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I thought somebody could get confused over this
Ok, I have been thinking about something, when you call somebody something derragotary, it is as if there is some kind of penalty, it seemed to make sense, as it is similar to simply insulting somebody, but what was a little strange, was "Hate Crimes"
I mean, you call somebody a "f*cking worthless piece of donkeysh*t" before you beat them, you get a sentence for beating them
You call a black man a n**ger, before you beat them, you get sentenced for beating them + more heavily punished for it being a hate crime
I mean, it seems to make sense in a ton of ways, but at the same time, it just isn't quite right, as if its being "un-racist"
And "un-racist" doesn't make any sense, because you would be discriminating against all other races (rascism!!! )
My point was that you have a freedom of speech, but if you speak your mind before you commit an atrocity, you recieve a higher penalty than if you kept your trap shut...
(Don't get me wrong, scum is scum, there has just been alot of talk about rights in the past year and it occured to me that it could be against a persons rights, I mean hell even saddam hussein who gased thousands still got an American trial, with various American rights [ranging from being given food to not being beaten to death along with a fair trial])
I would like to read some opinions from you folks, as I wanna get a good argument for each side (why its right, why its wrong, consequences of changing/not changing the rule, etc.)
I thought somebody could get confused over this
Ok, I have been thinking about something, when you call somebody something derragotary, it is as if there is some kind of penalty, it seemed to make sense, as it is similar to simply insulting somebody, but what was a little strange, was "Hate Crimes"
I mean, you call somebody a "f*cking worthless piece of donkeysh*t" before you beat them, you get a sentence for beating them
You call a black man a n**ger, before you beat them, you get sentenced for beating them + more heavily punished for it being a hate crime
I mean, it seems to make sense in a ton of ways, but at the same time, it just isn't quite right, as if its being "un-racist"
And "un-racist" doesn't make any sense, because you would be discriminating against all other races (rascism!!! )
My point was that you have a freedom of speech, but if you speak your mind before you commit an atrocity, you recieve a higher penalty than if you kept your trap shut...
(Don't get me wrong, scum is scum, there has just been alot of talk about rights in the past year and it occured to me that it could be against a persons rights, I mean hell even saddam hussein who gased thousands still got an American trial, with various American rights [ranging from being given food to not being beaten to death along with a fair trial])
I would like to read some opinions from you folks, as I wanna get a good argument for each side (why its right, why its wrong, consequences of changing/not changing the rule, etc.)