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Spells & Systems Mini-Contest #18

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Level 13
Mar 16, 2008
There are millions of ideas :p
inwarcraft.de had some TIOs for a long time (trigger it out), the last one was about some sort of movement detection system.
Whenever a unit moves in a triangle, rectangle or a pentagram it should show a message or something and which it was :) quite fun^^
I think there would be enough stuff to do :O
Level 12
Apr 27, 2008
A harvesting system: a system similar to Blizzard's lumber harvesting system, not neccessary about lumber - any destructible could do( strone, food etc), allowing tha map maker to detect when the resource has been harvested by the worker and when it has been deposited.
Level 12
Apr 27, 2008
too difficult. what do you wanna harvest from? doodads? the system would have to include all of them and only units can be targeted by abilities....

not neccessary about lumber - any destructible could do( strone, food etc)

I can't seem to find the big difficulty.

P.s. You are thinkingg too much inside the box, who said anything about targeting something with an ability. That is how Blizzard did it, not how we must do it.
Level 16
Feb 22, 2006
you know, in a contest you always should give 100% and also in the spell&system mini contest you have to do a good script elsewise you can't win, and that would be the same for systems, you can create a system in many diffrent ways, some are better some are not in the end the best would win...
so what is the big diffrence between system contest and spell contest => nothing, also not that good scripters could make it
Level 12
Apr 27, 2008
Yeap, a trade system.
And some more: inventory system, skill system, attribute system, combat system, a Large-do-it-for-you spell system :p
What ? have a bit more patience
There are many spells in this contest and if you cant find any time because of your RL its kinda hard
i mean... im waiting for more than a half year for the results of the Spell Olympics on Wc3c for now , 2 month ago they said that they did not even start in the first 4 month... the end of this contest was ~2 weeks ago
Believe me, judging contests is hard.
And spells are definitely not easy to judge.
I judged a Paired Mapping Contest last year here, and it was a though piece of work.
The contest had three entries.
And here..are more.

Just have a bit patience, you are not able to accelerate the judging process by posting how excited you are to see the results.
We all are.
Level 22
Dec 31, 2006
Just_Spectating, you can start one yourself. It won't have the same award and it will probably not be stickied, but it will let you and the others do something else while you wait.
Level 25
Jun 5, 2008
I can't belive this hapens to me everytime i do something...
Anyway what happened? I came to an idea to implement dynamic index recycling and loop index reduction and i did, actualy it took me 20 minutes to do so -.-
And when do i get the idea, right after the contest, *sigh* my spell would be at least 50-100% more efficent if i did that right away...
Level 25
Jun 5, 2008
Nice, GUI right?
Anyway i think the current state of my indexing can't be any better, it uses the basic of Paladons and:
-recycling of indexes, example(1,2,5,4,3,...,5,3,2,1)
-loop index reduction, example(if maximum number array in a loop isn't used it gets reduced immediatly)

I tested this on my missile system, spawning 6 missiles per cast as quickly as i can the index value never reached 60.
I am talking about doubled arrays.
Arrayed arrays.

Structs are single arrays.
And i will use the following way:

I will store all variables (units,groups,effects,..) in strings!
The string will contain a specific code then, and the system reads the string code.

I have no idea how to handle that exactly, but i may find a way if i try around :)

You must be a very well talented triggerer. I have learned JASS a bit and getting confused. But you have learn vJASS, very great.....

I have never learned Jass xD

I used to use GUI and switched to vJass in some hours.
Level 10
Jun 1, 2008
I am talking about doubled arrays.
Arrayed arrays.

Structs are single arrays.
And i will use the following way:

I will store all variables (units,groups,effects,..) in strings!
The string will contain a specific code then, and the system reads the string code.

I have no idea how to handle that exactly, but i may find a way if i try around :)
Let me guess, you use prefix to check what type of that variable, am i right? Like Unit_Name to unit, etc. it must be very great!
I have never learned Jass xD

I used to use GUI and switched to vJass in some hours.
Great, i want to switch like that too, but i can't.
Level 10
Jun 1, 2008
It is easy.

I simply started by making a GUI trigger (respawn).
Then i converted it into the custom text.

Then i started optimizing, avoiding bj functions, all the lines.
Voila, i learned a bit Jass.

Then i investigated the differences between Jass and vJass.
Thus i optimized the code even more and that's it.

I spent 3 hours, but that worths it.
Like other says:
Don't create a GUI trigger then optimize it, create it from scratch is more faster.
I learn JASS just like your way, but I'm seriously getting confused afterward
Like other says:
Don't create a GUI trigger then optimize it, create it from scratch is more faster.

Of course i do it from scratch. It's just how i learned it.

paladon, arrayed arrays hmm... it sounds like 2D arrays and they already exsist in vJass ;D
integer array bla [10][10]

Nah, another kind.
I am planning to store a couple of variable information into a string, offering an "Encode" function and a "Decode" function.
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