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[Campaign] Road to Damnation

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(Okay, so I tried It many times, more than 10 tries, and still I don't know why is this skin doesn't want to work in the world editor. When I put it on a skeleton model, there's nothing, works perfectly, but when I put it to the editor... only the shield shows up.)



  • BlackSkeleton.blp
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I would take the opportunity to speak about the 10.000 Views!!!
You're amazing guys! Thats a little town! :D
Only the Outro remains!

Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
My review

Loading Screen
"Sometime later" not "Sometimes later"
"the Rivendare family" or maybe "Rivendare's family"

-"the one called Alonsus"
-In this case "Light" it is with a capital L

Main Quest Quest
"Defense of Darrowshire"
"joined the battle against"
"to protect his fellows' souls"
"Some of the townsfolk are being"

Optional Quest
-You talk about the corruption of the lands, but I don't remember this occuring in canon.
-What is the effect of completing the optional quest?

-Alonsus has two abilities with the tooltip Q
-Since you putted most units following QWER, also make it to the Priests and Sorceresses in the Chapel
-In the Altar of Kings we can recruit the four human heroes (Paladin, Mountain King, Blood Mage and Archmage)
-I don't like that Kel'Thuzad and Alonsus have the exact same stats
-I can't build a Town Hall in the Goldmine that is close to our base (the one guarded by spiders)
-I don't like that you putted a Gold mine in the south part of the map (the one among ruins) because we have no place to build a Town Hall so that we can gather gold from it
-The northwest orc AI is stupid. They launch attacks but they pratically send one unit at a time
-The Goblin Mines are useless. I putted them together to kill many and they only killed one Grunt
-Make some orc drop useful items, like Healing Wards, Scrolls of Mana, Protection and Healing, etc...

Ending Cinematic
-The phrases said were too quick for me to register errors, but I noticed some
-I didn't understand the cinematic. Alonsus conjured a Light spell that killed the orcs attacking and then the ground starts shaking. Then the screen turns black

-I like Kel'Thuzad's attitude but I think his hostility is mostly towards the Church than the actual Light. But, yeah maybe, he might be kind of an atheist
-Since Kel'Thuzad is interested in necromancy, maybe him destroying the undead could further his knowledge. You could make it an Optional Quest
My review

Loading Screen
"Sometime later" not "Sometimes later" (fixed)
"the Rivendare family" or maybe "Rivendare's family" (fixed)

-"the one called Alonsus" (fixed)
-In this case "Light" it is with a capital L (fixed)

Main Quest Quest
"Defense of Darrowshire" (fixed)
"joined the battle against" (fixed)
"to protect his fellows' souls" (fixed)
"Some of the townsfolk are being" (fixed)

Optional Quest
-You talk about the corruption of the lands, but I don't remember this occuring in canon. (Rewritten)
-What is the effect of completing the optional quest? (There's a Cauldron at Darrowshire, when a wounded unit moves closer to it, it will being healed over time. [Just like Fountain of Health])

-Alonsus has two abilities with the tooltip Q (fixed)
-Since you putted most units following QWER, also make it to the Priests and Sorceresses in the Chapel (fixed)
-In the Altar of Kings we can recruit the four human heroes (Paladin, Mountain King, Blood Mage and Archmage) (fixed)
-I don't like that Kel'Thuzad and Alonsus have the exact same stats (fixed: Alonsus have more Int. but lesser agility and strength)
-I can't build a Town Hall in the Goldmine that is close to our base (the one guarded by spiders) (fixed [that gold mine has more gold in it])
-I don't like that you putted a Gold mine in the south part of the map (the one among ruins) because we have no place to build a Town Hall so that we can gather gold from it (removed)
-The northwest orc AI is stupid. They launch attacks but they pratically send one unit at a time (In development)
-The Goblin Mines are useless. I putted them together to kill many and they only killed one Grunt (removed)
-Make some orc drop useful items, like Healing Wards, Scrolls of Mana, Protection and Healing, etc... (Done)

Ending Cinematic
-The phrases said were too quick for me to register errors, but I noticed some (I need to make some of them a little bit longer?)
-I didn't understand the cinematic. Alonsus conjured a Light spell that killed the orcs attacking and then the ground starts shaking. Then the screen turns black (In development)

-I like Kel'Thuzad's attitude but I think his hostility is mostly towards the Church than the actual Light. But, yeah maybe, he might be kind of an atheist (ok ._.)
-Since Kel'Thuzad is interested in necromancy, maybe him destroying the undead could further his knowledge. You could make it an Optional Quest (Hm, maybe when he kills the three ghosts in the graveyards...)

Edit: But, you like the implement of the outro?
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Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
My review of the new version

Loading Screen
"the bishop, a friend of Rivendare's family"

"countless innocent trust us" or "countless innocents put their trust on us"
"pushing us back"
"Do you trust these mercenaries?"

-Sorceresses and Priests have the hotkeys mixed. Sorceresses should have Q and Priests W
-Knight in the Barracks don't have the hotkey E
-I can't see Kel'Thuzad's model, most likely due to game cache
-In the Blacksmith, the Iron Sword and Leather Armor upgrades have the same hotkey S
-In the Archery, the Ranger unit and Oakwood Bows have the same hotkey W
-For some reason, while all orcs are of the Blackrock Clan team, only the ones coming from the western base have Level 1 weapon's and armor's upgrade
-Warlocks should have a fire-like range missile instead of a ice-like and why is his attack sound the one of Spirit Towers?
-Make the healing cauldron invulnerable, otherwise someone might destroy it by accident
-Increase the area around the goldmine that stands south of our base. The only place where I can build it is so close to the road that the orcs attack it rather than Darrowshire
-Alonsus' Divine Hym ability description for the levels should say "friendly dead unit" not "fiendly dying unit"

-There shouldn't be Black Dragons in this area. They are either on Draenor or in Blackrock Mountain. You could replace them with enslaved Red Dragons
-Since we have access to Sorceresses, you can mention in the opening cinematic that Dalaran also provided aid

Ending Cinematic
-"the forces... are here"
-I don't understand Alonsus' logic. Rivendare will stay with the Morgaine twins because he is not a professional swordsman? By the way Renault and Darion are not twins and are most likely just teenagers by this time
-So we have to hold the line for 45 minutes, but apparently we had to wait another 2 hours for them to arrive
-The cinematic is somewhat short, since it ends with Alonsus' attack and the orcs retreating. We don't see the reinforcements arrive or anything

I try as hard as i can, but this fella gives me a little "bad feeling" about himself...
What do you guys think?

View attachment 303542

This model feels somewhat weird, sorry.
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Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
My review
Since I have to play the first chapters because of game cache, I will give a review of the whole game

First Chapter
"I was sent"
"Violet Citadel" not "Citadell"
-Dath'Remar is a guy not a girl. And he died centuries ago
"I don't want to get wet"
-Remove the orc banners that are next to the village
"I have other problems"
"If the Burning Legion were to send"

Second Chapter
"These bodies must have been here"
-The Dragonmaw and Blackrock Clan orcs have both red as team color
"overwhelmed by the orcs"
-Fix the Esc situation. If I want to skip the middle cinematic, the camera goes back to where we start it appears the hints that appear at the start of the mission

Third Chapter
"looks like Tracey's family"

"opened more portals"
"an army of orcs ready to begin"
"We are going to defend"
-The Interlude doesn't go straight to the Fourth Chapter

Chapter Four
"I could from Dalaran"
"countless innocents trust us"
-Alonsus' second ability's description says "fiendly" instead of "friendly"
-Soldier and Critical Strike upgrade have the same hotkey Q. Make all upgrades follow the hotkeys you putted in the Archery
-Make the upgrades in the Blacksmith have as hotkeys QWAS
-Reduce the hp of Spearthrowers. It makes no sense they have both more hp and damage than Soldiers
-Possible Optional Quest: Killing the Blademaster that is on the southwest. You could say that he is kind of a commander that is directing the attacks
"The forces from Tyr's Hand are here"
"they are probably crossing the mountains"
-During the ending cinematic, after Alonsus starts praying, suddenly a bunch of orcs appear out of nowhere at the middle of the town
My review
Since I have to play the first chapters because of game cache, I will give a review of the whole game

First Chapter
"I was sent"
"Violet Citadel" not "Citadell"
-Dath'Remar is a guy not a girl. And he died centuries ago
"I don't want to get wet"
-Remove the orc banners that are next to the village
"I have other problems"
"If the Burning Legion were to send"

Second Chapter
"These bodies must have been here"
- The Dragonmaw and Blackrock Clan orcs have both red as team color
"overwhelmed by the orcs"
-Fix the Esc situation. If I want to skip the middle cinematic, the camera goes back to where we start it appears the hints that appear at the start of the mission

Third Chapter
"looks like Tracey's family"

"opened more portals"
"an army of orcs ready to begin"
"We are going to defend"
-The Interlude doesn't go straight to the Fourth Chapter

Chapter Four
"I could from Dalaran"
"countless innocents trust us"
-Alonsus' second ability's description says "fiendly" instead of "friendly"
-Soldier and Critical Strike upgrade have the same hotkey Q. Make all upgrades follow the hotkeys you putted in the Archery
-Make the upgrades in the Blacksmith have as hotkeys QWAS
-Reduce the hp of Spearthrowers. It makes no sense they have both more hp and damage than Soldiers
-Possible Optional Quest: Killing the Blademaster that is on the southwest. You could say that he is kind of a commander that is directing the attacks
"The forces from Tyr's Hand are here"
"they are probably crossing the mountains"
-During the ending cinematic, after Alonsus starts praying, suddenly a bunch of orcs appear out of nowhere at the middle of the town

- Who's the leader of the elves at that time?
- As you said before (The Dragonmaw and Blackrock Clan orcs have both red as team color), but wait, is this a problem (I ask again)?
The other promlems will be solved.

Anyway, what do you think about the zombie?
What should I change on them (only skin) to be good and acceptable?
Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
- Who's the leader of the elves at that time?

Anasterian Sunstrider, Kael'thas' father and Dath'Remar's descendant.
However the guy is a prick, thank Ner'zhul that Arthas killed him, so Kel'Thuzad sending a letter to him would be pointless. I think Kel'Thuzad would rather send a letter to Rommanth.

- As you said before (The Dragonmaw and Blackrock Clan orcs have both red as team color), but wait, is this a problem (I ask again)?
The other promlems will be solved.

It is not a big problem, but since they are from different clans...

Anyway, what do you think about the zombie?
What should I change on them (only skin) to be good and acceptable?

The zombies looks slightly better. But if you want to make it creepier, make the mouth deformed or have parts of the skin removed and showing bones.

By the way, can you make my second request in the Simple Model Workshop?
Anasterian Sunstrider, Kael'thas' father and Dath'Remar's descendant.
However the guy is a prick, thank Ner'zhul that Arthas killed him, so Kel'Thuzad sending a letter to him would be pointless. I think Kel'Thuzad would rather send a letter to Rommanth.

It is not a big problem, but since they are from different clans...

The zombies looks slightly better. But if you want to make it creepier, make the mouth deformed or have parts of the skin removed and showing bones.

By the way, can you make my second request in the Simple Model Workshop?
I'll try. The face is completed. He has death knight eyes (Blue Glowing)?
My review
Since I have to play the first chapters because of game cache, I will give a review of the whole game

First Chapter
"I was sent"
"Violet Citadel" not "Citadell"
-Dath'Remar is a guy not a girl. And he died centuries ago
"I don't want to get wet"
-Remove the orc banners that are next to the village
"I have other problems"
"If the Burning Legion were to send"

Second Chapter
"These bodies must have been here"
-The Dragonmaw and Blackrock Clan orcs have both red as team color
"overwhelmed by the orcs"
-Fix the Esc situation. If I want to skip the middle cinematic, the camera goes back to where we start it appears the hints that appear at the start of the mission

Third Chapter
"looks like Tracey's family"

"opened more portals"
"an army of orcs ready to begin"
"We are going to defend"
-The Interlude doesn't go straight to the Fourth Chapter

Chapter Four
"I could from Dalaran"
"countless innocents trust us"
-Alonsus' second ability's description says "fiendly" instead of "friendly"
-Soldier and Critical Strike upgrade have the same hotkey Q. Make all upgrades follow the hotkeys you putted in the Archery
-Make the upgrades in the Blacksmith have as hotkeys QWAS
-Reduce the hp of Spearthrowers. It makes no sense they have both more hp and damage than Soldiers
-Possible Optional Quest: Killing the Blademaster that is on the southwest. You could say that he is kind of a commander that is directing the attacks
"The forces from Tyr's Hand are here"
"they are probably crossing the mountains"
-During the ending cinematic, after Alonsus starts praying, suddenly a bunch of orcs appear out of nowhere at the middle of the town

Hm, wait.

[-Make the upgrades in the Blacksmith have as hotkeys QWAS]

They have the hotkeys QWAS:
Iron Sword (Q)
Iron Plating (A)
Leather Armor (W)
Arrowheads (S)

Edit: Campaign fixed (updated).
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Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
My review

First Mission
You still talk about Dath'Remar
"but she needs"
-In the objectives for the Main Quest, it says "Violet Citadell"

Second Mission
-Optional Quest description: "asks him to kill the dragon who burned"
-Same thing happened. If I click Esc to skip the middle cinematic, while Kel'Thuzad is already on the road to Southshore, the camera goes to the place we start at the beginning and we receive the same notifications
-The final cinematic is not skippable

Third Mission
"before the orcs found me"
"The orcs somehow"
"my strength was weakening"

"picked up"
"to follow his master after it" What does this mean?
"opened more portals"
"A little time later the Blackrock Clan"
"We are going to defend"
"pack everything you can"

Fourth Mission
"A Blademaster from the Blackrock Clan commands"
The upgrades in the Chapel doesn't follow the ASD hotkeys
For some reason, after ~1 minute of playing, the main quest is completed.

@Championfighter25 says that the model looks good! Good job!
My review

First Mission
You still talk about Dath'Remar - (fixed to Rommath)
"but she needs" - (fixed)
-In the objectives for the Main Quest, it says "Violet Citadell" - (I was not found that [fixed])

Second Mission
-Optional Quest description: "asks him to kill the dragon who burned" - (fixed)
-Same thing happened. If I click Esc to skip the middle cinematic, while Kel'Thuzad is already on the road to Southshore, the camera goes to the place we start at the beginning and we receive the same notifications
(What do you mean? It doesn't for me... Already on the road? How? Where?)
- The final cinematic is not skippable - (fixed)

Third Mission
"before the orcs found me" (fixed)
"The orcs somehow" - (fixed)
"my strength was weakening" - (fixed)

"picked up"
"to follow his master after it" What does this mean?
"opened more portals"
"A little time later the Blackrock Clan" - "(not a little time later ¤)" (fixed)
"We are going to defend"
"pack everything you can"

Fourth Mission
"A Blademaster from the Blackrock Clan commands" - (fixed)
The upgrades in the Chapel doesn't follow the ASD hotkeys - (fixed)
For some reason, after ~1 minute of playing, the main quest is completed. - (I lower the waiting time for the testers)

@Championfighter25 says that the model looks good! Good job!
Level 29
Mar 28, 2015

Second Mission Issue
If I press Esc to skip the fountain cinematic, Kel'Thuzad will be inthe road south of Southshore, however the camera will be at the place where Kel'Thuzad was at the start of the mission and then it appears the missions' specifics (reach Southshore, Kel'Thuzad must survive) and then appears the Hint (beware that high-leveled creatures lurk etc)

What are you talking about? Piracy?

He meant the link to download Warcraft III with version 1.27 and with crack
Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
My review

First Chapter
Opening Cinematic
"but she needs access"
In the mission's objectives it still says "Violet Citadell"

Second Chapter
Same thing happened with the middle cinematic
The ending cinematic is skippable (good job)

Third Chapter
Robe of the Elders "through the Dark Portal" "enhanced with the powers of the Void" (I only noticed it now, sorry)

Fourth Chapter
The upgrades for the Sorceress and Priest have the hotkeys switched
The Iron Plating upgrade doesn't have the A hotkey
My review

First Chapter
Opening Cinematic
"but she needs access"
In the mission's objectives it still says "Violet Citadell"

Second Chapter
Same thing happened with the middle cinematic
The ending cinematic is skippable (good job)

Third Chapter
Robe of the Elders "through the Dark Portal" "enhanced with the powers of the Void" (I only noticed it now, sorry)

Fourth Chapter
The upgrades for the Sorceress and Priest have the hotkeys switched
The Iron Plating upgrade doesn't have the A hotkey

About the Second Chapter.
Which scene youtube skipped it?
It doesn't for me when I it.
Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
My review

Chapter One:
-Why do we start at the entrance of the village?

Chapter Two
-Same thing happened again with the fountain interlude

"After the orcs returned"
"Ner'zhul opened more portals to lead to other worlds with the help of the Eye" (Ner'zhul wanted to find new worlds where the orcs could live, since Draenor was slowly dying)
"the story continues from here"

Chapter Four
-You can make the Priest's and Sorceress' abilities follow QWE hotkeys
-Make the upgrades in the Lumber Mill also follow the QW hotkeys

So next will be an interlude?
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My review

Chapter One:
-Why do we start at the entrance of the village? (I was accidentally leave the region there)

Chapter Two
-Same thing happened again with the fountain interlude (Look, I don't know. I don't find any problem with the triggers or the booleans)

"After the orcs returned" (fixed)
"Ner'zhul opened more portals to lead to other worlds with the help of the Eye" (Ner'zhul wanted to find new worlds where the orcs could live, since Draenor was slowly dying) (fixed) ._.
"the story continues from here" (fixed)

Chapter Four
-You can make the Priest's and Sorceress' abilities follow QWE hotkeys (fixed)
-Make the upgrades in the Lumber Mill also follow the QW hotkeys (fixed)

So next will be an interlude?

Uhm, I don't know what should I do next, I have ideas to a Stratholme mission, but I think it would be too early to reach them.
You have any ideas? ._.
Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
Uhm, I don't know what should I do next, I have ideas to a Stratholme mission, but I think it would be too early to reach them.
You have any ideas? ._.

Events you could talk in the future:
-The Events of Day of the Dragon (this book makes no sense because neither Antonidas nor Kel'Thuzad are part of the council according to it)
-Arthas becoming a Paladin and visiting Dalaran
-Lethargy of the Orcs (he could have aided Antonidas in studying the orcs, though Kel'Thuzad could have tried to learn about necromancy in secret)

An interlude centering on him and Rivendare could be nice, since Rivendare never had many screen-time.
Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
You mean the Interlude?
Well, I searching for a kit of sfx-s just like siege damage, bird sing etc.
So I have to thinking about how can I make the meeting at Corin's Crossing a little bit realistic. (Atmosphere, sfx sounds etc.).

Just a meeting... : P

Who will appear?

Morgraine, Tirion, Alonsus, Uther?
Who will appear?

Morgraine, Tirion, Alonsus, Uther?
You give me a good idea, Mograine could be a good next controllable hero.

Uhm, In my image, they will set sail after the attack on Stratholme to Tirisfall with oil for Kul Tiras.

Edit: Thanks for the more than 80 reputation points you gived! :)
Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
You give me a good idea, Mograine could be a good next controllable hero.

Uhm, In my image, they will set sail after the attack on Stratholme to Tirisfall with oil for Kul Tiras.

The orcs will reach Stratholme? After they failed in conquering Darrowshire, I would think they would retreat and decide to wait a couple of more years.

Tirisfal is where Capital City is located, why would they had to travel from Stratholme to there? Will they go to report to King Terenas?
And they will visit Kul'Tiras next?

Edit: Thanks for the more than 80 reputation points you gived! :)

No problem.
The orcs will reach Stratholme? After they failed in conquering Darrowshire, I would think they would retreat and decide to wait a couple of more years.

Tirisfal is where Capital City is located, why would they had to travel from Stratholme to there? Will they go to report to King Terenas?
And they will visit Kul'Tiras next?

No problem.
As you can see in the outro (chapter four), Alonsus speak about the orcs crossing the mountains to reach the city.
Because the siege of Stratholme (much bigger orc forces), they will retreat, and this is where they will sail to.... ._. (in development)
But most likelly Kul Tiras.
Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
As you can see in the outro (chapter four), Alonsus speak about the orcs crossing the mountains to reach the city.
Because the siege of Stratholme (much bigger orc forces), they will retreat, and this is where they will sail to.... ._. (in development)
But most likelly Kul Tiras.

Defending Stratholme could have been a mission, but two defense missions one after the other would be boring.

Maybe making an escort mission on the way to Stratholme, while defending/saving villages from some orc raiding units?
Level 5
Sep 3, 2017
Defending Stratholme could have been a mission, but two defense missions one after the other would be boring.

Maybe making an escort mission on the way to Stratholme, while defending/saving villages from some orc raiding units?
The defending and saving village part sounds good, but escort missions usually feel a bit boring.
Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
The defending and saving village part sounds good, but escort missions usually feel a bit boring.

How about this: we are following the road to Stratholme, there is nothing to escort, and we have to occasionaly defend villages from orcs or expelling orcs from them.
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