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Terraining Contest #17 - Afterlife Realms

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Level 17
Dec 11, 2014
Version without Selection circle :p


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Level 18
Mar 21, 2008
GG surrender,i change my title from "Legendary Terrainer" to something another.
EDIT:i checked all posts,and i mean HOLY SHIT,bernkastel is the winner.
P.S. Nobody can beat this,this is even not finish and its better than everything that i have seen before.
I just mean this picture is not from warcraft 3,its from warcraft 4. :)*THIS IS THE REVOLUTION*

Well, thank you. But in all honesty there are way better works lying around on the terraining board.
And why I'm here is to breath some life into them.
Version without Selection circle :p

Why on Earth would you even consider, let alone use PINK derpish fog color?
It reminded me of coke induced visions after seeing it.

Also, as Keiji and APproject mentioned, you need to find better solutions for a nice blending of the various models you are using atm.
Try to cut down on some and use lesser, more theme based models that can be used properly and have some sense. Less bonanza and more cleanliness plus some tinting to have some kind of transition between those.
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Level 31
Jun 27, 2008
Waiting eagerly for the moment when fladder is going to drop the bomb.
You just wait for it, it will be un-deliciously obnoxious to see when it's finished.
Looking forward to that. :) Although I agree with Stryder, at the moment it looks scifi.
Your entry looked amazing so far. Just flesh it out with a non-white background and it would be great. :O
Is it directed to me considering the white background? I am currently experimenting with the background, it may be whitish with some shades of colors, also kicking in with the afterlife idea.
Level 11
Jun 2, 2013
Aha! I thought of an Idea for the ACTUAL centerpiece besides the gates I had going... I'm continuing the Hell Afterlife I was working on... Thanks Deolrin for the motivation :p

Now, when I get back from taking mah lady out to eat and the movies I'll be working on it some more.
Oh and just to clarify, it is just a coincidence, she isn't what gave me the idea..
Although I agree with Stryder, at the moment it looks scifi.
This theme can be interpreted in many ways. It doesn't need to have gates of hell or skeletons among other things to make it look as an Afterlife themed terrain.
One has to be innovative and play with more things to achieve that ^^'

@Edge45 Play with some glow and cloud models. The terrain is too damn naked!

What you usually overlook in your terrain is the texture choice and the awkward positions you choose for each model.
Too close to the camera right now. You need more sky and less fire.
You could achieve a lot with tinted glows placed in key positions around your terrain.

Here's some of my rant about your terrain so far(image attached below).


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Level 31
Jun 27, 2008
Of course, this theme is pure interpretation so it can be really anything. I wonder how criteria of creativity will be presented since creative and offbeat loses its meaning in this theme, where it can be literally anything.

Still no clues who might judge? Perhaps Gilles will come to the rescue?

I am kind of done with my entry, I might or might not adjust some details here and there, but I will be posting my final entry soon. As usual I struggle with the lighting and I fear it might be too bright.
Level 19
Jan 22, 2011
Of course, this theme is pure interpretation so it can be really anything. I wonder how criteria of creativity will be presented since creative and offbeat loses its meaning in this theme, where it can be literally anything.

Still no clues who might judge? Perhaps Gilles will come to the rescue?

I am kind of done with my entry, I might or might not adjust some details here and there, but I will be posting my final entry soon. As usual I struggle with the lighting and I fear it might be too bright.

yeah, that's why I wanted to make space. Saddly space got overwhelmed by all the other entries.
Level 9
Sep 5, 2015
i will be entering the contest lel
Criticism of all kinds accepted please!
I am going less for the "would be seen in a cinematic" and more for a "functional, can be used in an RPG, looks good from an in-game-point-of-view" look to it. A "what-you-see-here-is-what-you'll-see-in-game-and-it's-not-overwhelming" look to my entry.
I call this:
"The First Ring of Tartarus"
I was trying to create something along the lines of "Lords Of The Fallen" environment. lol.

~~~AGAIN~~~ Any Criticism to help me become a better terrainer in general would be MUCH APPRECIATED!
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Level 31
Jun 27, 2008
My final submission. If something is to change, this post will be edited and I will repost a new entry.

I call this one Immortal, referring to the idea that even the death can not separate what has been built in reality, and it follows after (this is more like a beautiful wish to be true). It portrays two worlds merged into one, reality and the afterlife realm. Reality is taken by the bottom, landscapes and terrain details, afterlife takes place in the sky, deep and colorful space that is merged with the real world. A couple died together holding hands and looking at each other, their souls are taken to the realm of the afterlife where they get united once again. Arrows peaking from the back of the skeleton indicates murder of medieval times. Development: 2015-08-21 - 2015-09-07.

Detailed explaination about the realm.

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My final submission. If something is to change, this post will be edited and I will repost a new entry.

I call this one Immortal, referring to the idea that even the death can not separate what has been built in reality, and it follows after (this is more like a beautiful wish to be true). It portrays two worlds merged into one, reality and the afterlife realm. Reality is taken by the bottom, landscapes and terrain details, afterlife takes place in the sky, deep and colorful space that is merged with the real world. A couple died together holding hands and looking at each other, their souls are taken to the realm of the afterlife where they get united once again. Arrows peaking from the back of the skeleton indicates murder of medieval times. Development: 2015-08-21 - 2015-09-07.

Cool centerpiece.
That kinda prompts me to do something.
Level 5
Aug 4, 2015
My final submission. If something is to change, this post will be edited and I will repost a new entry.

I call this one Immortal, referring to the idea that even the death can not separate what has been built in reality, and it follows after (this is more like a beautiful wish to be true). It portrays two worlds merged into one, reality and the afterlife realm. Reality is taken by the bottom, landscapes and terrain details, afterlife takes place in the sky, deep and colorful space that is merged with the real world. A couple died together holding hands and looking at each other, their souls are taken to the realm of the afterlife where they get united once again. Arrows peaking from the back of the skeleton indicates murder of medieval times. Development: 2015-08-21 - 2015-09-07.

I feel now like there is no sense for me to continue in my entry. :xxd:
Level 11
Jun 2, 2013


"And ye who hath sinned shall be swallowed whole by the mouth of Hell itself, consumed by the fires within. For His Judgement hath fell upon those who hath committed evil and for their sins shall endure the fiery pits, consumed in agonizing pain, for all eternity."




Credits: UTM 4.0


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Level 36
Nov 24, 2007
I feel now like there is no sense for me to continue in my entry.

This is the wrong attitude.

That kinda prompts me to do something.

This is the right one.


When you see something that amazes you, you should turn that amazement
into inspiration: If someone else can do it, why can't you? Entering a contest
like this is only about winning if you know you're good at terraining, but for
everyone else it's a matter of practice and a matter of doing something new
and challenging. Don't loose hope, go read some tutorials, try a new angle.

And keep on terraining. :D

It's a dying art exclusive to a dying game, let's not let it die yet.
Level 19
Jan 22, 2011
This is the wrong attitude.

This is the right one.


When you see something that amazes you, you should turn that amazement
into inspiration: If someone else can do it, why can't you? Entering a contest
like this is only about winning if you know you're good at terraining, but for
everyone else it's a matter of practice and a matter of doing something new
and challenging. Don't loose hope, go read some tutorials, try a new angle.

And keep on terraining. :D

It's a dying art exclusive to a dying game, let's not let it die yet.


Aproject, YOU are the man.
Level 31
Jun 27, 2008
Hehe, thanks guys, I'm glad you liked it. :)
Do tell me, though, how exactly is it an Afterlife Realm? :p
That is the problem I believe. But considering this theme is one of those when anything goes, I can give an interpretation: living world and the realm of the afterlife is closely related and exists one ontop of each other, afterlife takes place in the cosmos and Earth is also a part of cosmos, it is surrounded by stars and galaxies, other planets and tremendous amount of empty space. So the realm itself is portrayed all around the area as a separate layer that human eye does not see. It is mostly shown in the sky and some of the star particles are seen between the camera and rocks, it shows that transition between worlds. Also holding hands are glowing and emtting light only in the layer of the afterlife, in reality it does not. Basically it portrays two layers on each other.

On the side note, Keiji is completely correct. What I wanted to add is that not only practice and desire to win should be motivations to do something like this. What drives me personally is desire to create, to dive into this imaginary world and plan things and create, create, create because it gives me pleasure. Same goes not only with terraining, but also with map projects. I hope some of you guys will find pleasure in making this alone as well.

Cool skull, PublishedShadow. :)
Level 17
Dec 11, 2014
Looking good AP!

Ehem Another WIP just to show I'm doing something... Still got a lot to do...
Won't win anything but, meh, it's practice.



Updated: Wip 4


Changed the Lighting for now. Worked on colors to blend and stuff. Changed other things etc...

***EDIT 2****

Well, 3 hours since my last WIP.. It's coming along..


The last one reminded me of FNaF :p


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Level 5
Aug 4, 2015
This is the wrong attitude.

This is the right one.


When you see something that amazes you, you should turn that amazement
into inspiration: If someone else can do it, why can't you? Entering a contest
like this is only about winning if you know you're good at terraining, but for
everyone else it's a matter of practice and a matter of doing something new
and challenging. Don't loose hope, go read some tutorials, try a new angle.

And keep on terraining. :D

It's a dying art exclusive to a dying game, let's not let it die yet.
Wow, yeah! I'm going to practice, thank you for this. :)
Level 5
Aug 4, 2015
Final entry

So, yes, this is my final entry.

The Frozen Hell
This afterlife realm is place for the most evil humans. When they die, they're sent here, to wander through endless inhospitable frozen plain forever. They can't eat, they can't sleep, the only thing they can do is to walk and think about their horrible actions.

Created thanks to The Ultimate Terraining Map 4.0.


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