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Conqueror's Land (CL) v2.3b

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.

Map Name

Created by AUTHOR NAME

Map Info

Hey all this is the first map i created continuing a friend's idea and its an AoS map.The goal is to destroy your enemy's stronghold while you have a hero that progressively levels up and buys items depending on the farm and kills.There are 2 main modes.The Multiplayer mode can be played with 2-8 people while the Soloplaying mode can be played from even 1 player.Soloplayer mode involves some boss spawns every 4 mins so it makes the game a bit more challenging and solo testing more relaxing.This version features only 2 commands (-em for easy multiplayer mode giving you gold and -aim to turn on soloplayer mode)Solo player mode can be activated even with more than 1 ppl but both teams must give the command


As i already told this is my first map so not many special features.Map contains some hero ideas with custom models,a mix of classic spells and im working on an energy/rage/cooldown system.( Energy is alternate mana source.Some heroes instead of having mana can have 100 energy and their abilities cost energy instead of mana)(Rage is the same but this bigger cooldowns and only 10 rage to spent)(Cooldown use heroes have no spellcost and they can be used when the cooldowns is ready)

Some else stuff about map

This map uses 1190 Doodads,18 Regions,36 Triggers,68 Functions,32 Variables ( some of these are probably useless also need some help on that)


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Heroes Preview

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Heroes Preview

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Heroes Preview

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Heroes Preview

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Heroes Preview

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Special thanks to Sellenisko,Kwaliti,Frankster,Callahan,Tranquil for their awesome models ,to Hajken my irl friend who is the one who had the idea about the map and generally to hiveworkshop community for supporting the idea and helping me out.

Aeon of Strife

Conqueror's Land (CL) v2.3b (Map)

09:44, 28th May 2013 Orcnet: lacking enough information, explain more about the map info, features, screen shots, changelog, and credits part




09:44, 28th May 2013
Orcnet: lacking enough information, explain more about the map info, features, screen shots, changelog, and credits part
Level 29
May 21, 2013
hi there i downloaded and saw a bit your map

the easier way to start is a AOS, not true, Aos must be very balanced.and well triggering

the map have 10 mgb of music, your map size like 15 mgb so throw it to the garbage or reduce quality, to make the map smaller in size. i had the same problem. if someone wants to hear music, the user puts the winam minimized and turn of the game music.
-flat terrain
- only used 3 tiles grass and herb earth, and earth monotone

the credits says that hordetank made all the map with help of models of hiveworkshop, you dont figure in credits and with all respect, im asking if you have the autor permisson

and other thing,you double posted, thats not admited in any forum
Level 3
Jul 5, 2010
Hordetank is my friend's old account on bnet tell me your name at Northrend EU and i wisper you.Sorry for the double post fixed that.Also you can see uploads of this map earlier versions with this account at hiveworkshop from 2010.If i wanted to steal copyrights i would spend 1 minute editing the F9 info.Thanks for your help though i will do my best to fix it next version


Spam Moderator
Level 11
Dec 2, 2012
Uh... I might review your map later, but as of now it's unplayable in multiplayer. I'm pretty sure the 8mb limit will stop you from hosting in battle net. (Even if it didn', players are going to have to wait a long time to download this.)

This is the first map i tried to create continuing a friend's idea and its an AoS map because i think its the easiest one for a newbie to make

You're wrong, AOS is hard and must be very balanced, people think that way because of DotA these days.


Description : Lacking : you need better description, not a wall of text that makes user lazy to read. Use Map Description Generator at our Tools Section or Map Description Template at the Misc Tutorials section.

For the review, I will see if any of my friends can take the job.


Spam Moderator
Level 11
Dec 2, 2012
I'm curious, why was this map removed?
EDIT: Also, to anyone that didn't get a chance to download the map before it was remove, don't be dissapointed. I must say, the map dissapointed me. Monocolor tooltips, no repick option, very bad terrain, boring items, boring bosses, boring hero abilities. The good things were that it had a lot of heroes and items (even though they aren't that well made), the maps supports singleplayer, and there are a decent amount of custom models in there.
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