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redscores Spell Factory Mark 2 REQUEST SPELLS HERE.

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Level 5
Apr 14, 2008
I tried to edit the trigger for omnislash to do agility*10 as damage, but everytime it activates, it ends up do no damage at all! Can u help me figure out whats wrong?

  • Omnislash
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
    • Conditions
      • (Ability being cast) Equal to Omnislash
    • Actions
      • Set O_caster = (Triggering unit)
      • Set O_owner = (Owner of O_caster)
      • Set O_locations[0] = (Position of O_caster)
      • Set O_unitgroups[0] = (Units within O_range of O_locations[0] matching ((((Matching unit) is A structure) Equal to False) and ((((Matching unit) belongs to an enemy of O_owner) Equal to True) and ((((Matching unit) is Magic Immune) Equal to False) and (((Matching unit) is alive) E
      • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_O_locations[0])
      • Unit Group - Pick every unit in O_unitgroups[0] and do (Actions)
        • Loop - Actions
          • Set O_picked = (Picked unit)
          • Set O_locations[1] = (Position of O_picked)
          • Set O_locations[2] = (O_locations[1] offset by 100.00 towards (Facing of O_picked) degrees)
          • Unit - Create 1 O_dummytype for O_owner at O_locations[2] facing ((Facing of O_picked) + 180.00) degrees
          • Set O_dummy = (Last created unit)
          • Animation - Change O_dummy's vertex coloring to (100.00%, 100.00%, 100.00%) with 50.00% transparency
          • Animation - Change O_dummy's animation speed to 200.00% of its original speed
          • Animation - Play O_dummy's attack slam animation
          • Unit Group - Add O_dummy to O_unitgroups[1]
          • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_O_locations[1])
          • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_O_locations[2])
      • -------- This wait should be equal to the half of the duration of the animation done by the images --------
      • Wait 0.30 seconds
      • Unit Group - Pick every unit in O_unitgroups[0] and do (Actions)
        • Loop - Actions
          • Unit - Cause O_dummy to damage O_picked, dealing (O_agilitymultiply[1] x (Real((Agility of E_caster (Include bonuses))))) damage of attack type Spells and damage type Normal
          • Set O_dummy = No unit
          • Set O_picked = No unit
      • Wait 0.10 seconds
      • Unit Group - Pick every unit in O_unitgroups[1] and do (Actions)
        • Loop - Actions
          • Set O_picked = (Picked unit)
          • Set O_locations[0] = (Position of O_picked)
          • Special Effect - Create a special effect at O_locations[0] using Abilities\Spells\Orc\MirrorImage\MirrorImageCaster.mdl
          • Special Effect - Destroy (Last created special effect)
          • Unit - Add a 1.00 second Generic expiration timer to O_picked
          • Unit - Hide O_picked
          • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_O_locations[0])
          • Set O_picked = No unit
      • Set O_caster = No unit
Level 25
Mar 23, 2008
I got some problem with the shock spell, i have imported it to another map, i have the same variables. I have changed the damage, and knockbackdistance and the spell SHOULD trigger when he uses stormbolt (<--the spell i based it on) But the units around, wont be pushed away or niether get damaged :S. Can you tell me why it doesnt work, or do you want me to post the whole trigger (as it is now)?
Edit: wait a sec, might got it working.
It does work now, never mind.
Level 21
Aug 9, 2006
fagge, because it is based on a buff.... you need to check for the buff which is added by the spell, like in the other map, hell, you need a BIT basic trigger knowledge to even work with these spells.

Darke, firstly, you never set the dummy inside of the loop to the picked unit, and i am sick of that, if you have no understanding of spells then dont request them -.-.

Level 25
Mar 23, 2008
By the way, about the shock explosion, you have three levels on it, right? is it completly safe to remove?:
Set SE_ability = Shock Explosion
Set SE_damageNearby[1] = 10.00
Set SE_damageNearby[2] = 20.00 <----this
Set SE_damageNearby[3] = 35.00 <----this
Set SE_damageTarget[1] = 25.00
Set SE_damageTarget[2] = 50.00 <----this
Set SE_damageTarget[3] = 75.00 <----this
Set SE_knockbackdistance[1] = 300.00
Set SE_knockbackdistance[2] = 400.00 <----this
Set SE_knockbackdistance[3] = 500.00 <----this
Beacuse i only need one level, the only thing that changes if i remove those, it will just remove the levels? (if you get what i mean?)
I find a bug on Fire drain too, if another unit stands in the way of the one you are draining, the targeted unit get stuck and your caster cant do anything, think you can fix this?
Level 12
Apr 26, 2008
Hey redscores i have some new request for you:thumbs_up:... meaby you are thinking :"omg i made so many spells for him and he is still requesting:eek:"... well as i said i don't have much time and since you are a god at making spells i through you could make this last request.. well however here are the spells i want

Spell 1: Mega Rejatsu

it throws all enemys in the casting units range(range= 400 AOE) away they should fly away like being tossed away and it shouldn't make any damage.

Spell 2: uncontrolable rejatsu(passive abillity)

it's like critical strike(only 1 level) gives 8% chance to make 2.3 damage and when he attacks with 2.3 damage it knocks the enemy unit away like 500 range and add some sfx like stomp or something like this.

Spell 3: piercing attacks

the caster attacks the enemy unit(paused) many times liek 20 times in 4 seconds has 3 levels 1 level: attacks 10 times in 4 seconds level 2: attacks 15 times in 4 seconds level 3:attacks 20 times in 4 seconds it should deal for every attack agi x 0.58.

Spell 4:Lightning bash

add some lightning sfx at the right hand of the caster and then the caster moves fast towards the enemy unit and then bashes the unit away(knocks back range = 500) at the moment the casters attacks the target unit (bashes away create some lightning sfx at the position of the target unit.

Spell 5(last spell..finally): God of flash

create many illusions that vanishes slowly in 0.70 seconds like the caster moves very fast (the caster move every fast around the target unit of spell being used in an AOE of 500) then after 5 seconds the caster appears before the enemy unit and (play castars spell animation) makes damage agi x 8.

that was it sorry for the many requests i don't know if you will make that for me but it would be very helpfull.

Thanks in advice NightBrowler (NB)
Level 5
Apr 14, 2008
Hey again redscores! i'm not here to request another spell, i just wanted to know how or which triggers can make a unit fly(standing high off the ground), then fall back down?


P.S. I fixed the other spells(they work perfectly now!)
Level 5
Apr 14, 2008
Is it okay for me to request again; it has been three days? Well, ill write my request anyways and youll choose to do it or not.

I need a spell that creates 12 semitransparent copies of the caster in a circular formation at target location.(radius of circle=1000) Then all enemy units in target location gets paused. randomly, the 12 copies will slide across to its respective opposite side, damaging all enemy units it goes through(dealing agility*1\per unit).(they go one at a time) When each copy has done so twice, then they all vanish and the caster(whos been channeling an ability or being paused(it doesnt matter which)), will then jump in the air(not very high) and shoots a crushing wave missile at the center of the circle and damages+pushes (deals strength*5)all units in the circle away(not very far(maybe 350)).Then unpause all units.
Spell is called Grand Omnislash
If it cant be done in GUI, then i guess vJASS is okay, but id prefer GUI

Level 3
Jun 25, 2008
Hi, Redscores =)
I need a Spell that works like Manashield, but a bit different. I made it myself, but it only works sometimes (-.-). You can cast it on a Unit and the unit get surrounded by a yellow shield that absorbs X damage. Plz in GUI and MUI =)

greetings chrissi
Level 2
Jul 11, 2008

hi, im not sure if i have ten reputation or not but im hoping this is easy enough to figure out since your such a pro.

Spell name: Murder

The dark archer never misses a kill. The dark archer would do whatever it takes to kill a unit and the dark archers attack doubles if the targets hitpoints is low.

3 levels

Lv 1 - Attack doubles if targets hitpoints is less than 25%
Lv 2 - Attack doubles if targets hitpoints is less than 50%
Lv 3 - Attack doubles if targets hitpoints is less than 75%

I basically figured out everything except im too noob to firgure out how to make the condition "the ability only works if the units hitpoints is less than **%"

Level 11
Apr 6, 2008
im currently working on a request (kirby's "suck")

and im not gonna be doing so much this weekend its a festival down town :D


I basically figured out everything except im too noob to firgure out how to make the condition "the ability only works if the units hitpoints is less than **%"

real comparsion

(Percentage life of (Triggering Unit)) Less than or equal to (<=) ((Real((Level of 'AbilityName' for (Attacking unit)))) x 25.00)
Level 21
Aug 9, 2006
NeC, you got less than 1 eye right? I dont do GUI spells MUI, because its crappy, so, request ignored, and i wrote I am currently pausing my spellmaking.

Read the first post, and I wont do anything for a time.

Beside that, you have no rep, and such a shield GUI and MUI is impossible, and you got no 10 rep, so bye.
Ciebron, I don't have msn currenlty =( I am on holiday and I have no internet. The only thing I have for sure is 30 mins of internet in a cheap cyber shop per day.
Anyway, this system would be more complex. I already added the multiboard to my map, but I am running against the clock. I woud be very happy if you could create this system =S

DO you accept another challenge ?
Level 5
Apr 14, 2008
Hey redscores, is your factory up and running again? It's been a few weeks...
Well, if it is, heres my request:
The Spell can be based on any spell that doesnt target a unit or point(like starfall). B4 casting the spell, he should channel for like 10 seconds. As soon as he begins channeling, a small black sphere appears over the hero. It gets a little bigger\sec for maybe 2 sec. During these seconds, all enemies within 2000area are pulled towards the hero. After the 2 seconds, 5 spikes with no collision appear at hero location offset by 500. Then, they turn blueish and begin spinning in a circle, maintaining the 500 radius. After it has spun 3 times, they disapear(the spikes) and leave a circle outline(blue) where they spun. This should act as a barrier(no units can come in nor leave. Then the black sphere should shrink really small really quick. Then it should explode; the explosion dealing massive damage to all units in the barrier including the hero. Then the circle disapears.

The spell is going to be called 'SuperNova'

Level 14
Dec 9, 2006
Hey Redscores. Its been 2 weeks since you temporarily shut down the Factory, and I want to put my boss spell on your list for win you come back.
Spell-Arcane Orb

1. When the spell is cast, it targets a random enemy unit that is greater then 400 yrds from the boss, and shoots a farseer projectile from the position of the boss, that is slow moving and archs through the air, at the unit.
2. When the projectile reaches the point where the target unit was (The unit has time to move out of the area), it explodes dealing 7000 Dmg to every unit in a 600 AOE.
3. It also applys a silence for 4 seconds to all units hit by the 7000 Dmg

Now that I have 10+ rep, I can rep you for your work ^_^ I would also prefer it to be in GUI so I can edit things like range or time to reach the Target position. Thanks again :D

Level 22
Jun 23, 2007
ok, i want this spell:
Astronomican Teleportation (Jass or GUI)
Teleports 36 units the player controls within 400 of the caster.
However, the caster must stay behind (since in this case its a building)
Teleport targets:explored regions or a friendly unit/building.

EdIt: if it isnt too much for you, can you try this ability?
Mass Holy Light (Jass or GUI) (Hero ability)
Heals random areas around 400 of the caster, dealing damage to undead as well
the spell is channeling while the effect is going on.
Level 1-Heals 100, 1/2 damage vs undead, up to 4 second channel
Level 2-Heals 150, 1/2 damage vs undead, up to 6 second channel
Level 3-Heals 175, 1/2 damage vs undead, up to 8 second channel
Level 12
Aug 20, 2007
I would like to be a 'minion', except all the spells I make would need to be submitted as textfiles, which also excludes the chance of GUI

Any spells I make would also probably include a system or two that I simply cannot live without, don't worry, if I need to use them, I usually only use the best, and most popular (for PUI, I dislike Cohadar's system, but many would dissaprove, so I use that, for timers I do not use a "system", just a special method, but if necessary I might use QUICK_TIMER() )

I do not use Vexorians spell factory either, because I believe making spells that way are rather inefficient


Declaring globals normally is just too much of a pain in the *ss
Level 22
Jun 23, 2007
ah, ive got another request :D
Strength in Numbers
For every 3 friendly units (doesnt matter if they dont have Strength in Numbers as well) around unit A, unit A gains 2% damage increase, and a 2% armor increase.

No special affect needed.

This will be used on nearly all my units in a faction.
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