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Terraining Contest #13 - Fictional World Wonder

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Perhaps I should join as well. I doubt I can win, but participance would be nice, especially since such a nice theme is rare.
I'm waiting for your fist WiP :)
also, here is another WiP, i think i will use the mighty alpha tile as well :p
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Level 23
Nov 17, 2008
Right now I cannot decide between two ideas - underground city and giant generator at the north pole created by Tesla to power the whole world.

Also, does anyone know any good metal model pack for making of structures?
Right now I cannot decide between two ideas - underground city and giant generator at the north pole created by Tesla to power the whole world.

Also, does anyone know any good metal model pack for making of structures?
well, idk, maybe this or check here, you may find something maybe...?
Oh, and if you ask me, do the underground city...
Level 7
Jan 9, 2010
WIP: A night ( ? ) in the forest ( ? ) ( wtfzomg ???? )

Just felt like doing something dark...the main PWNZ0R building will probably be somewhere in the background, as I f**ked up while estimating the size needed... ah well, i'll just resize the trees later to make it seem big :p

Environment is mostly completed, just a few trees, a waterfall and shrubbery around.

EDIT: Damn, just can't get the camera to cover the whole scene. Guess I'll have to scrap the current map and start over... no big deal, it took around 30 minutes :p Going to make the building FIRST this time...


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Level 13
Feb 8, 2009
Here's my WIP I think I might start new or give it a different camera angel.


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Level 5
Jun 21, 2011
Okay, I've been a little slow, recently got to Hong Kong, moved in, played my old Gameboy Advance (Pokémon?) games to pass time, reading books et.c. Anyways, just got my new computer screen, and it's good, a little bit weirdly formed tho... So, I'll get back to terraining soon.
Level 2
Dec 13, 2009
I'm definitely in
a realy early wip:
edit: this time i'm sure it work
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Level 17
Apr 3, 2010
Hmmm do you think we could submit our final as a an empty blank space.
And the fictional wonder is the abscence of matter--(Modern art)?

Or would that get us 0/0
But surely it deserves marks for creativity
I am so out of good ideas and motivation.
- It would be a miracle if I mustered up some dedication to enter.
-- If you believe in miracles.

I have plenty of ideas for you. Note that these aren't JUST for Keiji

-Make a giant peon eating a sandwich statue in a frozen tundra at night
-Make a Lighthouse similar to the one at Alexandria (One of the original 7 wonders) on top of a Lighthouse similar to the one at Alexandria on top of a Lighthouse similar to the one at Alexandria. So basically a 3 Lighthouse stack
-Goblins praying before an painting of a gobling TP'ing a human baracks at dawn
-A Bull Statue with tauren around it in the middle of a grassy plains during high noon

Uhhhhhh . . . Ever played World of Goo? This is the level Ode to the Bridge Builder


This. Now. An epic bridge made out of goo that extends across a chasm, with a completely black bridge during a sunset. Obviously it would have to be a real bridge, but a gigantic bridge extending across a wide chasm, it would be so epic, and there is a lot of potential for lighting, with that wonderful sun and deeper sky color. Come on, you know you want to do it.


Off-Topic Moderator
Level 39
Dec 27, 2006
Why haven't I subscribed to this thread yet?! A huge mistake to forget such thing and now I have probably missed the most awzum terrain pictures? :O
U-huh, seeing as posts come with complementary cloaking devices which trigger automatically whenever you want to read them.

Just flip through the pages, you have a total of what, 13?
Level 8
Apr 14, 2011
No judges? Well I am good at terrains. So I have experiences in terrain. So can I be a judge? It would be a pleasure to become a judge. =P

If there's something wrong with the post of the contest (about the judges) just give me a Visitor Message. =P
Level 27
Jul 6, 2008
I have plenty of ideas for you. Note that these aren't JUST for Keiji

-Make a giant peon eating a sandwich statue in a frozen tundra at night
-Make a Lighthouse similar to the one at Alexandria (One of the original 7 wonders) on top of a Lighthouse similar to the one at Alexandria on top of a Lighthouse similar to the one at Alexandria. So basically a 3 Lighthouse stack
-Goblins praying before an painting of a gobling TP'ing a human baracks at dawn
-A Bull Statue with tauren around it in the middle of a grassy plains during high noon

Uhhhhhh . . . Ever played World of Goo? This is the level Ode to the Bridge Builder


This. Now. An epic bridge made out of goo that extends across a chasm, with a completely black bridge during a sunset. Obviously it would have to be a real bridge, but a gigantic bridge extending across a wide chasm, it would be so epic, and there is a lot of potential for lighting, with that wonderful sun and deeper sky color. Come on, you know you want to do it.

Ooooh, World of Goo inspired wonder... now that sounds awesome!
You know, you could actually try using architecture similar to how those goo balls stick to each others!
Level 23
Nov 17, 2008
For anyone who cares, Im working on my terrain, but Im not yet ready to post a WIP. I remind you, that Im working on an underground city.

Making that giant bridge from Samurai Jack, the episode when he first meets the Scottsman, would be awesome. It was so friggin amazing, a real world wonder.
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