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### Things I hate

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Level 79
Oct 6, 2004
I saw this on another forum and wanted to try it out. Add as many things as you can. It's not OK to write the same things. Continue the number I ended with.

For example:

1 when people tell me to shut up.
2 when I can't sleep.
3 when my butt itches.

Somebody else:
4 when my dad hits me.
5 when somebody is telling me that my clothes look ugly.

Continue the number and add as many things as you can.

I will start:

1 When someone is telling me to shut up.
2 When my mum wants me to turn off the computer.
3 When I can't sleep.
4 When I got too much homework.
5 When someone wants me to do something I can't.
6 When someone asks "shouldn't you get a haircut?"
7 When people says "oww you have been growing a lot"
8 When people tells me that I have got new clothes without telling me their oppinion. Offcourse I know that I have got new clothes when I have!!!
Level 11
May 1, 2005
9. W8 cu l8r all that kind of stuff
10. young people
11. when my cat yells at me
12.When arguing people tell you its none of your business then scream at each other so you cant ignore them.
13. My voice
14. The fact that I never ask the people I like out
15. when it rains for two seconds( I mean whats the bloody point )
Level 12
Jan 13, 2005
16. Young people who talk deragatory about young people
17. Native english speakers with horrible grammar and spelling ( :arrow: Dan)
18. Anti-globalization activist
19. When I know more about a bank than the bank official I am talking to
20. When people want to join a guild and do not tell me (even when I am the bloody leader they still never inform me, stupid people)
21. Stupid people (who honestly did not see that coming?)
Level 3
May 16, 2005
22. The first star wars the one with Jar Jar (curse his soul)
23. Leavers
24. Days when you have multiple small problems that amount up to temorary depression.
25. Some of the mean girls in my highschool (I actully got to an american school)
26. Maddox (he swears WAY to much)
27. OMG! ROFL! OMFG! G2G! (lol is the only one that has to have its own symbol its too dumb to say hahahahhahahahahahahahahahah)
28. When a plane flys overhead while your talking to someone
29. Some of you may find this weird: When your walking along and at the other end of the path/road, there is someone you know, but not too well, and you walk towards eachother not saying anything untill you're about 25 feet away from eachother and then you say "Hi." I hate that moment where your walking. I mean you see eachother for like 30 seconds, and no one else is there.
30. People wo say DUDE excessivly (major sp).
31. People who say "YOUR MOM!!!" like its the newest joke in the world. In fact the only good one thats out there is :
"So guys what are we gonna do today?"
32.People who get REALLY offended when you insult their mom.
33.vinilla Ice cream
34. Michal Moore. He only complains and doesnt give any advice.
35.Hell and all satanic stuff unless you get to kill it in video games
36. People who think their vampires
37. Girls who dont give a rats butt weather you spilt their heart out for them, defended them when people talked about them behind their backs, would have done almost anything for them.
38. My old spanish teacher

Well that should do for now.. :)


Level 79
Oct 6, 2004
39. People talking on me.. (OK are you done?)
40. When someone thinks that 40k_ralle89 is a copycat of ralle89
41. When people go to parties only because they wanna be drunk at not for fun.
42. WoW and other roleplaying games.. They make me addictive.
43. Danish comedy-guy Lars Lilholdt.
44. Texas Chainsaw Massacre (movie)
45. Teachers who doesn't treat pupils as humans.
46. People who wont admit that you are right.
Level 12
Jan 13, 2005
47. People who cannot admit they are wrong

48. People who always think they must be right (similar to 46 and 47 but subtle difference)

49. People who constantly point out other peoples errors

50. People who think someone can do no wrong

51. People who think they are perfect

52. People who brag and do not prove it

53. When I go to america and people think I am brittish

54. When I go to america and people talk to me like I am a moron when they learn I am Dutch birth

55. (Might have said this one before) People who ask me if the Netherlands is near Holland

56. (Might have said this one before) People who ask me if the Netherlands is near Amsterdam

57. When people learn I am dutch and ask if I have ever gone to Amsterdam

58. When people (usually americans) learn I am dutch and immediatly ask me how much pot I have smoked.

59. When americans ask me if I am from the country of Europe (yes, this has happened, about 5 times already)

60. When people think the UK is the same as Great Brittain.

61. When people think the UK is a part of Europe

62. When people are like: OMG, you GOTTA HEAR THIS!!!!!!!!! it is the ROXOR PWNAGE!
Level 6
Jan 19, 2005
No just hate of stupid non-educated persons, like... hmm... don't want to talk about that kind of people, cause some members are from that country ;)
Level 3
May 28, 2005
When mine brother turns on his music.. ( he doesnt care about what time it is and i dont like his music)
65 Wheni have to study french.
66 When i have to wake up
67 when i have to sleep
68 If i miss mine buss
69 if Some1 lags ( hehe ralle ^^)
70 Whenever peoples call me a newb and when i see his stats there stats arent beter than mine
Level 7
Apr 29, 2005
71) that i have to read the whols topic to see what is already posted
72)k3 (belgian girls band)
73) girlpower (what can we do wih it?)
74) dont missing my bus
75) disconnecting
76) people that cant speak english on warcraft
77) teamkillers
78) people that punsh other people for fun
79) the fact that im to smart to learn an that noone believes that
80) steam tanks (f**cking imba armor)
81) david beckam
82) lance armstrong
83) will smith
84)the fact that i cant find other things and that i have to post again when i find more
85) when my sister tries to sing
86) my sister here favorite television programs
87) my sisters friends
88 ) my sister
89) teacher thats gives computerlessons in our school
90) mars icecream
91) spagetti
92) bugs (both the animals and the computer ones)
Level 21
Jan 5, 2005
Beebothecat";p="3408 said:

i think its very strange when people say G2G when G is closer to T on the keyboard and it takes longer to hold shift, let go and the hold again then just to type GTG. also the entire phasing is strange, its better just to be polite and say "must be going now, ta-ta :)"

93) when theres nothing on tv to watch.
94) when you wake up and half the day has gone so theres nothing to do
95) when theres nothing to eat
96) people who think it is nessasary to swear to sound cool.
97) same goes for smoking, drinking, drugs, crime and pretty much everything else that young idiots cave in over, due to peer pressure.
98 ) people who are wannabies because they are afread to be themselves
Level 3
May 16, 2005
99. Blink 182 .:OMG!!! Take off your pants and Jaket. SOOO HOT!!!OMG!!!
1 :p :p : The catholic church during the middle ages. Honestly we're learnign about them in History, and they were VERY currupt to the power of ten.
101:Dalmations JK the Bullys in High school
102: How mean I was when I got revenge....hehehe
103: When mom buys clothes and they look like....you dont wanna know
104: I know 7 words in Japaese!!! I am cooler than u!!!!
105: Black people who call themselves NEgger and get so offended if anyone else uses the word. I mean its bad and all but then dont use the friggen word!!
106:The Ipod. No one owns and MP3 anymore. You own an IPOD!!!
107:My twitching eye when I get tired.
108:parties where everyone else is invited and you arent....sigh
Level 4
Feb 10, 2005
109. People who think their poo doesn't stink.
110. Those things over there.
111. People that call you a noob when you win against them.
112. People who don't wipe.
113. Peeps that are forbidden by god(s) to lift their finger.
114. People who don't like sandwiches.
115. cock teasers.
116. people who judge things w/o trying it themselves, especially abortion (just kidding).
117. people who need to be explained what someone is talking or doing because they aren't cool and need to be explained why what someone said or did was cool. damn dorks.
119. People who think that they are true gangstas, but they have no clue.
120. Blind, deaf, one eared, three legged, male, orange pit-bulls, named sally. DIE!!
121. Anal Retentiveness. "no it's 1:01, not 1 o' clock."
122. Biters.
Level 4
Feb 10, 2005
GST_Nemisis";p="3872 said:
109.,112. and 122 are pretty gross if they are what i think they are..

The actual figure of speech for 109 is kinda gross, but the word poo doesnt gross me out, acual poo does though. What it means is when someone thinks they are above everyone like their poo doesn't stink or something.

112 is gross and thats why i hate it.

122. isn't gross, you are just thinking of that cuz your a pervert. A biter is someone who copys another person and doesnt give credit to the origonal person. Don't bite off other's styles. But i also hate the kind of biter you are talking about.
Level 12
Jan 13, 2005
123: Autobots
124: Optimus Prime
125: Autobot lovers\fans
126: Obnoxious Prime fans
127: People who think the Decepticons are evil based solely on the reasoning that the opening theme song says "Autobots fight to destroy the forces of the evil Decepticons"
128: People who think Lucifer and satan are the same entity
129: People who pretend to know about the Fall but only know the breif 15 min sermon given in school
130: People who bad mouth places they know nothing about because they have never lived nor even visited said place
131: Oathbreakers, no matter the size
132: Child molesters
133: Pedophiles
134: Wife beaters
135: Chauvinists
136: Gay guys who hit on me
137: Gay guys who do not understand I am not gay
138: Gay guys who try to pursue me
139: Gay guys who end up in the hospitol with mutiple fractures and still think I am playing hard to get
140: Autobots (I really hate them)
Level 11
May 1, 2005
142) When people but t shirts with japanese on them "cos Its cool"
143) When theres a things i hate thread but never a things i like thread
144)The fact that I am eventually going to die
145) multiples of 5 :)
146) when GST asks me to play something in his sig but I have to dissapoint him by telling him that my real player isnt working :)
Level 12
Jan 13, 2005
149. How people say hate when they mean dislike
150. People who complain about being sick all of the time but lead an unhealthy life.
Level 7
Apr 29, 2005
btw malufa whats the difference between satan and lucifer?
and another thing to i dont know who it was 'how did you take revenge on the bullies?

152. the elefant like avatar that i have now

(Editied Double Post. Dan, GST_Nemisis)
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