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Mnopoly v2.3b

My first biggest project.

Thank you to all those on The Hive Workshop for the models for the game pieces. I thank a friend for helping me with a trigger, which I was clueless about, and I thank another friend who tested the map with me.

As many people know, this is the classic board game; Monopoly.
Yes, it says Mnopoly, but the name is changed for legal reasons.

I have added in game modes for a twist:

Free Parking - If someone pays taxes via Income/Luxury tax or Chance/Community Chest, the money will go to the middle and when someone lands on Free Parking, they get all the money.

Double Land - When a player LANDS on GO, they will receive double the money (400 instead of 200).

Custom Starting Money - Choose to start with 1000, 1500 or 2000 dollars.

No Mortgaging - Disallowing mortgaging throughout the game.

For those who haven't played Monopoly before:

Pick a piece then roll the dice to move around the board. Land on a property to be able to buy it, but if owned by another player, pay the rent. Buy properties, get the sets and put houses on them to gain money when people land on your property. Sell the houses and mortgage the properties to be able to pay rent cost of the property owned by the other players. If you go bankrupt, you lose. Last person standing wins!

This is also stated in the Loading Screen.
-(I think) Fixed the double roll out of jail bug.

-Changed names of the properties to the original version's property names
-Removed hostile units
-Fixed trading trains
-Other fixes that I forgot what I fixed because I hadn't worked on the map for a long time.

-Lots and Lots and Lots and Lots of small bug fixes.

-Changed picture of "No" skill and made DISBTN's

-Changed Yes/No buying property skills to the unit pieces (to save confusion with those who don't read Quests)
-Small fixes

-Fixed Game Speed Changer jail bug.
-Fixed timer not destroying.

-Added Game Speed changer.
-Added Timer.
-Small Fixes.

-Added new game mode: No Mortgaging

-Fixed go back 3 spaces bug.

-Think I fixed green box bug.

-Fixed some chance errors.
-Added Money for Property trading.

-Fully fixed trading system.

-Small fixes.

-Fixed trading bug.
-Small fixes.

-Attempt fix double roll bug.

-Trading didn't work, fixed that.

-Fixed pay to get out of jail bug. (After many attempts)

-Added Trading System!
-Small Fixes.

-Attempt fix leaver bug.
-Small fixes.

-Fixed house bug.
-Fixed landing bug.
-Small fixes.

-Fixed hopefully the fix about just visiting jail.
-Fixed going past go bug.
-Changed some triggers/cleaned.

-Fixed when landing on just visiting jail, it doesn't do anything.

-Forgot to add conditions to some spells which could cause game bugs when used at the wrong time.

Monopoly, Mnopoly, Board, Game, Board Game, Roll, Dice, Dice Game, Rolling.

Mnopoly v2.3b (Map)

ap0calypse: Approved
Level 8
Nov 9, 2008
Well I player version 2.1 recently and it seems the bug now acts differently. When I rolled a double it proceeded to roll the other doubles for me until it got to 3 doubles where I was sent to jail.

This happened to another guy also and maybe it is certain it will happen if you roll a double.
Level 3
Oct 23, 2009
I like the map and it's a nice idea for WC3, but there are a number of errors that tend to be annoying. Note: I played version 2.1c.

1. After someone rolls doubles(I think), it no longer waits for the current player's turn to finish before the next player can roll, which leads to the second player that rolled to get all of the events instead.

2. Not exactly sure of the cause, but when I was red and finished a normal turn, blue landed on Go to Jail and when my turn came up, it said -I- was in jail and was unable to pay to get out. After the 3 turns, it teleported me to the jail as if I had been there. Also, blue was free to go during this.

3. Sometimes properties randomly change owner. For example, teal bought Mediterranean and at some part I(red) acquired it and didn't even notice it. (No, teal didn't trade it to me.)

4. Blue bought Electric Company and at some point(I think due to other properties being mortaged, an error in the triggering must've occurred) when someone else landed on it, it was stated to be mortaged and the player didn't have to pay. Though, when blue tried to unmortage it he was told that it hadn't been mortaged.

5. Sometimes the owner of railroads doesn't gain the money that they're paid from other players.

6. Whenever orange had doubles, both rolls were taken at the same time, causing two events to occur simultaneously. For example, he would roll doubles of 5 and not even a second later made his next roll which was 9.

7. Not sure how this happened, but it involved going to jail. At one point someone went to jail, I think maybe had doubles during it, and then the game was unable to progress as it was no one's turn.

Also, as a suggestion, could you make some sort of way for other players to know a property has been mortaged? It's not a huge deal, but it's just a suggestion. I hope I was able to help and that you'll be able to fix up the bugs. This map has great potential.
Level 12
Mar 10, 2008
Thank you for your post. I can fix everything except number 1 and number 6. Number 2, 3, 4, and 7 would be related to bug 1 and 6.

Getting a friend to help me out with trying to make it not bug.
Thanks for informing me about the mortgaging problems.

Hmm, even better. It only happens when orange rolls a double. I only ever see it with orange.
Thank you very much SSJ2-Trunks, for solving why bug 6 happened.
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Level 1
Jul 8, 2007
Yes, apparently paying to get out of jail messes with the rolling system and causes the glitch.
If someone rolls at the same time as you do, the game divides by 0 and lots of random stuff happens. I once got 3k from going around the board about 15 times because of that.
It also seems that if you pay to get out of jail the last bought property switches the owner to a random player in game.
And finally, Ventnor's houses seem to be built on Atlantic instead of Ventnor.

1. After someone rolls doubles(I think), it no longer waits for the current player's turn to finish before the next player can roll, which leads to the second player that rolled to get all of the events instead.
6. Whenever orange had doubles, both rolls were taken at the same time, causing two events to occur simultaneously. For example, he would roll doubles of 5 and not even a second later made his next roll which was 9.
The first one happens when someone else rolls while the other player is still moving, while the latter occurs when the person who got the double rolls again before he stops moving.

4. Blue bought Electric Company and at some point(I think due to other properties being mortaged, an error in the triggering must've occurred) when someone else landed on it, it was stated to be mortaged and the player didn't have to pay. Though, when blue tried to unmortage it he was told that it hadn't been mortaged.
Happens when you buy a property that had been mortgaged by the player who owned it before you. You have to remortgage it and then unmortgage it before it is back to normal.

Anyways, some suggestions:
1 - Terrain works fine for now, but sprucing it up a bit would add to the visual appeal; just a thought for later versions.
2 - Make houses have set spawn points; it's kind of annoying that they just spawn around the building.
3 - Nitpicking here, but eventually make the 5th house upgrade remove the other houses, like a hotel does in the game this map is based on.
4 - Maybe limit the map to four players. (?)
5 - Create something for the players to do while they are waiting for their turn. Maybe a mini-game, gambling, etc. (Not urgent)
Level 19
Oct 15, 2008
I have an idea... Maybe you could add some of your own features, and maybe instead of Mnopoly, name it a different name that suits it more... Who knows you won't know what other stuff you could add into it like a way of getting jobs in the game so that the amount of salary you earn everytime as you pass "Go" can be raised or decreased... Maybe you can even set population for the Hotels and Houses, like when players land on them, the popularity goes up after each time and you might earn more money too... Oh and, I hope you'll add an AI function too, it seems hard to find this game sometimes when you can't host and you feel like playing with yourself... Maybe make certain difficulty settings for the AI and allow players to choose 'Offensive', 'Intellectual', 'Easy-Go-Lucky' or any other types of AI so that they might explore different means of playing... Maybe make a square meant for 'Charity' where if anyone steps on it they'd have to pay a certain amount of money to that spot, and if somebody else gets a 'Chance' or "Community Chest" card telling them to collect the donations, and can get all the money from that square...
Level 3
Apr 4, 2009
Hi there.

The Map was allright, but in the Mid game, first of all.. some of the players could roll on other players rounds, so the game went like "stealing properties from other players" because of the dice bug, while the guy/girl who's turn it was, was moving the next after him/her could roll too. or buy the property which he/she was buying even be4 the whos turn was chosing anything. also once i cud throw in middle of my movement 2nd time. (hard to explain)
2nd. When i mortaged the Bottom railway station (cant remember the name)
you still get the payment... but the waterworks didnt give anymore.
so it was like water works was mortaged but the railways wasn't..

-You should add more of the Chance and Community chest cards. because.. ive seen only like 3 payment of cards, 2 (+1 beaty contest) cards. and some special things.
- The PoliceCars in the Police Spot check the writing Police in the cars... 1 of them is correct but the other 2 aren't (not a so big thing, but anyways)
-That "made by" at the middle is kinda anoying.(well just for me...)
-Well the terrain was not bad at all. I kinda like it ^^

can't remember anymore of the bugs, ill post some more after i've played again

3/5 because of few anoying things. but the gameplay was ok :)

(Sorry for the bad english... was a kinda rush writing it. ^^)
Level 12
Mar 10, 2008
Updated now.

Current Known Bugs:
Trading trains for money or other properties causes the cost of train landings to cost the same and the person who recieved the train, doesn't get an increased price.
Same as above with the electric company and water works.
(I think) finishing a trade causes the bug to run the next players' turn before the previous player has fully finished his/her turn.
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Level 4
Sep 25, 2009
I haven't played enough to know FOR SURE!


-Trading during other peoples turns

-possibly a minigame in the center

- And some how our green got all of the avenues (like kentucky) otu of glitch

- And epoepla re randomly stealing other peoples stuff. I will try and post a video
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
Uh, I think I've fixed the rolling bug... there are some bugs with chance and community chest but haven't seen them lately.

Get back to me when you have over 50 rep and more than 250 posts.
You are
if you can't do any better.
Unlike popular belief, rep is not some kind of "intelligence-measurement" and neither is post count.
Either way: I've removed his 1/5 rating (because he doesn't have a valid reason).

You should've reported his post in the first place, instead of writing whatever you wrote :p
No need to get upset when other people can do all the cleaning for you.