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Race Building Contest #3

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Level 11
Feb 14, 2009
cause u can export object data and triggers. if the contest starts soon however, it wont make much of a difference if u started before or after.

Oh yes, you're right. But that wouldn't make a difference anyway. I, for example, may have created a race like 3 months ago and wait for the next competition, right? Same for spells, terrains, etc...
Level 38
Jan 10, 2009
final: gobbos
does a combined unit counts on the unit totals? ( please no T_T)

That would depend on what happens to it when it is combined. An archer and Hippogryph combining into a Hippogryph rider is more like an upgrade for the archer, so those three units could count as two. Two High Templar combining into an Archon entirely change their purpose and role in combat, so even though the High Templar are combining and upgrading, the resulting unit would count as something different.

If any race has a morphed version for every unit, or upgrades every unit somehow they will probably suffer in the voting phase though, so I'd recommend to make use of this only if it is really appropriate. The only ability I can think of that would really merit morphing every unit for is burrow.

Deleted member 177737


Deleted member 177737

I think we should just stick with the race building only (tho your idea seems decent.)
Level 9
Dec 26, 2008
well i kinda have a story, i would base it on a future campagin maybe i will start
its a race cloned by a Eredar Demon, and a Half-Human,Half-Night Elf, corrupted by the Eredar Demon mentioned before, the race consist of clones between them both, all the uniots on the race have wings, units that dont have are slaves or souls,

Off-Topic: anyway off topic the campaign will be based of the story off the "natural" daugther of the queen, who it isnt't like the other sucubbus of the race, she has human feelings.

well i was going to make the race with my brother's computer, but he traveled, now i have to do it with this crappy pc that lagges even on ladder games T.T


Deleted member 177737


Deleted member 177737

Mine is going to be dark advanced nelfs with guns or something... didn't decide completely yet...
Level 23
Nov 17, 2008
Intriguing. I would love to join, however I cant decide on the race, and Im not sure if I have free time...
Man, I really cant decide.

Draenei, lost ones, broken, pandaren, arakkoa, or even tauren? Man. Plus I suck in making the upgrades for units, however the rules seem to fit for me.

I gots a pandaren race map, however it sucks.
Level 22
Jun 23, 2007
ur race should be created after the contest has started. i believe this refers to the core units and such, its really hard to explain. triggered abilities and systems you should be able to import even if they were made earlier i believe.
wc3 lore races arent all that original imo, i would try to recreate another race from another game, or just a new one all together.
Level 23
Nov 17, 2008
Yeah, I knew that it wouldnt work, but I dont even like my pandaren race. It is understandable why you cant take anything from your old map. Maybe the faceless ones...

Anyway, not all Warcraft races are dumb, or nor original. I only make races, that Im interested in, and Im only interested in original races.
Level 11
Feb 14, 2009
Ah, you're right. He's not. But, since Gilles retired, who is the current arena moderator?
Level 11
Feb 14, 2009
Yeah, I think we should find whoever is responsible for the Arena and tell him/her to either host this or reject it.
Level 11
Feb 14, 2009
Well, I didn't mean we should start swearing. Just tell him/her that there is a contest in the contest submission for a while and we would like to know whether or not it's gonna get hosted.
Level 38
Jan 10, 2009
After waiting for any reply I'm pretty confident hosting contests is essentially up to me. Only one moderator had any objection to this contest, though I doubt there will be any hard feelings over me staring it. Expect to see this contest officially hosted in the arena along with the other contests tomorrow* :)

*(for the purposes of this post tomorrow is October 5th, pacific standard time :)

Deleted member 177737


Deleted member 177737

the map was a few pages back & on the main page, no idea how to use the custom triggers for it tho...
Level 11
Feb 14, 2009
I know there was a map, but now there isn't. And we need to know if we can work on that map or on a new one.

Deleted member 177737


Deleted member 177737

I still have that map saved on my desktop.

Deleted member 177737


Deleted member 177737

"but does have the same amount of units and buildings," dont you mean does not?
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