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Terraining Contest #5 - Winter Wonderland [Playable]

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Level 14
Jun 13, 2007
Oww... I'm out again.. I just can't come up with something good enough to be playable :-(

Edit: NVM I changed my mind, a guy repped me in again!

Edit2: Wip inc. but it still need a heck load off work!


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Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
omfg my parents are realy strange... first thei say. ei where going on a trip next week and then few hours later w8 no lets make that in a month...
Gues im back in (yay!) Good luck to you all.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
syltman, I know I said any size was fine, but that's pretty small. Might want to go a little bigger.
Level 14
Mar 7, 2005
Wait, you're tasked with making a melee map and you can use the UTM? That's rubbish, takes out half the excitement of the entire bloody contest. Whatever, though, there isn't a good reason why you shouldn't use imports, but I think half of the skill in terraining is in using your ability to make the world beautiful, not in using beautiful models and having your terrain stuck along for the ride.

Because I think the UTM being used for melee maps is utter blasphemy, but is certainly within Gilles' right to do as the contest leader, I'm going to sponsor a mini-contest inside of this one. If there are more than 3 entries and you make your terrain without any imports at all and score in the top 3, I will double your reputation reward.

Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
yep you can make any type of terrain as long that it is playable. doesent matter what type of map you can yust amke a showoff map as long that it is playable.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Wait, you're tasked with making a melee map and you can use the UTM? That's rubbish, takes out half the excitement of the entire bloody contest. Whatever, though, there isn't a good reason why you shouldn't use imports, but I think half of the skill in terraining is in using your ability to make the world beautiful, not in using beautiful models and having your terrain stuck along for the ride.

Because I think the UTM being used for melee maps is utter blasphemy, but is certainly within Gilles' right to do as the contest leader, I'm going to sponsor a mini-contest inside of this one. If there are more than 3 entries and you make your terrain without any imports at all and score in the top 3, I will double your reputation reward.

It isn't melee.

It would appear so. Nothing in the rules specifies any sort of restriction on exactly what you make, only that it be playable.
Well the idea is to create an environment, not necessarily a "map". Just a landscape that is walkable as apposed to the usual "art terrain".
Level 14
Mar 7, 2005
Gilles said:
It isn't melee.
So it would appear that you're correct there. Bleh, then most of my little challenge really doesn't mean anything. AoS maps/etc with imported doodads really don't mean anything.

Anyways, so as to avoid trying to usurp the contest from Gilles (and because it isn't just a contest to make a melee map) I should revoke my previous challenge. How about this -- I'll give people who place in the top 3 without using custom doodads (and of course only if there are more than 3 entries) some rep on the side. I can't double the contest reward, but I'll certainly make it worth the effort.

That sound fair?
Level 14
Mar 7, 2005
Tough luck! If you want to risk not doing as well because you didn't use that custom tree, then you might win the contest and get my extra bonus. However, maybe you won't even place in the top 3 without that tree? Decisions, decisions...
Level 14
Mar 7, 2005
No you won't, silly.
Rising_Dusk said:
So it would appear that you're correct there. Bleh, then most of my little challenge really doesn't mean anything. AoS maps/etc with imported doodads really don't mean anything.

Anyways, so as to avoid trying to usurp the contest from Gilles (and because it isn't just a contest to make a melee map) I should revoke my previous challenge. How about this -- I'll give people who place in the top 3 without using custom doodads (and of course only if there are more than 3 entries) some rep on the side. I can't double the contest reward, but I'll certainly make it worth the effort.

That sound fair?
That is me just giving rep because it's something I can do. It doesn't require any additional rules or anything.
Level 5
Dec 6, 2008
I'm out of this contest for now since latley im too swampt with the campaign contest, if I finish the campaign contest I might be able to come back here :)

Good luck and have fun for the rest of ya! ;)
Level 17
Jun 12, 2007
So it would appear that you're correct there. Bleh, then most of my little challenge really doesn't mean anything. AoS maps/etc with imported doodads really don't mean anything.

Anyways, so as to avoid trying to usurp the contest from Gilles (and because it isn't just a contest to make a melee map) I should revoke my previous challenge. How about this -- I'll give people who place in the top 3 without using custom doodads (and of course only if there are more than 3 entries) some rep on the side. I can't double the contest reward, but I'll certainly make it worth the effort.

That sound fair?

I like it very much. And I wasn't going to use imports anyway. =)
All say HUZZA for Rising Dusk and give him a good hug! xD

Level 14
Jun 13, 2007
Meh, I just can't do it... I don't got the spirit to work on this contest and I don't got any good ideas to make this look good. I'm out D:
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
Meh, I just can't do it... I don't got the spirit to work on this contest and I don't got any good ideas to make this look good. I'm out D:

kinda same here i think i rather gonna work on my project i yust cant get it right well cya!
Level 11
Feb 11, 2007
Oh, definitely going to use imports as well. In my opinion, do whatever you can to make it look exceptional. When people don't use imports, it's because they think they're too good to use them. If Da Vinci had used a rock rather than a brush to paint the Mona Lisa, just to prove he was the best, i doubt itd look as good. v_v
Level 14
Mar 7, 2005
Childeric said:
If Da Vinci had used a rock rather than a brush to paint the Mona Lisa, just to prove he was the best, i doubt itd look as good. v_v
Please don't use mis-representative analogies, they completely nullify the entire point of whatever it was you were saying. It would be more appropriate if you likened the standard paint brush Da Vinci had that came with his canvas to an imported, high-quality, camel-fur paint brush made for the Pharoahs in Egypt.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
I find it difficult to covey the contest theme.

Basically make a landscape in the world editor. This ladscape cannot be 2-D like most terrain contests, but must be fully walkable, and completely terrained.
Level 2
Nov 16, 2008
Sign me up:thumbs_up:

oh by the way completely terrained ...? like it looks good and you can look around with a unit or?
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Level 17
Jun 12, 2007
I find it difficult to covey the contest theme.

Basically make a landscape in the world editor. This ladscape cannot be 2-D like most terrain contests, but must be fully walkable, and completely terrained.

With 2d, do you mean that you have to use blizzard cliffs to make it 3d? Or do you mean just increasing the height level of the ground. Like hills and stuff.
Level 7
Mar 13, 2008
With 2d, do you mean that you have to use blizzard cliffs to make it 3d? Or do you mean just increasing the height level of the ground. Like hills and stuff.

By 3d I think he means that all the stuff you create gotta be pretty and wisible from all angles.
In a 2d or terrain picture the angle you look in it looks pretty, but if you you turn the camera around you find absolutely nothing because it Aint visible or hidde nbehind things, but in 3d everything would have to be
Level 6
Dec 9, 2008

Edited version and a picture I don't know what is this white spot at picture...? LoL


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Level 19
May 1, 2008
lets get this straight
i have my map but i imported some models i need from utm
is that ok? cuz if not im screwed xD
Level 18
May 27, 2007
Perfectly fine. As long as they are present in the UTM, you can have them in the map you submit.

Also terranexx, I would suggest smoothing out your pointy hills. If they are mountains, they are small, and you should put pathing blockers there. I would suggest more rocks, and definitely use some more height variation.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
damn men just make a fucking terrain in wich u can move a damn footman that whont go throu trees and shit
Thank you.

By 3d I think he means that all the stuff you create gotta be pretty and wisible from all angles.
In a 2d or terrain picture the angle you look in it looks pretty, but if you you turn the camera around you find absolutely nothing because it Aint visible or hidde nbehind things, but in 3d everything would have to be
And thank you.

It's not that hard guys. Next time I'll be sure to make a small example.
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