• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!

The Hive Workshop Roundtable — Advertise your website here!

Warcraft 3 Ticket Help


What is it?

Warcraft 3 Help is a software where you sumbit a ticket with the question or problem you have with a warcraft 3 resouce(from maps to tools) and we help you resolve it.

What we need?

We need somepeople who know about a resource to be a staff member "Moderator" .

If you want to help others or need help the best place to search is on wc3h http://wc3s.x10hosting.com/
Level 1
Jan 28, 2010
Warcraft 3 Anime


Well my friend and I run this forum. We made about a month ago.
We have custom models, spells, skins, maps, and more. We also allow people to post there Map Projects. And We help them with those 100%

Members: 125

It would be great if some of you hive members could join my forum.
Level 19
Nov 16, 2006
Team Fantsy - modding & gaming united


Hello there and thanks for checking out this topic, you won’t regret it!

So, who are we?
We are team fantsy. A team made out of previous clans which have been through a lot.
Our occupation/job now is to reside in both gaming & modding.
We currently have a great download page to accept submissions of our dear members, as we will gain more stuff into the future!

We aren’t “just another team”, no, we are a team which wants to keep both gaming and modding online in a fun and fair way.
That’s why we are hosting money contests (modding), money tournaments (gaming) and money custom gaming tournaments (modding & gaming!).
Never seen before, we are the ones keeping our promises towards members to keep every essential part of Warcraft 3 alive with more than others ever did.
If you are curious and if you’re feeling something for this then please take a look here: http://www.team-fantsy.com/ !
This is our basic information, more information may be found below.

So, more?
Beside the features I’ve explained above we also grant the ability to host projects, through our website or even by a web link. If you have questions about anything, we’ll assure that you’ll get an answer. We’re also getting a lot of new features in the future. For example a chat, gaming replay(s) parser page, clan war page, a submission for playing your modding game on gaming events, and so on! We want to give only the best, in exchange for a good friendship and contribution.
Ah.. And here we end with this part, so… We’ll hope to see you around!


  • tfansmall.png
    16.6 KB · Views: 229
Level 18
Feb 2, 2008
Bol Productions (Reqruiting People)

What is Bol Productions: we are a group of mapmakers that specialise on Custom WarcraftIII campaings but also solo maps.

So why this thread?: We would like to invite people to this group of mapmakers

The hiveworkshop is a place for mapmakers so why this? We think that we could help out many people and support ther projects by helping them or finding people for them.

If you would like to join go to www.bolproductions.tk and join as a member or send me a PM on hiveworkshop.



People we personally need for are project are:

2d artists
Voice acters
Level 18
Feb 2, 2008
Projects done: Lotr builder its a map that has races frome lord of the rings its my first map map for wc3 but to be honest i never really made a big project and now i finally did its going good and im sure not a person that lets this die. We currently are working on Albian rpg campaing if you want info i could send you a link to the thread.

Benefits: we support your map and we shall try to help you in anyway if we do not have the time for it we shall find you somone or give you advice.

You should join because: we are a fun group all of us love making maps and we accept evryone if your noob or pro it doesnt matter. what does matter is your project cause we support other projects but only if we think thay are good enough or got atleast a beta or demo.
Level 5
Aug 7, 2007
So you have one released map (you or the group. The two are two different entities)

You currently have a project in development, and are asking for other people to join you so as to take on more projects? You understand there is a difference between groups that slap their name on completed maps and a mapmaking group, right? Which one are you? Are you a quality assurance group, or does your group make maps? If it makes maps, why is it looking to take on a bunch of additional projects when it has one in development now?
Level 18
Feb 2, 2008
We are working on a project. We are a group that would like to support other people with helping them making a map or helping with a project. We do not wana slap are name on completed maps if you mean with this that we like to put are name on a map finished by somone else than i would like you to leave this thread cause thats definitly not what we do or wana do. We are a group that wana help people inprove there map and help them with things and if we cant help them than we find a other way and yes we are working on a project and search for people. We try to create a big group of mapmakers that specialize in creating campaings but also solo maps. so that we both can help each other.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
Roleplaying Forum Community: The Roleplay Resistance

"In this desperate time where RP sites come and go, The Role Play Resistance will rise up against all other odds and survive."

Me and several of my friends over the years have been apart of many roleplaying sites and have roleplayed on several games throughout the years. This is our latest forum and we promise it is a welcoming, generous, and full of professional roleplayers(that aren't to professional to still have a good time might I add).

Anyway. We are always looking for new roleplayers to continue to practice the art that we love even during these rough times. Any roleplayer will surely have a good time on this site and even further their skills to an extent. Also as long as you are willing to learn and want to have fun as well, any "beginner" is welcome as well.

Please investigate our site. You will not be sorry.
(However, please keep in mind that the site is not to its full splender considering our recent move from a previous site, but we are still and always available to roleplay.)

The Roleplay Resistance

With Care,
Level 1
Nov 1, 2007
Randumb Productions Forums


Site Name: Randumb Productions Forum
Site URL: Forum Page
Description: The RP Forums are the official forums of the YouTube sketch group, Randumb Productions. If you visit the Randumb Productions Fan Forums, you can suggest things for Julian (star of Smashing Stuff) to smash, you can even send him your smashables! While on the forums you have access to dozens of other fans to chat about Randumb with, or chat about plenty of other things! You can also talk to the cast and crew of Randumb Productions!
Level 2
Mar 26, 2010
Nezgolur Gaming

Hey guys, im not going too be noob and leech forums and not advertising,

but does hive affliate websites in anyway possible?

i own active forums and were currently new, we have over 90 members and its mainly a hon forum that give out beta keys etc.

website adress: removed
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Level 7
May 21, 2009
Join Wolf Squadron

-Wolf Squadron is a newly formed clan of gamers, including Warcraft 3: Frozen Throne. We will focus clan activities on a wide varities of online and non-online gaming, with Warcraft 3 at the top of the clan activities list.
-I would like Wolf Squadron to have a large number of Warcraft 3 mapmakers and players, which is why I posted this thread on THW.
-If you cant access the site from the address above you can also use www.wolfsquadron.webs.com and use links to reach the site.
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Warcraft And Starcraft Map Reviews


An new forum for Warcraft and Starcraft Map Reviews.
If you would like to tell someone about the experience you had with a map positive or negative this is the right place to do it.
The forum is pretty new but it will be with a lot of mods(like award system reputation system and so on).
I hope you will join us and help people finding the right map to play.

Level 15
Feb 15, 2006
SC2 Modding Information Center is on the road.

Hi everyone:

This is my promotional post for SC2 Modding Information Center.

I've been very interested in the possibilities of SC2 modding and for that reason I've decided to start a site to share and learn with the SC2 community. It's in Beta stage so I'm open to hear suggestions and ideas.

This site is documentation and project centered. The documentation part allows to develop your tutorials and they will be managed as articles which will be published and accessed from the forums.

The project section will allow the hosting of sc2 mods ideas. It will not only offer a forum, it will offer additionally a project tracking interface where the users can submit bugs, features requests and keep an organized communication with the developers. And the developers will have an organized way to manage all this information.

This site does not want to compete with other sites, totally the opposite, my vision is a site which contribute with the generation of information and to help in some way with the development of SC2 modding from the community side.

If you have comments and suggestions, feel free to post here. Thanks for reading.
Level 4
Apr 21, 2006
Life of a Terran Website + Forums

Doctor-Pepper and I founded Team Smile (Undecided Name) in the beginning of 2010. At this moment, we got 6 active members.

Team Smile is a SC2 Mapmaking team. Our main map project is Life of a Terran, but we will also make other, smaller maps.

What we are aiming for, is a community that help us and give feedback at our forums, while daily checking our website for news and updates.
We are not going to post anything else than Team LoaT-related news.
Level 15
Mar 9, 2008
The Role Play Brewery

A role-playing game is a game in which the participants assume the roles of characters and collaboratively create stories.


Newly formed Roleplay forum with experienced and mature comunity. Anyone willing to play roles or create own roleplays is welcome. Heck everyone is welcome to participate. Roleplay newbies are always treated with respect and tolerance. If you have any kind of issue or question (forum related) feel free to contact the administration. Current admins are Zan105 and Velmarshal.

We eagerly await your arrival.
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Level 3
Apr 1, 2009
Clan AIS- Largest Clan in Azeroth

As people know , warcraft 3 is dieing but however we, Clan Ais, just survived it first year birthday (9/27/10). we are active in channel clan ais @ azeroth and continue to grow ! This is our forums and will continue to stay active via starcraft 2 , warcraft 3 , eve online , league of legends, and much much more.



Level 7
Aug 21, 2010
Vardix's Website

Hey guys. Though my website is not strictly related to Warcraft 3 or any Blizzard games, I do have some content on it that is related to Warcraft 3 and HiveWorkshop. If you guys have the time to take a look and leave a comment here to tell me how you like it, that would be great.

First of all, this website is my personal homepage. That means it contains a lot of different types of content, and it is not strictly for one thing. This website is updated pretty often as I'm still working on it and adding new things, so changes may occur. Below is the link to my website:

Link: http://icedrake.weebly.com/

Very important: Please note that I am Icedrake. It is my other alias, and the other name I go by besides Vardix.

When I read the guidelines for posting in the Roundtable, it says that posts need admin approval, but I am not sure where to get such a thing, so I am assuming that this post will be checked by an admin before it is posted here.

Thanks. :)
Level 14
Oct 18, 2008
Screenshot Database (for chat)

As we all know. The chat is a place that can be fun and entertaining. Some people like to use the Quote Database, but others prefer images. Some people say, "why not the albums?" Well, do you really want to look through all the albums of each user to find funny screenshots? the Screenshot Database is the solution. Currently in [beta], you can login and post screenshots, view recent entries, and browse through he entire list. As more features emerge, the easier and more convenient it will be to keep track of your image uploads.
Level 3
Jan 23, 2010
UnforgivenGamers [Awsome new gaming forum]

There is a BRAND NEW forum for a popular general cause, Gaming, and tech. This is a brand new forum looking for brand new members and even a staff. If your interested: join and apply to become a staff member!

We have a really cool system called uPoints:
uPoints can be used to spend and collect on the UnforgivenGamers forum. uPoints can be spent to buy avatars, signatures, software, and ANYTHING else you could possibly think of.
uPoints are obtained by posting and making threads on the UnforgivenGamers forum. +1 uPoint per post. +2 uPoints per post.

This really cool feature is now available at:

Level 7
May 21, 2009
Attention Starcraft! Wolf Squadron has reformed!

Attention all Starcraft II players! Looking for a gaming clan that's serious about being active and having a community that cares what you think? Wolf Squadron has re-opened and has a new recruiter and leadership. All we require are members! Check out our new ranking system and grab yourself a banner (like in my signature) to help promote our clan!

Stop messing around! Join the revamped Wolf Squadron!
Level 3
Aug 29, 2007
Nordrassil Radio is recruiting new DJs!

Greetings fellow gamers!

I am from Nordrassil Radio, the biggest gaming online radio station in the world! We cover everything from console gaming to PC gaming, even Macs sometimes! World of Warcraft to Call of Duty, all the way to Minecraft! We also host interviews with some of the biggest internet stars. People we have interviewed include big names such as Totalbiscuit, Yogcast, Jesse Cox (OMFG Cata), Paragon, Method, Ensidia, Tejbz, AnderZEL and ROOTDestiny.

We were at Dreamhack Summer 2011, the largest digital festival in the world. We took our friends, Totalbiscuit and Paragon, with us and made a big success. Not only where we the official radio station there, we also provided the most populated booth at Dreamhack. The CEO of Dreamhack invited us back to Dreamhack Winter 2011. We’re also aiming for i43, the UK’s biggest digital festival and Assembly Findland, Finlands largest digital festival.

As you can see we are not just a radio station, but we also attend many different events with famous names like Totalbiscuit, Paragon etc.

Now we’re looking for YOU! We are now looking for more DJs and moderators to join our rapidly growing team. We are looking for people over the age of 18, with a good sense of humour, a good microphone, a nice personality and fluent in English. We are looking for all kinds of personalities, everything from a calm laid back guys to hardcore gamers. But most importantly, gamers!

How to become a DJ:
We use Sam Broadcaster to broadcast our radio, big plus if you’ve used it before. You are required to learn it, but we can teach you if needed. If this sounds like you then please create a 30 minute sample of a typical show you would like to do, with minimal music use and upload it somewhere, then e-mail [email protected] with a link to the sample and some more information about yourself. We look forward to hearing from you!
Level 16
Apr 18, 2011
Gaming Community (wc3 & SC2)

Tactical Carnage is a gaming community that focuses on one key vision. Provide the member with a friendly and relaxing gaming atmosphere. In order to succeed in providing that we have a zero tolerance on drama, disruptive or immature behavior and disrespectful behavior toward guests or members of our community. Tactical Carnage is a cheat, hack and exploit free community. Those who take part in any of the listed offenses will be subject to removal from the community on their first offense.

We support a wide range of games. Our largest areas are World of WarCraft and League of Legends as of right now. We support most Steam games and have several servers spread across Counter-Strike 1.6, Counter-Strike Source and Team Fortress 2. Leadership opportunities currently available in Counter-Strike Source and Team Fortress 2. Actively supporting Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 (Live) as far as consoles are concerned. Just started supporting facebook games too!

We're recruiting new members and also coordinating merge opportunities for smaller clans, teams, guilds and communities to merge into our gaming community. This will provide an opportunity for those that lead smaller organizations to run things their way but utilize the resources that we have at our disposal as a gaming community. Contact me for details if you would like to merge into us. As long as we don't already have an existing leader, if accepted you will be able to run things for that specific game your way just under our name. Once we fill a server we get another server so we have tons of resources at our disposal.

Community Administrator: Chris
Contact Email: [email protected]
Steam Contact: http://steamcommunit...d/tacticalchris

Community Website: www.tacticalcarnage.com (Also www.tcpgc.com)

External Community Website(s): These are listed below for you to follow us on them!
Facebook: http://www.facebook....170880979630529
Steam: http://steamcommunit...ps/TcPgC-Public
Xfire: http://www.xfire.com...acticalcarnage/

TeamSpeak 3: Yes, though it is not required to be part of our community. Strongly recommended though!

Thank you for reading and if you have any questions definitely visit our website or contact chris using my above details.


Department Head, Tactical Carnage
Professional Gaming Community
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Level 1
Jul 25, 2011
Tree Tag Challenge

Hi.. we are tree tag lovers .. we love to play tree tag games almost every day for the past 5 years... we are looking for a friendly match. If you considered yourself an excellent tree tag players and are getting bored because you win the games all the time and looking forward to exchange skills and knowledge with another tree tag lovers, please contact us. You can reach us at: www.t2gm.net
Level 6
Nov 14, 2010
My clan and map site

My sites are for Wc3 but also we will talk about other things if we feel like it.
Our clan site I made for the leader is war3clangorp.enjin.com. And the site I made for my map being worked on by two members from this community also named Darkgrom and Mr_Bean987. Site is warcraft3.enjin.com
Hello, I am the owner of a warcraft 3 modding site, and other warcraft 3 related things. We are currently working on improving the activity and number of members. We have great staff, and some nice functions...Such as our pet system.

We also have some cool usergroups you can join..OR MAKE YOUR OWN!
We also have a Virtual Dollar shop for special stuff like, Pets

We need some help thinking of some more things in the Site shop. With items for the shop(NOT RL ITEMS!!!!)
Or if you map is good enough the staff will put it in our "Hosted Projects" Forums which is your very own forum dedicated to your map!

The site link is right below:
Warcraft site

And if you want please help us out by advertising. By perhaps spreading the word. If you join our site and start advertising for us and get people to join you can get some special things.
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Level 1
Aug 23, 2011
New Gaming Community


New gaming community with a couple of game servers to start with.

Currently looking for some admins and game moderators to keep the servers moderated and some scripters to help with site design.

Our site link is http://ad3pt.dyndns.org/

our chat is http://ad3pt.dyndns.org/chat
no password required

not 100% sure if I posted this in the right area but if I didn't I apologize in advance
Level 1
Sep 11, 2011
Evercraft | Hardcore PvP | 100+ On at times | 300 Slots | No Whitelist | Factions

I didn't see an area where I could post my minecraft server. I hope this is the place, if not may you please move it I am sorry.


Video trailer ^

Evercraft is the largest Hardcore PvP Server with over 100 online at times. We also have 300 slots so you almost never can't get on.

We have several plugins and features that allow our server to be very fun.

Read more here www.evercraftnowhitelist.tk

IP - evercraft.sytes.net

Forum - www.nickthelim.com/Forum
Level 1
Oct 1, 2011
Tactical Carnage Gaming Community!

Tactical Carnage is an international gaming community that focuses on one key vision. Provide the member with a relaxing and enjoyable gaming atmosphere. Doing this isn't easy but having top quality services for members to utilize and having a zero tolerance on drama, disruptive or immature behavior and disrespect toward guests and members... We do a pretty good job at keeping the vision a reality!

Tactical Carnage is a cheat, hack and exploit free community. Those who take part in any of the listed offenses will be removed from the community.

Our community has a few thousand members spanned across around thirty different games. We also have leadership opportunities available! We have a total of five game servers across Steam games and two voice servers for members to utilize.

We're recruiting new members and also coordinating merge opportunities for smaller clans, teams, guilds and communities to merge into our gaming community. This will provide an opportunity for those that lead smaller organizations to run things their way but utilize the resources that we have at our disposal as a gaming community. Contact me for details if you would like to merge into us.

Community Administrator: Chris
Contact Email: [email protected]
Steam Contact: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tacticalchris

Community Website: www.tacticalcarnage.com (Also www.tcpgc.com)

External Community Website(s): These are listed below for you to follow us on them!
Facebook: www.facebook.com/taccarnage
Twitter: www.twitter.com/TacticalCarnage
Steam: www.steamcommunity.com/groups/TcPgC-Public
Xfire: www.xfire.com/communities/tacticalcarnage/
YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/TacticalCarnage

Thank you for reading and if you have any questions definitely visit our website or contact me


Founder, Community Administrator
Tactical Carnage Gaming Community
Level 30
Sep 30, 2008
EnGamer.net Beta

Evening fellow Hivers!

I'm here to extend an invitation to all our users. As some of you may know, I have begun a new web project known as EnGamer.net

EnGamer.net will become a centralised gaming news community that will deliver updates for your favorite existing and in-production games and provide an active and friendly community to discuss and share your gaming experiences with.

The site is currently in development and I'm looking for some keen individuals to test the site. You will be among the first to use the site and have the power to help shape the final product :)

The site can be found at:

Username: EnGameTest
Password: brokenSword44

Once you have access to the site, simply create an account and login! I invite you all to try your hardest to break the site in any way you can Please report any general bugs you find within this thread.

If you find any major security issues, please PM them to me so that they may be resolved as soon as possible.

You are also more than welcome to suggest improvements for the site :)

Happy testing all!
Level 19
Nov 16, 2006
Nexus Core - Reestablished [Gaming & Modding]

Nexus Core,
Reestablished September 2011

Nexus Core - Welcome
"Side by side, stronger together"

Currently we reside on Warcraft III, League of Legends, Minecraft, Starcraft II

About us

Founded by Xarwin (me) on September 2010, started off with building up a website with some old school members. After some difficult circumstances we had to hold back for one year. Now we're back and at the moment we are expanding ourselves, getting a bigger name.

What do we offer

Teamspeak 3 Server
Minecraft Server
Media section

A download section
Games which will be tested by a lot of us
Project section with certain conditions

Zero tolerance on hackers, glitchers and cheats
Fair and balanced games
Events (Because gaming together is so much better)
Gaming with integrity
Known allies (everyone has a specific rank based on their gaming skills)

And more!

What do we expect?

A friendly attitude
An active contribution to the website
People who want to make new friends

Players who don’t use cheats, hacks or glitches
Players who are fair, pleasant and mature
People who are looking to make new friends and who want to be an active part of our community
Team players
Weekly or monthly attendances

What we do NOT want

Whiners, people who moan or have bad attitudes
Immature, abusive people or flamers

If you are interested to throw a look at our website, feel free to do so at http://www.nexuscore.org/ .
Hoping to see you around.

For further details reply here or simply PM me at the Nexus Core website.

Best regards,
SliD's WC3 Gaming Challenges


I'll present you my clan's gaming challenges website :


Everyone can register and try to make the challenge.

Each challenges done give you points. And so make you progress in the ladder. The points given by a challenge depends of the difficulty.

They are 5challenges categories : Slide, Maze, TD, BNET (alias Melee) and Speed/Others.

For understand how the site works, you can look the tutorial video on the home page.

The site wasn't coded by me, but by GosP (alias Winnertony).
Level 9
Jun 5, 2011
The Æthereal Souls Order

The Æthereal Souls Order


I'm glad to say that the ÆSO Team has just formed their own forum.
Here all the ÆSO Team Members can discuss and so can the fans of their productions.

For the moment the team is formed from:
(some of them may not have Hive accounts)

This is basically a forum for Warcraft III modding and discussion. We are open and glad to welcome any new member that wants only to get subscribed to updates about the team's work or even wants to become part of the team.

We would like to see many people coming in but we expect all that join to become "æthereal souls". In other words we expect only good, friendly and creative people that understand what a good Warcraft III map is.

We don't want any type of trolls, flamers or other sorts of people that look for arguments and thread fights.

The forum is open to both players and modders.

Please feel free to join! >>> ÆSO
Level 2
Nov 19, 2011
SC2Mods Subreddit (alternatively: Promote Your Badass Maps)

I've created a subreddit to help promote SC2 mods and I need you to post your awesome mods. That said, I'm super elitist- Reddit is a powerful untapped source of captive audience members (the general starcraft subreddit has over 75k subscribers) and I don't want to disappointing them with poorly made TDs and Tug mods. The keyword here is MOD- creations with substantial changes to game mechanics, custom UI, and engaging gameplay. If you submit something crappy, I'll remove it.

I'm waiting till we get enough good submissions before making the subreddit public- that way people will actually subscribe once it's launched. So it's time to show off what you've got!

If anyone's interested in moderating r/sc2mods, shoot me a PM
Level 2
Jul 14, 2011
Olympus Studios - A Modding Community

Notice: This message is not a spam nor contains anything related to that. Just an invitation-intended.

Greetings Community.

Hm, first of all. No, we don't own a studio nor do we have a shiny secretar on hole of our company, let's call it "E-Studio". You are most welcome to the forums. Feel free to visit and be a part of this modding community. Our main is to maintain an active and resourceful modding community with a rich database of anything related to that. So...

Who are we?

We were a group of designers who met at TW forums meanwhile who also were addicted in modding games on several games, but Mount&Blade sequel was on high those times. Now, with that inspiration and ambition, we were already resulted in a developer's community consists of 30+++ modders and professionals all around. Our aim is now to bring change to gaming and modding in several ways. We highly value of the works which we own within an exception of being used elsewhere without our permissions; forbidden.

Where are we from?

Main part of the studio consists of Turks mostly, yet we have many foreigners all around the world that wanted to be a part of or being invited by us.

What do we aim?

The team is trying to speciliaze on modding for many different games including Mount&Blade:Warband, Total War, Assassin's Creed, Warcraft sequel, Elder Scrolls series and some other games as well. We may not make total conversions for every game which we learn to mod for good, but we want to leave our mark in every game with our best.

For good and ol', stay still in forum.

Warmest Regards.
Olympus Studios

We are the Brotherhood, the Legion, the Guild, the Clan.
Level 4
Jul 24, 2009

ConsoleXP.com is an independent website providing the latest video game reviews, news and videos. We provide gamers with information that they can trust and rely on. We don’t yet have the resources to cover all gaming news, but we guarantee that what we do cover will be informative and entertaining.


Console XP motto: Why only write reviews for your blog? Your hard work deserves more readers!

Do you have what it takes? We do gaming reviews, news and gameplay videos. We are currently looking for video bloggers, editors, and authors. If you’re interested, let us know.

You can always contact us through ConsoleXP.com/Contact-US.
Level 4
Apr 16, 2012
Hey guys!

www.civwarsforum.tk is the official website dedicated to discussing the WC3 Mod Civilization Wars!

If your a new player looking for strategies and pro tips, or your a regular player looking to discuss strategy, come to our site and help us grow! Site is managed by me (MiikeShinoda) and XGDeath3.
Thanks for this thread, I can now invite everyone to visit the following sites. You can register to any of these:

I hope somebody is interested.

Also, you might be interested in posting your models in the site below. We also need various members and moderators. Currently, we only have sonofjay who moderates on of the sections there. The site now has models. It also accepts 2d arts in any formats. Models can be uploaded in max, obj, mdx or mdl formats. I am currently working on some known modeling file formats to be supported as upload/download file. We also accept warcraft 3 maps in there.


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