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redscores Spell Factory Mark 2 REQUEST SPELLS HERE.

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Level 12
Aug 20, 2007
Actually, you can do either damage increase or armor increase by any increment

The only problem, is getting the damage and armor of the unit

In this case, you'd need to set-up a unit-type data system, which you'd need to keep a record of each units starting armor and attack damage

Next, you'd need to use a PUI type of system to keep record of each individual units attack and armor as they change throughout the game (this won't be that easy, because there is no simple event for this)

Basically, you'd need to create a whole system to record armor and attack damage for each unit and each unit-type

This can be done, except it will need to be totally customized for each map, rather than having a generic spell

As for the decimal increments, both could be done using a BonusMod type of system, although I haven't quite figured out the conversion math yet, I know it is do-able

All in all, this is do-able, except its kind of like a very small application for an extensively useful system

I could not write up this spell for you, but I could provide code for a number of the systems.(it will all be in vJASS)

EDIT - Only thing you can't do, is have permanent increases in armor or attack damage, you can only have little green numbers that add some value. There has been exceptions for this in terms of attack values, but I personnally do not understand it, and I have a suspicion it uses far more memory than its worth. For armor, you'd need to have research for every single unit-type, which would take a god-awful long time, and a totally new system.

P.S. - That is a hell of a good idea for a spell, why they hell have I never come across it before?!
Level 22
Jun 23, 2007
i know, its kinda be a bonus attack, not permanent. i dont want to complicate things with a huge system, so would it be easier for you guys if you just used increments?
if so, heres the new data:

For every 3 units around Unit A, Unit A recieves a bonus of .3 damage and .3 armor.

well, the inspiration actually came from warhammer40k's imperial guard (if you know what they are). all they are just a bunch of massed guys standing together shooting. like ALOT of guys. and people usually feel stronger and more confident when theyre usually in a group right?
Level 12
Aug 20, 2007
The increment is not the problem

The problem is the huge data system you'd need, and all the effort you'd need to track any permanent gains in each the attack and armor categories

Unless you'd decided to simply add the amount based on the number of units nearby, like if theres 1 unit, he gets +1, 2 gets +1.5, 3 gets +3.0, 4 gets +5.0

And repeating in some sort of pattern like that, that could be do-able fairly easily
Level 22
Jun 23, 2007
dude. are you like.. an idiot?
i want Unit A, to recieve .3 armor/attack for every 3 units withing a certain range of Unit A.
i dont want an aura.
and anyways, devotion aura doesnt give out percetanges. its a set number. command aura does however.
  • Angry
Reactions: Rui
Level 12
Aug 18, 2006
dude, im not an idiot, are you actually thinking clear?

pick every unit on map(or whatever fuckin units you want) every 0.05 seconds

pick every unit within X range of unit

set level of Devotion aura = Number of units in Temp Group / 3

and devotion aura does give a fuckin percent, just look at the damn spell. The original verison doesnt, but there is an option for "Percent Bonus" that is defaulted as False

dont be an ass, please
  • Angry
Reactions: Rui
Level 4
Oct 28, 2007
HI i need some spells can you amke them?

Spell 1:Berserk Growl

it throws all enemys in the casting units range(range= 400 AOE) away they should be tossed away in the air and then land but it make sno damage..

Spell 4:Lightning strike

add some lightning sfx at the right hand of the caster and then the caster moves fast towards the enemy unit and then bashes the unit away(knocks back range = 500) at the moment the casters attacks the target unit (bashes away create some lightning sfx at the position of the target unit.

Spell 5: Light Speed

create many illusions that vanishes slowly in 0.70 seconds like the caster moves very fast (the caster move every fast around the target unit of spell being used in an AOE of 500) then after 5 seconds the caster appears before the enemy unit and (play castars spell animation) makes damage agi x 8.

can you please make the spells in GUI?..
Level 4
Oct 28, 2007
The second and the third are clearly Naruto Spells, i know them, I dont do naruto spells.

nope they are not naruto spells.. they are normal spells i need for my map and its not naruto map dont think only because my name is deidara i am a naruto fan.. this acc is old.. so can you please do them?
Level 12
Aug 20, 2007
Sorry Ghost, I would do it for you, except I have very little time atm, I apologize, I might be able to get it for you tomorrow

You don't mind it being in vJASS?
Level 2
Jan 12, 2008
Hi, could you help me? I've tried making this spell but I can't figure it out.
This is what i want:

A skill where the hero will shoot out 5 arrows of different elements in a sequence to a target unit. The arrows follow directly after the one before has been launched.

5 Arrows and their Elements(According to Sequence)
-Flaming Arrow (Causes the target to be burned and take damage over time)
-Frost Arrow (Causes the target to have it's AS and MS decreased)
-Lightning Arrow (Causes the target to have a portion of its mana destroyed) (ManaBreak)
-Darkness Arrow (Causes the target to have it's armor reduced)
-Poison Arrow (Causes the target to become poisoned, taking poison damage overtime)

Please help me, either JASS or GUI will do but if possible, I could use a GUI one.
Level 7
Jul 12, 2008
Hey redscores any idea on how to make a spell to last for several attacks(Ex:10 attacks)... And 1 more question how to make a spell that a range unit will slam the ground every several attacks and then continue to attack with his normal attacks? But i need it in GUI... Thanks
Level 2
Aug 21, 2008
I need a Spell that hides the Unit if it is active. For example the basic ability of the night elfs.

But then i want also a negative liferegeneration of 20hp/s until he stops the spell.
Please no Effects, or Sfx.

The Symbol could be the basic ability of night elfs. If its ok for you.

Im happy if u could do this!
Level 7
Jul 12, 2008
I don't want to dissable his normal attacks i just want for example my roar spell to last only for 7 attacks and then wear off... And the other spell when a hero attacks every 5 attack to strike with thunder clap and slam the ground(thats for my ranged hero). I can't figure out how to make a spell that only lasts for a couple of attacks thats all...
Level 6
Jul 30, 2008
Well if people are starting to make spells and they found someone who says that he can do requests , they have to be flamed ?
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Why must you all be so childish? I think this thread needs to grow a little more balls.

A) redscores, that wasn't spam, that was someone giving their opinion on this thread and it's existence. As well, if someone asks for a simple spell, why not just tell them? I can see if it bothers you that people don't try before asking, but you even stated that if it's a really small spell you'd do it for someone without reputation. Also, you seem hostile lately, clam down a bit man. :p

B) Fuck does not warrant a report. There is no rule about swearing, as long as it's not at anyone. Within reason of course, excessive swearing is just annoying.

C) redscores does not have to do any of these spells. If he decides to not do one, tough luck. Try somewhere else, or learn to make spells yourself.
Level 21
Aug 9, 2006
This Thread is not opened for people to argue about what I am doing, so now Okunevic and Ripoff are added to my newly added Banlist.

To tell you, I offer my stuff, and I don't think that I want to make every small spell, which can be done with a min of knowledge about the trigger editor, if that knowledge is not there, you wont be able to finish your projects, and so my spells end on the garbage, if you don't get that, I cannot help you, i made so many spells for people with even negative or 0 rep, i cannot count it, i helped everyone who needed a spell which is worth mentioning, but the spamming of low-quality spells which are done 100000 times before is not needed I think, because I am not the one who HAS to do you every spell.

So stop flooding my thread.

And just to tell you the reason why I am so offensive, in the hospital they discovered that my brother has a uncureable illness, and now I heard that it is maybe deadly... thats the reason why I closed the factory temporarily....
Level 2
Aug 21, 2008
What do you think who you are? Tell something that im too stupid. Well for this spell its true, but dont write something about no thinking before asking.

In this case i show you things that i had tried:

- GUI Trigger, if the unit casts the spell he gets an item ability
- This item ability is unholy aura with negative life regenaration and target on his own <-- dont work
- Second item ability was cloak of fire with negative (and also tried with positve) damage and target on his own <--- dont work

So i've also tried to do all in the trigger.

I was thinking about an second trigger who set the life of the casting unit in life of casting unit -20

But that wont work, cause of using more than 12 heroes using this spell and each hero has a different owner.

All in All i had read your thread and thought "wow, what a nice guy"... Dude im not so pro like you in making Spells but thats no reason to be unfriendly to me.

//Edit: I've accepted that you wont trigger my spell.. its ok, its your thread. That with your brother is sad... but no reason to be rude. I have to take macromar-pills otherwise my heart give up, i heard that 2 weeks ago as i was in the hopistal... other doctors said this could only be a stress problem... I dont heard to them, otherwise i would be dead now. Did you see? All of us had problems... best wishes for your brother :(
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