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Race Building Contest #3

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Level 38
Jan 10, 2009

Race Building Contest
Mini Melee Race

Contest Rules And Conditions
    • No submission may violate any of the site rules.
    • If a submission does not follow the map submission rules the creator will be disqualified.
    • All submissions must follow the current theme. If any model does not fit, a moderator will tell you as soon as possible as to avoid confusion.
    • Your submission must be posted before the deadline. The post containing your final submission must also contain the following:
      • Several screenshots of race in action.
      • The file in the appropriate format.
    • You must show at least one unfinished preview of your submission, before the deadline, as proof that it’s yours.
    • Your submission may not be started before the official launch of the contest.
    • Judges and/or hosts may not participate.
    • Your final submission must be bug free enough to test and play.
    • Teamwork is not allowed.
      • Finding testers to help you with your submission is not considered teamwork.
    • Imports may be used in the map, however they must all be credited.
    • The features that may be edited are:
      • Gameplay constants
      • Game interface
      • Object editor
      • Trigger editor
    • The map's terrain may not be edited. The current four melee races may not be edited.
    • Participants must download the (to be provided) template map, edit it and then resubmit it as their entry.
    • The resulting map may not exceed 2MB in size.
  • The race must have a unit or building that fits each of these functions:
    • Food Supply
    • Town Hall
    • Defensive Structure
    • Hero Altar
  • The race may not have more than 10 standard units.
  • The race may not have more than 1 hero.
  • The race may not have more than 8 buildings.
  • The race may not have more than 3 types of summoned units and/or wards.
  • The town hall may only have 1 tier.
  • The race may not have more than 20 upgrades.

    * Units with alternate forms count as only 1 unit. (Druid of the Claw -> Bear form)
    * Units/building upgraded to gain additional bonuses count as 1 unit. (Watch Tower -> Scout Tower
    * Summoned units and wards that are upgraded through their summoning spell count as 1 summoned unit (spirit wolf -> shadow wolf -> dire wolf)
    * 1 building can fulfill multiple roles (Nerubian Ziggurat is both a food supply and defensive structure)
    * The defensive structure must be a building, though the other building jobs may be fulfilled by units. (Zerg Overlord -> Food Supply)
    * Dummy units do not count towards the unit total.
    * Just because there is a limit to the number of things the race may have does not mean you should fill the maximum of everything, especially upgrades. The Naga only have 7 standard units, 1 hero, 1 summoned unit, 6 buildings, and 6 upgrades. In several cases, less can lead to a cleaner and better submission ;)

Contest Prizes And Winnings
  • First Place: 40 reputation points and a special award icon
  • Second Place: 20 reputation points
  • Third Place: 10 reputation points

Contest Voting
[*]Things to consider:

Icon Placement
Are the icons arranged logically? Do they correspond to their utility? Do icon borders match their function?

Spelling and grammar
Are tooltips and names spelled correctly? Does written information make sense?

Overall Balance and Gameplay
Are the units balanced enough to offer an enjoyable experience? Are some units more overpowered than they should be?

Resource Economy
Do imported Models, Icons, Skins, Triggers, and Spells complement and fit in well with the race? Were they used to the best of their abilities?

How well does everything work together?
[*]100 % of the winner shall be determined by the results of a public poll. Any entry that has attempted to manipulate and skew the pole results will be disqualified.


If you would like to enter the contest simply make a post in this thread, stating the information about your entry.

Entry NameContestant Name

Contest Dates And Deadline
  • The contest shall begin on When this contest is approved and conclude on [rainbow]1 month after this contest is approved.
    Time[/rainbow] (GMT)

The contest is pattered primarily off of the non-melee races that blizzard introduced; the Naga, Blood Elves and Draenei that are accessible in the campaigns (mostly after the naga). The goal of the contest is to create 1 new race that can battle against the existing four melee races, but does have the same amount of units and buildings, being more of a limited race in terms of unit count. The idea for this contest is admittedly from the WC3 campaigns race building competition, which is largely patterned the same way. With this competition skins, icons, models, spells, and triggers could be implemented in to one collective project, though all are not required to pull it off. It is more of an exercise in using existing resources and the resources that modders specialize in using, giving the freedom to use creative energy to make something playable with the restraints to keep it under control and achievable in a month's time frame.

Special thanks to Sean_D-real for the race selection triggers, ask him if you need any help with it ;)
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Level 38
Jan 10, 2009
The idea for this contest is admittedly from the WC3 campaigns race building competition, which is largely patterned the same way.

I've found it's always better to give credit to were you get your ideas from, then it can't be called stealing :p

Anyways, it's been a relatively successful contest over at WC3c and I've been having a lot of fun coming up with a race for that contest, so I figured why not have the same type of contest over here? Part of the fun is that there really is no shortage of resources one could use to make their own race, and throwing one together doesn't require much more than basic knowledge of the world editor to pull off :D
Level 3
Jul 26, 2009
Pretty much, yes.
Although in our two previous techtree compos we built actual races, while in this one the races aren't supposed to be full.
Level 38
Jan 10, 2009
where is the template map?

Oh, if this seems to gain enough interest I'll pick a ladder map to have for the contest, and probably see if I can get any convenient GUI starting trigger so that the submitted races may be played instead of the original four.

As for upgrade limits I don't feel that necessarily needs to be limited, though if every building has a cluster of upgrades for the sake of having lots of upgrades the race submission will likely suffer. If I put a limit it would probably be something pretty lenient, like a maximum of twenty.
Level 11
Feb 14, 2009
Seems nice. I'll do Swamp Creatures (the name will probably change and I'll write some lore too :cool:)
Level 9
Dec 26, 2008
Nice this will be my first contest
Well ni dont have many ideas
maybe Underworld Legion, (dunno queens of pain, skeleton officers something like that.
w00t prime matron nice hero!) but i don't have many experience on triggers, and im pretty sure that im going to lose to some1 who has awesome Gui spells

i hope it gets approved

How many time is going to be? are going to be GUI/Jass spells allowed?

Well that's enough
Level 11
Feb 14, 2009
A question:

I noticed that we're not allowed to use the Sound editor, but what if we want to use a sound in an ability? Would we be allowed to import custom sounds?

Deleted member 177737


Deleted member 177737

Hmm, I just red over the rules & some points look a little un-clear on the first read. Like this part
67chrome said:
* Units with alternate forms count as only 1 unit. (Druid of the Claw -> Bear form)
* Units/building upgraded to gain additional bonuses count as 1 unit. (Watch Tower -> Scout Tower
* Summoned units and wards that are upgraded through their summoning spell count as 1 summoned unit (spirit wolf -> shadow wolf -> dire wolf)
* 1 buidling can fulfill multiple roles (Nerubian Ziggurat is both a food suply and defensive structure)
* The defensive structure must be a buidling, though the other building jobs may be fulfilled by units. (Zerg Overlord -> Food Suply)
* Dummy units do not count towards the unit total.

* Units/building upgraded to gain additional bonuses count as 1 unit. (Watch Tower -> Scout Tower

To me looks like every upgrade (different model) counts as one of the 8 units.


* Dummy units do not count towards the unit total.

What counts as a dummy unit?

And my final thing to say in this post is, Can the 2mb be raised to 3/4 ish.
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