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Techtree Contest #4

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Improved Melee Race
Contestants are to create an improved or at least an alternate version of the current Warcraft 3 races, be it Human/ Orc/ Undead/ Night Elf/ Naga. The race created must fit the name of the race you picked and must have many similarities to the original one (lore- and concept-wise).

  • No submission may violate any of the site rules.
  • If a submission does not follow the map submission rules the creator will be disqualified.
  • All submissions must follow the current theme. If any model does not fit, a moderator will tell you as soon as possible as to avoid confusion.
  • Your submission must be posted before the deadline. The post containing your final submission must also contain the following:
    • Several screenshots of race in action.
    • The file in the appropriate format.
  • You must show at least one unfinished preview of your submission (WIP), before the deadline, as proof that it’s yours.
  • Your final submission must be bug free enough to test and play.
  • Teamwork is not allowed.
    • Finding testers to help you with your submission is not considered teamwork.
  • Imports may be used in the map, however they must all be credited.
  • The features that may be edited are:
    • Gameplay constants
    • Game interface
    • Object editor
    • Trigger editor
  • The map's terrain may not be edited. The current four melee races may not be edited.
  • Participants must download the template map (which is found on the bottom of this post), edit it and then resubmit it as their entry.
  • The resulting map may not exceed 3MB in size.
  • Your submission may not be started before the official launch of the contest.

  • First Place: 50 reputation points and a special award icon
  • Second Place: 35 reputation points
  • Third Place: 20 reputation points


  • Pharaoh_


How fun the gameplay is; does it introduce a new way of playing? Is it too complicated? (If yes, is it still playable?)/10

This is what Wacraft 3 is. Does the race offer dynamic and various types of strategy or does it look like a simple race editing?/10

Does it follow the theme of the original race? //Although the points are 5 here, having a score of 0 means elimination from the contest./5

Does the final output look better than the original race?/5
  • 70 % of the winner shall be determined by the contest's appointed judge(s).
  • 30 % of the winner shall be determined by the results of a public poll.

  • The contest shall begin on 3rd January 2010 and conclude on 7th Feb 2010, 11:59 GMT

Thanks to Lich Prince for creating the contest layer.

For questions about the contest, don't hesitate to ask.


  • (8)PlainsOfSnow.w3m
    227.1 KB · Views: 300
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Ah, I see we're doing 30% public again, that worked nicely last time =)

And the things considered in the judging also looks very good, although perhaps we should make it clear to the public voters that those are the guidelines (a lot of unexplained votes can occur publicly).

Just as an idea to prevent any anger in the judging part, perhaps it could be made that the public has to post a valid reason for making the choice(s) they made before they vote, otherwise their vote gets discounted.

Now to think about what race I would like to do.... thinking Bandits based off of the Humans or a Naga race...

OH, that's an interesting point. You say in the strategy section that the race must differ from the original race in terms of strategy as opposed to being a simple race edit. How do you make different strategies occur from doing the Naga race? After all, there are no real original strategies to compare to.
Well, that is something you decide for. Most races share the same strategy in Warcraft III. Try finding an alternative, either by creating systems of your own, either by creating custom resources, anything. The standard map itself, on which you are going to perform the editing of your race, must not be altered terraining-wise.

We can't control who's voting with no reply nor they should be forced to. This is why it is called Public poll; if it was restricted to specific rules, then it would look like Medivh's Tower forum. Plus, I don't think Pyritie or the judge would like to search through the votes that were not followed by a reason.
Level 16
Jun 17, 2008
I think it hasn't started yet, seeing as there are no dates and the thread still being in the contest submissions section. I could be wrong though.

Oh and one question Mr. Pharaoh_, who or what authority will decide on the judging criteria of 'philosophy'? And if it is so important that 0 points for philosophy would result in disqualification, might want to bold that part a bit there and put it on the front. I missed it the first time I read the rules.
Nah, the contest hasn't started yet, still needs to be improved which may take up to a couple of monthes (hopefully less, but it still means plenty of time to think about what we're going to do before the deadline is put into place ;P)

I think the philosophy itself is sort of like the old 'Gestalt' thing that Chrome had. As in, does everything fit together. But the key difference is that the final creation must also be philosophically based off of the race of your choice.

I think I will go with Bandits. Naga will no doubt be done to death :p
Wazzz is right, he combined the 'philosophy' with the 'Gestalt'. Philosophy is the conceptual aspect of the race, the way the lore is combined with the combat and the gameplay. It's the general (gestalt) appearance that identifies it.

The contest hasn't started yet, because we need more interest.

supertoinkz, you are allowed to add many unit-types, so that you seemingly have a vast army to pick from, but if they are too many, you doom your points in Strategy and Gameplay, because Strategy gets ruined, since there are way too many options to choose from, which blocks the player from deciding, while Gameplay becomes complex.

Wraithling, I will bold it up :D

Wazzz, we don't need two months to get attention, we need less than a week. :p
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@Wazzz, since you mentioned it, you won't call them "Bandit Humans", they will be normally named as "Humans". You will only alter their attrbute to more evil, as you already pointed out, nothing else (conceptually) altered. :]

This is true
Mind you, bandits don't have to be 'evil' so to speak, they can be classed as neutral in a way, but yea, I think I have a few ideas already of what to do for them, I just hope I can get them to work :p
Firstly, Naga aren't really a playable race so to speak, although we are allowed to use them.
Secondly, the specifications are one of the four melee races or Naga, but you can make them however you want (so long as it makes sense and the main race is the same as the race you chose)

ADDITIONAL: Interesting thought just occured to me. What if you took, for example, the Orcs and used General Franks Space Orc models to make a futuristic version of the Orc race, still calling them Orcs? Although I wouldn't be one to do this, I'm just wondering if it's a possibility, as it certainly seems like it could well be according to the given guidelines (although I could have missed someting which negates this craziness :p)
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Level 17
Jun 28, 2008
Firstly, Naga aren't really a playable race so to speak, although we are allowed to use them.
Secondly, the specifications are one of the four melee races or Naga, but you can make them however you want (so long as it makes sense and the main race is the same as the race you chose)

ADDITIONAL: Interesting thought just occured to me. What if you took, for example, the Orcs and used General Franks Space Orc models to make a futuristic version of the Orc race, still calling them Orcs? Although I wouldn't be one to do this, I'm just wondering if it's a possibility, as it certainly seems like it could well be according to the given guidelines (although I could have missed someting which negates this craziness :p)

The naga can be played in campaign, but yeah, they aren't realy a playable race.

Wazzz that's where lore part comes in. You can't use space technology that doesn't exist in fantasy world.

I thought we've been through this already, the lore itself doesn't matter, the race itself just has to have fitting aesthetics. After all, if you needed 'lore', the emphasis wouldn't be so much on using the World Editor.
Level 12
Mar 18, 2008
Well, I don't think we're only limited to Warcraft lore. You can make an alternative Human race I guess, but don't make it too alien from the Human race.
Yea, that's what I thought
Cool =D
Mind you, Space Orcs wouldn't be all the alien from the Orcs... just sayin' :p

But srsly, anything futuristic would be very strange, even if it were allowed I reckon it would be rated low just because of the fact that it's not all that creative. After all, you have all the resources just handed to you on a silver platter
Like I said, the lore can be extracted from Warcraft and World of Warcraft, nothing more, nothing less. Space orcs and/or Zerglings seem to represent Starcraft's universe, which is totally off of Warcraft's one.

As for the Bandits, adding a "bad" twist into humans isn't out of theme; life can have many twists, I don't see why humans could never be corrupted, especially for a race that tends to be very curious and greedy.

You know, WIPs will save you. I'll be visiting this thread every day, once the contest begins, so that I let you know whether you are moving towards the right direction or not. :)
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