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Punish negatively repped users?

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Level 24
Feb 28, 2007
Well, at the moment and imo it seems negative rep means little. I was thinking perhaps use a system like if you have a certain amount of -rep, you cant use custom user titles, avatars and/or signatures. We, the Hive can also act against it and do like me, ignore -repped people that requests stuff and/or asks for help. Could this be a good idea?
Level 13
Jun 5, 2008
Well, at the moment and imo it seems negative rep means little. I was thinking perhaps use a system like if you have a certain amount of -rep, you cant use custom user titles, avatars and/or signatures. We, the Hive can also act against it and do like me, ignore -repped people that requests stuff and/or asks for help. Could this be a good idea?

+ rep means as much as - rep. The system is just stupid.

I dont mind if I cant join social groups tought (if you take that right away from me). There isnt any point in those groups anyway.
+ rep means as much as - rep. The system is just stupid.

I dont mind if I cant join social groups tought (if you take that right away from me). There isnt any point in those groups anyway.

You are generally a moron, which is why you got -rep. So yes, system is flawed, but it is still right to some extent.

I got an awesome idea for users with less than 1000 posts: MAKE THEM UNABLE TO POST. Now that'd pwn them, no?
Level 25
May 11, 2007
Ye! Let's make the people with bad rep go on a flaming berserk.

Seriously, in what way other than feeding your own E-Penis, does it help ya? It's not like people necro post cause they doesn't care, it's mostly cause they just didn't think of it!
Level 14
Mar 7, 2005
Or how about you just ban users who earn -X rep instead of inventing a convoluted "infraction" system that makes it one more step removed?
Level 31
Feb 23, 2008
lets edit: you can only download maps within the maximum speed of 1b/s and only maps with a size of 40kb IF you inform the admins.

They would just Log Out and download it.

Anyway, my take on this is:
1. -Repped people should be set up with a system that makes it to where, if the get -repped 3 times in a row, they are banned.
2. If they have not gotten -rep for a long time (say, 3 months) then there rep is brought up to 0. (I know this is sort of done. But not entirely.)
3. Have -repped people not be able to submit resources of any kind.
Level 15
Sep 3, 2006
You are generally a moron, which is why you got -rep. So yes, system is flawed, but it is still right to some extent.

I got an awesome idea for users with less than 1000 posts: MAKE THEM UNABLE TO POST. Now that'd pwn them, no?

How about join date?

Why 3 negative reps? Negative rep is very easy to get and very easy not to get. Simply by pissing off a moderator you can get negative rep. Not to mention if you piss Ralle off, he negatives rep for what, 20+? That's 6 bans right there on one person.

Overkill much?


Media Manager
Level 49
May 25, 2007
Level 13
Jun 5, 2008
You are generally a moron, which is why you got -rep. So yes, system is flawed, but it is still right to some extent.

I got an awesome idea for users with less than 1000 posts: MAKE THEM UNABLE TO POST. Now that'd pwn them, no?

It really doesnt mean anything. If you could only see neg rep I wouldnt be the most badass. Some people (grhm. ash) get 10x+rep from flaming comments and 1x-1neg rep.

I dunno if you get what im saying, but the system is stupid. I mean some people give +rep for offensive comments. And actually i have gained more positive rep than negative, but some peoples words just are heavier.
Level 24
May 9, 2007
The thing is: If I get -1 or even 3 rep no one notices, cares and I'll get it back ridiculously soon.

If someone with 0,1, or 2 rep gets - rep the red gem turns them into an instant fool. They will be ignored in many situations. And it will take them a longer time to get it back.
Level 9
Oct 7, 2007
Hawk identified some of the problem.

People with a lot of rep (or even 2+) really aren't that afraid of losing rep, cause it doesn't display. I don't think -rep should just display as shiny gems. There should be a warning icon under that shows the number of infractions. It just shouldn't tie in with a system that is based on how well people like you.
Level 6
Jul 1, 2008
In fact, -rep means you have broke a rule, dont mean you are a bad person.

Or in my case it means you're an asshole. (used to have reg rep for being a dick. My fault for a misunderstanding) Anyhow my point is neg rep isn't always a end all sign of a bad member. If they keep getting neg rep that's a sign that they are a bad user.
Level 9
Oct 7, 2007
So basically turn neg rep into exactly the same as infrations, but all mods can give out...? Right...

Neg rep is useful as a warning. Mods (should) use them as part of an increasing scale.

Perhaps Neg. rep given by a few different mods would cause minor infractions? This would take a personal feuding getting a person banned out of the equation.
Level 9
Oct 7, 2007
Actually, I usually don't want to help people unless they can rep me. So yes, it does make a difference when you're asking for help.

I'm sure you're not the only one. However, this means that neg rep still doesn't affect people with 12+ rep. Perhaps make -rep also give a temporary debuff (heh, I'm really letting WoW get to me) that makes that user give 0 rep.
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