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redscores Spell Factory Mark 2 REQUEST SPELLS HERE.

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Level 13
Jun 10, 2007
Alright, I'll try that

Edit: Is there one for patch 1.22? And also, does Newgen work with WEU maps?

Edit2: I patched to 1.21 to get the editor, and almost everythings fine except an error called SMFMPQ at the end of the saving of the map appears. The codes are all on, but when I turn them on, they display ERROR: InitTrig_(TriggerName).
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Level 12
Apr 27, 2008
JNGP has the "Implement WEU"(or integrate or something) feature ;)
But DO NOT use WEU!
Level 25
Mar 23, 2008
Think you can make this spell in GUI (must be in GUI, aint understanding a damn thing in JASS :hohum:) for me?

Well, the spell should deal pretty much damage on the target, lets say 300 (for an example). And in a AOE pushes away every unit around the target (not the target) maybe 250 range. Slows the "pushed back units" movement and attack speed and reducing their armor for a couple of seconds. Also dealing small damage on the "pushed back units".

Thx, fagge.
Level 12
Mar 26, 2005
So my spell

Hero will have spell named i.e. "Charging", when he click it, it takes 5 seconds (this 5 seconds will be represented with cooldown efect when the spell-icon is filled with lighted icon)

After the 5 seconds, hero will gain 3 charged bombs, he use one, and then can use second and then third (not all three together), icon to use this bombs, will replace the older icon of "charging",

The using of bombs-he click the spell and then click the area where he want to use them, he will be teleported there with delay 1.5 second and deal 200 damage to the area of 300.00, and all enemy units will have slowed attack speed and move speed to 50% for 3 seconds.

When he used one bomb, he will still have two more, when he use them all, he will gain ability "charging back" but, he cannot use it immediately, he must wait 15 seconds, then he can use it, wait 5 seconds, gain three charge of bombs etc etc. so on
Level 3
Jul 19, 2008
Hi i would need one spell the name is Eraser Cannon this attack is from broly on Dbz

The Hero makes a green ball in his hands and shot it to the enemy units

the spell makes a when it collides a big drstruction wave that destroy every unit in a

range of 600

it has a speed of 1800

in gui

so i want to give a really good rep for it when it be cool when not nvm but i will give rep
Level 5
May 9, 2008
Im doing a smash bros map and i need help with kirbys suck skill
my model has a nice suck animation thats named channel
i want enemiess in front of kirby to slowly come closer to him and dissapearin his mouth and then get visible when they get shot out. They shall lose life when get sucked in. And when they fly away from him they shall lose more life for the more enemies they hit and the enemies they hit shall also lose life. if u can make it look like a strong wind when he sucks them in thats good
Level 5
Jul 8, 2007
Hey, I need a couple of spells for the Beastmaster. Here are the 3 spells. Do whichever or how many you can or want to. I'd be thankful for even just 1. Thanks so much for the service you provide by the way.


Name: Call of the Wild
Format: JESP
Type: Summon
Description: The Beastmaster channels for about 25 seconds and random animals (Bears, Hawks, Thunder Lizards, Sasquatches, etc) start being summoned at random locations within an area of about 150 to 200. The way I'd like for it to look is kind of like the Death Knight ability showcased in the WoW:WotLK trailer when he channels and purple beams shoot to the ground, raising ghouls. Except I'd like the special effect to be something related to a nature theme and summon the animals mentioned above. Each summoned animal would last for about 10 seconds then die.


Name: Beast Within
Format: JESP
Type: Target Enemy Unit
Description: The Beastmaster targets an enemy unit and after 15/10/5 seconds, the unit becomes a wolf under the command of the owner of the caster. The wolf summoned depends on the level of the ability. When cast on a Hero, the ability should deal 125/250/375 damage at the end of the duration and spawn the wolf rather than turn the Hero into the wolf.


Name: Natural Instinct
Format: JESP
Type: Aura
Description: Just an aura that affects nearby ally units, increasing their agility by 10/15/20 and their movement speed by 5/10/15%. Also it increases summoned units' hit-points by 10/20/30%.


If you need something explained better, please let me know either here on through a private message. Again, I'm not expecting you to do every ability, although that'd be amazing, I know it's probably a big request.
Level 5
May 9, 2008
Details:Enemies in fron of kirby gets sucked inte him . Then they get spitted out up in the air and when they fall on the ground they make damage in a medium AoE area. With warstomp animation when they land. what is the more information u need?
Level 12
Mar 26, 2005
what the "NON-MPI" in the first post? what does that mean?

well, that spell do not work properly, when all three charges are used, hero cannot start charging again, but I am sure I can resolve it myself

But, i have one new spell, called flashbang, its stormbolt based spell, you throw it on enemy, and enemy player will have white screen for some seconds, just like in CS
Level 5
Apr 14, 2008
Will you make me a trigger where, upon casting an ability(Based on WindWalk), after the caster has gone invisible, i need images of him to be projected to everybody within a set radius(though the images must be unattackable) and do one hit to the targets then disapear. Is this Possible>? (All the Images must appear and disappear simultaneously) Could it be in GUI?
Thanks in advance,

-EDIT- I forgot to mention(i dont know if its important), but the spells name is omnislash,

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Level 12
Mar 26, 2005
IMO he means this
Your hero and other five hostile heroes arround, then he uses windwalk, become invisible, and 5 hero images (immortal) appears very close to the enemy heroes, attack them once and then dissapear

but i am not sure, he write "an image" and then "images"
Level 25
Mar 23, 2008
Is it ok to ask for another spell redscores? In that case think you can create this spell?
Fire drain/Drain of fire etc.etc.:
When you use it, the target like drains towards you (like an knockback, but towards the caster instead of away from the caster). I want it to be pretty slow drained, not like "bam!" maybe 600-700 speed or something. When he has been drained to the caster, a fireblast explodes at the target, Dealing damage and pushing him away from the caster (pretty far away, maybe 600 range)
Level 5
May 9, 2008
Hello because u ignored my last request i will ask for a new one.
The hero does an jump punch and the enemy flys backward an up in the air. Thats an easy request right? and the name is Super Jump Punch and plz add the thunderclap animation witht the punch.
Level 5
Apr 14, 2008
Hi redscores!, sorry about asking for something again:hohum:, but i would like to ask if you could make me a trigger or triggers that would allow my hero(when a certain spell was casted) to instantly appear at the nearest enemy unit, deal a small amount of damage(maybe agility*2), then appear on the other side after maybe .03 seconds and do the same. Repeating for maybe 7 times)
If possible, could this be is GUI?

BTW, the ability's called monoslash and it could be based on any spell that'll work for it.

Level 14
Dec 9, 2006
Ok, I apologize for requesting again, so I understand if you decide to decline this. However, I am doing Netherspite for Karazhan. If you have never done Netherspite, here is how a key part to the boss fight works.

Netherspite summons 3 portals in a triangular positon around him, a red portal, a blue portal, and a green portal. Each portal shoots off a beam, and each beam that makes contact with Netherspite gives him a buff as long as the beams remain in contact.
The Finger of Death lightning effect can be used for the red portal, mana drain for the blue portal, and life drain for the green portal.

When he summons these portals, raid members can step in a beam and discontinue a beam therefor stopping the boss from recieving that buff. The portal beam ends move to the player that is in the line of the beam and gives them a buff/debuff instead.

The beam moves where netherspite moves. So the boss may move so that the player is no longer in the line of the Beam and the buff continues on Netherspite.

I really just cant figure out how to do this player entering/beam discontinuing part. Even if you cant make this spell for me, if it is possible, could you give me some idea on how the beam discontinuing thing would work?

Thanks for all your help-
Level 5
Oct 18, 2007
Rawr, if you aren't busy see if you can do this one. Tried making it before but it doesn't wanna work >>;, I'll give +rep regardless if you do it or not.

"Hrunting" - 7 levels.

Fires an arrow that can be controlled with the left/right arrow keys and is always in motion. Damage dealt would be 70/140/210/280/350/420/490. The caster is immobile while using the ability but Hrunting can be canceled by hitting the escape key. The caster has vision of the arrow and a small area around it.

I figure its probably easier to do in JASS. Thanks for your time if you decide to make it.
Level 5
Apr 14, 2008
redscores, i take back my other request; ill try it myself:grin:. However, i was just wondering, how would i go about doing that with the spell you already made(omnislash). Imean, how could i edit it to make him reappear several times instead of one?

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