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Name your worst nightmare?

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Level 7
Jun 20, 2007
--------(Name your worst nightmare?)--------

Mine is: Im the last guy on earth and theres only raw vedgetables and DIET COKE to eat!! Now tell me yours ^_^
Level 10
Feb 22, 2008
Wow, that's hard but I remeber, it's kinda confusing and I don't know why it's scary but I was in a giant black void, I could not see my limbs or aneything and it felt like I had none, I was flying through shapes and a circle was getting ripped appart and I was so afraid, when I woke up I was breathing so fast and my heart was racing and I was so fucking afraid...
Level 12
Nov 5, 2007
There's the one with this incredibly awesome girl, I take off her shirt, only to find her breasts replaced with two penises, which is, aside of gruesome, weird, because they looked like flawless female breasts underneath the shirt.

Beat that nightmare. mofos. I'd rather be slaughtered by eyeless nine year old ring girls for the rest of eternity than encounter that shit in reality.

Praise Jesus, I've only had the nightmare once.
Level 8
Apr 6, 2009
My worst nightmare was when i was alone on a ship with my family, everything is perfect, but after a short time the water becomes red as blood and my family stops breathing for one damn reason, and then they die.

I was crying and poked my dad to wake up, it was like a zoom into his face filled with blood, then his eyes exploded and he began screaming, then i got shocked so bad that i screamed so loud that my mother screamed 2....
Level 3
Jun 30, 2009
My nightmare is that me holding small objects and my hand is super big or the object is big and my hand small ... or trying to walk to my parents and each steps makes me 2km behind or an infinite walk and sometimes i fall from roofs or the dreams were u dream sper hard and at the end a random guy says wake up and u wake up in another dream and so on
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
My worst nightmare that the Orcs were coming to invade a Human Town and the Humans fled through a ship. However, the captain was a traitor and waited too long so all the Humans on the ship got slaughtered, while I was playing dead on the shore. Baf, three Orcs before me, then the girl next to me who was also playing dead said something and they caught me. I can't remember the next.
Level 13
Apr 15, 2008
@ that guy who said when you're ill you get the worst nightmares...
It's true, I was ill too when I had this nightmare.

My worst nightmare was that I were the only one in a small town and all the houses were the same. I wanted to get out of it but it look'd like that part of Mario 64 with that Stairs... NO END! I was just keep running and running throught the town and suddenly a guy walked very slowly to me and said: Hey kid, come here!. I ran away and very long...
Everytime I looked after me and thought: "Pfeww, he's gone." but when I looked in the front of me, he was walking to me from that way...
Running again... and after a while I felt down on the ground and that guy was looking to me... only looking and he didn't said anything.
I was there, lying on the ground...
But then he pulled a knive out and~
That's all I remember...

My worst nightmare that the Orcs were coming to invade a Human Town and the Humans fled through a ship. However, the captain was a traitor and waited too long so all the Humans on the ship got slaughtered, while I was playing dead on the shore. Baf, three Orcs before me, then the girl next to me who was also playing dead said something and they caught me. I can't remember the next.

Dude, you sure have to play less Warcraft!
If you gonna dream 'bout it it's a sign of getting "Addicted" :wink:
Level 20
Jan 6, 2008
another worst nightmare:

I logged on Warcraft 3, but i account was hacked and banned, then i took up Hiveworkshop and started Warcraft 3 editing, then i got up "No Acsess to Internet or any Warcraft 3 Programs. Please call your Internet provider" I woke up on the middle of the night and Screamed.
Level 18
Feb 2, 2008
im not the only one i see hmm well here it is than

Me my parents and my younger sister we are about to go living in a new house. when we arive we decorate the house first put evrything in and so on. when the night comes and we start to sleep i hear a noise in my sisters room i go to there and i see a man in a black suite with a knife and he drags my sister to the window. i try to stop hime but i cant so i run down to my mother and dad in the living room and say SHE DIES (my sister) SHE DIES!!!!! help!!!!!!!! GOD DAMNIT HELP!!!!!!!!! and my parents run upstairs to my sisters room and see that she is gone. with a little trail of blood left behind frome here bed to the window.
Level 13
Apr 19, 2007
I actually get nightmares so often, they really don't bother me anymore. But I suppose that the one that disturbs me the most is the one where my teeth fall out, although most of the time they grow back. It's funny, I've had far worse dreams, but it's only this one that really seems to bother me. I'm not really sure why either.
Level 17
Apr 24, 2005
Had quite a few, but can't remember most of them. The only recent one i remember where something like the cloverfield monster was hunting me and i ran in slow motion, thankfully the monster wasn't that fast either.. Once i got away from it, it showed up next to me o.0 and i woke up.
Level 10
Aug 22, 2008
I had very much nightmares when I was younger, and... Lol, this whole site is going to be mean to me for the rest of my life D:... I call it: The Barbie car.


Well, the thing that made that "dream" so freaking scary was because it wasn't really a dream, it was an hallucination. I was about 6 years old, my sister (one year older than me) had a pink barbie car. Anyway, I was lying in my bed, awake and staring at the wardrobe in front of me, and I couldn't stop staring at it. Suddenly the door smashed open and out came the pink barbie car hovering up and down, flying against me. It had police sirens that sounded awfully high. Suddenly it turned around, flew over some of my things in a bookcase that was to the side of the wardrobe, and then it flew back into the wardrobe, and the door closed...

I admit that I am afraid of the dark, and I blame everything on that dream, because it has seriously fucked up my mind. It's strange what the mind can do. Everyone I have told this dream to have laughed, or at least smiled when I come to part where I say it's a pink barbie car... But I understand them, it may not sound scary at all, but when it is a hallucination and you feel like it's real, then it's fucking... I cannot describe it, all I can say is that I will never try LSD because of the dream.

Go ahead and laugh. D:

Btw, this is kinda what the car looked like.
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