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Rules / Freedom of Speech Discussion

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Level 4
Aug 6, 2007
Ya..... When I joined this site a few days ago I felt like it was pretty strict. You have to type 15 characters to post. I'm not complaining about the signature sizes but when I joining a site for the first time (wasn't my first for this one) and to have to type 15 characters it can make people wonder.

Those two obstacles alone when first joining made it feel like a really strict environment for me because, to be honest, I had joined about a year ago on wc3search, I didn't even post my first post yet, and was told to change my name or get banned. It was EatShrooms, as it is now. I didn't even bother changing my name and just left.

edit: The reason that that politics, religion, american, and soviet material is forbidden is because they tend to cause arguments. On this big of a forum it kind of tends to happen if they are brought up. Not so much Soviet though, don't see the reasoning there...
Level 34
Jul 4, 2007
F R E E D O M O F S P E E C H R U L E Z ! ! !

Talking about Soviet or American stuff is ILLIGAL here?! Crap, Massive and Mechnical! RUN! I follow you! To the mexican border!

Ok, bad to topic. Freedom off speech is a law on the planet (except in dictatorship countries). Everyone can speak for him/herself! It ain't bad!
Do you think I'm harassing the community now? Is my name harrassing your community now?! Is your name or opinions harrassing the community now? No, ofcourse not! This isn't a communist site, right? (Right?) Are the admins
commies? Maybe but doesn't look like, does it?

Oh and about the quote off:
Originally Posted by Rules about Software Piracy
Posts or threads referring to these subjects will be deleted. Violators may be banned.
''The violators may be banned.'' is from GTA, ''Violators get shot.'' =P

We're talking about God in the Offtopic forum right now, shitload of posts there. And is that bad? No.
The Russian Unit/Tank thread about communistial stuff, is that bad? No.
I saw some politicis threads too here, are those bad? Maybe.
And we're also talking about a shitload of things from America. Is that bad? No and yes, I don't know.

I have spoken.
Level 27
Feb 22, 2006
Pirated stuff is illegal talk here because:
We are a fairly large site.
We have many many viewers.
Should one of those viewers, say, be a person who works for 3ds max, and sees all these links to downloads, we can get shut down in an instant, and any users that can be traced will be arrested.
On Nazism-
Nazis are a touchy subject, such that so many more people will be offended if one says
"Heil Hitler!"
as opposed to
"Vote for Bush!"
We are trying to keep this as a non-offensive community, saying offensive things are a big no-no.


Site Director
Level 62
Jan 1, 2006
Quick question: How many blockheads do we have at this site?

In case you didn't know, then please let me enlighten you:
This isn't a website about freedom of speech, it's an online games modding community.
You want to speak your mind? Well I'm sure that there are countless websites for this purpose.
If you simply HAVE to use the internet. I suggest you go there instead :)

You're complaning about not being allowed to come with Nazi statements or the like?
Any chance that means you wish you were allowed to come with racist statements as well?

If you want to speak your mind, then WTF are you doing at this game support/modding website :eekani:
I dont think it will do you much good here. Honestly.
Kitabatake said:
I might sound weird, but in Finland there is a thing which is called "freedom of speech". You should really try that on hive too!
Well, I was too lazy to reply to that. So I found an image with some text:


Expect Wolverabid to come with the somewhat more "user friendly" reply.

Have a nice day :)
Level 18
Jan 24, 2006
We, like any internet site, are a dictatorship. While we will take suggestions on rules, the rules are in the end made by Ralle. We tend to have rather good reasons for our rules, and I would've thought the motives behind these rules were obvious. Besides which, if you don't like or understand the rules, you can either contact an admin and discuss it with them, or you can not come here. Surprisingly, no one is forcing you to use the Hive Workshop.

And heck, you're being provided a free service, what right do you really have to complain?
There is also another thing. I know that in chatroom we should speak english, but I was already banned because spoke the foreign words for this reasons: greeting a friend in his language, forgetting to double click the name and explaining somebody an international abbreviation which words are in a foreign language. This does not make any sense to me.

And if this seems a nazi symbol to you are you either ignorant or retarded
Level 34
Jul 4, 2007
There is also another thing. I know that in chatroom we should speak english, but I was already banned because spoke the foreign words for this reasons: greeting a friend in his language, forgetting to double click the name and explaining somebody an international abbreviation which words are in a foreign language. This does not make any sense to me.

And if this seems a nazi symbol to you are you either ignorant or retarded

That's the Roman sign for Victory, but the nazis turned it a 45 degrees and turned it into a hate-sign. Ain't that ironic? I think it is. :(
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
The swastika is actually the Hindu symbol for good. By the way, the Nazis not only rotated it but reversed the direction that their swastika swirls.

@Kitabatake: About abbreviations of names, they mean if you're starting a thread, don't immediately go and call somebody/something by some abbreviation that won't be recognized by most people. Take for example the United Arab Emirates, would you know what I was talking about if I just went straight to UAE without explaining it?

@beast_boy_bets: TheDivineBoss is actually a fairly new user, and people everywhere on the internet are hate-filled assholes. Including myself, even if I occasionally choose to not express myself as a hate-filled asshole normally would. Maybe you should lurk a little more?
Level 11
Aug 15, 2004
lol... that so dumb, discussing piracy is not allowed because it's illegal

what if we allowed you to discuss murder? Technically you may not actually do it, so its "freedom of speech", if you just wanted to discuss how exactly you would kill someone if you could and ask for feedback from other hypothetical murderers then do you think we should allow that?
Level 4
Aug 6, 2007
The swastika is actually the Hindu symbol for good. By the way, the Nazis not only rotated it but reversed the direction that their swastika swirls.

It's origin doesn't matter because it's seen bad nowadays. It was used in many many cultures, but when a massive war involves half of the world it's hard to go back and recognize something that was once used for good. The swastika is now a symbol that threatens humanity in it's whole. Anything that is shaped in that fashion is just rude to most of the world, especially Westerners.

About nazi related topics on the forum it definitely is bound to cause arguments. There is no reason to defend it.
Level 2
Sep 14, 2007
What I'm saying is: If nazi stuff is forbidden, why is soviet, american, religious and other political stuff not forbidden?

Well, "soviet, american, religious and other political stuff" didn't put Jews into ovens to make them soap you know..

Anyway, I think that Hive is strict because it has to be. If anyone would have completely freedom of speech (I'm not saying it's a bad thing) in a forum then they could just flame and curse everyone, right?

That's what Hive's trying to prevent.
I was in a greek dota forum once and a person from another country came and became a member. That guy was REAL bad, he was always ruining our games with his caps lock shouting and crying and flaming and if some1 would say to him "stop it man, let us play" he would f*cking curse him with all the curses of the world and if some1 would complain in the forums about his behaviour he would go crying to the admins saying thats 'racism'. (he is banned now, after a lot of months the dozens of saved replays were seen by the admins and finally sense came into their heads)
I don't know if Hive has its own channel in battle.net like that greek forum, but my point is this: If he would come to Hive he would't have last A DAY.

(sorry if that is a little bit fulsome, but it is on the subject about free speech)
Level 24
Jun 14, 2005
Ya..... When I joined this site a few days ago I felt like it was pretty strict. You have to type 15 characters to post. I'm not complaining about the signature sizes but when I joining a site for the first time (wasn't my first for this one) and to have to type 15 characters it can make people wonder.

The 15 characters thing isn't even something thats just for hive, it is a thing that is in every vB forum, and probably just about every other forum software you could get.

Well, I was too lazy to reply to that. So I found an image with some text:


Lol, I think i'm gonna download that picture, since it'll probably be needed again :p

Pirated stuff is illegal talk here because:
We are a fairly large site.
We have many many viewers.
Should one of those viewers, say, be a person who works for 3ds max, and sees all these links to downloads, we can get shut down in an instant, and any users that can be traced will be arrested.
On Nazism-
Nazis are a touchy subject, such that so many more people will be offended if one says
"Heil Hitler!"
as opposed to
"Vote for Bush!"
We are trying to keep this as a non-offensive community, saying offensive things are a big no-no.

Exactly, to many people get offended by Nazi stuff, as opposed to other things that are discussed.
Level 27
Feb 22, 2006
Ok fine, we can talk about legal piracy.
In other words, we can not talk about it at all. NO piracy is legal in many countries, why should it be here?
Well hold on, we still have the right to discuss it though, right?
The most you can say about piracy is
"I think piracy is bad" or "I think piracy is fine", as anything else (discussions of cracks, stealing, etc.) is getting too far into it. Any links that lead to pirated software are illegal, its like handing stolen keys to someone for a store. Anything that says "I use stolen software lolz" is just plain stupid, you're admitting to an illegal act on the internet. I can't think of anything with less sense than that.



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
Slow down a bit. There are plenty of posts I would like to reply too, but since they're older I'll just stick to the newest ones.

Truth is, Shados is right, nobody is forcing anyone on this site to remain here. I don't know what the hell users like beast_boy_bets are doing here. If you do not agree with the rules or the moderators, why do you stay here? To provoke us? To get the Hive to loose users? Does Ralle, who pays for the site every month and provides, again like Shados said, a free site to us deserve to have a protestant around every now and then?
  • If you have, by any reason, anything against a certain rule, you are welcome to create a thread in Site Discussion and help us debate whenever it should or not be reconsidered.
  • If you don't agree with the Rules at all, you can leave, for this is not the site for you.
  • If you have been badly treated by a moderator and you think that moderator was unfair, contact our administrators by posting a thread on Admin Contact (more chances of having them see it than sending PMs), and report.
As you can see, you already have a big freedom of speech and choice.

As for the Nazi/illegal stuff debate, there are sub-subjects on those themes that should definitely not be allowed at all.
Where to get certain programs and tools that should be paid is not allowed, of course, but you are, in my opinion, free to discuss whenever Photoshop should be paid or not, although it's useless, as it will change nothing at all, I doubt Photoshop's developers are going to lower down the price or make the tool free just because a couple of users on a Warcraft III site think it should be free.

Nazi stuff and other threads like those, I'm not against them, as long as they are kept in Medivh's Tower, where only users that know how to have a healthy debate have the permission to post. In that forum, we, moderators, know that we don't need to check it so often because users there have a brain and they know how to keep the topic on the line.
In Off-Topic every racist fool can come around and start flaming, ranting, etc, which eventually forces the thread to be closed.


Site Director
Level 62
Jan 1, 2006
Kitabatake said:
I know it isn't ABOUT freedom of speech, that would be pointless. But it doesn't mean this site couldn't have freedom of speech.
True, we do have strict rules. That's no secret. But all of them were made for a perfectly good reason I assume.
Kitabatake said:
How about removing off topic forum, medivhs tower, chat and everything that has something to do with speaking?

And yes, that was sarcasm -.-
Well, I guess I misrepresented that sentence. What I meant with that was: this is no place to encourage racism, terrorism, Nazism or the like.
You may not have done so, but it was meant as a general clarification.
Kitabatake said:
And also if discussion about nazism is not allowed, then why isn't terrorism and communism and other stuff like that also forbidden?
It isn't? :p

Kitabatake said:
If you mean discriminating someone because of their ethnic background: no
If you mean having a discussion about the subject, it's reasons and effects: probably
Well, I wont say that talking about the fact that there does exist racistic ideologies is prohibited.
As long as everybody that participates in the talk or discussion acts appropriatly.

Kitabatake said:
[Archian imitation]Then what the fuck do you have medivhs towers and off topic sections for [/Archian imitation]
Actually the Medivh forum was set up during my inacitivty, so I wouldn't have anything to do with that.
But I dont think it was meant to be a place were people could encourage racism, terrorism, Nazism or anything which makes these ideologies seem correct (I guess that's a matter of opinion).
Kitabatake said:
The only reason I'm posting here is because I am willing to help make the site a better place by giving my suggestions
Thanks, we appreciate any suggestions our users may have to help us improve our growing community :)

I assume Wolverabid will take a look at this thread, as he's responsible for the FAQ and is our site representative :)

Dinner is ready, I'm off. Cheers.
Level 12
Aug 3, 2005
Why SHOULD a site devoted to war3 modding (and now also sc2) allow ppl to talk about Nazi's, piracy etc.?

You honestly think its a good idea to have discussinos on Nazi's and Piracy on THIS site?
There are many political/relgious sites and piracy sites out there where you could talk about all that stuff.
Level 2
Sep 14, 2007
Why SHOULD a site devoted to war3 modding (and now also sc2) allow ppl to talk about Nazi's, piracy etc.?

You honestly think its a good idea to have discussinos on Nazi's and Piracy on THIS site?
There are many political/relgious sites and piracy sites out there where you could talk about all that stuff.

You are absolutely right. The thing is that the topic moved a little way out of the primary subject, but this happens in a topic when a serious matter brings another serious matter. Anyway, Kitabatake said clearly what was his original opinion and what he thinks should be done.
Level 18
Jan 24, 2006
Exactly! And this thread is my suggestion on the rules
A suggestion? It seems more of an open flame of them, to me.
Oh really? Well that's too bad..

Tripping on your own rules?

+2 rep just for the hell of it!

As an admin you should know better...

And since the discussion is about the community's rules, it's better to have an open topic for everyone to see. If however the thread get's spammy or turns into a flamewar, we can continue the discussion in the admin contact forum.

But for now let's continue here!
  1. I'm not an Admin, I'm a Global Mod.
  2. Freely discussed, yes, but as I mentioned before, it seems more to me that you're flaming them, or at least 'discussing' them in an antagonistic and argumentative way. Besides, which, I said you 'can' contact an admin and discuss it, not that you 'have' to. I mentioned that path because that way you find out reasons behind the rules you may not have seen.

"The site rules may be freely discussed by members of the community in THW's Site Discussion forum."
Your rules give me the perfect right to discuss here.

Can you now see what is wrong with the rules? You don't even seem to know them yourself!

If you do not wish for the people like me to come here and point out their opinion you should remove that rule.

  • Remove that rule
  • Stop acting like that
  • Make no sense by keeping the rule and the behaviour (not recommended)

That rule doesn't give you the right to discuss them, it's a privilege.

I'm talking about open and free discussion about the subject. If someone starts flaming or spamming then he can be punished.
The site has moderators that can keep the threads and members in order if the topic would for some reason turn into a flamewar.

We don't want to spend all our volunteered time moderating massive racist flamewars?

And also if discussion about nazism is not allowed, then why isn't terrorism and communism and other stuff like that also forbidden?

You should either:
  • If you wish to make the site more free:
    make nazism and piratism allowed topics
  • If you wish to make the site more "safe":
    make terrorism, communism and similar stuff also forbidden
  • If you wish to make no sense:
    leave the rules as they are
Possibly because they're not as likely to spark into massive hate-fests?

And telling us what to do isn't going to make us change, rather, it's going to antagonise our anger and annoyance at you further. If you want to change someone's mind, you have to show them why they should!

The only reason I'm posting here is because I am willing to help make the site a better place by giving my suggestions on the rules and pointing out how ridiculous some of them are.

If that's truely the case, then perhaps you should have thought this out more beforehand, because I really could've mistaken your behaviour for basically trolling.

You also missed my point. I never said that hive should support piratism or allow illegal activities, but talking about piratism is not illegal so why should it be forbidden?

Because even that could endanger the hive, or spark flamewars between people who like and dislike piracy?

The same thing as with piratism, why would all talk about nazis be totally forbidden?
The same reason as piratism?

Discussion about piracy is not illegal. Or is it in your home country?
It isn't, but as I've said before, discussion of it could easily get out of hand, either into becoming illegal or turning into flamewars. And as they say, prevention is better than a cure.
Actually swastika is still used in many cultures as a sign of good luck.
Oddly, that doesn't change what the majority of Hive member's associate it with.

Actually soviets killed far more civilians than nazis

I'm not here to defend the right to insult someone, I'm here to defend the right to talk freely about any subject as long as it does not go to the illegal side.
Oddly, that would include the right to insult people.

Where do you get all these ideas?
As the title says: "How about adding SOME freedom of speech", not "total freedom of speech"
I though we had some freedom of speech already, in fact, more than some, quite alot, really.

Anyway sorry if it has any grammar errors or harsh behaviour in any degree, I'm a bit busy currently.

While being in a hurry is an excuse for bad grammar and spelling, it isn't for being abusive.



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
Try to keep the discussion on the original topic. As you can see, those kind of subjects should have a genuine thread.

Also, let us try to settle down and have an healthy debate, I don't want to see another user banned, specially one such as Kit.
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
"The site rules may be freely discussed by members of the community in THW's Site Discussion forum."
Your rules give me the perfect right to discuss here.
Freely discussed, yes. That doesn't mean that anything is going to change.

If you do not wish for the people like me to come here and point out their opinion you should remove that rule.
I'm sure that people would like you to do it in a manner that would be a little less openly harsh of THW. Which, by the way, is a dictatorship.

How about removing off topic forum, medivhs tower, chat and everything that has something to do with speaking?
The Off-Topic forum is seriously exclusively what some people come here for, even if they found out about THW looking for WC3 stuff.

And also if discussion about nazism is not allowed, then why isn't terrorism and communism and other stuff like that also forbidden?
About communism at least, because there's nothing wrong with it. It's an economic system in which benefits are spread out equally with no regard to status or profession. IMO, a working communism would be several hundred times better than the capitalist system that the US currently has, but that's beside the point.

You also missed my point. I never said that hive should support piratism or allow illegal activities, but talking about piratism is not illegal so why should it be forbidden?
Because there's nothing to say about piracy other than "lol it suxx for business." Not to mention, THW not only doesn't support piracy but is against it, to my understanding. Also, talking about piracy's punishments is not the same as talking about piracy.

Ah now I understand. At first I thought that hive would also be against calling someone with an abbreviated nickname and that would have been pathetic :D
. . .
So you know, referring to something in its full instead of with an acronym or abbreviation is standard for reports, essays, etc. in English speaking countries around the world. I'm pretty sure it is in most western countries, and it probably is in most countries period. It's in that little MLA format book, at least.
( btw. be proud, you have more manners than some of the admins here :) )
Depends on what I'm responding to.

Discussion about piracy is not illegal. Or is it in your home country?
He said we don't talk about piracy because piracy is illegal. When he said "it", he was referring to piracy, not the discussion of piracy.

I'm not here to defend the right to insult someone, I'm here to defend the right to talk freely about any subject as long as it does not go to the illegal side.
THW's administration is against discussion of illegal and highly touchy things because this is the "nice" part of the internet. If you really want to talk about illegal or touchy things, there are MUCH better places.

Where do you get all these ideas?
As the title says: "How about adding SOME freedom of speech", not "total freedom of speech"
Because we are mostly American and love to be insulted so that we can insult people back.

Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
I'm way confused right now, this is about freedom of speech, right? Not rules, right?
This is about rules against freedom of speech, smart one.
Common sense...... Spacebars only weakness. Gotta remind that.
Oh yeah, so just because I talk about child molestors, I am one?

And on that topic, we can't talk about piracy because it's illegal; does that mean talking about it is the very equivalent to doing it?

Just plain saying the rules are the rules doesn't change anything, because we're (at least I think you people are) not talking about what the rules are; we're (at least I think you people are) talking about the rules not making any sense.
Now for a completely unrelated picture:
Level 7
Feb 25, 2007
My opinion would be not to. If we did it would be chaos. This is why we have rules right? We would have insult contests in personal messages because someone "hurt their feelings" or "didn't help me at all" we would have racists everywhere blurting out whatever they want. I'm glad for these rules. Another reason there are tons of kids out there on this forum and playing wc3. If we can talk about whatever we wanted and said whatever we wanted it would go up into chaos and we would be setting a bad example for the kids. For your kids and even kids from around the world. They all search the sites, and most kids like to copy other people. So how would you like it if your kids read something anywhere then calling you it? "Well kids don't know better we will just tell them its wrong and let them go on" Well true kids don't know what their saying most of the time, but they will keep reading different words, saying to you and what are you going to do about it, just keep saying "Well kids don't know better?" If you keep that up then they will start telling it to their friends and not talk to you. Start doing it all the time, then they will just keep going and going until their generation becomes like ours, BUT! there is a good side. Like you said we can't say a lot, if we cut back on SOME not ALL like vulgarity and all that then just maybe they could think about it, but if its just because you want to act tough to this website then your in the wrong place....We have to think about the future, we can't just think everything is about ME ME ME and hope everything gets given to you. Once we die the world isn't going to have a extinction of people in the universe. The world will keep going, and if those kids are though good things then it will show in their future, but if we don't then they will be those raged adults that cut everyone off and scream at everyone for not doing something. Why do you think our generation is one of the deadliest, most dangerous generations we've had yet? Its because of people that don't want rules or thing like that.. Now I probably know your next though if your an American, "Our first amendment to the constitution of the united states of america said that we have the freedom of speech. " Your absolutely right. We do have the freedom of speech. If you think we need freedom of speech then you really should open your eyes. Can we talk? Yes. Can we type whatever we want? No. If you called the president and said "I'm going to kill you" and if he says "I am going to find you and arrest you" you can't go off about your first amendment right. That's considered "Plotting to assassinate the president" its a federal crime. If you say to some random person on the street "I'm going to kill you", there probably going to go to the police and file a report. If you try to use your first amendment right its not going to work. Their going to tell you "you plotted a person or persons killing that's a crime your under arrest". (yes it IS a crime to tell ANYONE that your going to kill them). Well now your thinking "Well why would someone be dumb enough to do that. I'm not going to say that!" Well first if someone makes you angry enough you just might. But, if your more "mature", my friend likes to call it, you'll just curse them out. Well this goes back to my first point. Think about the future. Think about all those people who are going to read that post you typed and then think, would I like my child calling me that when he gets mad at me because I didn't buy him a toy. Your probably going to say no. Oh and if you do curse do you know what your saying? You have like knowledge. Whats that mean? Means your about as smart as the next person who curses, and the next, and next, and next, you all have like knowledge.
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
If THW didn't have rules, I'm sure that it would become the kind of cesspool that makes people afraid of Anonymous, although on a smaller scale.

@TheDivineBoss: You really need to stop that. Btw, you can give him rep, it's whether you choose to or not.
Level 14
Nov 20, 2005
No such thing as a right to free 'speech' on a website. Afterall, 'speech' on THW is merely a bunch of bits on PRIVATE PROPERTY. This is key; the owners (and those with control invested in them by the owners) have complete rights to do whatever they want to their own private property. This includes removing posts, profiles, etc, on their property.

Get over it. This is not public property - this is private property. Therefore you have to either obey the rules, or get out.
Level 11
Sep 1, 2006
What CG said, websites are basicly privatly owned meeting halls. They are allowed to make up rules, Oh and most of the rules here are probably on 99% of all other websites (specially about pirating, most sites that condone it are designed FOR pirating or encourages such things, i don't really see why you are so concerned about the current rules.....Time for a totally unrelated picture...


  • 405077635_7f441d4dc4.jpg
    46.3 KB · Views: 197
Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
... seriously, you people use the "dictatorship" argument like it's the greatest thing since sliced bread.

Was Kitabake demanding that the mods change the rules? No. He was suggesting the rules be changed because they didn't make sense to him. Either show him in what way it makes sense or spare me your "follow the rules or gtfo" defense.
My opinion would be not to. If we did it would be chaos. This is why we have rules right? We would have insult contests in personal messages because someone "hurt their feelings" or "didn't help me at all" we would have racists everywhere blurting out whatever they want. I'm glad for these rules. Another reason there are tons of kids out there on this forum and playing wc3. If we can talk about whatever we wanted and said whatever we wanted it would go up into chaos and we would be setting a bad example for the kids. For your kids and even kids from around the world. They all search the sites, and most kids like to copy other people. So how would you like it if your kids read something anywhere then calling you it? "Well kids don't know better we will just tell them its wrong and let them go on" Well true kids don't know what their saying most of the time, but they will keep reading different words, saying to you and what are you going to do about it, just keep saying "Well kids don't know better?" If you keep that up then they will start telling it to their friends and not talk to you. Start doing it all the time, then they will just keep going and going until their generation becomes like ours, BUT! there is a good side. Like you said we can't say a lot, if we cut back on SOME not ALL like vulgarity and all that then just maybe they could think about it, but if its just because you want to act tough to this website then your in the wrong place....We have to think about the future, we can't just think everything is about ME ME ME and hope everything gets given to you. Once we die the world isn't going to have a extinction of people in the universe. The world will keep going, and if those kids are though good things then it will show in their future, but if we don't then they will be those raged adults that cut everyone off and scream at everyone for not doing something. Why do you think our generation is one of the deadliest, most dangerous generations we've had yet? Its because of people that don't want rules or thing like that.. Now I probably know your next though if your an American, "Our first amendment to the constitution of the united states of america said that we have the freedom of speech. " Your absolutely right. We do have the freedom of speech. If you think we need freedom of speech then you really should open your eyes. Can we talk? Yes. Can we type whatever we want? No. If you called the president and said "I'm going to kill you" and if he says "I am going to find you and arrest you" you can't go off about your first amendment right. That's considered "Plotting to assassinate the president" its a federal crime. If you say to some random person on the street "I'm going to kill you", there probably going to go to the police and file a report. If you try to use your first amendment right its not going to work. Their going to tell you "you plotted a person or persons killing that's a crime your under arrest". (yes it IS a crime to tell ANYONE that your going to kill them). Well now your thinking "Well why would someone be dumb enough to do that. I'm not going to say that!" Well first if someone makes you angry enough you just might. But, if your more "mature", my friend likes to call it, you'll just curse them out. Well this goes back to my first point. Think about the future. Think about all those people who are going to read that post you typed and then think, would I like my child calling me that when he gets mad at me because I didn't buy him a toy. Your probably going to say no. Oh and if you do curse do you know what your saying? You have like knowledge. Whats that mean? Means your about as smart as the next person who curses, and the next, and next, and next, you all have like knowledge.
Jesus Christ, did you ever consider paragraphs? Let me pick off what I can care about.

We are in the fluent English speaking world. Hurt feelings are made a lot more often with non-profanity than profanity.

If there was absolutely nothing against certain words; if people said things like "fuck" as freely as they wished without the critical reaction, it would sort of lose its purpose, wouldn't it? Let's take an elementary school child for example. When I was, say, 6 or so, "shut up" was considered the equivalent to profanity. As it grows more and more freely used, no one really cares about it anymore. It becomes a relatively neutral at around 4th grade. It's lost its offensiveness.

Now, for your "like knowledge" argument, "You speak English. You are therefore nothing special."
... seriously, you people use the "dictatorship" argument like it's the greatest thing since sliced bread.

Was Kitabake demanding that the mods change the rules? No. He was suggesting the rules be changed because they didn't make sense to him. Either show him in what way it makes sense or spare me your "follow the rules or gtfo" defense.

+rep for completely understanding my point! :)

And the reason why the rules didn't make much sense could have been that I was pretty damn tired when I was reading the rules and created the topic. (Yeah I'll try to avoid creating topics in that state next time :smile:)

And yes, the rules have already been discussed and like I said in my last post, they do make sense. If they don't for someone, feel free to continue the topic but from my part everything is clear.

We are in the fluent English speaking world. Hurt feelings are made a lot more often with non-profanity than profanity.

If there was absolutely nothing against certain words; if people said things like "fuck" as freely as they wished without the critical reaction, it would sort of lose its purpose, wouldn't it? Let's take an elementary school child for example. When I was, say, 6 or so, "shut up" was considered the equivalent to profanity. As it grows more and more freely used, no one really cares about it anymore. It becomes a relatively neutral at around 4th grade. It's lost its offensiveness.
Yep you're correct. If taboos or touchy subjects are discussed enough, they will lose their "scary power" and won't be so touchy anymore.

The word "fuck" is indeed a good example. In the old times saying that word would have caused a lot of reprehension, but today you can almost hear it every day and for some people it causes as much stress as saying "hi"
Level 32
Oct 23, 2006
I have been monitoring the progress of this important discussion since the thread's creation but until now found it unnecessary to post as (for the most part) it has been helpful and productive.

Kita seems satisfied that his concerns have been full addressed:
... but from my part everything is clear.

To wrap thing up and bring them closely back on topic:
  • Yes, The Hive Workshop encourages and permits, freedom of speech. This thread (in addition to the maintenance of our off-topic forum) should be clear enough proof.

    Community > FAQ > THW Rules > General Rules

    Administrative Privilege: These rules have been established by the Hive's administration to govern the site, protect its users and provide them with a pleasant experience. All rules are the exclusive domain of THW's administration and staff. These rules may be modified or amended by the administration at any time, for any reason, without notice.

    Rules Discussions: The site rules may be freely discussed by members of the community in THW's Site Discussion forum.
    Those are MY words: I wrote that document and will always stand behind it 100% to protect the best interests of our site and its users.

  • "Rules Discussions" indicates that any reasonable recommendations/ suggestions will be considered.

  • "Administrative Privilege" underscores the point that Ralle (the site owner) and the balance of his administration are responsible for our rules.

How the staff determines exactly when the rules have been violated and what action is to be taken in response seems to be an important consideration of this topic.

In fact, such decisions are subjective and must be addressed on a case-by-case basis. For example, if someone creates a thread "Piracy Is Bad" and users discuss the issue, it would (for my own part) be considered acceptable. If however, a thread called "How to crack a Warcraft CD" pops up, it won't survive for long.

This important thread:
  1. has been renamed and shall remain open indefinitely;

  2. has been cleaned for off-topic/unproductive posts.
Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
I think you should clarify the rules, so to be more specific. Talking about piracy and such shouldn't be a taboo, but making posts giving others access to pirated material should. I straddle the fence on Naziism, racism, and inflammatory material.
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
About the abbreviations rule that Kitabatake mentioned, it would be possible to word that as to make it easier to understand.
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