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redscores Spell Factory Mark 2 REQUEST SPELLS HERE.

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Level 21
Aug 9, 2006

redscores Spell Factory

Hello People, this is a Spell Factory, here I take requests for spells, to request a spell you need 10 reputation or maybe, if it is a small request i will do him without those 10 reputation, write your spell very clear in the thread with effects, sfx and such.

What I offer:

  • vJASS Spells are possible! (needs NewGen Editor)
  • GUI Spells are possible.
  • for GUI Spells no MUI for vJASS 100% MUI.
  • If wished very easy to modificate and to implement (takes longer).

Write your Spell clearly in this Thread and Your Request will be taken in consideration.

Done List:
-View attachment Throw and Knock.w3x for hawk900. (vJASS)
-View attachment Charge.w3x for TheTerran. (GUI, NON-MPI)
-View attachment Big Bang Kamehameha.w3x for marcel. (GUI, NON-MPI)
-View attachment Boulder Crush.w3x for X.e.r.e.X. (GUI, NON-MPI)
-View attachment Fear Shield.w3x for Shanghai. (GUI, NON-MPI)
-View attachment Paralysis.w3x for Ryku650 (GUI, NON-MPI)
-View attachment Charge 2.w3x for Nightbrowler (GUI, NON-MPI)
-View attachment Knock Back Stomp.w3x for StasMan (GUI, NON-MPI)
-View attachment Big Bang + Slow Aura.w3x for Nightbrowler (GUI, NON-MPI)
-View attachment Nightbrowlers Requests.w3x for Nightbrowler (GUI, NON-MPI)
-View attachment Water Elemental Boss.w3x for Asomath (GUI, NON-MPI)
-View attachment Shock Explosion.w3x for Fagge (GUI, NON-MPI)
-View attachment Charging Bombs.w3x for Restor (GUI, ABSOLUTELY NON-MPI)
-View attachment Omnislash.w3x for darke_fyre (GUI, NON-MPI)
-View attachment Fire Drain.w3x for Fagge (GUI, NON-MPI)
-View attachment Hunting.w3x for Rvsoldier (GUI, NON-MPI)
-View attachment Arcane Orb.w3x for Asomath (GUI, NON-MPI)
-View attachment Ghost765's Spellpack.w3x for Ghost765 (GUI, NON-MPI)
-View attachment Rainbow Hail.w3x for nofearzasz (GUI, NON-MPI)


My minions (Guys which can take your requests too)
-Ciebron (only JASS/vJASS)
-Herman (vJASS)
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Level 24
May 9, 2007
Hmm, redscores.

This is a base spell for my Lizard Project.

Throw -

5 Levels

It shoots out a projectile in a straight line which collides.

Knocks back weight/strength(levelX50)

Also a melee version that has less range (90) and knocks back weight/strength(levelX100)

This would be great and I would give in game credits.

I know that I was thinking about getting your help before but just these would be great.


For SFX:

Dust on knockbacked unit.
Projectile = rock of some sort.
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
Yeah I'm not dumb, same poles repell each other and opposite attract duh, :) Just wanted to make sure it is clear by saying it detailed. But pls make it based on that ability, this is not the magnetism spell with the buffs. Though you can use the simplest&shortest way to do it.
Level 21
Aug 9, 2006
Of course I will, thats not a hard thing.

hawk900's Spells are completed and attached to the main post.

I hope i did the right stuff.

And hawk, your calculus weight/strength*(50/100*spell level) was wrong, it has never given a number higher then 1, right calculation (which i use in the map) is strength/weight*(50/100*spell level).
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Level 11
Apr 6, 2008
took a look @ Throw and Knock just a tip when using scopes do for e.g

scope Throw initializer Init // better  then InitTrig shit

private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
    local trigger trig = CreateTrigger()
    local integer index = 0

    loop //this is TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ, just copied it so i dont have to call the function
        call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(trig,Player(index),EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT,null)

        set index = index + 1
        exitwhen index == bj_MAX_PLAYER_SLOTS
    call TriggerAddAction(trig, function SpellCast)
    call TriggerAddCondition(trig,Filter(function condition))
    call PreLoad()
    set trig = null


also any spot for a spellmaker? or u wanna solo this :p [Refeence]Spellzor Packzor
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
Thanks redscores, I will only ask you to change what I PMed you if it is not gonna be a big deal about making the target not to move while pushed and the caster not to move when pulling himself. Maybe best is both not to move during the whole push or pull thing.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
redscores, just because you are unhappy is no need to insult other people.

What are you actually talking about anyway? A contest or generally in the spells section? If it is a contest, who cares if anyone wins or loses, as long as you participated and produced good work, you can walk away with a smile. Really just because a contest judge might not have been the best is no reason to leave this site.

The whole orignality ratting for spells is pointless unless the spell idea is really overused. I personally go by how well made it is and how clean the code is. So as long as you make good spells, you can be happy as you are helpping people.
Level 21
Aug 9, 2006
I am talking over an contest where i got a 1/10 rating in originality for a spell which has never been made on the hive (check the spell section for gold drain or drain gold) you wont find anything that matches my spell, the one i made for the contest, and purple gave me for an unknown gold drain spell made by darky27 (ive searched it all over the net and didnt found it) a 1/10 because it is UNORIGINAL, it was never made on the hive, is that unoriginal? pah.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
He was refering to the one that TToR (The Tales of Raviganion), a project on WC3C used. It basically was like siphon mana / life but with gold drain as well and was made a long time ago.

However the entire drain concept is unorignal as so many spells do it. Thus a full origanality should not be awarded even if you were the first. As a spell was made like it before again that should have lowered it. However as the spell is now quite dated and hardly anyone who is new knows about it, you should have scored higher. Probably 3-4 for orignality would have been more diserving if not slightly more but the judge is the judge.

In my opinion the whole orignality ratting means nothing as spells are all about triggers and affects so really you should not let it put you down. As long as your spells are good, who cares how orignal they are, since the fact is eventually nothing will be orignal and so then everyone will be getting 1s.
Level 21
Aug 9, 2006
Well, cool down my friends, I will take the job up again, but I will never take a contest anymore which is not hosted by a guy who thinks that originality is 10 of 30 points worth (33% of the fucking whole rating!)

And thanks DSG, you are right in my eyes :).

I never wanted to win, just a fair and clear rating.
Level 3
May 23, 2008
hey i need a spell

Big Bang Kamehameha-


Throw a really big blue blast in a staight line and collides.

It's no knock back but a distance attack with a range of 600.

This would be really greate and i would give credits for it.

Ok, if possible I would like a Lightning Nova.

- AOE must increase with level
- Damage must increase with level
- Units also get purged. Slow time increases with level
- must be full JESP
- you are allowed to use vJASS. Using CSData and CSSafety 15.2 is also required for spell's efficiency reasons.

You can take an idea from the shock nova map.
Also reduced use of Gamecache would be appreciated.
I would also like you to use similar models, if possible.

+rep will be awarded.


  • Daminon's spells v4.1 - JESP.w3x
    470.5 KB · Views: 41
Level 24
Jan 19, 2008
I would like to have a spell that creates one huge rock (this model abilities\weapons\catapult\catapultmissile.mdl scaled to 2) going forwards like shockwave and pushes any unit to side that it hits and stuns them for 2 sec and deals 5xstr (This should destroy trees, but if it hits doodads that aren't walkable or cliff it should stop and it should go up to 1200 range)
Doesn't matter if it's GUI or JASS, just make it in the one you find more comftorable to you and this doesn't have to have more than 1 lvl
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