+Rep with 0 rep

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Level 7
Apr 5, 2006
And yet I bring up ANOTHER point. :p

Why should people with 0 rep (In fact, 80% of this site's users) give no rep to people they +rep?

Like on wc3campaigns.net, thehelper, and other sites using rep system, users with 0 rep should be able to add 1 rep to anyone when they receive help. At the moment it seems like if you are spotted by a high-ranked person on this site you get rep, otherwise...

Like, when I request stuff on the Requests forum I thank the guy but... There's nothing I can do I can't even give him a rep point I have 0 rep!

Would be better, honestly.
It was possible, but then the system was abused. When some n00bz got neg repped, they immediately re-repped each other to get the positive rep.

And this way the most loud and spammy users get more than people who work hard and help people on forum.

Anyway, this rep hunt is seems so silly to me. Why actually you need it for?

I like the way how they rejected the rep system on maps'n'mods :thunbsup:
Level 3
Jan 27, 2007
But someone can have 0 rep, but 50 users of Hive gave him +rep.

Why should people with 0 rep (In fact, 80% of this site's users) give no rep to people they +rep?

users with 0 rep should be able to add 1 rep to anyone when they receive help

I agree. We, users with 0 rep, can't do nothing other than write Thanks.:emote_surprised:

And when some people see someone with rep 150+, they always think he did something great, right?
It's the same with users with 0 rep, but this time some people think he or she is just a noob, becouse he/she has got 0 rep.
Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
Rep is usefull, it helps you distiguish who is helpful and skilled and who is not.
Im not talking about the rep showen im talking about the recieved rep history, its a good indication on who has helped alot of people.
But in order to avoid rep spaming and "rep me and i rep u" comments i think the 50 rep minimum is useful.
Keep it as is IMO...
Level 18
Nov 1, 2006
A suggestion for the reputation system: perhaps people with less than 50 reputation points should also be able to give reputation, however, a moderator would have a CP showing the reputation given, to approve of their reason (which would also encourage comments on reps). Given reputations would show up here. The moderator would have to re-view the thread and decide if the reputation was well-deserved. I can do this, if other moderators feel too lazy to do so.
The idea came when I read this thread.

Additionally, I have another similar suggestion to the World Editor Help Zone. There are many questions there, and why not let the thread author/WE Help Zone moderator choose the best answer to each question, which would grant a small boost to reputation (with a comment), and would grant a button to automatically jump to the chosen best answer. If the thread author makes more than one question, the best answers to each question are also shown. I myself don't know exactly how this would work, but it'll encourage people to help others.

This would put so much work on moderators Rui.
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Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
Too much work,

the system works as is and everyone can give rep (aka say thank you) it just doesnt count...
And mods have a hard enough job already!
Level 8
Feb 4, 2007
Rep is usefull, it helps you distiguish who is helpful and skilled and who is not.
Im not talking about the rep showen im talking about the recieved rep history, its a good indication on who has helped alot of people.
But in order to avoid rep spaming and "rep me and i rep u" comments i think the 50 rep minimum is useful.
Keep it as is IMO...

The thing is, it really isn't very accurate. People who post lots of art / models etc. get a lot of rep.
Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
True, the art section mods are more generous and thus we have alot of artists who can give each other rep.
If a few more Triggerers/World Editor helpers had rep then it would work much better...
Level 7
Apr 5, 2006
It was possible, but then the system was abused. When some n00bz got neg repped, they immediately re-repped each other to get the positive rep.

And this way the most loud and spammy users get more than people who work hard and help people on forum.

Anyway, this rep hunt is seems so silly to me. Why actually you need it for?

I like the way how they rejected the rep system on maps'n'mods :thunbsup:

If you're in the negative reputation you couldn't add rep to anyone. I'm talking about the 0 rep politic that it could still add 1 rep to the user even though you have none.

wc3campaigns recently changed the rep system so you could only receive a maximum of 4 rep per +rep, and you could still receive 1 rep from people who have 0 rep. When you have much rep in this case, it really means you helped many people, and not got spotted by people with high rep.

Just a comment, as usual. This subforum is about "Site discussion" no? ;)

EDIT: "If you're in the negative reputation you couldn't add rep to anyone". I should say "shouldn't"!
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Level 7
Apr 5, 2006
Then why bother reviewing rep comments? In my opinion they should be considered as short private messages meant to reward the person who helped you. If it doesn't count, what's the point?

How will you be motivated to help someone if the only thing you get in return is... Well, nothing except a thank. But past that thanks nobody knows that you helped, since it didn't count and doesn't add up as time goes and more people +rep you (aka. reputation going up)

Solution? Make everyone who have 0 or more rep. be able to +rep somebody by giving him 1 point of reputation. It would encourage helping newcomers (as they can reward you, just as the other users) and would also prevent them to feel useless. If you think that it could be exploited: false. Yes, 2 members that are friend could exploit it a bit. But remember: you must give rep to other people in order to give 1 more to a "friend"... Which kind of breaks the exploit right there. And what happens if someone gives too much rep.? It's 1 rep per person anyways, nobody's gonna die for that. Compared to that awful feeling you get when giving 0 rep, it's nothing.

Members with 0/low reputation being able to give rep to anybody doesn't only reward helpers for real, it also tells users that they still have that small bit of power everyone likes. Being able to truly thank someone for the help he/she provided.
Level 32
Oct 23, 2006
The Hive's current reputation system is based on past experience using reputation awards here. Two existing threads may help to (partially) explain the situation: Rep Solution and Reputation Enabled!

Reading those threads can provide some information regarding the present situation. Occasionally, threads such as this one pop up because users aren't fully informed. I will soon create a new thread that will describe things more clearly.

I do not foresee the system being abandoned or any drastic changes being made to it.
Level 8
Sep 13, 2006
I guess the biggest problem I see is that if you have very little rep, no one takes your advice. You can give a great piece of advice and others give it no credence, but if a mod says the same exact thing a week later, that mod is praised and repped. In my personal opinion, I think regular users should have some involvement concerning reputation, though I understand completely why things are the way they are.



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
As I said, a system to allow multiple approvals of reputation would make it much easier. Besides, I said I could do that if others felt lazy. In either way, I still think this suggestion should be approved at least when rep'ing to members with negative reputation.
I can't see why people think rep is that bad or complain about they can't rep yet, i often see people requesting a mod for giving rep to someone who helped them alot.
I don't see any reason to be mad about it. If you don't like that there's rep, then just stop thinking about it, throw it out of your mind since it is only a small icon with a number.
Personnaly i like the rep system. that way you can easily determine who have helped people at THW alot.
(yea i know, i suck at english)
Level 16
Oct 30, 2004

How will you be motivated to help someone if the only thing you get in return is... Well, nothing except a thank. But past that thanks nobody knows that you helped, since it didn't count and doesn't add up as time goes and more people +rep you (aka. reputation going up)

We got a real good samaritian here :D. I love your attitude towards helping :emote_clap: . On a serious note; lol.
Level 7
Apr 5, 2006
I can't see why people think rep is that bad or complain about they can't rep yet, i often see people requesting a mod for giving rep to someone who helped them alot.
I don't see any reason to be mad about it. If you don't like that there's rep, then just stop thinking about it, throw it out of your mind since it is only a small icon with a number.
Personnaly i like the rep system. that way you can easily determine who have helped people at THW alot.
(yea i know, i suck at english)

You see me as a whiner right? Seems like it for many people who read this thread. :p I'm questioning the rep system as a whole.

I do know how reputation systems work, you can follow the link in my signature if you wish: the site uses reputation system, and I based my comment off it, as normal users can give rep to anyone.

I like rep systems in general, but the one on this site is different. My personal opinion is that this difference should be removed :p

Wolverabid said:
The Hive's current reputation system is based on past experience using reputation awards here. Two existing threads may help to (partially) explain the situation: Rep Solution and Reputation Enabled!

Reading those threads can provide some information regarding the present situation. Occasionally, threads such as this one pop up because users aren't fully informed. I will soon create a new thread that will describe things more clearly.

I do not foresee the system being abandoned or any drastic changes being made to it.

It's ok, the rep system is pretty self-explanatory ;) I just asked how much rep it took to add some to users because it wasn't offtopic to do so.

Don't be mistaken this thread is not a question thread. Well, in fact, it is, but it questions how the system should be and not how it works :p

Alright for no changes, I just wanted to point that out ;) In my opinion it isn't rewarding for newcomers, but you are the admins!
Level 13
Aug 31, 2005
I think the rep system is near-perfect as it is. The whole point is to allow users to distinguish between highly helpful members and new members. Sure, not everyone gets the reputation they deserve, but if you look at their rep page you can see lots of little diamonds with "Thanks" behind them and you get the idea. Plus, alot of the mods check for people who help alot and +rep them.
Level 7
Apr 5, 2006
We got a real good samaritian here :D. I love your attitude towards helping :emote_clap: . On a serious note; lol.

It isn't my point... Why is it one always blames the person who passes the message? We call that a critique. I'm currently in the head of a normal user who wishes to do something and get something back, not myself, and is proud of receiving rep as a reward. For my part, I helped many people, I like it, and I shall continue helping as I always did, just not on this site :p

Observing how the normal user behaves tells you that, normally, he will want rep. I repeat, I am not that user, but I bring up the point.

Enabling random users to give rep won't cause the end of the world or a rep spam crashing the site guys, don't worry :p Don't be mistaken, I'm trying to help this site by bringing up some important points, as you probably noticed. Nothing replaces group discussions!


Wolverabid, can you move the last like... 10 posts to my reputation thread? I'd love to discuss that further, instead of seeing them deleted.
Level 32
Oct 23, 2006
Reputation Awards

This thread seems to impelled some changes that could, potentially, take place very soon.

While I can only truly speak for myself, for the most part I believe that the administration feels that all users' (both newbies and veterans alike) reputations should increase over time in accordance with their ability and willingness to help others, create resources, or contribute value to our site.

The circumstances that produced the Hive's reputation system in its current form (negative reputation troublemakers re-reping one another to sidestep the system) might very well still exist. However, this complication is at present virtually non existent: in the future it may be possible to address such irregularities using other means.

It's my personal opinion that some minimal threshold should remain in force to prevent abuses similar to those that have occurred in the past: even a paltry five point limit would allow almost all users to apply positive reputation awards to others, while at the same time ensuring that uber no0bs (and those who have made virtually no positive contributions whatsoever) would still be powerless to affect any change.

Stay tuned.
Level 13
Aug 31, 2005
Hey Wolverabid, what about users with -reputation and no reputation cant rep other users. Users with +reputation can +rep 1-2 and users with over 50 rep can +/- rep?
Setting the system up like that would allow privelages to users who havnt broken any rules while not taking privelages away from new users.
Level 32
Oct 23, 2006
...users with -reputation and no reputation cant rep other users. Users with +reputation can +rep 1-2 and users with over 50 rep can +/- rep?

The Administration will decide exactly how any (possible forthcoming) changes will be applied. I don't consider it to be very likely that ANY regular users would EVER be able to impose reputation penalties. No neg-rep wars allowed, TYVM.
Level 7
Apr 5, 2006
The Administration will decide exactly how any (possible forthcoming) changes will be applied. I don't consider it to be very likely that ANY regular users would EVER be able to impose reputation penalties. No neg-rep wars allowed, TYVM.

Exactly. My point in this thread is to allow normal users to +rep other users normally, not to -rep them :)
I agree with Daxtreme. Some of it was because I got repped 6 times from people without rep, so I received nothing. :emote_sad:

Though rep is not much, I like having it because it gives me much more encouragement in some way, cuz I'm rep crazy. :emote_grin:


Herio-San said:
Hey Wolverabid, what about users with -reputation and no reputation cant rep other users. Users with +reputation can +rep 1-2 and users with over 50 rep can +/- rep?
Setting the system up like that would allow privelages to users who havnt broken any rules while not taking privelages away from new users.

That would not be too fair because the people who got repped six or more times *cough* *cough* would still have a long way to go unless repped plenty of times from moderators. How about making the limit to about 12-15 eh? :emote_grin:
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
Well, what about making users not be able to rep neg-repped users until they get 50+ rep? That would allow them to rep helpers, yet not bump eachother back up to positive from negative rep.


I think the rep system is near-perfect as it is. The whole point is to allow users to distinguish between highly helpful members and new members. Sure, not everyone gets the reputation they deserve, but if you look at their rep page you can see lots of little diamonds with "Thanks" behind them and you get the idea. Plus, alot of the mods check for people who help alot and +rep them.

The problem with that theory is that most of the people you help can't rep you =/
Level 7
Apr 5, 2006
Well, what about making users not be able to rep neg-repped users until they get 50+ rep? That would allow them to rep helpers, yet not bump eachother back up to positive from negative rep.

I think the rep system is near-perfect as it is. The whole point is to allow users to distinguish between highly helpful members and new members. Sure, not everyone gets the reputation they deserve, but if you look at their rep page you can see lots of little diamonds with "Thanks" behind them and you get the idea. Plus, alot of the mods check for people who help alot and +rep them.

The problem with that theory is that most of the people you help can't rep you =/

Quoted for Truth. Seriously. Canadians have great ideas ;)
Level 13
Aug 31, 2005
The Administration will decide exactly how any (possible forthcoming) changes will be applied. I don't consider it to be very likely that ANY regular users would EVER be able to impose reputation penalties. No neg-rep wars allowed, TYVM.

I suppose it really is a mods place to punish through neg-rep anyway. So I agree, normal users shouldnt be allowed to negative rep other users.

Also, purplepoot. Thats not a bad idea, but it would be kinda unfair to people who have -rep if we couldnt rep them. lol they would stay in -rep forever (even if they did shape up and start helping), well until mods repped them of course.
Level 7
Apr 5, 2006
Well, when a mod -reps somebody that person will lose alot more rep than if -rep'd by a normal users. So... allowing users to +rep users with negative rep could also be possible.

No, users with 50+ would still be able to rep them.

The whole thing started because neg-rep users were repping eachother to get positive again, so I was presenting a solution that didn't dump on the others for what a few people were abusing.

Well, why were users with negative rep be able to +rep each other? Being in -rep should prevent you from +rep'in others... no?

At least, it should.
Level 8
Nov 5, 2005
perhaps some sort of system which only allows users with with an account opened for X time, along with PurplePoots idea and the limiting of rep given. In Theory, this would prevent (to a degree) people from making accounts just to +rep while allowing repping to normal users.
Personally I like the system as it is but thats my 2 cents.
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