Hive Workshop Roundtable

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Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Where is this round table located? I don't see any new forums.

Edit: Found it! Not a bad idea, but do you really think you will get a lot of people going in there, and will anyone from this site go to the other sites through it?
Level 32
Oct 23, 2006
Round table, eh? The name sounds silly.

Also why are only wc3 and sc related sites can be presented? You will propably get 1 or 2 threads there ever. Why not allow any type of sites?
  1. Ralle himself bestowed the name: Roundtable
    1. A conference or discussion involving several participants.
    2. Round Table
      a. In Arthurian legend, the circular table of King Arthur and his knights.
      b. The knights of King Arthur considered as a group.
  2. Sites unrelated to Warcraft and Starcraft may be admitted only after consideration and by the consent of THW's administration.
I think it's a great idea.
Thanks. The forum is an old brainstorm that took FOREVER to implement. It's hoped that our Roundtable will provide a friendly, welcoming atmosphere for established or aspiring webmasters to promote their site(s) at our homey Hive.
Level 32
Oct 23, 2006
Forum Posts

...why can't we post other people thread in round table?
There are some very important reasons.
  • Once created, a submitted site's thread stands alone on its own merit.

  • No site's Hive Workshop Roundtable seat will ever get flamed.

  • No one's thread will ever be subject to spam content.

  • No commentary, discussion or additional posts are possible, so people can't periodically bump threads to say:
    • "Hey my site has two new members, come over and meet them!"
    • "My site needs more maps, submit some now plox."
    • The site is down today, stay tuned for further updates..."
Therefore, while all Hive Workshop users (if authorized by a site's administration) may present content to our Roundtable, no one may ever criticize that submission (positively OR negatively) here at THW: they must visit the actual site itself if they want to contribute.

The new forum is primarily designed to accommodate those visiting webmasters who in the past were unable to post their link due to Advertising restrictions.
Level 7
Feb 14, 2008
so... we can advertise a mapmaking community. would that include clans? or is that too small a group and its unoffical?

also im not exactly clear on the idea of a forum where something is advertiseed, then theres no talking. so they advertise it? its then approved and put there? and then we cant talk? is that it?

i dont find it a bad idea or anything, i just aint too clear on it.
Level 32
Oct 23, 2006
so... we can advertise a mapmaking community. would that include clans? or is that too small a group and its unoffical?

also im not exactly clear on the idea of a forum where something is advertiseed, then theres no talking. so they advertise it? its then approved and put there? and then we cant talk? is that it?

i dont find it a bad idea or anything, i just aint too clear on it.
You've pretty much got it right, TheAncient. No clan site is too small. All Warcraft/Starcraft modding or gaming sites are welcome at The Hive Workshop Roundtable.

Some possible exceptions might include:
  • Sites with content deemed extremely inappropriate by THW's administration shall be disallowed.

  • Sites whose administration claims that their site has been grossly misrepresented by an impostor will be closely investigated. Any user unwise enough to violate another site's integrity shall be punished most severely.
Level 32
Oct 23, 2006
basicly do you mean clans will be allowd so size doesnt matter, or no they are too small to qualify?
The former. I suppose it only takes one webmaster (or clan member) to create a clan website. So as long as the website (or clan) clan has at least one member, it would be welcome at the Roudtable.

Here follows the information included in Hive Workshop Roundtable Guidelines.
This "roundtable" forum allows visiting webmasters to present their sites to our community. Acceptable roundtable content includes all Warcraft and Starcraft related forums and game modding websites. Sites unrelated to Warcraft and Starcraft may be admitted only after consideration by and the consent of THW's administration.

Hive Workshop Roundtable forum guidelines
  1. All Roundtable threads must be approved by THW's administration.

  2. All Hive Workshop users and visitors have a seat at our Roundtable and may view its content.

  3. Each website's webmaster (or designated administrator) may create one thread here to present their site, describe its community and detail its content.

  4. Roundtable contributors may edit their own post at any time to provide updates.

  5. Once posted, Roundtable threads may not be posted in, bumped or revived by thread creators or other users.

  6. This Hive Workshop Roundtable forum now supersedes:

    Community > FAQ > THW Rules > General Rules > Advertising

    • [rainbow]That important stricture still applies to all other Hive Workshop forums, threads and posts![/rainbow]

  7. Questions and inquiries regarding The Hive Workshop Roundtable should be posted in Hive Workshop Roundtable or THW's Admin Contact forum.

Shall I or shall I not post (threads) about some (used-to-be-in) clans of mine..
And also the Infestationforums.. Hmm..

That ok?..

Each website's webmaster (or designated administrator) may create one thread
Are you the webmaster or administrator of those sites? If so, you may post the site. If not, no.
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