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Reputation FAQ

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Site Director
Level 64
Jan 1, 2006
Reputation System


Reputation is a form of appreciation everyone can give by clicking the
2017-12-13 23_33_19-Reputation FAQ _ HIVE.png
button in forum posts under the avatar.
It's often seen as kind of award, if someone is very active, helpful, or makes some good point, but finally it's very subjective and ultimately always up to the users when, or when not to give +reputation.

Reputation Gem

Gained reputation will define how the shiny rep gems will look like. They can be found at a user's forum posts.








Reputation Power

The amount of reputation one can give at once is called Reputation Power. Reputation power depends on forum acitivites and current rep amount, but is capped at 4.
Reputation Limits

There are certain limits that prevent you from spreading reputation. It's not possible to give reputation ...
  • ... in the Something Else forum.
  • ... to more than 10 users per day.
  • ... twice to the same user per day.
Asking For Reputation

Begging, bribing, trading, harassing users for reputation should not happen, and may be punished. Stay cool, share +rep when you deem it as useful, but don't enforce it to anyone else, and don't be a rep whore.

Negative Reputation

Reputation is a form of appreciation. Negative reputation is actually not possible to give for normal users, but it's very well possible for administration. In rare cases, like for example for continuously breaking site rules, stealing resources, cheating in contests, it might happen that some reputation is taken away from you. That's no replacement for regular punishment, but it can be an extra signal to show that staff doesn't appreciate certain behaviour at all.​
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Level 22
Aug 27, 2005
# All users may participate in the vBulletin reputation award system.
# Users must possess ten reputation points and ten posts in order to add positive reputation points to others.

Isn't that a contradiction? Sure enough, you're still taking part in the reputation system, but it's not worth anything unless you have above 10 rep.

So yes, in a sense, you are still contributing something, but you're contributing something that's worthless and nobody cares about... Thus, you're not really participating in the system because you're doing something that isn't mainstream and doesn't have an effect on anybody.
Level 15
Dec 24, 2007
I think what he means by using reputation is that in the past, members would type a message which would say something along the lines of, "Look Here! "Insert link here" I'll give you rep!". And it is true, reputation cannot be given or taken in the chat room itself.

Ash, Everyone can use the system. When you receive rep, who cares if it's worth something? Just knowing that you helped a new member and that they appreciate it should be reward enough.

Level 15
Dec 24, 2007
Lol, Ash, I AM a terrainer, and I still don't mind. There are plenty of good terrainers that do not have a lot of reputation.

Stallion, Ralle probably has it disabled. Ghan, if you want to enable it, I believe it's under vBulletin options, then scroll down the list until you see "Reputation Options", then the rest is up to you.

Level 15
Dec 24, 2007
Ash, I may not be amazing, but I'm not horrible. I also haven't terrained in 5 months due to a Hard Drive crash and other issues.

Galleries don't gurantee you rep. Look at Correxx, he was a great terrainer, he has a gallery, but only around 60-70 rep.

Anyway, this is getting off-topic.

Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
60-70 for that one gallery deathcom3s. That's a lot.

And Ash, you need to be a good terrainer. Look at me, I don't have that much rep/post, but I consider myself a qualified terrainer.
Level 22
Feb 26, 2008
> I believe it's under vBulletin options, then scroll down the list until you see "Reputation Options", then the rest is up to you.

Allowing users to disable reputation display is handled by usergroup, I believe.
I thought it was enabled.
Level 18
May 27, 2007
I have a lot of rep, and that is pretty much due to my terraining. Nearly all of my rep is from terraining. That is because if you are looking for reputation, helping people usually isn't productive, as that is what I used to do, but then got bored of all the same questions or questions that could be answered by simply applying yourself, or looking at tutorials.
Level 10
Oct 2, 2005
Donations don't give +rep?
I think they should, so this would motivate people to donate, and would make the hive's upkeep better.

And yes, terraining is over-repped. I consider myself a good terrainer, but I don't post screenshots here. I think that rep isn't something that important. What I've been doing for long, helping newbies and doing models, is not a good way to receive rep, although I believe that it is a good way to help the community, instead of showing off terrains which we are tired of looking at.
Level 14
Mar 7, 2005
Pyritie said:
Regular users can't at the moment. Why? Because they could use it to hide -rep too. We'll see if we can find a way to sort that out though.
What we'll actually do instead is make it so that normal users can disable reputation, but instead of getting negrepped for breaking rules they'll take the hits directly as infractions. This not only forces you to conform to a higher standard of attitude, but also allows those users who want to disable it to do so.
zombie2279 said:
Or make it avalible to users above a certain reputation level.
That doesn't make any sense whatsoever.
zombie2279 said:
Let regular users use the feature and disable it for the negrepped users.
Again, that doesn't make sense. Consider a user with 200 rep and he earns a -1 negrep. If the disabled reputation is turned off for that user, it still shows as 199 (Which prevents the user from disabling it) but makes no differentiation between the user with 199 rep and with -1 rep. Negrep should be visible in both cases, but turning off disabled rep for both doesn't make sense. It's particularly because of this dichotomy that users don't have the power to disable reputation right now.
Level 14
Mar 7, 2005
But then you have to earn the right to disable rep by earning rep. That's about as counterproductive as you can get. The best way to do it is to remove reputation from the equation altogether and make it known that disabling rep puts you at risk for infractions instead.
Level 22
Jun 24, 2008
Well, i think neg rep should be removed, and replaced by some 'mini infranction'. Myself, i have earned, like -5 rep like that.
I think it would be more just, if you showed all of thoose mini infraction, in the public profile.
Personally, i wouldn't care, what i have done, i have done, and that shouldn't be able to get disabled.
Well, i think neg rep should be removed, and replaced by some 'mini infranction'. Myself, i have earned, like -5 rep like that.
I think it would be more just, if you showed all of thoose mini infraction, in the public profile.
Personally, i wouldn't care, what i have done, i have done, and that shouldn't be able to get disabled.

So sorta like the current infractions system but just don't make them last as long? We could use the current system for the same thing. :p
Level 14
Mar 7, 2005
Infractions are a ban system, not necessarily a punishment system. This gives the staff a coherent and organized way to justify someone being banned and harshly warned and so forth.

Negrep exists for punishment purposes. Reputation wouldn't make much sense if there weren't a means with which to lose it. Disabling reputation is something that should be reserved for staff and for those members who prove through righteousness of attitude that they don't need to be punished. If those users break the rules, then they can be awarded infractions for betraying the staff's trust.
Level 22
Jun 24, 2008

People who has high reputation, doesn't care that much, if they get negrepped, they usually, got enough to loose a bit.
Besides, after 10 positive reputation, in the public profile, the Red Gem, gets bumped out of sight, for other people, and thus it seems as the person has done nothing bad, whatsoever.
Level 14
Mar 7, 2005
Except that was all taken care of by the fact that the staff can negrep for up to -12 and the standard users can only rep up to +4. Acting seriously out of line ends up costing far more than what you gain from others.
Level 22
Jun 24, 2008
Yea, i know, what you said, but still i dont think that people whom have done bad things, can 'work it off' that easy.

There should be some mark, for some days, depending on how much neg rep it is, that last for some limited time. Or like 'Paypal donor' there could be some 'Recently infracted' or such.
Level 14
Mar 7, 2005
Hakeem said:
Do not hide -rep when reputation is disabled.
The feature is built into vB and doesn't give that sort of functionality. Of course, we could wait an extended period of time for Ralle to hack vB and do it himself, or he could be doing more useful things with his time. You're right, the solution is quite obvious.
Level 15
Dec 24, 2007
Just leave it be Blooddancer. There's no use arguing with Rising_Dusk, he's got a lot more experience than you, and knows what he's talking about.

But I'm going to say something. When a member breaks the rules, the staff doesn't like to make the reprimandation of the member a public display. No need to put a little image on their postbit signifying their recent punishment. A simple -rep and a PM warning them to watch themselves should suffice. Unless the offense merits an infraction.

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