Rep Solution

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Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
Okay, I was going to call the thread 'rep problem' but I knew that would give you guys the wrong idea. So here's my solution to a new rep problem. It seems that certain, er... immature users... not naming any names... are actually proud of and/or are enjoying their negative reputation status. This is obviously a problem as negative reputation is meant to be a sort of punishment, but since these users have nullified any meaning of negative reputation, it no longer matters. I feel that we need to impose some sort of consequence to go along with negative rep, as the moral punishment just doesn't seem to be doing it, since none of these users are learning from recieving negative rep, they just continue on breaking rules and/or being idiots regardless of the consequences, because there ARE no consequences.
These users are proud of having more negative reputation then other notorious users, happy with their "blood diamonds" because they "look cooler". This is obviously not what we want users to think about the reputation system, so something needs to be changed. Whether its some way of getting the point across about how noobish you look with that much negative rep, or whether its imposing bans or suspensions from the site after reaching a certain negative rep count, I don't really care. Something needs to be done, and I just want the Admins and Mods to know that. A solution is obviously up to them to formulate and decide upon, i'm merely trying to raise awareness to stop these noobs from wrecking any value that our reputation system once had, as well as encouraging other users that its alright to recieve negative rep.
Level 9
Oct 2, 2005
yea I do and im saying -rep just means you didn't follow the rules and positive rep means people think you did something good...Its not that big of a deal its just like getting gold on a game its cool when you got tons of it but in the end its just fake stuff lol. I mean if there really spamming the crap out the site and breaking the rules yea ban them there dosen't need to be know fancy system over little gif files lol.
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
No it isn't at all. You get positive rep when you assist the community, like posting a good tutorial, sharing some skins or models, helping someone out with a trigger or making a post that is really meaningful, descriptive etc. Negative rep is a way of punishing users for acting like idiots, it shows other users that those with negative rep are the noobs, and if they get negative rep themselves then they will clearly be associated with said noobs. Rep is a way of managing and rewarding users, because it either makes them look good or look bad. In real life, if someone has a horrible reputation and they offer you advice, are you going to really take it? If your most hated enemy suddenly starts being nice to you are you going to trust them? Of course not. Forum rep is supposed to work the same way. It's the same with a good reputation. If you ask someone for art tips and they are well known around your school, city, whatever, as being a great artist with a lot of talent, you would take their tips and advice right? You wouldn't if this person was a horrible artist.
Level 9
Oct 2, 2005
but who do we got to show off to? the only people that should even really care about rep is the users otherwise the guest that come to this site go to one part of it the recource section lol. So the Rep that users of this site have dosen't expand no further then the users of this site so its really not a big deal.
Level 24
Jun 14, 2005
what brad is saying is because rep is the most used punishment used around here, we should make it worth something, for example that thing I thought of where 5 -rep = 3 day ban, 10 -rep = 1 week ban and -15 rep = pernament ban, and then perhaps some sought of reward you can get for having good rep would make it worth something more as well.
Level 18
Jan 24, 2006
I'd increase those amounts, -15 = permaban seems a little harsh to me. And maybe you could put other restrictions into place as well/instead of bans, such as avatars, signatures and custom user titles being disabled. Alot of people are proud of their avatars/signatures so that might encourage them to act better.

Level 27
Sep 24, 2006
No I don't think he does either.... anyway Bob is intending on putting in a system that works like this:

-5 rep= 3 day ban -10 rep= 1 week ban and -15 rep= permaban

This still has to be discussed and all the rest so nothing is final but this is what I have planned.

Well thats to scary...

Lets say when u have 1 -rep you can only post 20 posts a day,when you have another -rep the 20 will decrease with 2 and so make you only able to post 18 messages a day.. until all your messages are reduced to 0 you receive a ban of a week or something and then you get +1 mercyfull rep again so you can post 2 posts again and then behave because else you will have 0 posts again so you need to increase your rep to post

When you have +rep you can just post unlimited offcourse xD
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
I don't think that -15 rep is harsh at all. Look how much I post? See my post count? Yeah, do I have neg rep? No. You can still post all you want and not get neg rep people, just don't friggen spam. -15 rep, thats FIFTEEN chances for someone to straighten out their act, if they can't stop being an asshole and are given 15 tries to overcome themselves, well then they don't deserve to use these forums.

Deleted member 126647


Deleted member 126647

I think 15 is too much, 10 should be a ban, too many morons otherwise.
Level 24
Jun 14, 2005
Well I don't know about you, but I give 2 rep, and it could be -10 rep, but then it isn't that hard to get -15 rep, I mean if you make a couple of stupid posts or something, about 3-4 mods give you -rep for each of them you could get to -15 pretty quickly.
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
Well I know the mods don't give a ton, and admins shouldn't either. I think this is because of the way the rep system has been acting lately. For example, I went to give Shados some rep, he had 49 before and after he had 53. No one else gave him rep but me. So apparently I was giving out 4 rep per serving at one point xD
Level 7
Dec 30, 2006

Possibly make it so that if you reach

-5 Rep you get a 1 hour suspension,
-10 1 day suspension,
-15 ban
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Level 7
Dec 30, 2006
And why does my rep keep going down, I made one useless post that after the feedback I found out that "Off-Topic" isn't really off topic lol.

Oh F**k thats why, I make stupid mistakes like this right here double posting.. Sorry, my big bag :/
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Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
Heh, it's not that easy to get reputation. I help lots of people on the World Editor Help Zone, but I never get over 6 reputation, and that is considered "assisting" the community in a way. Because newbies don't really bother clicking the reputation point and/or don't even see it.


Level 78
Oct 6, 2004
well do you know what the word reputation means?
I don't care if some people don't care about their reputation. But the reputation works! It works the way it should work!

Lets say someone is asking for help and they want to send their map source to the person helping them. Would he send the source to a person with bad reputation? NO. Would people take the bad reputation guy serious? No. they would definately look at his rep to see what we think about him..

That's what reputation is all about in my oppinion.

Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
Only moderatord and Admins can give negative rep. You can't give rep to someone in a row, or even a couple times. There are plenty of features built into the system to prevent idiots from tampering with it. 15 chances to not be an idiot, and you blow all of them, well that deserves a permaban. And, Rui, perhaps you should ask for rep? Iunno, you haven't been here long. There are two ways: Get it over time doing little things, like me, or come in and showcase a pile of stuff and get truckloads of rep crazy fast. I have nothing to showcase, so I had to get my rep the hard way xD

PS, for any still confused about rep, just scroll up and read Ralle's post. This is what I've been trying to get acorss to you people, and I couldn't have said it better myself.
there is no truth in your post, onyx. I started off with -3 reputation and look at it now? so no1 cares about neg repped people? NO! People CARE of them, but people with bad reputation doesn't have some benefits like goodrepped personbs do:
1. much of people wont get you serious
2. if you submit map, not much people will pay attentation at first
3. people will sometimes deslike you just BECAUSE

that's why it's not good to have bad reputation, EVEN if you like that !@#$ing red diamond.
Level 4
Aug 19, 2004
Time to throw my two sense into the fire here. From my perspective, it seems that admins or maybe people with 50+ rep should be the ones who can give or take rep. Those who act like idiots and get negative rep should slowly lose site access and functions until a point where they just get banned. As an example, -1 could disable the ability to post images or links, -2 could add disabled from posting new topics and so on. Not sure if this helps to get your mental gears spinnin, but its the best thing I could think of that didnt involve dumping the rep system forever.



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
And, Rui, perhaps you should ask for rep? Iunno, you haven't been here long.

I was not really complaining about my reputation, I was complaining that some people don't do a crap, and receive lots of reputation, so it's fine as it is now. Respected Users are ok as reputation-givers. However, only admins and moderators should be able to disable reputation, as they know the rules better than anyone, so should someone break them, down with their rep ;)
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
GUYS, ONLY MODERATORS OR ADMINS CAN GIVE NEGATIVE REP. If they give you negative rep, check your User CP and it will show you the comment they left with the rep, explaining their reasoning. If a moderator or admin gives you negative rep, it's for a good reason, and even now, with reputation disabled, the admins and moderators can still give you neg rep, so you guys think we've progressed, but wehaven't at all, besides the fact that regular users can no longer give rep to deserving people.
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