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Mnopoly v2.3b

My first biggest project.

Thank you to all those on The Hive Workshop for the models for the game pieces. I thank a friend for helping me with a trigger, which I was clueless about, and I thank another friend who tested the map with me.

As many people know, this is the classic board game; Monopoly.
Yes, it says Mnopoly, but the name is changed for legal reasons.

I have added in game modes for a twist:

Free Parking - If someone pays taxes via Income/Luxury tax or Chance/Community Chest, the money will go to the middle and when someone lands on Free Parking, they get all the money.

Double Land - When a player LANDS on GO, they will receive double the money (400 instead of 200).

Custom Starting Money - Choose to start with 1000, 1500 or 2000 dollars.

No Mortgaging - Disallowing mortgaging throughout the game.

For those who haven't played Monopoly before:

Pick a piece then roll the dice to move around the board. Land on a property to be able to buy it, but if owned by another player, pay the rent. Buy properties, get the sets and put houses on them to gain money when people land on your property. Sell the houses and mortgage the properties to be able to pay rent cost of the property owned by the other players. If you go bankrupt, you lose. Last person standing wins!

This is also stated in the Loading Screen.
-(I think) Fixed the double roll out of jail bug.

-Changed names of the properties to the original version's property names
-Removed hostile units
-Fixed trading trains
-Other fixes that I forgot what I fixed because I hadn't worked on the map for a long time.

-Lots and Lots and Lots and Lots of small bug fixes.

-Changed picture of "No" skill and made DISBTN's

-Changed Yes/No buying property skills to the unit pieces (to save confusion with those who don't read Quests)
-Small fixes

-Fixed Game Speed Changer jail bug.
-Fixed timer not destroying.

-Added Game Speed changer.
-Added Timer.
-Small Fixes.

-Added new game mode: No Mortgaging

-Fixed go back 3 spaces bug.

-Think I fixed green box bug.

-Fixed some chance errors.
-Added Money for Property trading.

-Fully fixed trading system.

-Small fixes.

-Fixed trading bug.
-Small fixes.

-Attempt fix double roll bug.

-Trading didn't work, fixed that.

-Fixed pay to get out of jail bug. (After many attempts)

-Added Trading System!
-Small Fixes.

-Attempt fix leaver bug.
-Small fixes.

-Fixed house bug.
-Fixed landing bug.
-Small fixes.

-Fixed hopefully the fix about just visiting jail.
-Fixed going past go bug.
-Changed some triggers/cleaned.

-Fixed when landing on just visiting jail, it doesn't do anything.

-Forgot to add conditions to some spells which could cause game bugs when used at the wrong time.

Monopoly, Mnopoly, Board, Game, Board Game, Roll, Dice, Dice Game, Rolling.

Mnopoly v2.3b (Map)

ap0calypse: Approved
Level 12
Mar 10, 2008
It still has many bugs in it, where as when you "land" on go, it acutally doesn't move you onto the spot, I checked the region places but it wasn't moved... It spawns at the region correctly but when going past it, it bugged up. Sadly, I have no idea why it happened >.<.
I will continue fixing it.

It bugged once when a player had thrown a double five and then he couldn't either throw the dices again or buy the street (yes he had enough money).
I think he might have highlighted something else when he went to buy something with the Yes/No building. There's a command: -reselect

ehh...isn't the game's name Monopoly?
Legal reasons. Plus, don't you think Monopoly has enough o's?

if this is an actually working replica of monopoly then i will like you a lot
It is a replica but it still has some bugs.
Level 12
Mar 10, 2008
Updated, and fixed some bugs. This should be being updated usually daily. If anyone knows a possible chance of why it bugs up when going past go (You could see in-game when you roll and go past go that it teleports you to the side then back to mediterranean, skipping "GO") please tell me some possible solutions.

EDIT: Found out a solution, and it worked.
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Level 8
Nov 9, 2008
Hey manstie,

Just played this map and it was severely buggy. The go bug actualy breaks the game if someone lands on go they are moved to the centre area and can freely move around. When it is their go next the game breaks and no one can play.

Also, the trigger (if any) that registers the end of the turn doesn't work properly. Sometimes the next players go will begin while the current player is still choosing to buy the properties.

Also I found I rolled a 7 and it moved me 5! lol

Another things sometimes players are able to buy 2 properties i 1 go, something seriously buggy there.

Good map overall, I will take a look now and see what I find.
Level 8
Nov 9, 2008
It was 1.3 I played, before I saw this and found 1.3c. I will try out 1.3c with my friends tomorrow and give feedback ^^

Overall I like it, and I love the snowman! And the magicians hat lololol.

Maybe a feature that you could include is deals with other players to buy properties frm each other? Some kind of deal window you can open at the start of your turn to initiate negotiations with a player.
Level 2
Jun 24, 2008
I think you should have all the commands written in the quest if you have any. I played on b.net and my turn wouldnt end. I also could't do anything. I landed on a chance. Have any idea?
Level 12
Mar 10, 2008
Lol I have no idea. First all of my other versions worked fine when landing on things, now this one has decided to do nothing when landing on anything... Anyone have any ideas?

Note to users: Get previous versions off Epicwar.com, until I update version 1.3c to fix this strange bug.

EDIT: Random, but fixed bug now.
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Level 8
Nov 9, 2008
Have tried 1.5, unfortunately there is still a major bug with the sequencing.

It seems to be when someone leaves it begins skipping some steps along the board when moving, steps sometimes move double time and you glitch and land on 1 square but message and trigger display results for 2 squares. Eventualy, players were able to roll regardless of whether the last persons go had ended or not (it seemed about half way through player1's go, player2 was able to roll). This meant player1 wasn't given a choice of buy.

Check you sequencing triggers, something is breaking it, possibly when players leave.
Level 5
Jul 20, 2008
landing on jail does not end the turn so u cannot progress with the game. And yea i think you should add end turn timer (with 100-200$ fee) to prevent afks. But please fix jail bug it is unplayable
Ok, it was much better now, but still some buggs to fix. When u go to prison and pay, it isn't ur turn again, u have to wait for ur next time.

And one disturbing thing is the dist icon for the dices, pllz fix that. Its really annoying with that green square...

Something went wrong a bit in the game, so fast I have rolles my dices, it was an other players turn. Looks at the screeny... It didn't wait for the unit to move before it started the next action so all went superfast and then all leaved ;)


  • Namnlös.jpg
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Level 12
Mar 10, 2008
Why are you playing 1 player?
As soon as 30 seconds is up after you pick a piece you win...

Arnadath said:
Still I would like to see some AI.
I think that'll be for another time...

Yeah, what do I import of the dice to get rid of that green box? I tried DISPASDice (The icon is PASDice) and it had no effect.
Updating soon. Version 1.6 will come with a *hopefully* working trade system.
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Level 8
Nov 9, 2008
Why are you playing 1 player?
As soon as 30 seconds is up after you pick a piece you win...

I think that'll be for another time...

Yeah, what do I import of the dice to get rid of that green box? I tried DISPASDice (The icon is PASDice) and it had no effect.
Updating soon. Version 1.6 will come with a *hopefully* working trade system.

If you read he was explaining how everyone had left the game by that time.

You know, it might be possible to give advice on these bugs if you actually released an unprotected version...

For the dice, try and make your own image by opening the current dice image and putting a bit red cross through it? You could swith between abilities. Or if you prefer you current "tech requirement" system, make a faded out version. I'm far from experienced in this field so maybe you could request it on the respective board.

Regarding bugs, check where you are counting players and ordering movement. It seems to me it's something to do with players leaving ergo it is something in the numbers that change making it count things wrong and mess up the turn ordering.

AI I think would be unnecessary (expecially now) as if you fix this map it wuld be great seeing as every time I host I seem to get a full game.
Level 5
Jul 20, 2008
Why are you playing 1 player?
As soon as 30 seconds is up after you pick a piece you win...

I think that'll be for another time...

Yeah, what do I import of the dice to get rid of that green box? I tried DISPASDice (The icon is PASDice) and it had no effect.
Updating soon. Version 1.6 will come with a *hopefully* working trade system.
i really think you should look at my post... i was red and the cat when it happened (TWICE, over 2 games)
Level 8
Oct 19, 2008
GLITCH FOUND: I rolled double 2 then got chance card to go to jail then I had my extra bonus turn where I payed to get out of jail instantly and then the game didnt continue. It wasnt my turn or anyone elses.

Not gonna vote yet until all glitches are fixed.

good game though...I agree game should be faster cause if someone is afk then everyone has to wait for them to do their turn. There should be time limit like 10 seconds to move unit.
Level 12
Mar 10, 2008
Yeah, I fixed the pay to get out of jail bug in 1.6e lol...

For making the game faster, use SPEED GEAR (program), else I will create a speed modifier later. I just need these bugs to be fixed, like this one:

Strange bug, I have no bloody idea why it happens.
Here's what happens: Someone rolls a DOUBLE 5. Game says: (Name) has rolled a DOUBLE 5!..
Some time along their turn... the game says that they roll a 5, which causes all kinds of different bugs to happen!? Why the hell does it roll a 5 again?

Here's my Roll Trigger (Same for each player)
  • RedTurn
    • Events
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
        • If - Conditions
          • (Player 1 (Red) controller) Equal to User
          • (Player 1 (Red) slot status) Equal to Is playing
          • (Player 1 (Red) is in Players) Equal to True
        • Then - Actions
          • Set NextTurn = False
          • Unit - Change ownership of Your Turn 0029 <gen> to Player 1 (Red) and Change color
          • Unit - Change ownership of Have the Dice in your hand 0034 <gen> to Player 1 (Red) and Change color
          • Game - Display to (All players) the text: ((It's now + (Name of Player 1 (Red))) + 's turn.)
        • Else - Actions
          • Trigger - Run BlueTurn <gen> (checking conditions)
  • RedRoll
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit owned by Player 1 (Red) Begins casting an ability
    • Conditions
      • (Ability being cast) Equal to Throw Dice
    • Actions
      • Unit - Change ownership of Have the Dice in your hand 0034 <gen> to Player 12 (Brown) and Change color
      • Set Dice1 = (Random integer number between 1 and 6)
      • Set Dice2 = (Random integer number between 1 and 6)
      • Set DiceRollNumber = (Dice1 + Dice2)
      • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
        • If - Conditions
          • JailTime[1] Greater than 0
        • Then - Actions
          • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
            • If - Conditions
              • Dice1 Equal to Dice2
            • Then - Actions
              • Game - Display to (All players) the text: (((Name of Player 1 (Red)) + has rolled a DOUBLE ) + ((String(Dice1)) + and has gotten out of jail!))
              • Set JailTime[1] = 0
              • Wait 1.00 seconds
              • Unit - Move PlayerUnit[1] instantly to (Center of Just Visiting Jail <gen>)
              • Cinematic - Ping minimap for (All players) at (Position of PlayerUnit[1]) for 1.00 seconds
              • Wait until (NextTurn Equal to True), checking every 1.00 seconds
              • Trigger - Run BlueTurn <gen> (ignoring conditions)
            • Else - Actions
              • Set JailTime[1] = (JailTime[1] - 1)
              • Game - Display to (All players) the text: ((Name of Player 1 (Red)) + didn't roll a double.)
              • Wait 1.00 seconds
              • Game - Display to (All players) the text: (((Name of Player 1 (Red)) + has ) + ((String(JailTime[1])) + more turn(s) in jail.))
              • Wait 1.00 seconds
              • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                • If - Conditions
                  • JailTime[1] Equal to 0
                • Then - Actions
                  • Unit - Move PlayerUnit[1] instantly to (Center of Just Visiting Jail <gen>)
                  • Cinematic - Ping minimap for (All players) at (Position of PlayerUnit[1]) for 1.00 seconds
                  • Game - Display to (All players) the text: ((Name of Player 1 (Red)) + has been let out of jail.)
                  • Wait until (NextTurn Equal to True), checking every 1.00 seconds
                  • Trigger - Run BlueTurn <gen> (ignoring conditions)
                • Else - Actions
              • Trigger - Run BlueTurn <gen> (ignoring conditions)
        • Else - Actions
          • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
            • If - Conditions
              • Dice1 Equal to Dice2
            • Then - Actions
              • Game - Display to (All players) the text: (((Name of Player 1 (Red)) + just rolled a DOUBLE ) + ((String(Dice1)) + !))
              • Set DoubleArresting[1] = (DoubleArresting[1] + 1)
              • Wait 1.00 seconds
              • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                • If - Conditions
                  • DoubleArresting[1] Greater than or equal to 3
                • Then - Actions
                  • Set DoubleArresting[1] = 0
                  • Game - Display to (All players) the text: ((Name of Player 1 (Red)) + has been caught |c00ff0000speeding|r and has been sent to jail.)
                  • Wait 1.00 seconds
                  • Set JailTime[1] = 3
                  • Unit - Move PlayerUnit[1] instantly to (Center of Jail <gen>)
                  • Cinematic - Ping minimap for (All players) at (Position of PlayerUnit[1]) for 1.00 seconds
                  • Trigger - Run BlueTurn <gen> (ignoring conditions)
                • Else - Actions
                  • Set MovingUnit = PlayerUnit[1]
                  • Set Moving = True
                  • Trigger - Run Move <gen> (ignoring conditions)
                  • Wait until (NextTurn Equal to True), checking every 1.00 seconds
                  • Trigger - Run RedTurn <gen> (ignoring conditions)
            • Else - Actions
              • Game - Display to (All players) the text: (((Name of Player 1 (Red)) + just rolled a ) + ((String(DiceRollNumber)) + .))
              • Set DoubleArresting[1] = 0
              • Wait 1.00 seconds
              • Set MovingUnit = PlayerUnit[1]
              • Set Moving = True
              • Trigger - Run Move <gen> (ignoring conditions)
              • Wait until (NextTurn Equal to True), checking every 1.00 seconds
              • Trigger - Run BlueTurn <gen> (ignoring conditions)
If this is fixed, the whole game should run PERFECTLY!
Level 8
Nov 9, 2008
I can't see anything that shouts BUG but I will have a look later.

What triggers are called when a player leaves the game?
Level 4
Jul 24, 2009
While I was playing it with a friend, it was his turn, he got some property to buy, he clicked on something when he was prompted to say yes or no, and yes or no dialogue dissapeared. He couldn't return it and we had to restart the game.
Level 12
Mar 10, 2008
While I was playing it with a friend, it was his turn, he got some property to buy, he clicked on something when he was prompted to say yes or no, and yes or no dialogue dissapeared. He couldn't return it and we had to restart the game.

I have cleared that. It is actually a building that the game clicks for you with the skills Yes and No to choose from, all he needed to do is type -reselect. (This command was already placed into my game before I released it!)

I just don't really like Dialog.

I'm sure that a bug is caused if a player leaves at the wrong time (e.g. when still moving after dice being rolled), but no one had done it in the game that I was playing.

here it is anyway. (Same for each player)
  • Red
    • Events
      • Player - Player 1 (Red) leaves the game
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
        • If - Conditions
          • ((Triggering player) is in Players) Equal to True
        • Then - Actions
          • Game - Display to (All players) the text: ((Name of Player 1 (Red)) + has left the game!)
          • Player - Set name of Player 1 (Red) to ((Name of Player 1 (Red)) + (Gone))
          • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
            • If - Conditions
              • (Owner of MovingUnit) Equal to Player 1 (Red)
            • Then - Actions
              • Wait 1.50 seconds
              • Set Moving = False
              • Set NextTurn = True
            • Else - Actions
          • Player Group - Remove (Triggering player) from Players
          • Unit - Remove PlayerUnit[1] from the game
          • Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units owned by Player 1 (Red)) and do (Unit - Change ownership of (Picked unit) to Player 12 (Brown) and Change color)
          • Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units owned by Player 12 (Brown) of type House) and do (Unit - Remove (Picked unit) from the game)
        • Else - Actions
          • Game - Display to (All players) the text: ((Name of Player 1 (Red)) + has left the game!)
          • Player - Set name of Player 1 (Red) to ((Name of Player 1 (Red)) + (Gone))
      • Leaderboard - Remove Player 1 (Red) from (Last created leaderboard)
Level 1
Dec 15, 2008
bug found..

bug is during jail time for purple.. he got out of jail.. but the game somehow says red is the one in jail.. hope u can fix it


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Level 5
Jul 20, 2008
bug when orange went to go he recieved 200 about 5 times over.
bug after certain orange turns where it let me (red) roll to early, before his turn was truely over
Level 12
Mar 10, 2008
bug found..

bug is during jail time for purple.. he got out of jail.. but the game somehow says red is the one in jail.. hope u can fix it

Fixed in 1.7c.

bug when orange went to go he recieved 200 about 5 times over.
bug after certain orange turns where it let me (red) roll to early, before his turn was truely over

These are related to when the dice roll trigger runs twice, I haven't seen the bug happen in 1.7d but it has a chance to happen.
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Level 8
Nov 9, 2008
You think it's something to do with "wait until" actions?

I mean, you are already running the next players turn in most cases so why use wait until to run some turns?

Try putting some debug lines in and then playing it for testing to see actualy what is running when it bugs.
Level 8
Nov 9, 2008
Hmm, do you think it's got something to do with rolling doubles? Like, when a player rolls a double he does his first turn, but the cooldown of the dice may have ended before the "wait until next turn == true" has evaluated?
Level 12
Mar 10, 2008
What I've seen is that it says they roll again while they are still moving, while the cooldown is on.
EDIT: Hmm, haven't seen it happen lately... It might be those "Skip remaining triggers" that some people on the forum told me to add in to see if it fixes.
When is a MOD going to approve this!?
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Level 6
Aug 19, 2006
i had the train token and my roll the dice icon was always green. maybe broken icon or just a bug for me?
and sometimes it showed wrong names. one example: a friend owned the 2nd red street and he entered it again the game showed my name and not his name. so the messages where "<my name> already owns this and does not need to pay" while it should be "<his name> ....."

and otherwise yeah its monopoly. i dont think i need to say more.
Level 8
Nov 9, 2008
I don't mind the buildings but when you buy houses they appear somewhat randomly around the space and sometimes the character piece is moved into the buildings so you cant see it.

As soon as you fix major bugs you should work on perfecting the aesthetics.

Are you any closer to fixing the rolling bug?