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Worst Movie Ending EVER

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Level 13
Mar 8, 2005
It gives a bloody meaning to the whole movie, to the bloody title....
No it only makes Robert live. The ending used in the final cut gives the meaning I Am Legend. Neville becomes a legend amongst humans as the man who found the cure.
Level 17
Nov 26, 2007
No it only makes Robert live. The ending used in the final cut gives the meaning I Am Legend. Neville becomes a legend amongst humans as the man who found the cure.

Yet the alternate ending gives a moral meaning behind the entire story itself. The original ending only gives relevance to the title, which is much less beneficial to the movie as a whole.
Level 6
Apr 20, 2007
No it only makes Robert live. The ending used in the final cut gives the meaning I Am Legend. Neville becomes a legend amongst humans as the man who found the cure.

He becomes a Legend to the infected guys... In the original ending, they are shown not to be some brainless gits, but thinking creatures, who tried to save the guys Nevile kidnapped. To them, Nevile was a legendary monster, kidnapping their people and doing god-knows-what to them. I read somewhere, that with that ending the title 'So I'm The Asshole' would be better (cracked.com ?).

In the shipped ending the cure would do no good. I mean, why risk more lives to cure a bunch of bums, why not wait 'till they just die off and start a' new ?
No it only makes Robert live. The ending used in the final cut gives the meaning I Am Legend. Neville becomes a legend amongst humans as the man who found the cure.

No, it's the real ending from the book. He realises the monsters/vampires/things are the new "dominant species" and he is seen as the "legend" that steals their kind during the night (day here) and kills them. The roles are reversed, it's incredibly more meaningful than the shitty "heroic sacrifice" ending.
Level 15
Mar 31, 2009
No, it's the real ending from the book. He realises the monsters/vampires/things are the new "dominant species" and he is seen as the "legend" that steals their kind during the night (day here) and kills them. The roles are reversed, it's incredibly more meaningful than the shitty "heroic sacrifice" ending.

that would have been the best ending ever, why did they change it?
Level 15
Mar 31, 2009
lol... maybe its just the director putting their own stuff in there for kicks, only to have it be worse, or too much more exaggerated than the original thing.

and yes... i know you cant fit every detail of a book in a movie, but i mean wtf, why change the "key" parts of it?
Level 7
Aug 27, 2008
I already hated it, so i guess the wouldn't make much of a difference right? It was slow and boring for me. Plus i almost cried when they killed that dog, he was my favorite chericter
Level 8
Aug 1, 2008
Dodgeball, had the worst alternate ending. It was depressingly bad.

Click had such a bad ending. well it was awesome, but there was so many questions i wanted to know! :(
Level 4
Sep 17, 2009
The Worst Movie ending? Clearly Jennifer's body. the Moviem was Really bad, clearly the worst I ever seen.

The ENding is even Worst. OMG, SHE REMOVE MY BFF NECKLACE! I CANNOT STAND IT, I'M DYING! then, the "Good" girl shiv her in the heart, and it's suppose to be sad. But, the mother enter the room saying "Jennifer, is it all right?" and the best thing the girl is thinking to do is removing Gruesomely the knife of the Mother's daughter. then she's sent in a Women prison, in a isolation room. after, she say "when you're bitten by a Demon, and you survive, you gain a part of is power" then she start levitating, destroy the bars, the fence, and go kill the Band responsible of the horrible story. Horrible like in Suckish scenario, off course. it don't just suck, it's total non-sense too. more like a bad comedy, of a even worse Horror movie.
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