Reforged code is broken lazy mess. Beware

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Level 13
Feb 3, 2019
@Kam any chance of any of these units returning:
  1. Banshee in color:
  2. Succubusses with whips:

  3. Doomguard with a hammer and WoWish horns (possibly becoming Doomguard creep model, and current Doomguard creep model becoming Summonable Doomguard model):
  4. Standing Furion, Malfurion, Tyrande(preferably High Elf Sylvanas animations), Undead Arthas, with full animations, and possible standing Thrall getting full animations:




Level 14
Oct 26, 2015
New patch out im sure there are plenty of undocumebted changes. Lets see if the made silvermoon or dalaran better.

The culling got major undocumented changes in 1.32.2

Someone mentioned a lot of icons and graphics where changed in 1.32.3

At least the patch release addressed that they are working on custom campaigns so a small consolation i guess. Ill return to this game in 6 months maybe
Level 16
May 2, 2011
I didn't find it to be a huge issue - the bigger problem is that they didn't even bother to have a nice in-game hotkey customization for people who want to change things. That's just lazy.

I haven't played the Reforged campaign. Could that just be a bug that Hard mode somehow selects Normal (like custom campaigns do) or is it confirmed? Is Normal mode even easier?
execuse me what bug? I can select hard difficulty just fine in 1.26?

I tried to raise similar issues on reddit but didn't get any responses.
reddit is lame. Hiveworkshop is by miles better. Discussion here is insightful.
Level 16
May 2, 2011
Yes selection in the campaign screen works for the first map. Does the difficulty reset after each map when you dont go back to the custom campaign screen after winning a map?
aha, I dont think so
but im still 1.26 so

Edit (March 26, 9:58 PM):

what if they just need sometime to fix everything?

also, might be intresting watch:
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Level 12
Jun 15, 2016
Can someone please inspect some of the AI scripts in reforged? Someone sent me one of the new scripts and seems like it was created with the editor, which might explain why more AI involved missions don't play as well in reforged.

The scripts needed for comparison are:
  1. March of the Scourge (RoC human campaign)
  2. the Culling (RoC human campaign)
  3. Twilight of the gods (RoC NE final mission)
  4. A Symphony of Frost and Flame (TfT undead final mission), especially illidan's main AI. It should have the name u08x02
  5. One of the melee AI scripts
  6. An auto-generated script from the AI editor. You can just fill it with a little trash lines and export it, doesn't need a lot of work.
Also, perhaps even more important, posting the file here, to see if there was any update to it at all.
Thanks in advance.
Level 13
Feb 3, 2019
A question for somebody who hasn't Refunded, yet.

Do the Swordem in TfT Blood Elf Campaign use proper Blood Elf skin(the one to the right), or do they still use just a High Elf Swordmen in red color(the one it the back)?
And what about the Archer? Does she still use her High Elf skin in red too?
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Level 12
Jun 15, 2016
what kind of info would you receive from the file with listing of natives?

First of all, I'd want to see any changes in the natives which might've been sneaked in. Not a lot of people use except for UnitAlive, so they might've sneaked something in.
Second, the file also contains composite functions used over all of the AI scripts in the game, the file was last updated in 2005 and was supposed to undergo more work (see SleepInCombat in line 1692 here). If those compound functions were changed, these changes would affect both melee, campaign and custom games, and I can discern much more from those.
Level 2
Apr 2, 2020
A question for somebody who hasn't Refunded, yet.

Do the Swordem in TfT Blood Elf Campaign use proper Blood Elf skin(the one to the right), or do they still use just a High Elf Swordmen in red color(the one it the back)?
And what about the Archer? Does she still use her High Elf skin in red too?

I can tell you that both the swordmen and the archer are still using high elf in red color. They managed to get their eye color changed to green for some cheap solution, but the crystls and armor color still not change at all.

And a more interesting detail: In blood elf mission 3, escaping Dalaran, the unarmed "civilian" blood elf use the original high elf version which means not even their eye color got changed. You free them, and they will rush to their equipments, and their eyes just turn to green after they arm themselves. lol

How did you get both version in map editor though?
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Level 2
Apr 2, 2020
Thanks for both of your hints! I managed to check it by following them.

It is funny though, when you try to put swordmen from the official campaign catagry, it will appear randomly between two versions, trigger by...I don't know, perhaps because everytime I turn my VPN on and off, the game will download a small asset before ready again. I believe it will trigger the randomization, or at least I suggest that from my observation. Very wired...
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