• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!

The Hive Workshop Roundtable — Advertise your website here!

Level 27
Sep 24, 2006
Shattered World (Shards of Power)


Please read about it here.

URL: Shattered World

If you were intrested in this or think it was quite amusing or anything you could also be intrested in my new project God of Greed.

Which i will also probably make a site for with information but not just yet, i am not going to make the same mistakes with this new project like i did with shattered. And those were too much information, the inhabitants knew too much about their origins which didn't allow me to be flexible with things. Anyways, take a look at the new thing!

Although i presume not many would care ^^
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Level 2
Aug 30, 2006
Legion of Map Makers [LoM]

Clan LoM (Legion of Map Makers) is a considerably new mapping community on US West, Lordaeron.

Our main focus is to ensure members receive aid in all ways possible in creating their maps, and push their capabilities to a higher level.

Register today or drop by for a visit!

Clan LoM

Admin: A.o.C
Moderators: Bl4ck_Sh33p, Ardnived, Hoernchen
Level 13
Jun 5, 2008
Clan Fel Recruitment

We are looking for new active members to quild. We have few very active and helpfull/skillfull members that can help you with triggers/terrains/testing etc...

We also just got our new forum site open:

If you are interested in joining, you should be interested in map making and be somewhat active at making maps.

To join go to our forum site and register there and post joining application. Then somebody will add you to the clan. (Im burne- at the forums). You can also send pm to me or post here, if you have any questions.
Level 9
Feb 3, 2006
ShadowNasta Productions

Hey, Im Shadowz123,

Im a Founder, along side Tiranasta, Of ShadowNasta Productions, and we Design and Create Unique, fun and Interesting Maps for Warcraft 3. Here is a list of maps we have already created and Released:

Blair Witch
Blair Witch 2: DEMO
-World of Warcraft- V1.4
The Battle of Hearthengale ALPHA

Once Starcraft 2 Has been Released, SNP will start making maps on that, Because of its Improved Graphics and Shaders, We will be creating Nightfall on That, to make a Much more Scary Experience Never before seen in an Map!

We do have a Website.
ShadowNasta Productions

And a Forum
ShadowNasta Productions Forum


Level 5
Jan 3, 2008
AtsuiAnime.com - Software tutorials

My website has tutorials for different software, including Warcraft 3. At the moment, there aren't many tutorials, hardly any actually and only 4 users (including 2 admin accounts) in total. I have just started this website, and I need a lot of help from people that are able to write tutorials for software. If you are one of those people, please help me out, register at my site and submit a tutorial. If you know how to use a software, but it is not listed on my site, please contact me, and I will add it to the list.
Soon, the site will be improving quite a bit as I will have lots of time to spare on it. The money I will be earning from this website, will go towards my expenses at the university.
Level 19
Aug 31, 2008
Newly Created Forums

My 2 Newly Created Forums
--> I plan this because someone told me in chat room that i can advertise my site here so here it is now

1.Do you need some more warcraft III Models,skins,icons,maps,sounds,loading screens etc.? then go here and join us to have some more fun
- http://warcraftmostwanted.b1.jcink.com/index.php?act=idx

2.Do you want to join a forum that talk about Games,do u want to join a forum the can give you some Game console games,save files and cheats?then join us here.
- http://gamerzgalaxy.b1.jcink.com/

Level 9
Nov 3, 2007
Player HeadQuarters

Sup all. Player HeadQuarters is a new growing gaming community for all your gaming needs. We have sections for all games and more. We have a nice resource section. We also have places for clans to request sub forums and the works. We also have other things like writing and video and role playing for when your not in a gaming mood. We also own a vent server for those of you who like to chat with your fellow gamers. Theres not much more to say just come look at us for your self.

Player HeadQuarters
Level 2
Jan 19, 2009
Flash Panda

Hey guys, Flash Panda is a new flash community commited to flash games, animations and even flash art. We currently don't have too many members so thats why im here to try to get some new members. We also need more mods to moderate the different sections. We are looking for mature members who will respect the rules and contribute to the community. My Name on the site is Kaltiz and im the owner of the site, Pm me if you have any questions.

Flash Panda
Level 19
Aug 31, 2008
Deviant Art

well it's not my forum but my brother needs help Please join this forum and stay active
this forum is just like Deviant Art and Photobucket with tons of images and other graphics

Devian Art

This site Includes
-Shoutbox or Chatroom
-Army and RPG System
and other advance (future soon to have vbulletin page)




Level 22
Aug 27, 2005
Terrestrial Red!

Hello, dear reader, to the Terrestrial Red 'advertisement' thread.

Now, if you forgive me, I'll stop speaking in rhymes.

Terrestrial Red is a new, and fantastic, game being rolled out by members of the Jury of Awesomeness. The game itself is going to be a 'hack'n'slash' shooter mixed with elements of the RPG genera, making it a more than unique experience. The best part is, it's going to revolve around the Hiveworkshop! You've heard correctly, folks. The game will feature quite a few of the predominant members of the Hive Staff and userbase. Think about it, you could have your very own place in gaming history!

On the community side, Terrestrial Red shares space with HIVEChan, although it is not the same site altogether. It is both an active and fun place to be, with lax moderation and a real community feeling. You are, more or less, guaranteed to feel homely and fit in at HIVEChan.
Level 5
Mar 1, 2009

Click me to go to pivokproject's website! has its own URL
(Uniform Resource Locator)
We have a email for stuff, we have a lot of forum topics and a great group on warcraft 3 rounding people on the west side to make clan PPWC!
we are great people and we do have a programmer at work for mini games!
Go to us at
Pivokproject's Website
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Level 3
Jan 13, 2008
PolarGammon - Free Games

Hey guys!

A good friend of mine just started up his own site where he is currently offering a variety of fun games that can be played at no charge. I am just trying to get the word out because he made the whole site on his own and is paying for the hosting himself.

The site is polargammon.com, you can play Backgammon, Connect 4 and other fun mini games for FREE. You can certainly count on heavy competition there from other members as well as a ladder ranking for each game, personalized stats for each member, a friends list, and an automatic match making system for multiplayer games and much more. Visit Polargammon and enter the competition today!

Even if you don't think you would be interested, please at least visit the website. Thanks a lot!
The Map Registry!

The Map Registry is my attempt to create an accurate source for map related information.

Information includes:
Maps for all Blizzard games
Maps for other games
Information on map editors (Like NewGen)
And more.

Here is the link: http://mapregistry.comxa.com/index.php/Main_Page
Feel free to check it out, and maybe post a page or two!
If you need to contact me (bugs, bad pages, etc), my username is TheLifelessOne.

Have fun editing!
Archangle/Doom Team Homepage

Hello, I am the leader of The Archangles, we are a map making team that has a site we would like to have people support us for.

The Team Consists Of:

The Archangels:
Midnighters - Leader/Terrain/Triggers/Models
Wardude95 - Co-Leader/Testing
Da_Wookies_Kill - Skins/Models/Co-Triggers
The_Resistance - Ideas/Testing
ikillumon - Ideas/Testing
Frostdragooon - Skins/Models/Terrain

The Doom Team:

Everyone is all around, meaning everyone helps with everything.

If you would like to join our site it is Here

Thanks for anyone who will support us.
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Level 8
Apr 11, 2009
Warcraft III Ultimate

Yes it is a Warcraft III forum hosted by Forumcircle.

It is just in its beginning stages so I want people to register and make it atleast one of the top Warcraft III Fan and Resource sites.

I would be extremely happy if people here in the Hive Workshop would be good friends and register at Warcraft III Ultimate.

I wish you the best Hive Workshop users.
Level 12
Aug 7, 2004
JadeWars Community

Hi, this is a website I created two years ago, it is affiliated with Hiveworkshop and many other websites including D3W.


It started with the idea of making a game featured with a save/load rankings like one in NotD except that players can submit their code to a website that will display the overall rankings of players playing. So its sort of like an web-based ranking system that is user-oriented (user must do action to update their position).

Feel free to suggest improvements or comment on it.

If you're interested to have your map be implemented in the ranking system, you can go to the forum and post your map development :grin:

Level 19
Aug 31, 2008
WarCraft Xtreme: WarCraft Modding Community

Greetings! good you visited here, i'm here to present you one of the known warcraft modding communities, that is none other than WarCraft Xtreme!!

It is a warcraft modding community that distribute maps, models, skins, icons, spells and any other warcraft resources.. unlike any other sites this sites also allows you to share resources to other people too :)

Forum Stats:
Post: 11727
Members: 557
Active Members: 30 - 50
Resources: Around 1200

Why join us?:
Active members
enjoyable events
kind mods and admins

Level 12
May 7, 2008
Mini Wars Forum


Join the new rised community called Mini Wars! The main course of this community is to unite all of the [align=center]Mini Wars Players into one spot, so that they can be in touch with the newest informations.

Anyone who's interested into looking out for the community shall go here:


Note: Activate your account in less than 7 days or you else might get deleted from our database.

Community searches for it's new staff which are in the same time active and responsible. Anyone who's interested into being a moderator should contact me on Mini Wars Forum with their private application! You'll going to be tested and soon promoted if you're doing your job well! Of course, you'll have to say which category you want to moderate.
Battle Tanks - The official forum

About the site:
Btanks.net is the official forum and site for the Battle Tanks community.
The forums are directly reachable here.
From Bug Reports till Suggestions, General and Strategy Discussions, Editor Help and Hangout Spots - we feature everything. Just check it out ;)
You can apply for Betatests of new versions or directly take a part in the map's developement. Independent downloads and full changelogs are also available.

About the map:
Battle Tanks is a popular AoS-style map originally created by Bob666 aka N-a-z-g-u-l and continued by Exodus, Paladon and Velocity2k nowadays. Battle Tank features 23 different tanks, over 50 weapons and 30 equipment sets. It has some special features like auto-firing weapons, capturable Control Points across the map, a build-in AI, which can play on its own or take over the tanks of leavers. Battle Tanks also provides various different tactics like combat, support, trading, creep pushing or even building and suiciding, choose the weapons, tanks and items which fit your style the best.
You can also configure the game mechanics to your personal preferences in the Custom Mode.

The site also features a league system for the map, which allows you to fight for points to become the best BT-player of your realm!

We're looking forward to your participation! Everyone is welcome.
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Level 19
Oct 15, 2008
~Space Command's Forum, Join The Crew Now~

Want A Great Game To Play In Warcraft III? Then Join Now!

Well, I'll say this in behalf of the Space Command Forum [http://www.w3spc.co.cc/] :

Space Command is an exciting game resembling some other Real-Time Strategy games. It features a whole selection of Game Modes, Choices In Units and even other Hidden Secrets. Well, I can't really say a lot since I hardly know about it so much, but just to say this, once you play it, you'll never want to stop playing it, oh and do remember to join the forums and register, we're welcoming new members with open arms...
Level 9
Dec 17, 2008
Clan MapCraft [Clan Crft]

We are a newly developed mapping community split from the heart of clan LoM (Legion of Map Makers). The forums are new, clean, and monitored regularly. The community is open to both clan members and visitors, so drop by if you want. Host projects, create discussion, and most of all: enjoy yourself! We are actively recruiting new members for our roster, so if you feel the need to apply, visit our applications section or whisper "A.o.C" on USwest for an invite! *Rules apply to joining*




Our work/affiliate projects:
Sharpshooter Incursion - - [FPS]
Advanced Wars Arena - - [Arena/Heroes]
Tide of Cataclysm - - [RTS]
Forlorn ORPG - - [RPG]
Kingdom Under Fire - - [Scenario/Survival]
Level 10
Aug 15, 2008
Clan Boss

Boss Haven

We are multi-gaming clan on Northrend (Europe) server which was formed from many destroyed clans, making friendly clan. This clan was firstly created by Abokasee-Red, now Clan is ruled by DrPepper1 - Abokasee-Red's friend. Any player is welcome to us, we have great democracy, so you can discuss anything not hurting our normal rules. You don't need to join Clan Boss in Battle.net, you can easily just join our forums. In fact we can create user groups for other clans and their sub-forum, giving chance that other clans can be in our good community. We have few mapping contests and gaming contests where you can compete against others - even artist contest lead by our Clan logo creator, BottleOfWater aka ColdBreatH. As I said, any Clans or people are welcome in our community.

Level 5
Jun 6, 2009
Clan SoTK

Soldiers of the Kingdoms

Clan SoTk is a Broken Alliance, War of the Twelve Kingdoms, War of the Lost Kingdoms, Risk based Clan located on Us East. If intrested in joining please stop by and visit the channel clan sotk, preferable with above average skill.
Warcraft 3 Supreme


Warcraft 3 Supreme History
First up was the website Sole Company(later Shole Company) witch hasnt given the users the right to upload their map.After 1 year a user suggested to change form website to forum. A search of 2 months beguine for the best forum host.Smfnew was the last option before the Shole Company Team wanted to give up. But SMFnew has shown as a great forum host and is now used to host Warcraft 3 Supreme. On the 12th October in Wc3s(Warcraft 3 Supreme) was posted the million post hosted by Smfnew so we won a free domain for 1 year.

Basic Info
Warcraft 3 Supreme was found on 6th August 2009 , so its a newly formed forum.We are trying to get more members, post, models, maps, skins, tools and so on like the Hive Workshop.We have not jet a minimum quality for skins or models, as we haven't so much members that are skilled in that area.
We are a friendly forum but we punish hard thous who break a rule. For Clan Leaders there is a special forum where the leader can or add his Battel.net or Garena Clan to the wc3s forum,surly you ask your self right now "What where how?" so here is the explanation:
You send a pm to Shole the admin of the forum(witch is me) with the request of an own clan forum or clan room with a rank image that your members would have(up to 40kb size). Then I will make you a chat and a board witch you will be moderating and no one else except the members will see that board.
We have a little problem with files bigger then 3MB witch we are trying to solve it and until then you cant upload any file bigger than that.

I hope you will enjoy visiting Warcraft 3 Supreme

Warcraft 3 Supreme Project:
Dragons Path
Dragons the most feared creature known,but yet the dragons never wanted to hurt or destroy anyone they were the proof that fire is not always standing for death.
The dragons intending not to eat they fall into an spirit stance similar to sleeping but they didnt waist any energy but grown stronger and stronger day after day, month after month, year after year.
So have many century's passed.
And they should continue resting until.... the day came as the humans arrived.
The humans started to tear down forests,to destroy mountains transforming them into mines making loud noises, destroying the life near them,all that was in the way was destroyed.....
Big citys have been made,wars have been fought and the dragons started slowly to wake up.
The ultimate mistake has been made when the King of the near by city founded the Golden Claw of the Dragon god.
As soon as he removed the artifact the dragons have been awake and started to destroy every village in their area.
The dragons then moved to an acient temple witch has been build as a shrine it soon become a lair for the dragons.But even so mighty and powefull the dragons could not fight much without their most valuble power source was taken away.
The only hope were the 10 Nature Dragons.
Their mission is to find and bring back the Golden Claw so that the dragons may hide it and can rest in their spirit stance for eternity.

Team Working on:
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Level 10
Feb 20, 2008
Naruto Tribute Home[Website]

Naruto Tribute & Wc3 Anime

Some poeple Might know since i made Dbz Tribute Supreme & Rebirth(not very proud of) i decided to make a Map based on Naruto Series

so i made a website Dedicated to Naruto Tribute & WC3 Anime : I encourage anime lover to take out a look on this new forum!!

thast sure my website aint better than Hive but anyway we got Cool feature.

the website is clear : Some update for the website will also come out with times!!

i decided to open the forum because there is no1 better than Registered user to check out for suggestion or misspelling

Rules are almost same as here!!

you can also look at my project in the hives here

since its been long time i used this forum i think i could tell people where i am now :)

Thx for all Support & help brought by THW :)
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Shole Company

Shole Company
Shole Company is a new site for Warcraft 3 Resources and Tutorials. it is new but it has all the mods like in THW only that THW is 9000xbigger
We are woeking on a custom theme and we try to get as many active users as we can.
If you are good with a warcraft 3 resource there are still moderators posts avabile
We hope you will wisit as at
and join us and help us geather as much tutorials as we can for WE models, skins and so on....
The perfect site for your Map projects !
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Level 3
May 6, 2009
First Gaias Retaliation ORPG and other ORPG Clan USEast

Hi community,
Some of you might know the great rising Gaias Retaliation ORPG that has been getting numerous tons of hits.

CLAN WEBSITE LINK : lastgamingsociety.hqforums.net

Now there is one of the biggest rising ORPG clans on the net.

Whisper ncommand- reconcile ookaneoo taigongwang evil-kevin or any of the other clan members on USEAST.

The channel is clan HMx on USEAST.

Great clan, friendly, and some of the best players on the battle.net!

-Clan Meetings
Not to mention some of the bigger ORPG creators reside in this clan such as the creator of Wars of Warcraft Serb7 and Land of Oblivion's Oblivion19

CLAN WEBSITE LINK : lastgamingsociety.hqforums.net

Again this is a Gaias Retaliation ORPG clan with some side ORPG's as well played.

Please whisper any of the contacts above and post below for your chance to join!