27 as coder and me as a writer of the script). Recently we made beta Replays Section where you can post your's game replays.

There are more than one hosting project on DDayworld. Blood of Heroes is one of them and it's editor is DG!Mortal. Map description:At the beginning you choose hero who you'll guide through the game and your job is to kill specific number of enemies (other heroes). On the way to meet with other heroes you will have to fight with creeps on your way and on that way you will collect needed experience and resources with which you can buy dozens of items which you can combine. For more information visit Blood of Heroes forum:

Blood of Heroes

So join us, post your resources, download our maps, have fun while playing them, post some of your's suggestions and be among 11 000 members of DDay community. Registration on DDayworld is free of course. If you want to affiliate with us just post it in this topic Ddayworld's Affiliates.

This is our banner:

Here are some important links:

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Level 9
Aug 11, 2007
Looking for Gamers

Or just about anyone, who would like to help a new forum populate, its been a few weeks, we are at 150 members, our newest project is Camp Game On:

[Here is a copy and paste]

Welcome to Camp Game On™!

You have been selected as some of the few who get to experience our first grand opening of Camp Game On™!

You may be wondering, "Umm whats this?" let me explain:

Camp Game On™ is a camp that will be opening once, maybe twice per year! This is a big event! Camp Game On™ is an online camp this is FREE may I add, FREE. It will consist of 5-10 Cabins [Depending on the number of people], and each Cabin will be elected a Cabin Leader. Each Cabin will consist of 5-10 people per cabin [Yet again, depends on the number of people]. You will get to name your Cabin also, a fun little twist insted of just "Cabin 1" "Cabin 2" ect...

Now, what to do at this Online Camp, well you must register first [Basically tell me you're in.], Then there will be Games, Minigames, and challenges for your cabin to complete, you must work as a team, so be sure you elected a good leader! The winning Cabin will get a prize, [You will be known through the forum, and basically become popular, and have bragging rights].

More detail on this is yet to come, there will be a week or so to sign up, so tell your friends! this is going to be a blast!


1. No offensive material [Swearing, pictures, ect...]
2. No spamming

So enjoy, if you have any questions, take a stop at the forum, or ask me right here.


So hope someone will join, it's a really great forum, cut it some slack :p

Level 5
Sep 13, 2007
The Area

The Area is a forum which covers many topics from debates and news to music and movies. It is a place for you to hang out and relax. The Area was created by Ghan_04, Orc_Tamer and myself.

Our community at the moment isn't big however we are growing and we hope you would help us grow! The Area has two features which make it unique and different from other forums.

Once more members register we plan to open the "Host a forum" project. Once opened, any member could suggest a forum. If the member will show there are enough people interested in it, and that he is responsible enough to moderate it, the forum will be opened and the member will become a moderator. All done with one single post.

The true thing we aiming for though, is to create a community run by members with moderators keeping everything in place. In other words, members have the power, not the staff; we want to create a forum for you. Please note that this doesn't mean we will let the forum become chaotic, not at all. Simply the members would have less limits and their word would mean more.

Also, in the future we plan to open a forum dedicated to Blizzard games. There will include Starcraft, Warcraft, World of Warcraft and Diablo.

Thanks for reading; we hope you'll join us at The Area!

Level 7
Oct 24, 2006
Jon Adrian's Modding Hub

The Modding Hub is a website that I have created using Blogger, a blogging service which holds many blogs and websites including the sites and blogs of my friends and family.

This is the place where my Warcraft III maps, my mods and a myriad of things related to modding, are showcased and put together. Some of my major projects are also contained there.

This is meant to be a user-friendly modding website for modders of Warcraft III and for other games that can be legally modified and have either a built-in or external editor (like: Starcraft Campaign Editor, Dune's Shai-Hulud editor, CnC Generals World Builder, Battle Realms Editor, etc.).

For now, this website is still a Work In Progress. The Tutorials, Terrain Gallery, Warcraft III FAQ, and DuneWorld (Dune games/mods inspired by Frank Herbert's novels) are not yet finished due to alot of map-making work. I hope I will have enough time to finish these sections.

When the website gets popular enough, I will add an individual section which contains tips and information on how to create custom maps/data for other games that I come across, and ways on how to use some external editors for those games.

If you want to know a website currently similar to mine, you look at Elilz Warcraft III Hoard. At first it was merely coincidential and it didn't matter, so I just designed by blog the way it was meant to be, and since it's a universal modding website, it's not only Warcraft III stuff that you read. Hmm, and I'm thinkin' of collaborating with him when he starts making maps again (when Sc2 is released according to him).

Thank you for reading through this thread!
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Level 11
Dec 15, 2007
Ω Domain


My forums are still a bit new.
Today is the first day I have began to invite people other than friends.
It's still going through some changes, and I wanted to finish them in.
But my friend Mei continued to bother me about inviting people.
I have a subforum dedicated to Warcraft 3.
I wanted to keep the site on an gaming/anime/fun chat type of theme.
I've never been good at recruiting so this is my pathtic attempt to do so =D
I am Zequiox, the owner there.
See ya soon!

Omega Domain
Level 4
Dec 4, 2007


AcidBatch is a forum dedicated to windows batch files. A batch file is very useful to people who want to save time doing multiple actions at the same time just by clicking an icon.

Lets say that you want to go to 4 different websites. By scripting a batch file you can go to those 4 website just by double-clicking an icon.

The community on AcidBatch is not very big, but we have a couple of friendly moderators that will keep the spammers etc. out of the forum!

So visit today and register to join the community!
Hi all, the interrested!

hello, i decided, the begining of the month, ... to create a forum with my friend about the World Editor... We now have 20 members... :wink: but it's far to be anof .. cause 80% of them are not even posting... So, i need your help!... (you can register to the forum if you want:thumbs_up: or not.. its your choice....)

So, i need your help to improve the forum.. to add usefull sub-forum etc.. so maybe.. people instead of looking at the forum will decide to register to it..:cry:

heres the link --> http://www.heliummaps.tk/

i will take all you comments... with a smile :grin:

(sorry for my english)
Level 2
Jun 16, 2008

Hello! I'm one of the mods on SC2Edit.com, and I figure I'd like to show off our little site.

It's a SC2/WC3 modding site first and foremost. That means WE help, and when SC2 comes out, SE help too. We have a download center for maps. We also have a nice off-topic section. We run SMF.

Furthermore, we host boards for clans. You can contact the admin ([email protected]) if you'd like to have your boards hosted there (IMO it's better than a free forum host, we give subdomains).

We hope to eventually be the top place for SC2 mapmaking, but we're willing to share glory with you guys here :p

Thanks for reading!

Level 24
May 20, 2007
OneElite Forums

Hello everybody,I welcome you to be an Elite at:
OneElite Forums,a place where you create/view/rate tutorials about .....everything.

OneElite Forum

Here you will start as a normal forum member,then easily evolve as you show us that you have the necesary experience in either a graphycian or a gamer.

We give you tutorials about everything,from games to small advices,your questions shall be answered.

Firstly introduce yoursef and then you are off,to create your tutorials or share you gaming experience with us,be the best.

If you ever feel tired of serious discussion ,come on at the Spammer Heaven and show us how funny you are.

And for all of this,all you require is some good english skill and nothing more.

Be a pro,be elite.

Level 9
Apr 4, 2004
Demon Slayed

Demon Slayed is a new started webcomic created by me. I'm currently trying to advertise it as much as I can, this being the first place I start at. I use World of Warcraft and WoW Model Viewer to make the comic. Here's a little info, can't give much away now as it's newly started and I don't want to spoil things.


Zandor, the leading character is a Blood Elf living a peaceful life with his girlfriend Cassandrah in Kaldor. When the story begins, Zandor is called to his master, Reildar who has something that he would find interesting. From here on, the story has yet to reveal its course.



Zandor is a Blood Elf who lives in Kaldor alongside his girlfriend Cassandrah.
His personality is that of a Paladin, yet
his fighting style is that of a Rogue.


Cassandrah is the lover of Zandor. She's a talented mage in the art of Arcane.
Unlike Zandor, her personality is more egoistic and she takes hers and
Zandors safety as the highest priority.


Reildar is presumedly the main villain in this story. He's a brilliant mage and alchemist
and a very clever strategist. His father was the founder of
Kaldors towns militia.


Nothing is currently known about this character other than that he will make an appearance soon.

If you'd like to read and follow the story of Zandor, please visit this link where I'll be updating the comic at least twice a week.

Demon Slayed



Level 22
Aug 27, 2005



HIVEChan is a site dedicated to the chronology of The Hive Workshop, and runs a wiki to do this. We're composed mainly of members from the Jury Of Awesome -- an invite only group -- and we're looking to expand our userbase.

We also run a set of forums that comes with -- or eventually will do, as soon as the code is finished -- anonymous posting, different areas and other more 'secretive' things.

We also run a 'quote of the week' system in which every week (starting on the Monday) we post a funny quote on the main page.

What makes this community and site so great is the fact that it's just starting out; you can be part of creating Hive History.

With a friendly, fun and active community, only one question remains; what're you waiting for?

Sign Up Today!

HIVEChan - www. hivechan .co.nr
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Level 1
Jul 26, 2008
Need a banner, sig, avatar, etc.?

Hey everyone!
I was just wondering if any of you needed a sig or avatar or banner or any other graphic to use here on your site!! If so, feel free to visit Open-Designs. We do these things for free where you can request them to be made by anyone on the site (Open Requests) or by the staff (O-D Requests). We also have tons of other stuff to do like a chat, gallery, arcade, shop, pets, and more. If you're interested in visiting then feel free to visit!

( Open-Designs - Index )
Level 1
Aug 27, 2008
FaU - map developing studio

Well me and my frend started to develop some maps and i made a site for that there every1 can read info about our newest maps that we will put there to upload and we will upload it here on the forum too.
We are a crew of 2 men but searching for more developers.
FaU-war3 map makin studio |
Currently we are on 2 maps 1 orpg (unnamed for now) and 1 map that im on: City Honor.
For more info visit our site.

Yours truly Dart_wader.
Level 5
Dec 24, 2007
Blizzfan-The ultimate Unoffcial Blizzard fan site

Blizzfan.net is a site about all Blizzard games like Diablo 3,upcoming Wrath of The Lich King,as well as old Blizzard games like Warcraft 3 the Frozen Throne,Starcraft:BroodWar,Lost Vikings and others. We present to users all news from Blizzard Entertainment,and all important game,news patches,and updates.We look forward to see you.See you on the site fans!
Level 9
Sep 6, 2008
1) Niller has 0 reputation and 2 posts, you have -8 reputation with only 15 posts.
2) No one will want to help because of what i just said and you have no information about the game.
3) There are no screenshots.
4) Work together in private before its atleast half way done then show us what you have.

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