Contest Ideas Pack

What idea(s) you liked to happen?

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Level 5
Oct 29, 2016
This thread updates frequently.


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* Ideas may be used and as well as be freely altered by hosts, if he wishes to omit some portions of the concept.
* Concepts are written from my mind's scratches. No plagiarization done. Replication and alikeness may occur.

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The concept submitter's purpose is to submit numerous concepts for contests in the near future and provide contribution for the strengthening of hiveworkshop.

Spamming, multi-posting, trolling, and provocative intentions are completely disregarded and nulled by the said submitter. If any identity will be able to mark or archive the concept as void, illegal, or unauthorized, the content submitter will not be liable to respond to the possible complication. Dependency of the thread is lies on how the public views it.

In conclusion, credits for those who tolerate and allow the post with consideration to this concept compilation to public viewing.

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Okay, I do not know how to start this but I have many ideas to share to add up the contests we have here. Criticism and responses are allowed. The concepts will be listed below.

IDEA 01: Mounted Modeling Contest
Okay, I don't think I noticed we ever had contests about modelling mounted units. Such as that contestants may choose a race and another race.

For example:
Let Jack Sparrow as Contestant A.
He chose a gnoll mounted on a dire wolf.
He plans to mount them and improve them.

A. Concept
--- Uniqueness and creativity works best.
B. Propping
--- What the heck is this? Did the contestant remove the plain-ness and basicness of the model? Did he use custom armoring, weaponry, and attachments? He has chances to gain points if he did so.
C. Recycling Deficiency
--- What's this? Did the contestant used in game textures or made one? Did he used the same old model we had seen since the beginning of time? If he does not, he has higher chance to gain percentage here.
D. Aesthetics
--- Of course how it looks really matters. The more eye-candy, the better.
E. Functionality
--- Okay we must see polished and fitting animations. Plus, the sequences and appropriateness of the anims too. Can't see a weird movement or buggy ones. Does it work in game to?

IDEA 02: Massive Teamed Building Set Modeling
It needs 3-5 members per team, dependable to capacity to finish this. Each team will compete by creating a complete buildings set for a specific race.

The team must create the 11 buildings set that have:
(1) Three-tier town hall building.
(1) Food building.
(1) Defense building.
(1) Altar building.
(3) Troop production or combine purpose building.
(1) Drop off building.
(1) Researches or upgrades building.
(2) Unique building.

Racial basis may be chosen from options:
(a) Forest Troll Buildings
(b) Dark Troll Buildings
(c) Tuskarr Buildings
(d) Harpy Buildings
(e) Centaur Buildings
(f) Skeletons Buildings
(g) Vrykul Buildings
(h) Kobold Buildings
(i) Bandit Buildings
(j) Dwarf Buildings
(k) Gnome Buildings

A. Concept
--- Uniqueness and creativity works best.
B. Balance / Equilibrium
--- Does anything underpowered or overpowered?
--- Does it satisfy to match up equally to a race?
--- Does it equalize the tech tree?
C. Teamwork
--- Contains details of how and what each member did.
D. Aesthetics & In-game Blending
--- Of course how it looks really matters. The more eye-candy, the better.
E. Functionality
--- Okay we must see polished and fitting animations. Plus, the sequences and appropriateness of the anims too. Can't see a weird movement or buggy ones. Does it work in game together?

IDEA 03: Massive Teamed New Race Creation
It needs 3-5 members per team, dependable to capacity to finish this. Each team will compete by creating a custom race of units (no buildings).

Team Botanicals chose the BOTANI race. An awesome race from WoW. They planned to create units such as:
- Botani Orc Reanimate (melee)
- Botani Draenei Rooter (ranged)
- Genesaur (Expensive tank + siege)
- Lord Botanicus Rottelli (hero)
- Spore Treant (cheap tank)
- Botani Mindless (summonable)
- Infester (mage unit that turns enemies into botani mindless.
- Tumoroid (unit that has % chance to turn its killer into a botani mindless when this unit dies.)
- Spore Mass (A flying mass of vegetation, roots, leaves, and etc. Responsible of slowing all enemies around and can cast entangle by AoE.)
- ...

The units made must satisfy these requirements:
- Must have siege unit(s).
- Must have at least one worker unit.
- Must have a healer.
- Must have at least one support.
- Must have a tank unit.
- Must include at least 2 heroes.
- Must have a basic ranged.
- Must have a basic melee.
- Must have at least two aerial units.
- Must have a summonable unit like water elemental, spirit pig, or any custom idea.
(The rest of the quantities remaining is dependent to the idea of the team.)

Max quantity of units must be: 12-15.

Note: The team may also make combine units like a unit that is both basic melee and a healer. But it will take 2 slots from the max 12-15 units limit.

A. Concept
--- Uniqueness and creativity works best.
B. Balance / Equilibrium
--- Does anything underpowered or overpowered?
--- Does it satisfy to match up equally to a race?
--- Does it equalize the tech tree?
C. Teamwork
--- Contains details of how and what each member did.
D. Aesthetics & In-game Blending
--- Of course how it looks really matters. The more eye-candy, the better.
E. Functionality
--- Okay we must see polished and fitting animations. Plus, the sequences and appropriateness of the anims too. Can't see a weird movement or buggy ones. Does it work in game together?

POSSIBLE REWARDING (Applicable to any team based contests):
* Winner team gets 120-150 reputation points each..
* 3 'Command Points' for each winner member. Expiring after 1-2 weeks.
Q: Command Points huh?
A: You have the ability to command a certain modeller or skinner to do a certain request with 1-3 weeks deadline. If the commanded person fails to finish so, he loses reputation points. If he succeeds finishing a model/skin request, he also gains reputation points by 15-25 points.

* Placers get 60-90 reputation points only.
* Participants get lesser points than placers.

IDEA 04: Massive Teamed New Race Creation Part II: Buildings
This time the old participants may wish to rematch for completion of their previous works on the contest part one. New members are allowed to rearrange each team. The only purpose of the concept is to continue the previous concept IDEA 03.

Categorization is the same.

(Will update soon...)

IDEA 05: Crossbreed Modeling Contest
A constestant will chose two races and combine how they look like when they are merged genetically.

IDEA 06: The Rise of Murlocs Modeling Contest
A concept contest that concerns on contestants making murloc based units or buildings. Also has big benefits on helping on completing a forgotten and less attention-given race.

More details coming soon...
Last edited:
Level 48
Jul 29, 2008
Holy cow... This is interesting.

I have a lot to say, but little time now, so I'll throw a few things down & edit/repost later.

IDEA 01: Mounted Modeling Contest
You can look up in the Archives/Library what all the previous Modeling Contest Themes were. I would swear we had done a "mounted" Contest, but I could be wrong. It's not a bad idea, either way.

Grimhollow said:
IDEA 02: Massive Teamed Building Set Modeling
This is definitely useful, but I'll be extremely surprised if it gets any traction. Building models for custom races are notoriously difficult to find, primarily because of how tedious they tend to be... We have a hard time making Modeling Contest for just 1 building, lol.

Also, weird race choices.

Grimhollow said:
IDEA 03: Massive Teamed New Race Creation
We did this; look up "Race Olympics". It... Didn't go well (though we got some really cool resources/ideas out of the WIPs, I must say).

Grimhollow said:
POSSIBLE REWARDING (Applicable to any team based contests):
* Winner team gets 120-150 reputation points each..
o_O (that's a lot)

Grimhollow said:
* 3 'Command Points' for each winner member. Expiring after 1-2 weeks.
Q: Command Points huh?
A: You have the ability to command a certain modeller or skinner to do a certain request with 1-3 weeks deadline. If the commanded person fails to finish so, he loses reputation points. If he succeeds finishing a model/skin request, he also gains reputation points by 15-25 points.

Gettin' a little U.S.S.R. up in here, aren't we? : )
I'm anxious to see what some modelers/skinners think of this. Lol.

The only way this could work is if they could only be chosen from a specific list; a list which they themselves signed up for. Even then... eurgh.

Grimhollow said:
IDEA 06: The Rise of Murlocs Modeling Contest
Grimhollow said:
A concept contest that concerns on contestants making murloc based units or buildings. Also has big benefits on helping on completing a forgotten and less attention-given race.

More details coming soon...
I mean, I'm as much a fan of someone doing my work for me as the next guy, but... Murlocs? Specifically? Really any specific race... Ah dannae. You might get some traction, if you suggest it next time there's a Modeling Contest discussion (might be a while, since one just started), but perhaps...


Overall, I think it's neat, but what you really oughta do is simply create a series of threads for each of these (or for the major types; techtree, modeling, etc). Sprinkle your ideas around in already-existing threads as well (i.e. modeling contest ideas in a modeling contest idea thread).

Good luck!
Level 5
Oct 29, 2016
Holy cow... This is interesting.

I have a lot to say, but little time now, so I'll throw a few things down & edit/repost later.

You can look up in the Archives/Library what all the previous Modeling Contest Themes were. I would swear we had done a "mounted" Contest, but I could be wrong. It's not a bad idea, either way.

This is definitely useful, but I'll be extremely surprised if it gets any traction. Building models for custom races are notoriously difficult to find, primarily because of how tedious they tend to be... We have a hard time making Modeling Contest for just 1 building, lol.

Also, weird race choices.

We did this; look up "Race Olympics". It... Didn't go well (though we got some really cool resources/ideas out of the WIPs, I must say).

o_O (that's a lot)


Gettin' a little U.S.S.R. up in here, aren't we? : )
I'm anxious to see what some modelers/skinners think of this. Lol.

The only way this could work is if they could only be chosen from a specific list; a list which they themselves signed up for. Even then... eurgh.

I mean, I'm as much a fan of someone doing my work for me as the next guy, but... Murlocs? Specifically? Really any specific race... Ah dannae. You might get some traction, if you suggest it next time there's a Modeling Contest discussion (might be a while, since one just started), but perhaps...


Overall, I think it's neat, but what you really oughta do is simply create a series of threads for each of these (or for the major types; techtree, modeling, etc). Sprinkle your ideas around in already-existing threads as well (i.e. modeling contest ideas in a modeling contest idea thread).

Good luck!

Thanks a lot for the time for sharing your thoughts and suggestion my friend. I never thought of there were some discrepancies in making a single model a lot and what more of a models set. Glad to know you said the contests from those went messy.

That weird races, uhm... If we have a lot of models for each and maybe we can have playable races rather than humans, elves, and ya know ... just mainstream races. Ever felt seeing same race over and over? :)

About that singular threads, that will be cooler. My intention of packing them in a single thread was the admins were... too hot to hotseat me to find multiple posting. Dunno why. I think they see it spammy. well thats just being active lol. :D

Anyways, I like your response, I would look into it and let's see improvision and fixing you suggest.
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