A well thought of reply as usual, Mr. P.
So you agree with doing reviews, theoretically; but find its implementation too troublesome for voters, to the point of possibly making this contest lose even more interest and standing than it already has? I can't say I disagree with this sentiment.
But I would be extremely reckless if in the first place I threw out this suggestion without predicting of making any assumptions of what are the possible fall-outs it may create. I am actually much inspired by wc3c's way of letting only reviews determining the outcome of certain contests, in this case their race building contest @ our very own techtree contest.
Though I am obvious of the possibility that something that works on one site may not work on another (and vice-versa), I'll highlight certain merits of their system that I think we could have a go on, especially with mapping-type contests like these.
In their Race Building #1 & #2 where placings are determined 100% by reviews, there was a large number of reviews, 19 in fact for the #1. Reviews can of course be of varying lengths according to each person's choice (or vocabulary, or time issues). The thing that makes reviews so successful over there is contestants themselves are encourage to make reviews too, because each reviewer then automatically receives a vote himself. (For instance A decides to vote for B, and since A is also a contestant, A gets another bonus vote for himself.) This further encourages contestants to vote for their peers, something that is usually lacking in our contests.
And my idea is not compelling anyone to write a review, just a few lines of what you like about a race, as in our techtree #1. Extensive ones are just a bonus for the contestants. I'm all for seeing a little bit more quality votes over the numbers. So I personally feel it is acceptable collateral if some people feel compelled to stay away, as you've pointed out.
I think that
if the time comes when we have enough people open to the idea of doing reviews, then perhaps mapping contests on the hive may be brought up a notch in terms of quality.
So, a 'no' from you right? I respect your point of view of course
And although I'm neither a contestant or judge, I'm what they call 'an interested party' so whatever the outcome I will also be accepting it. Anyone else wants to venture an opinion?