I had very much nightmares when I was younger, and... Lol, this whole site is going to be mean to me for the rest of my life D:... I call it: The Barbie car.
Well, the thing that made that "dream" so freaking scary was because it wasn't really a dream, it was an hallucination. I was about 6 years old, my sister (one year older than me) had a pink barbie car. Anyway, I was lying in my bed, awake and staring at the wardrobe in front of me, and I couldn't stop staring at it. Suddenly the door smashed open and out came the pink barbie car hovering up and down, flying against me. It had police sirens that sounded awfully high. Suddenly it turned around, flew over some of my things in a bookcase that was to the side of the wardrobe, and then it flew back into the wardrobe, and the door closed...
I admit that I am afraid of the dark, and I blame everything on that dream, because it has seriously fucked up my mind. It's strange what the mind can do. Everyone I have told this dream to have laughed, or at least smiled when I come to part where I say it's a pink barbie car... But I understand them, it may not sound scary at all, but when it is a hallucination and you feel like it's real, then it's fucking... I cannot describe it, all I can say is that I will never try LSD because of the dream.
Go ahead and laugh. D:
Btw, this is kinda what the car looked like.