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Taking Spell Requests

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Level 11
Jul 2, 2008
Nercrom Orb - Dealing bonus damage to an attack against enemies, but drain mana with each attack.

Level 1 - deal 5% of current mana as bonus damage.
Level 2 - deal 10% of current mana as bonus damage.
Level 3 - deal 15% of current mana as bonus damage.
Level 4 - deal 20% of current mana as bonus damage.

Cooldown : 4/3/2/0 second(s)
Mana Cost : 30/40/50/60

Right Click to activate auto-casting

Will it be okay, if the additional damage with some effect comes before the missile? Otherwise this is impossible and you have to use Projectile System.
Level 11
Apr 5, 2009
here some spells i need and not too difficult for you
its for the whitesmith hero>>>

well here they are:

Cart Termination-Uses the power of Zeny to strike a single enemy with your cart. You must have Cart Boost activated in order to perform this skill, and it also uses Zeny. There is a chance to stun the enemy.

gold money loss- 10 gold,20 gold,50 gold
damage- random damage of 1200 up to 4000 damage
bash stun chance:10%/25%/40% chance
type-target unit or hero


maximum overthrust-Use Zeny to increase Attack Power during the skill's duration. Unlike Over Thrust, this skill only affects you.(cannot be used when your zeny is only 10 gold)

attack damage increase-200,300,500
gold decrease/or zeny loss-100,50,30


Cart Boost-This skill makes your movement speed 20% faster for 60 seconds.

Required for- Cart Termination
increase damage of cart termination-300/600/900
Gold loss-30,20,10


Greed-this skill gives you a chance to regain gold when attacking and +90 when you kill a unit and 700+ gold when killing a hero.last 10 seconds

gold regain per attack-10/30/60
cooldown-200 seconds

heres a video of the cart termination:
and the special effect is there

here was the spell :grin:
Level 11
Jul 2, 2008
Wow! Thanks, man :D

Well, I had another spell idea and would be grateful if you could do it. :D

Name: Fight Fire With Fire
Hotkey: F
Effect: Select a target stunning him for 2 seconds, and invokes two fireballs, one in 400 range behind the enemy target and another in 400 range in the front of the enemy target. After 1.5 seconds, the fireballs move rapidly toward the other, making them collide, exactly in the position of the enemy, causing damage to him and to the other enemy units in 250 AOE. Units that are in the path of the fireballs will be moved to the side (Here is a image from what i'm thinking. Maybe it help with something).
Level 1 - 75 damage to the target, 25 to 250 AOE enemy units.
Level 2 - 150 damage to the target, 75 to 250 AOE enemy units.
Level 3 - 225 damage to the target, 125 to 250 AOE enemy units.
Level 4 - 300 damage to the target, 175 to 250 AOE enemy units.

Special Effect: Normal Fireballs, and the collision can be any kind of explosion

I hope that you can do and there are no problems. Thank you very much. :)

Here is your spell. MUI. :)


  • Fight Fire With Fire.w3x
    39.8 KB · Views: 69
Level 4
Jan 1, 2008
I? Well, if I start to work on something - I finish it in day or two - maximum. So that was Xiliger. Well, if you still need this, I'll take it. ;P

First - to reduce "all" healing by 50% I should know the list of ALL healing spells you are going to use and the amount per level. That will be really time-consuming to re-configure everything to match your needs.
Second - what is "Changeable"? You can't change the triggers directly in-game, so if I set some value in the trigger editor - you can't change anything in-game, so you can't use with diffirent percent chance for different units.

The defend spell just needs to reduce all damage taken from all sources by x% for 12 seconds. 120 sec cooldown. That simple.

The mortal strike ability, I can send you my map if that helps; I only have a few healing spells in it.
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Level 4
Nov 21, 2008
Thanks...I already have the tide bringer from the link you gave.
Add this:

After Image Technique [Passive] - Caster has a chance to evade enemy attacks.

Level 1 - 15% Chance to evade.
Level 2 - 20% Chance to evade.
Level 3 - 25% Chance to evade.
Level 4 - 30% Chance to evade.

While dodging...it leaves image of himself "Last Animation Paused" and turn vertex to 50%.

and this:

Speed [Passive] - Speedly dodge enemy attacks that the caster cannot be seen behind enemy.
Use Unit Is Attacked and turn vertex coloring to 20, 50, 80, 100-Invi something like that before blinking...
AND add effect (Speed) and blink behind attacking enemy.

Level 1 to 4 - Same as After Image Technique.

Gun 2 in 1 [Active and Auto] - Can shoot Ice bullet to frost target enemy and Fire to burn enemy.

(If player clicks the Icon, it will change the skill into Fire Bullet same as ice bullet.)
(Different Icons and No Target only right click to attack)

Level 1 - Frost: Slows MS by 5% / Fire: Burns 5% per sec.
Level 2 - Frost: Slows MS by 10% / Fire: Burns 10% per sec.
Level 3 - Frost: Slows MS by 15% / Fire: Burns 15% per sec.
Level 4 - Frost: Slows MS by 20% / Fire: Burns 20% per sec.

in Gun 2 in 1 spell, my hero is melee 100 ATK Range.
Level 5
Jul 24, 2008
Got another request :grin:

Spell Name: Earth Shatter
Spell Description: Slams the ground, sends 3/4/5 tremors (craters) outward coming from the caster every 1.4 seconds. (not channeling, 1 second casting time with special effects if possible :grin:)
--> level 1 : 1st tremor deals 80 damage, 2nd deals 100, 3rd deals 120
--> level 2 : 1st deals 80 dmg, 2nd deals 100, 3rd deals 120, 4th deals 140
--> level 3 : 1st deals 80 dmg, 2nd deals 100, 3rd deals 120, 4th deals 140, 5th deals 160
Extras: If possible, last tremor will stun opponents affected for 1 second.

Hope it isn't too hard. :grin: THANKS
Level 4
Jun 1, 2009
Need A spell Called

Arcane Arrow.

Fires out a single arrow that travels to the target location, the arrow will shed its magical essence as it travels burning all units in the path for 40 damage per second
when it reaches its location it will explode dealing 200 damage

i can add the damage in trigger myself, also i can fix up the special effect, i just need a base system for it. THX!
Level 3
Apr 23, 2009
Well, here I'm again with a new request. I hope you can understand and could do it. If you want, of course. :D

Name: Broken, Beat & Scared

Hotkey: B

Effect: Select a enemy a unit and create a shield around the caster. That shield absorb all damage taken by the caster , and after a few seconds, the shield explodes, dealing a percentage of the damage taken by the caster in the selected enemy unit.(the shield does not block any damage, I mean, if an enemy attack should take 50 damage from the Caster, will continue taking 50 damage, even with the shield on. And doesn't matter if the damage to be "absorbed" occurred through normal attacks and magic of the enemies, poison, fire, or even an injury suffered by an attack of the own caster, for example, in a magic that takes the life of the enemy and at the same time injury the caster unit, like the "Double Edge" of "Centaur Warchief", from Dota)
is a image that maybe can explain what i'm saying.

Level 1 - The Shield remains for 6 seconds. Cooldown: 120 seconds. Manacost: 180.

Level 2 - The Shield remains for 8 seconds. Cooldown: 100 seconds. Manacost: 140.

Level 3 - The Shield remains for 10 seconds. Cooldown: 80 seconds. Manacost: 100.

Special Effect: I don't know what special effect use in the shield, the hero that will use that spell is a Stone Hero, so you can put anything, and maybe I change it later. This is for the "explosion" of the shield that will hit the enemy too. And if you can, put a effect on the enemy targe, for all know he is the target :)

I hope that is not so difficult to do and you can do with no problems. Thank you very much. :D
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Level 1
Mar 27, 2009
Hey guys, i wonder if you can make a spell for me....

A spell like fan of knives but it fires spears (specifically troll headhunter etc)
It needs 100 levels and to fire multiple times with each cast
It would fire 2 times at level 1, 3 times at level 50, and 4 times at level 100
Damage, AoE, Cooldown and manna progression are below
Manna cost- Base 150 Level factor 25
Damage- Base 75 Level factor 25
AoE- Base 300 Level factor 5
Cool down- 55 seconds Level factor -.2 seconds
Maximum targets and damage is max
Also if at all possible id really like for it to be easily put into a map, not that i know how to do that, but it would help!

Name- Rapid multi spear
Tool tip- Fire all spear cannons in rapid succession striking all enemies multiple times. (Dynamic would be helpful but not needed)
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! This gets me alot closer to the end of my map, i might have more as i need them. If you need anything else from me please tell me!
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Level 6
Jul 27, 2008
hmm can you make me one
the spell name Tornado Stomp (i take GUI/JASS)
used 200mana,300,350

Description:User go stomp(stomping) and make stomped unit to flying(cyclone)can't move and take damage....

Tooltip:The user start combined earth and wind element and put to user origin
the user start stomping make ground tremble and break and make wind blows from earth make unit near the user flying and take damage...

Flying damage:15,20,30(per sec)
Flying time: 3sec
if can use chieftain stomping effect
one i can give for you tauren effect...
hope this helps and not to hard :grin:
please let me know if rejected or etc

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Level 2
Mar 18, 2009
Will it be okay, if the additional damage with some effect comes before the missile? Otherwise this is impossible and you have to use Projectile System.

Yes, I am getting trouble with this. Doing Normally > Damage comes first and then missle comes later. Really Bad as a result. So any how to make it efficiently? But If its ok, can you made for me ,as you said by using Projectile System?
Level 14
Nov 2, 2008
Got another request :grin:

Spell Name: Earth Shatter
Spell Description: Slams the ground, sends 3/4/5 tremors (craters) outward coming from the caster every 1.4 seconds. (not channeling, 1 second casting time with special effects if possible :grin:)
--> level 1 : 1st tremor deals 80 damage, 2nd deals 100, 3rd deals 120
--> level 2 : 1st deals 80 dmg, 2nd deals 100, 3rd deals 120, 4th deals 140
--> level 3 : 1st deals 80 dmg, 2nd deals 100, 3rd deals 120, 4th deals 140, 5th deals 160
Extras: If possible, last tremor will stun opponents affected for 1 second.

Hope it isn't too hard. :grin: THANKS

Hi there mate,

I was bored and thought i'd help xiliger & aspard out lulz.

MUI, Leakless and all the documentation. Easy adjustable.

Hero you go.


  • Earth Shatter.w3x
    28.9 KB · Views: 61
Level 14
Nov 2, 2008
Need A spell Called

Arcane Arrow.

Fires out a single arrow that travels to the target location, the arrow will shed its magical essence as it travels burning all units in the path for 40 damage per second
when it reaches its location it will explode dealing 200 damage

i can add the damage in trigger myself, also i can fix up the special effect, i just need a base system for it. THX!

Did ur spell as well :p

Took the liberty of adding some effects :p. You can set the damage by changing it in the dummy ability.
tell me if i need to change anything.

Here you go.


  • Arcane Arrow.w3x
    38.2 KB · Views: 64
Level 10
Apr 3, 2006
just wondering if you guys managed to have a go at the spell i requested a little while ago. +intelligence buff spell, Thanks again.
Level 7
Jul 9, 2008

Spellname: Focus Shot

Spell Description:

It fires a arrow which is followed by the HoT effect and it should go threw units.

- Icon: ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNImpalingBolt.blp
- Only 1 level
- Deals 5 x Agi in damage
- 5% less per target hit
- Arrow looks: Abilities\Weapons\BallistaMissile\BallistaMissile.mdl
- Effect that goes behind the arrow: Abilities\Spells\Other\HowlOfTerror\HowlTarget.mdl
- Range: 1200
- Speed: 1200

Spell Tooltip: The Archer fires a enhanced arrow, dealing damage to every unit it hits, but deals less per unit.

EDIT: I would like to have it GUI and MUI but if that's not possible then JASS is okay too

Thanks in advance, Quetzalcotl
Level 5
May 27, 2008
I have a spell request ( I had one but seems like you havent done it i send another. You dont have to make the old one ^^) and i need it to my map. The problem is that my skills are not enough for making this spell. Well, here is the information what you need for making spell:

Spell name: Devastation of Mind

Spell Description: User starts channeling spell. While channeling, two orbs appears behind the caster and grows on the whole casting time. When the caster stops channeling or when orbs are on their max size, they start to orbit around the caster and they will make lasers which wanders around orbs and when any enemy unit (not building) hits the laser, the target gets damaged. When these orbs are on their "Laser form", they gets smaller every second and when they are on their min. size, they dissapear and so does the lasers.

Tooltip: Ultimate technique of mind: Creates two souls ancient gods of harmony and destruction: Pax and Eversio. These ancients souls neads time to grow. When souls are on they max power, they will turn as lasers and they will harm every enemies which are touching it. The power of souls fades slowly and when they are on their normal size, they will return to the other side. NOTE: You dont have to channel to full power. When channeling stops, the growing of souls stops too but they will start to destroying enemies but the duration of spell is then smaller.

Extra information: Orbs would have model as "eye of sargeras". Lightning type could be fingure of death. Dont make orbs attack! use dummies which have lightning effect to orbs and when the enemy unit hits the dummy, it gets damaged.

And please make it with triggers ^^ ( I cant use jass :cry: )
Level 6
Jul 27, 2008
I have a spell request ( I had one but seems like you havent done it i send another. You dont have to make the old one ^^) and i need it to my map. The problem is that my skills are not enough for making this spell. Well, here is the information what you need for making spell:

Spell name: Devastation of Mind

Spell Description: User starts channeling spell. While channeling, two orbs appears behind the caster and grows on the whole casting time. When the caster stops channeling or when orbs are on their max size, they start to orbit around the caster and they will make lasers which wanders around orbs and when any enemy unit (not building) hits the laser, the target gets damaged. When these orbs are on their "Laser form", they gets smaller every second and when they are on their min. size, they dissapear and so does the lasers.

Tooltip: Ultimate technique of mind: Creates two souls ancient gods of harmony and destruction: Pax and Eversio. These ancients souls neads time to grow. When souls are on they max power, they will turn as lasers and they will harm every enemies which are touching it. The power of souls fades slowly and when they are on their normal size, they will return to the other side. NOTE: You dont have to channel to full power. When channeling stops, the growing of souls stops too but they will start to destroying enemies but the duration of spell is then smaller.

Extra information: Orbs would have model as "eye of sargeras". Lightning type could be fingure of death. Dont make orbs attack! use dummies which have lightning effect to orbs and when the enemy unit hits the dummy, it gets damaged.

And please make it with triggers ^^ ( I cant use jass :cry: )

that's not trigger.... it's GUI
Level 2
Mar 18, 2009
Dual Path - Caster Send out Paths of Fire and Ice toward target point, Fire Path come first which deal damages per second in Path then Ice Path Follow afterward which freeze enemies for period.

Level 1
- Deal 25 Fire Path damage/second for 6 seconds and Freeze for 3 seconds in Ice Path.
Level 2 - Deal 45 Fire Path damage/second for 6 seconds and Freeze for 4 seconds in Ice Path.
Level 3 - Deal 65 Fire Path damage/second for 6 seconds and Freeze for 5 seconds in Ice Path.
Level 4 - Deal 85 Fire Path damage/second for 6 seconds and Freeze for 6 seconds in Ice Path.

You can Set up any model as you like for Paths, I just need the Idea of this style.
I wish you make it!
Level 11
Mar 19, 2008
LandScaper :d
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vD_tMbuxcto [0:26] Part.

Yuffie (The hero) casts a shockwawe or some blast towards targeted area, after it reaches the point it explodes (Or Just goes like 700 yd and after explodes.), and deals damage to all nearby units.
With 4 Ranks: 100/150/200/250 Dmg, in 500 Radius.

Just make it realistic as in the clip, that will be enough :)

Thanks in advance, i will add rep if your willing to try

P.S GUI WOULD BE NICE, rather than JASS.
Level 1
Dec 30, 2008
i was wondering if you could make a spell for a hero i'm creating.

name: puppeteers thread:

description: the puppeteers sends out a thread which latches onto the targeted unit. the thread will damage the unit for 100 damage per second, but will grant the puppeteer control of that unit until it dies.

extra info: would it be possible to have the lightning effect of this spell be the same as the puppeteers threads in dondustins puppet master model? that can be found here http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/models-530/puppetmaster-110485/?prev=search=puppet&d=list&r=20 .
Level 11
May 22, 2009
i wonder if u can make me spell
i want make such a thing that when u step in terrain it start to effect u
i made trigger that when u step u gain spell and when u leave it u lose it but need spell
1. Spell would make that ur unit that went into ice terain will get slow and lose atk speed (it will be only on slon terain)
Level 11
Jul 2, 2008
At first, fot those of you, who cry that "This thread is dead!" etc, here is my post, where I've written, that I'm leaving home for some days.


And now I'm ready to help you. I'll be here for about four or five days, so re-post please all of your requests, so I can sort them of the offtopic, it's really difficult to look through about 5 pages.
Level 7
Jul 9, 2008

Spellname: Focus Shot

Spell Description:

It fires a arrow which is followed by the HoT effect and it should go threw units.

- Icon: ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNImpalingBolt.blp
- Only 1 level
- Deals 5 x Agi in damage
- 5% less per target hit
- Arrow looks: Abilities\Weapons\BallistaMissile\BallistaMissile.mdl
- Effect that goes behind the arrow: Abilities\Spells\Other\HowlOfTerror\HowlTarget.mdl
- Range: 1200
- Speed: 1200

Spell Tooltip: The Archer fires a enhanced arrow, dealing damage to every unit it hits, but deals less per unit.

EDIT: I would like to have it GUI and MUI but if that's not possible then JASS is okay too

Thanks in advance, Quetzalcotl
Level 11
Jul 2, 2008

Spellname: Focus Shot

Spell Description:

It fires a arrow which is followed by the HoT effect and it should go threw units.

- Icon: ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNImpalingBolt.blp
- Only 1 level
- Deals 5 x Agi in damage
- 5% less per target hit
- Arrow looks: Abilities\Weapons\BallistaMissile\BallistaMissile.mdl
- Effect that goes behind the arrow: Abilities\Spells\Other\HowlOfTerror\HowlTarget.mdl
- Range: 1200
- Speed: 1200

Spell Tooltip: The Archer fires a enhanced arrow, dealing damage to every unit it hits, but deals less per unit.

EDIT: I would like to have it GUI and MUI but if that's not possible then JASS is okay too

Thanks in advance, Quetzalcotl

I'm working on your request. It is a bit late for me now to finish it, also I'm drunk, so it'll be ready tommorow, sorry. ><
Level 3
Apr 23, 2009
hi again, aspard :D
I was thinking in a request, but I just forgot.
When I remember I post here. hehe

just "reposting" a SayThursday' request that I realy like it and I would like also :)

i was wondering if you could make a spell for a hero i'm creating.

name: puppeteers thread:

description: the puppeteers sends out a thread which latches onto the targeted unit. the thread will damage the unit for 100 damage per second, but will grant the puppeteer control of that unit until it dies.

extra info: would it be possible to have the lightning effect of this spell be the same as the puppeteers threads in dondustins puppet master model? that can be found here http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/models-530/puppetmaster-110485/?prev=search=puppet&d=list&r=20 .

cya :D
Level 11
Jul 2, 2008
Ok well thanks, take your time ;)

Finally, I've finished your request. It's in GUI and MUI, I can't make it Jass, though you are lucky :p

Read the README inside for some hints.

And I just attached the "trail" to the model itself, hope this will be okay, cause on the big speed it leaves a trail anyway, but on low not. =\

Here is the map attached.


  • Focus Shot.w3x
    30.1 KB · Views: 74
Level 11
Jul 2, 2008
Originally Posted by SayThursday
i was wondering if you could make a spell for a hero i'm creating.

name: puppeteers thread:

description: the puppeteers sends out a thread which latches onto the targeted unit. the thread will damage the unit for 100 damage per second, but will grant the puppeteer control of that unit until it dies.

extra info: would it be possible to have the lightning effect of this spell be the same as the puppeteers threads in dondustins puppet master model? that can be found here PuppetMaster .

Should it be the target spell or should this thread catch the first unit on it's way? If so, what's the distance? And which model should I use for the thread? Common?

The same lightning effect won't be possible since I'm not a modeller and can't cut this thing from his model. Moreover, if I were, it would break his copyrights. You can ask him for such a model and then I can use it. Anyway, you can easily change the model attachment in the trigger itself.

Otherway, I don't see any difficulties with it, just more clearly explanation.

And sorry for double-posting :)
Level 2
Mar 18, 2009
Dual Path - Caster Send out Paths of Fire and Ice toward target point, Fire Path come first which deal damages per second in Path then Ice Path Follow afterward which freeze enemies for period.

Level 1
- Deal 25 Fire Path damage/second for 6 seconds and Freeze for 3 seconds in Ice Path.
Level 2 - Deal 45 Fire Path damage/second for 6 seconds and Freeze for 4 seconds in Ice Path.
Level 3 - Deal 65 Fire Path damage/second for 6 seconds and Freeze for 5 seconds in Ice Path.
Level 4 - Deal 85 Fire Path damage/second for 6 seconds and Freeze for 6 seconds in Ice Path.

You can Set up any model as you like for Paths, I just need the Idea of this style.
I wish you make it!
Level 11
Jul 2, 2008
Dual Path - Caster Send out Paths of Fire and Ice toward target point, Fire Path come first which deal damages per second in Path then Ice Path Follow afterward which freeze enemies for period.

Level 1
- Deal 25 Fire Path damage/second for 6 seconds and Freeze for 3 seconds in Ice Path.
Level 2 - Deal 45 Fire Path damage/second for 6 seconds and Freeze for 4 seconds in Ice Path.
Level 3 - Deal 65 Fire Path damage/second for 6 seconds and Freeze for 5 seconds in Ice Path.
Level 4 - Deal 85 Fire Path damage/second for 6 seconds and Freeze for 6 seconds in Ice Path.

You can Set up any model as you like for Paths, I just need the Idea of this style.
I wish you make it!

Isn't it Dual Breathe from DotA?
Level 11
Jul 2, 2008
While dodging...it leaves image of himself "Last Animation Paused" and turn vertex to 50%.

For ME - this is impossible. You see, making the ilussion is difficult thing yet itself, it shoul be based on "Wand of Illusion" and hero-dummy! spawning. And even if I create this illusion and change the vertex to 50%, and even if I stop it, it won't stay in needed position. It's impossible just to create a unit and swtich him to the needed second of the needed animation. Unfortunately. So you have to think off it again and represent it or leave it just a common evasion. Or you can ask somebody else. Advanced jasser e.g.

Speed [Passive] - Speedly dodge enemy attacks that the caster cannot be seen behind enemy.
Use Unit Is Attacked and turn vertex coloring to 20, 50, 80, 100-Invi something like that before blinking...
AND add effect (Speed) and blink behind attacking enemy.

Didn't get it. What's the matter of changing instantly vertex coloring if I'm going to make the unit invisible? oO And, wait, can you explain more clearly? The unit just blinks somewhere around the attacking unit, right? And what is that "Speed" effect?

Gun 2 in 1 [Active and Auto] - Can shoot Ice bullet to frost target enemy and Fire to burn enemy.

(If player clicks the Icon, it will change the skill into Fire Bullet same as ice bullet.)
(Different Icons and No Target only right click to attack)

Level 1 - Frost: Slows MS by 5% / Fire: Burns 5% per sec.
Level 2 - Frost: Slows MS by 10% / Fire: Burns 10% per sec.
Level 3 - Frost: Slows MS by 15% / Fire: Burns 15% per sec.
Level 4 - Frost: Slows MS by 20% / Fire: Burns 20% per sec.

in Gun 2 in 1 spell, my hero is melee 100 ATK Range.

Impossible to make the spell trigger different things depending on if the auto-cast switched on or off. I can just suggest adding one additional button to switch between abilities. Also: what's if 5% per second? 5% HP? And how long should it last?

You'll never get your spells done with such a poor description. =(
Level 3
May 4, 2009
Ok reposted the spell here thanks :D
Can u make me a jump spell

Name : Jump
The unit jumps a distance of 500 and then lands on the grounding bouncing a few times (the bounces can be random 1-3 and travel about 50-100distance each bounce)
i have not found an icon for this yet but i will later. if its completed

can u also make the spell like thunderclap as in u dont have to click on the point for u to jump so it jumps the direction ur facing instantly when u click it. and also the height of the jump shouldnt be too big it should be see-able.
the special effect could be the ground imapale dust on the unit as it bounces/reaches the ground.

The spell is instant and i dont need any damage for it. the connection to thunderclap is that its not selectable and its instant. its one spell and the unit jumps about 500 range from the direction its facing. when it finishes jumping it will bounce randomly

so the spell is that. I click the ability. I jump 500range and then i bounce 1-3 times travelling 50-100 range each bounce and stop
btw you can finish this spell whenever because im working on the terrain of the map first
hope u understand this lol
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