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New Content Discussion [SPOILER]

Level 27
Nov 25, 2021
So i am abit late on this one, but regarding the orc chapter introduced before the elves of the deep.

Am i getting to old and my hands have become boomer hands or the chapter had a spike up in difficulty considerably?
It seems like the three bases that send attacks are uncontainable they keep on sending wave after wave that are considerably larger than the old version of the map this coupled with the weird decision not to give us access to tier 3 spellcaster spells and upgrades makes this chapter borderline unwinnable.

The old strategy of migrating the base to the royal base does not work since they have gotten considerably bulkier and the cheese of taking out the bull and phoenix so the demons can tie up the falcon and purple base does not work either.

Now while i am not complaining that the old cheese of migrating bases or cheesing the phoneix and bull don't work anymore i still think the large waves of the attack and the removal of access to tier 3 upg need to be looked upon, either tone done the waves or give us access to tier 3 upgrades, the one that make orcs an actual playable faction, the introduction of the new golem unit still doesn't make up for the lack of the upg or the huge waves of attack.
Boomer hands is a big 'maybe', but that doesn't change the fact that this chapter is banana.

However, as Navy45 said, the new version offers Master-tier Mastery Training, so Caster spam + Zairmak's boni is viable. Either that or Golem spam + Grofzag's boni.

Or you can be a dumbass like me and do Zairmak's boni + Golem spam.
Level 17
Apr 10, 2022
I was finally able to play the two new chapters (I had to replay the entire campaign for X reasons)
Act six, chapter one:
-Logan and his story continues to move me. I really hope he stays with the Dominion instead of going with Zyainor.
-The memories in the monoliths make me believe that they can be from the master of shadows or the avatar of death...
-I enjoyed using Grofzag's Boni. I had never created an army of full golems and felt so much satisfaction.
-Even though I destroyed the royal army castle to get the items, I tried not to destroy their base completely. Then I had to do it for the gold mine...
-I did not attack the regiments because, honestly, I was afraid that later they would attack me.

Act six, chapter two:
-I was looking foward to play with the dark elves once more.
-I used Pentiss's Boni cuz I wanted to give more protagonist to the dark elves. Maybe I'll try Haran's next time.
-The Scarec nexus and their "crusade" chill my bones. Still, no doubts that their units are useful. I was expected that the special unit that leads them said something like they were send by the brothers or the Bonelords.
-I agreed with Ornasion. The demons COULD conquer the kingdoms IF they stay together and not tried to stabe their backs.
-And I finally see how Mirazeyl was chosen. I really want to play with her and the Lenira nexus in the future (If it is possible, of course)

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
Level 21
Dec 19, 2013
Good god...Wel'll have to go through the canyon again... That place is a mental torture dungeon if I have ever seen one... And i don't know why i have the feeling that the outlying bases will be much more well defended in this version of that hell hole.

Praying to god they dont have access to ares knights or paladin hero units.


Hosted Project: LoA
Level 26
Apr 6, 2014
It's finished, hard playthrough is done and I join the ranks of the few to have completed between a rock and a hard place's newest version on hard. Now I'm going to rest my hands for a while after doing all this and writing a report for Shar that took almost three hours.

it's finished.gif


Hosted Project: LoA
Level 26
Apr 6, 2014
In this corner we have the FOOLISH REBELS and in this corner we have the crowd FAVORITE GARDON...jpg
Ladies and gentlemen may I have your attention please! It's almost that time for everyone's favorite artillery shoots you from the high ground mission!
Oh yeah it's pass time.png
For your army disposition this time we have the returning golden guard with of course their new look! Supporting you in this endeavor is an Ironfist necromancer, a Golden Guard war priest, and making his second playable appearance the new one on the block from the ORDER OF THE AIR THE STORMBRINGER! Of course from your machine forces you have of course everyone's favorite regenerating War Golem! And of course the deadliest siege machine with an ability everyone loves to proc theeeeeeee catapult!
Level 17
Apr 10, 2022
Ladies and gentlemen may I have your attention please! It's almost that time for everyone's favorite artillery shoots you from the high ground mission!
For your army disposition this time we have the returning golden guard with of course their new look! Supporting you in this endeavor is an Ironfist necromancer, a Golden Guard war priest, and making his second playable appearance the new one on the block from the ORDER OF THE AIR THE STORMBRINGER! Of course from your machine forces you have of course everyone's favorite regenerating War Golem! And of course the deadliest siege machine with an ability everyone loves to proc theeeeeeee catapult!
I see the orb... so Cora is going to earn it for the boni? or something else will happen before the mission begins?
Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
Here's my review
Act Six, Chapter Three:
Intro cinematic: "...everything hasgone" --> "... everything has gone..."
-We can upgrade hydromancers, but we don't have access to them.
-Both the Necromancer's and Hydromancer's Training upgrade have the same X hotkey. Also the Hydromancer's training's icon position is not fixed.
-So Cora has an orb that allows her to raise the dead and no one says anything about it? I thought that was Gardon's thing, and he was criticized for it.
-Aveen's eagles were quite useful in dealing with the pass' defenders. I slowly destroyed them, using hit-and-run tactics and Cora's Orb ability.
-I saved the town of Essix, in order to gain cannon fodder-I mean, allies. :xxd:
-Judging by Cora's last words in the ending, I am already expecting for her to make deals with either Aridon or demons in order to save Aedale. Well, good news are that at least Aedale still has one relative that cares for her.
-I can only hope Aveen survives.

Act Six, Chapter Four
-I slew the Ancient Sludge creature. Both Ornassion and Scarec Nexus demanded it. :xxd: However, the fact that it stands that close to Quiraness' base, made it difficult for me, since I was forced to attack Quiraness' base, even I didn't want it.
-Pity. I destroyed Quiraness' base, rather than using the Black Lotus, in order to see a possible optional outcome. However the cinematic showed that this was pointless.
-Pentiss might be one of the most evil characters in the story. You know she is, when both Haran (who led a rebellion against Aridon, and found out that he was being used) and Ornassion (a former leader of a demonic legion) are abhorred at what she did.
Level 17
Apr 10, 2022
Ah, there was good battles in the new chapters.
Act Six, Chapter Three:
-Just as I remember it, this mission is still a nightmare with those cursed farmers and peasants sending waves after other, and again... and again...
-Cora has the orb, I wonder how she obtained it cuz I expected she gained it in the start of the mission. Also, I expected some kind of interaction within Gardon and her about it.
-General Elvir's gift was absolutly useful. Sadly I lost two of the birds :/ (Damn Rekta's bowmen)
-Why is the Hydromancer's upgrade in the sanctum if only the enemy has them? and the necromancer with the Stormbringers share the "W" botton.
-I used Cora's second Boni. The frenzy was really good to deal more quickly with the enemy waves.
-I saved the town.
-After read the final scene... I really want the falcon regiment to survive in Salria, or at least their falcons be tamed by The Dominion.

Act Six, Chapter Four:
-The Scarec nexus annoys me with their "ideology". I was thinking that they would send waves of their forces to deal with Quiraness and her followers.
-Haran's Boni was the key to survive.
-I didn't kill the sluge creature cuz I want to see what the Ejara will do with them. They will slaved the remaining cave orcs as well?
-Pentiss is the clear example why the mortals are true monsters. A shame that her move was not to Ornasion's taste.

Great work as always, Mr. Dundred.
Level 27
Nov 25, 2021
Took my sweet time full clearing both chapters (on Hard, of course), and I had a blast doing it.

Act Six, Chapter Three:
  • Took Frenzy boni for Zealot rush meme (+ insane base damage on Cora), but I guess in a mission where there are a lot of small units, Executors and Catapults are still the kings.
  • Aveen's birds are huge for sniping the catapults and towers, solving the pathing problem of all melee units. They all died at the end though. R.I.P.
  • Towers are good for camping the teleport destination of the filthy peasants.
  • Big powerspike for Gardon because at level 7, he has both War Aura and Dark Secrets 3, allowing him to tank 2 attack waves at once without even dying.
  • Kill count is insane.


- Noticed an interesting lore tidbit in "Faction Knowledge" where it reads: "Some of the marauders operated in the area - when they were still bandits. Did they and the Orcs together raid my father's mansion? Did they compete to do it?", suggesting that the Bandit Lord that Rangul killed was part of the Kajon Marauders. Wonder if this will have a significant impact later.

Act Six, Chapter Four:
- Because this chapter's objective is straightforward, I take it upon myself to flex on Quiraness. making it more interesting.
  • Took Ornasion's boni, because he's based.
  • Gathered every tree in the map, with an army of Lumberjacks.


  • Used all remaining gold on the maps to continously build an army that suicides into Quiraness' base, even went as far as Unsummoning almost all structures.
  • Left one last structure alive, before creating the Peacemaker. After the drug is finished and both elite attack waves are down, Ornasion went in to land the last hit.


Overall, thank you for the two very nice chapters. My thirst for Arkain content is now temporarily sated.
Level 20
Apr 17, 2021
Cleard both chapter (on normal, I'm keeping Hard mode for the final release)

Rebellion :
  • The dialogue seems to indicate that rather than an assassination, Gardon plans to rally with Larine and fight the nobles head on. Does that mean an extra level ?
  • Not a fan of the "Secrets in the Dark" leadership giving permanent damage points. If I'm not mistaken, the bonus persists even in later levels so it kind of limits the choice of boni since any other only gives an advantage on the level the boni is chosen whereas this one gives an advantage on this level and all the ones that come after. So there isn't really a point in chosing another one.
  • The eagles would probably have been a great help in the first section of the Pass but me being blind, I could'nt find them for the life of me. At least they were great to clear to the Kajon marauders.
  • The rebel commander in the first village drops a legion doom-horn. The item is quite useless since Gardon's undropable sword gives the same aura and Cora never appears in a level where Gardon isn't present.
  • I've come to hate the hydromancers. They weren't that great of a threat (at least not as much as they are in the hands of a player) but Retka's hydromancers coming up to my army alone, casting crushing wave, and then retreating to the other side of the map was both hillarious and infuriating.
  • In the final cinematic : Gardon : "I I had known" instead of "If I had known"
A Matter of Faith :
  • It would be nice to get access to caster Master training, at least for the Spider Caller, since, on adept, it is quite useless in combat. (4 food for a unit that doesn't last 2 seconds in melee is not really a worthwhile investment)
  • Concerning the Spider Caller, I think its regeneration spell is a bit too weak. It doesn't last that long and only heals 200 hp. It's cheap but that means you have to dedicate a lot of attention to recasting regeneration every 5 seconds for it to be really effective (in addition to retreating them every 2 seonds so they don't die). I think if the healing lasted longer and maybe was a little faster, in exchange for a much higher mana cost, the unit would be easier to use effectively.
Level 16
Jul 31, 2019
Here it comes:
Rebellion: -The roster was... surprisingly effective to say the least. I'm telling it, with kindness tho, war priests should have different skillset. Since they are Golden Guard priests, I expect them to be pretty buff with flash heal instead of normal heal. And yeah Hawks true mvp of this mission, yet I didn't help thinking that they should have aoe and magic damage to make 'em obliterate clusters while also gettin em not too near to army for unwanted damage. Their squishiness really made em preserve too much. It would be lovely if we can actually train em especially after passing the hellhole of this mission; peninsula, ranged hordes, arks and teleports, and long line of cliff defense... a nightmare fuel. Nice to see new necromancer model.
-So, Cora's corruption already planned... this means Scarlett will be siphoned to her... 😢
-Pyrrean troops clearly had excellent sailor vibes.
-A key to this mission is painstaking process of slowly advancing. Cora and Gardon can fend off three armies by themselves if well-positioned.
-Ah, Aveen... I only wish she survives. In fact, she is the general most likely to survive tho we can never know. I get a feeling her regiment would face Lenira nexus with Miraezyl and Soryena, as both factions tame beasts and are excellent hunters.
A Matter of Faith: -Unyielding, u truly r unyielding. Demi-hero in Undead saga is much welcome.
-Agree on Spider Callers: their healing should probably be aoe effect and their ult should be unlocked at least in this mission. 4 food caster like her feels very underpowered.
-Again, broodmothers are mvp of the mission.
-I decided to not kill sludge and see what Ejara would do to it... hoary sludge maybe?
-Easiest and safest way to win this mission is to continuously pull armies to each other and let em kill each other. Yet this is indeed difficult but ultimately best way to win. If u r hard support or support in dota, it should be ez. The armies can be pulled by one attack and make 'em follow em to orcs. The best candidate is Pentiss with her ranged attack (and yeah she is truly a black widow in that: pun intended). After all trees of western side of map are harvested, quickly take the north base. Then harvest all northern trees, and peacemaker should be done. Haran and Ornasion and broodmothers, abominations, obsidian statues should be enough to kill three armies in a row should the bait fails multiple times.
-And to know Quiraness's fate is being reduced to gibbering husk... wonder how she will be used... It would be cool to see her playable in one mission, maybe Soryena can send her to mission who knows. And Pentiss, truly the true evil mortal. Honestly, even demons would be like angels compared to dark elves. I get a feeling that Ornasion is not a demon at heart but only demon at blood. It would be interesting if Lord of Shadows specially picks this champion from the flock of his hated brother... and I bet Brian would be interested in replenishing his slain scions by stealing some from his own brother.
-Cant wait for next missions: Let's hope it would be Toran from Undead side. Good luck. 🤎
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Level 27
Nov 25, 2021
Now that I think of it, Pentiss reminds me of Alarak from SC2. They both snort a ton of drugs and manipulate their ally into killing their political opponent. They're interesting characters in their respective faction, which is a good thing.

-So, Cora's corruption already planned... this means Scarlett will be siphoned to her... 😢
Scarlett will be sucked dry, that's for sure. ;)

But seriously, gameplay-wise, I think Cora is more useful than Scarlett anyway, so not a huge loss.

I wonder if there are any Scarlett simps though.

-Cant wait for next missions: Let's hope it would be Toran from Undead side. Good luck. 🤎
I'm hoping for 'A Dish Best Served Cold', which is both my favorite mission, and is also the """epic""" conclusion of the Darkmind's saga.

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
-So Cora has an orb that allows her to raise the dead and no one says anything about it? I thought that was Gardon's thing, and he was criticized for it.
-Cora has the orb, I wonder how she obtained it cuz I expected she gained it in the start of the mission. Also, I expected some kind of interaction within Gardon and her about it.
Necromancy is semi-accepted by several within the military at this point. The Wolf Regiment also makes heavy use of Necromancers at this point in time.
Plus Cora's ability to create Undead with her orb is rather small next to the Necromancers that can raise entire groups at once.
-Aveen's eagles were quite useful in dealing with the pass' defenders. I slowly destroyed them, using hit-and-run tactics and Cora's Orb ability.
The eagles would probably have been a great help in the first section of the Pass but me being blind, I could'nt find them for the life of me. At least they were great to clear to the Kajon marauders.
Falcons. They are different.
The ingame summoned Hawks have aoe. :p
-I slew the Ancient Sludge creature. Both Ornassion and Scarec Nexus demanded it. :xxd: However, the fact that it stands that close to Quiraness' base, made it difficult for me, since I was forced to attack Quiraness' base, even I didn't want it.
There's another way to get that one y'know. ;)
-Pentiss might be one of the most evil characters in the story. You know she is, when both Haran (who led a rebellion against Aridon, and found out that he was being used) and Ornassion (a former leader of a demonic legion) are abhorred at what she did.
She prefers the terms ah ambitious and zealous I hear.
-Just as I remember it, this mission is still a nightmare with those cursed farmers and peasants sending waves after other, and again... and again...
The artillery needed target practice anyway!
Took Ornasion's boni, because he's based.
Gathered every tree in the map, with an army of Lumberjacks.
That's a lot of Black Lotus. Wonder what you gonna do with it...
The Dark elves experiencing slight congestion as two attack waves return the moment one heads out ^^
Well, Quiraness tactics aren't the most effective!
The dialogue seems to indicate that rather than an assassination, Gardon plans to rally with Larine and fight the nobles head on. Does that mean an extra level ?
( :
Not a fan of the "Secrets in the Dark" leadership giving permanent damage points. If I'm not mistaken, the bonus persists even in later levels so it kind of limits the choice of boni since any other only gives an advantage on the level the boni is chosen whereas this one gives an advantage on this level and all the ones that come after. So there isn't really a point in chosing another one.
Permanent bonuses are being reviewed already.
The thing is that Cora, given her class and abilities, doesn't benefit from a permanent damage increase in the way Gardon or Merlon would.
You'd rather want her to sling spells than use auto attack to truly unlock her full potential.
Not saying that the bonus damage has no impact but I think you understand where I am coming from.
The rebel commander in the first village drops a legion doom-horn. The item is quite useless since Gardon's undropable sword gives the same aura and Cora never appears in a level where Gardon isn't present.
Or does she? ;)
-Unyielding, u truly r unyielding. Demi-hero in Undead saga is much welcome.
-I decided to not kill sludge and see what Ejara would do to it... hoary sludge maybe?
Unyielding not happy.
Level 5
Apr 1, 2022
Here I go, a little bit late since these two chapters took me quite some time to complete. Just amazing and well-made chapters I said.

Act Six, Chapter Three: Rebellion

- Golden Guard "the best of the best" is truly something, mostly used Executioner combined with supports from spell casters and a pack of wolf from Gardon's boni and believe me or not, the whole way to the end was a bloodbath.

- Cora with the orb is really useful, create a skeleton wall to tank from enemies wave, with she having this orb without Whisper from the dark make me wonder about Scarlett's fate after this. Maybe Gardon will have both of them or let Cora took Scarlett's power.

- Overall, a long and great battle, one of my favorite mission, thank you Mr. Shar.

Act Sive, Chater Four: A Matter of Faith

- Quite a enjoyable and unique mission, just sit down, have some tea and cookies with me while watching mortals slaughter each other.

- Pentiss's strategy is cruel and monstrous, yes, but the fact that it is effective. Ornasion maybe have brutal personality but still a honorable demon when he has no feeling for such tactics.

So there they are, my reviews for newest chapters. Once again, thanks for your work, good luck to you, always hope for your updates, Shar Dundred.


My bet for next chapter would be Grofzag and Zairmak on their journey through the infected forest meet up with Bearman tribe and you guys know what? The rolling bearman is coming!!!
Level 7
Feb 7, 2020
I enjoyed greatly both new chapters.

first mission: in the end, regarding the chief of the rebels you have to kill to free the city, it was possible to send only the two heroes in a suicide mission. however, attacking the base in the upper left corner was so difficult, the bridge makes it hard. to manage destroying that base, I had to firstly destroy the first line of towers (and the gazillion units attacking constantly) with golems and cata. Once the first line of towers was destroyed, I managed to destroy the base through sending 100 pop of golems inside the base to destroy the barracks one by one.

A good challenge

Second mission: Loved the hero powers, it was so satisfying to destroyer huge clusters of ennemies with AOE spells.
Level 19
Jun 26, 2019
Act six, chapter three
-Thanok's dialogues keeps getting better and better
-So cora knows how to use necromancy on his own. She is indeed a genius.
-Those haw-falcons were invaluable. Making the first part of the mission not a hell.
-Saving the village is the correct option. You need more children to join the future zyainor.
-Cora is going to Talk to either Aridon, Bryan, the misterious faction from the cold north or the creature that Grofzag learnt about. No doubt. She wont join the demons
-I think Aveen and maybe Kenos are the only generals that'll survive on Salria. I hope at least one survives.
Great improvement on this one.

Act six, Chapter four.
-Finally the elven civil war has ended. About time to join the war.
-Why would i kill the sludges unyielding? I wont erradicate then. Ejara Nexus always on my team. You really can improve the scarec Nexus with both this mission and Krom one. And then fight a super faction on Salria as the orcs so.... no way.
-Haran's Boni while is useful will become weaker really soon, pretty much like Gardon´s one.
-Pentiss tactic is clever and useful, although a bit cruel, just a bit by dark elves standards.

I suppose that the next chapters will be roars of the forest with Grofzag and Zairmak (Bearman army incoming) and probably the finale will be Lord of Shadows, either that or new chapters.

-Pentiss might be one of the most evil characters in the story. You know she is, when both Haran (who led a rebellion against Aridon, and found out that he was being used) and Ornassion (a former leader of a demonic legion) are abhorred at what she did.
Well they are undead servants, really new ones actually (especially Ornasion) and She is a zealous follower of Aridon, She knows best, no matter the tactics she uses as long as she fullfill his part. Pretty much like Aridon controls (or try to) everything even if they have to enslave an entire race for it.

-After read the final scene... I really want the falcon regiment to survive in Salria, or at least their falcons be tamed by The Dominion.
Not sure about the taming part since Gorthog skull will be crushed by Dorbric. He´ll die later but both Gorthog and the Skullblade clan are goners.

I'm telling it, with kindness tho, war priests should have different skillset. Since they are Golden Guard priests, I expect them to be pretty buff with flash heal instead of normal heal.
Please no, don´t give the golden guard even more paladins. They´ll have enough during the next chapters.

Now that I think of it, Pentiss reminds me of Alarak from SC2. They both snort a ton of drugs and manipulate their ally into killing their political opponent. They're interesting characters in their respective faction, which is a good thing.
And both would send their entire race to their deaths in order to fullfill their personal objectives.
Level 21
Dec 19, 2013
-I think Aveen and maybe Kenos are the only generals that'll survive on Salria. I hope at least one survives.
Great improvement on this one.
Chances are that Kenos will meet his end in that one orc chapter where we have to use 3 orc armies to fight off the Salrians and Darik's mercenaries and Papa redfist boys.

As for Aveen she will most likely join Gardon after she learns of Emperors questionable decisions or perish with Van Durce.

One Edit: Unless for whatever reason Shar decided that its the orc's time to lose some characters (besides Rangul and edge boy Rath) and Kenos actually kills Zairmak.

Of course i am simply throwing out wild ideas to get yall worked up and we start actually discussing lore related stuff and ditch the
"So i played so and so chapter and my experience was so and so" trend y'all jumping on all of a sudden.
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Act 6 Chapter 3:
  • Agonizing is the word that would best describe the experience I had while playing this map. With hordes of squishy conscripts hounding your base, as well as heavy resistance throughout the pass, it serves as a test of patience .. and callousness of General Gardon.

  • General Aveen dispatching Falcons to assist Gardon is a nice touch, both gameplay-wise and lore-wise. If you've played this map before in the SHB, the Falcons just melt down the troops that would otherwise annoy Gardon's army. It also gives Aveen some more screentime, even if it's just by letter. It further establishes the connection between her and Gardon, as previously seen in the Lor incident.

  • Cannon towers stationed at the warp point in the south-western area of your first base just melt down the enemy conscripts like butter. Just make sure to also have some stationed units as well to further stall the enemies.

  • Keeping most of your army alive during the pass is important, as well as placing troop production structures down as you progress through the pass.
Act 6 Chapter 4:
  • Only generating 8,000 - 8,500 lumber at the start of the game (without any lumber consumption) forces you to scout and expand. Learned that the hard way when playing initially.

  • Unlike the tree-hugging night elf huntresses who can't seem to withstand heavy fire, their dark elf counterparts can tank a barrage of spirit towers due to their Medium armor. Spirit towers seem to be a worse option for passive defense as a result.

  • Surprisingly, I find Ornasion to be one of the most honorable dreadlords in the series, preferring to fight his opponents head on and giving his respects by granting them a swift death by his hands. Mistress Pentiss, on the other hand, can be quite the monster, releasing what is essentially a memetic bomb on the enemies. I doubt that she will continue to use the Black Lotus against her people, except the disgraced former mistress. Who knows, she might find 34 novel applications of the Black Lotus for Quiraness ;)
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Level 17
Apr 10, 2022
The new title that Mr. Dundred said "Forged by Iron and Blood" gives many ideas, some of them could be:
-The alliance between the dwarves and the Redfist.
-The infiltration and assasination of the nobles that supports Rekta.
-A new mission of the orcs running for their lives (Now in other perspective, maybe the goldaxe clan)
-Introduction of Pirate Queen Zora (very low possibility)
Level 20
Apr 17, 2021
I can't help but think that "Forged in Iron" refers to the Ironforged (the elf portion of the Ironfist). If that is the case, then Larine is most likely involved so I'd think this is the elimination of Retka's nobles. Then again, maybe I'm just reading into it too much.

As for the other. It is a "well known" chapter and considering it's been 3 chapters since we've seen the orcs, I'd bet that Rath is about to get his revenge (or at least attempt to).
Level 19
Jun 26, 2019
I keep thinking that the chapter refers to the Bloodstone Dwarves. During this time the Vermin should be attacking the dwarven kingdom so maybe a holdout mission playing as Orgen/ragnar and the bloodstone against them and Progaderas makes sense. Either that or a new mission with Larine.

As for the other. It is a "well known" chapter and considering it's been 3 chapters since we've seen the orcs, I'd bet that Rath is about to get his revenge (or at least attempt to).
Rath´s vengeance will most likely be the final chapter on this one, since before "Lord of the Shadows" the undead need to take over the capital for the artifact.
Level 16
Jul 31, 2019
Imo, Forged in Iron and Blood sounds more like Ironfist mission. Perhaps Larine's assassination of Retka's nobles helped by Ironfist elves and maybe Mina Trueshot. It can also be Bloodstone skirmish in dwarven caverns assaulted by vermin.
Well-known chapter is very possibly Rath's revenge and along with Toran's reclamation by Undead. The latter is going to be 1st as before Gardon moves to Toran Undead needs to claim it. My predictions of this mission is this:
Retka's forces in northern parts of (where Ironfist was located) map assaulting the city. The bulk of city would remain neutral to Undead but Mage Guild and perhaps base near to Mayor Kent will be openly hostile. Or maybe whole city will be hostile unless we destroy rebels. The main base would be at northwest and perhaps small strike force near Kent. There were also Kezzar nexus at entrances of city, so maybe some defense of city would turn out to be Demon Slaves and suddenly attack the city from inside and outside, making quite a lot of chaos. Edoarus and Fleshtearer would lead the main forces while Pentiss, Rahandir and possibly Meya would infiltrate city to set up base to destroy mage guild. In Salrian mountain mission, Meya could be replaced by Mordin who would fight his living kin again. It would be sensical of Meya to assist in invasion of her home city as she knows Toran more than any other undead. Dialogues regarding Saint Lorraine could be changed with Mordin narrating; not in Meya's roasting pun ofc xD. And Arnos or Dornos could make their debut in this mission helping Krom and Mordin.
Level 5
Apr 1, 2022
Alright, it's been a quite a time since something was posted in here, right? So I am here to make something up. Let me share my thoughts about the next new chapter that was already mentioned: Forged by Iron and Blood.

As Mr.Shar has posted on the Arkain News, we will likely to face with not only one but four focres at once: Duke Woras, Lady Elrin, Lord Kobbaz and Whitefield's army. This will be a tough battle.

Larine and Cora work together and more screentime, good for them. It seems like we can control the Royal Army and Golden Guard. Moreover, the title of the chapter gives a hint for Ironforged units so maybe Ironfist too.

Mr.Shar also said that there would be 3 battle ahead so we will get 3 new chapters? It make my waiting time be worthy now :grin:
Those are my thoughts, short but still get it done. Looking forward to opinions of everyone. Good work to you, Mr.Shar. Have a nice day :peasant-cheers-back:
Level 20
Apr 17, 2021
Just read the new character lore. It seems to be from the perspective of Cora Redfist (because of the bit about the order of the Tides).

Gardon seems extremely good at sharing the traitor hating attitude to anyone he hangs out with, seeing Cora's commentary on Woras.
So the order of the Tides is under the orders of some noble ? Maybe, after they're dealt with, a few members could join Cora (fraternity between water mage and all that).
Considering one of the reasons for Retka's betrayal was that the Empire's nobles were trying to arrange mariages with the Kingdoms' nobles so that they would inherit the lands, it is kind of ironic that one of Retka's allies is a guy who failed to marry his way into the empire's nobility.

Looking forward to the next update :grin:

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
Just read the new character lore. It seems to be from the perspective of Cora Redfist (because of the bit about the order of the Tides).
I realized too late that I forgot to add the information whose perspective it was so I edited the newspost - it is cora's perspective, yes. :)
Considering one of the reasons for Retka's betrayal was that the Empire's nobles were trying to arrange mariages with the Kingdoms' nobles so that they would inherit the lands, it is kind of ironic that one of Retka's allies is a guy who failed to marry his way into the empire's nobility.
He even wanted to marry into the Imperial family itself so he was aiming very very high. :D
Level 19
Jun 26, 2019
Reading about the new enemies makes me love this format. Anyway:
-Duke Woras seems like the one commander you CAN´T trust at all, seems like he´ll betray you any moment to join the winning side. So maybe Gardon will have him as cannon fodder against Retka after the battle.
-Cora will either flood the order to the ground or become the new leader of the order of tides. Having her as leader would be cool though, having more orders leaders join the fight against the demons, the ironfist could help. The only ones fighting are Harmos (which right now is not the leader) and some minor mages.
-Lord Korbaz just die please. There is no need for a greedy bastard noble during the war against the demons. What would remain if they defeat Gardon and Van Durce leaves? Just scorched land to rule.

He even wanted to marry into the Imperial family itself so he was aiming very very high. :D
Should have asked Lerrig how to do it.
Level 21
Dec 19, 2013
I highly doubt Kora would take interest in the order. By the time she reaches the canyon she has already gain access to her shadow orb and from what we have seen the Royalists and Golden Guard have access to hydromancers, I don't see why she would even bother with them and truth be told the orders aren't really that powerful (at least not as powerful as to sway the fates of battles) ofc i am basing my thoughts based on the second human book orders which isn't exactly the most cannon of information.
But who knows maybe I could be wrong, and we might get a amped up version of hydromancers in the following chapters, even though hydromancers are busted as it is.
Level 19
Jun 26, 2019
Well Gardon right now needs allies and more forces. Cora its his Ally so taking control of an order is a positive thing.

Also i think Meya was from Toran? So her necromancers could join that order (and eventualy lead Cora yo Aridon). Think about It, an army of mages that can resurrect his fallen and if there are no corpses summon water elementals to kill enemies and then reanimated then.
Seems like a pretty sustainable army if you ask. So Gardon would love yo control that order and Cora is the way.
Level 17
Apr 10, 2022
New mission finished:

Act six - Interlude:
-I can't blame Ornasion for be like that against the dark elves. He saw what they're capable of first hand, killing and used them as undead servants is better than left them alive (Or at least for him and certain skeletons)
-Can't wait for the missions of Toran and the elven kingdom with the undead. Wonder how the elves will react to see their former queen in that status.

Act six - Chapter five:
-The map is huge. I enjoyed explore it and fine some useful items in the process. Also, you NEED to explore in order to find something to get access to one fortress.
-Well, my only regret to kill the enemies was the poor doggies that were with Lord Korbaz.
-Now I understand why Larine say "Don't destroy everything". If you do it... then be sure to have a lot of units at your side.
-Althougt I undertand Whitefield's choice, Retka is not trustwhorty and nothing say that he'll keep his word. If Cora didn't intervene, I'm sure the Ironforged would have done what any Ironfist soldier would do.

Great job.
Level 27
Nov 25, 2021
Been waiting for this update for so long, and by the Divine One it is worth the wait.

Orders of the Watcher:
  • Ornasion is based as always. But that aside, this is similar to the one in SUB, with Aridon's intention more well-explained.
  • Also playable Queen Keera?
  • Don't know why he ditched the Cave Orcs though. I, for once, can think of a few uses for those Orcish zealots. If they disagree, then the Rohir can be there to 'persuade' them.

Forged in Iron and Blood:
  • Long micro mission is a rare treat, but also something that I has a weakness for.
  • And as always, I love item hunting, so getting rewarded a Sobi Mask and a Gardener's Tool (which is a Rusty Mining Pick on crack) for exploring the map is very good. I wish there would be more maps like this from now on.
  • Larine is MVP in first section. Quick base movement speed, able to shoot walls, Assassinate to kill key targets (easier after Sobi Mask), Hawk to snipe spellcasters,... I think I enjoy her more than Salana now.

- I think Whitefield studied tactics from Quiraness. Both have a fondness for tight space, and both love to send their troops to die to AoE damage. Cora is MVP here, obviously.
Last edited:

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
Also playable Queen Keera?
Yes. ;)

- I think Whitefield studied tactics from Quiraness. Both have a fondness for tight space, and both love to send their troops to die to AoE damage. Cora is MVP here, obviously.
Try fighting him in Woras' base for an extra challenge. :p
Level 5
Apr 1, 2022
Just finished the new chapter, it make me exhausted enough more than I thought but still a lot of fun :3

Act Six - Interlude: Orders of Watcher

- Well, not much to say about it since it is not much different from SUB but we can understand that the Undead will have more time to be playable, it's a good thing with the length of SUB.

Act Six - Chapter Five: Forged by Iron and Blood

- Looking at the map details now I know why it took quite some time to be released. Just another fantastic work come from Mr.Shar.

- It's quite hard for me at least, you have to fight with horde of enemies while having very few units and not to mention that you have to keep your heroines alive due to Altar unavailable, good thing is the huge amount of gold received from enemies still get it done and they are quite weak if compared to your forces.

- So, Whitefield's fate have been changed, he may probably survive longer than he used to in SHB, he would likely to turn against Rekta and become our ally when the battle clash not know if the same thing goes to Scarlett, hope she will survive somehow.

- That's all for now. I don't know anything else to say but give my thanks to Mr.Shar and anyone who contribute in for the great chapters. Always looking forward to your works. :peasant-cheers-back:

- - - -

I guess the next chapters would be the Orc with the adventure of brave warrior Grozag and the old Zairmak through the corrupted forest where they will meet up with the secret weapon of Dominion, hope so. :xxd:

Another guess is the nightmare and the painful chapter we all remembered: Lord of Shadow, the mastermind hiding in the dark is starting to reveal himself. :vw_love:
Level 20
Apr 17, 2021
Finished the newest mission.

Interlude Orders of the Watcher :
  • Happy to hear the Davilliad Nexus' time has come.
  • I hope there will be a level for Rahandir's "liberation" of the Toran capital. It's always fun to manipulate some mortals.
Forged by Iron and Blood :
  • Quite a nice level. It is pretty unthreatening in the first part (except the attack of the bastions which can be tricky. But now that I know what use the remaining fortifications have, I suppose I could have destroyed a few barracks)
  • Lord Korbaz must have been a pretty evil lord if even his gardener has his hands dirty. (By the way, it is a little sad he doesn't even try to replicate once you attack him, especially since he has decent stats)
  • Well... so much for recruiting the order of the tides. I suppose you could say they are free of noble influence in death.
  • Whitefield's attack is very fun to stop. I decided to hold Korbaz's fortress and the high ground is very cool to take advantage of (maximum ranged support with ironforged and blizzard).
  • I do not have the heart to test it but, if you assault the order's stronghold without destroying the generator, do you get access to the op towers to defend against Whitefield ?
  • Whitefield still alive ? Maybe we can expect an additional ally in the last battle against Retka. Let's hope he survives this too.
Level 21
Dec 19, 2013
Well well, for once i am not late to the discussion
Ornassion judges the dark elves the same a old head would judge the younger generation, you can say he is at a hurry to send them to the front lines for the majority of their forces to perish

So wait a second Avatar of Death =/= the god of death? I thought Aridon as the avatar of death would also be the God of death.

As for the playable chapter...Its rather refreshing to see a different approach to the mission, this one chapter was easy at first but then Whitefield decides to make it even worse than melee chapters...If you do the mistake of not rushing the nobles and opt to destroy the majority of their basses the Whitefield army will all but overrun you, but funnily enough you can hold up on for a long amount of time on the purple base elevated terrain.

At first i thought as to why Shar would add similar units to our available recruitment pool but then i realized that towards the end we dont really get to be picky on what units we have to employ...

Ohoho so we have our first major change on the cannon from the second human book, Whitefield might not end up dead but join Gardon...After all he would make a decent Marshall To Gardons forces after he establishes his own empire (provided Whitefield will swear fealty to Gardon and accept that necklace gift)

Level 27
Nov 25, 2021
The Marauders are doing a little bit of trolling to Whitefield by holding his massive force in place. I kinda deserve this break after failing my last stand in Woras' base though.

I do not have the heart to test it but, if you assault the order's stronghold without destroying the generator, do you get access to the op towers to defend against Whitefield ?
I tried this too, but sadly, as soon as Lady Elrin is killed, the Generator automatically go boom and the side quest is completed for you.