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Punish negatively repped users?

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Level 6
Jul 1, 2008
Do the mods know this? Well in any case I don't want to have anything to do with this horribly conceived idea. I wish mods would remove rep from my account. (easy enough to do. Create a new user group and throw people who don't want rep in there)
Level 14
Mar 7, 2005
Hawking said:
I had originally assumed so, but that was a false assumption. But if so the system would be oh so much better.
This is how it is at WC3C and it works wonderfully. I believe that -1 is fair for minor offenses, -1*N for the Nth offense, and -(arbitrary number) when it isn't some standardized breach of rules. (ie. Case by case)

Here, though, because of the magnitude of people shelling out rep for no good reason (At WC3C, it's actually very difficult to earn rep), those numbers would be scaled up. Actually, it'd make the most sense to scale the amount of negrep to the positive rep of the user if >0. That way, users who have high rep get hit hard because they should know the rules by now. That way HT would lose like 20 every time he acted like a moron.

Also, my point stands that the staff needs to arbitrarily know when a user has screwed up enough to merit a ban. Seriously, I'm quite sure that the staff is capable of that reasonably.
Level 6
Jul 1, 2008
This is how it is at WC3C and it works wonderfully. I believe that -1 is fair for minor offenses, -1*N for the Nth offense, and -(arbitrary number) when it isn't some standardized breach of rules. (ie. Case by case)

Here, though, because of the magnitude of people shelling out rep for no good reason (At WC3C, it's actually very difficult to earn rep), those numbers would be scaled up. Actually, it'd make the most sense to scale the amount of negrep to the positive rep of the user if >0. That way, users who have high rep get hit hard because they should know the rules by now. That way HT would lose like 20 every time he acted like a moron.

Also, my point stands that the staff needs to arbitrarily know when a user has screwed up enough to merit a ban. Seriously, I'm quite sure that the staff is capable of that reasonably.
I'll agree with them knowing when to ban. HOWEVER using the rep system as a form of punishment is stupid. No offense to whoever came up with that one but put down the crack pipe and look at how most successful forums work. This place is a great resource but in terms of forums it just plain old sucks because of the systems set up.
Level 6
Jul 1, 2008
Yeah, we are all immature brats who can't stand an argument on the internets. Dude. You got neg rep. LIVE WITH IT. You know what? My first rep on THIS VERY SITE was NEGATIVE, and because of DOUBLEPOST, given to me by ARCHIAN. Thus, you, sir, have to get some balls and live with it. OMG INTERNETS ARE NOT FAIR!

You know what? Now that I know how this site works I'm going to go ahead and simply say whats on my mind: Go fuck yourself. That post had nothing to do with neg rep and I found you're post overly rude in that nice passive aggressive context. If you want to avoid being insulted like I just insulted you don't assume to know my motives behind my posts.
Now lets wait to see what kind of punishment I get for this. *rolls eyes*
Level 14
Mar 7, 2005
Speak for yourself.

Anyways, I don't even know what this topic is supposed to be about anymore, so I reported it to be closed or cleaned or something.
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