Power of Corruption v2.3b

This bundle is marked as director's cut. It exceeds all expectations and excels in every regard.

Version 2.3
By Moyack. 2012

Official page


The war has been declared. Prepare your army and crush your opponents in epic battles. No matter if you are an insidious Naga or an evil Demon, you won't have any chance of peace, just death or luck to survive.

What's Power of Corruption?
Power of Corruption is an altered melee style map which features two customized races: The Naga and the Demons. This project, started in 2006, was previously known as Naga Wars and in that time the Naga race was the only one playable. Critics and suggestions were given and the result was a new whole race: the Demons. this race was developed from scratch in order to put more innovation, replayability and challenge to the Naga which are overpowered in comparison with the standard races in Warcraft III. Time has passed and the map has been improved in many ways, now it's 100% made in vJASS and it features innovative and nice spells, abilities and characteristics which, hopefully, will give to the melee style game a new fresh air.

Game Features.
A new resource: Devotion points.
It can be obtained when you kill enemies from normal players (creeping doesn't give devotion points) This resource can be exchanged by gold or lumber, or saved to get a semihero unit at your command.
Transport units.
This feature has been available through neutral buildings, but now these units will be trained by the player. They not only serve as transport, they can improve a lot the micro management because they can be used to protect vulnerable units taking in advantage its high resistance against attacks.
Item Forgers.
These special units will be trained by players. They will have the ability to cast portable shops with items designed to improve temporary the hero units, or units in an area of effect. These units can see hidden or invisible units so they are a key element in your strategy.
Semi Hero Units.
These special units are the gift that you obtain from you god for having a good and efficient army. They are called semiheroes for its skills (strength + 4 useful abilities) and they are summoned when you reach 1000 devotion points. The Naga obtain a Naga Royal Guard and the Demons obtain a Doom Guard.
Race Attributes.
Each race will have a unique passive ability for all the organic units which gives to them an advantage in endurance in the game.

Screenshots (the most important part yay!!)

For more or newer pictures, please visit the official gallery: http://powerofcorruption.com/?gallery.html


If you want to see more screenshots, just visit the official gallery: http://powerofcorruption.com/?gallery.html

DOWNLOAD (Hell!! it's about time!!!)

From now on, Power of Corruption won't be only in one map terrain, it will come in several terrains that I will credit when the data is implemented on them. Meanwhile, we'll start with the basic but always classic first terrain :thumbs_up:

Official download page: http://powerofcorruption.com/?download.html

The ruins of an ancient temple of forbidden tributes was found by the Naga. They were attracted to this abandoned place by the dark magic emanating from this mysterious place. But they were not alone, the Demons, in their seek of power to spread the death and evil in the known world, have traveled to this place to find and control this unknown power. Now the quest is a challenge with no more option but fight, who will the victorious? the outcome is up to you.

Map Size: 160x160
Playable Map Size: 148x148
Suggested Players: 1v1, 2v2, FFA
Player Slots: 4
Tileset: Sunken Ruins

Models - Skins - Spells:

- Naga Enchantress
- Demon caster spells
- Arachnian Queen
- Demon Birth model
- Chaos Razormane
- VolcanoShieldTarget
- Fel hound Rider
- Fel Orc Rampager
- Chaos Altar of Terror
- Fel Orc Assassin
- Ogre Iron Fist (modified)
- Legionnaire (modified)
- CruelCloister
- Demonic Sanctuary
- WarQueen
- incursor (terror king)
- Naga Royal Guard
- Dragon Turtle (Transport turtle)
- Death Knight (Burning Knight)
- Rock Prison
- Demon Archer
- Brutal Lord
- Lord of Darkness
- Spiral Aura
- Fanactism Aura
- Greater Geiser
- Aura of Damnation
- Aura of Damnation buff
- BlackHole
- ManaThirst
- Treacherous Attack
- EnergyBreathDamage
- Legion Teleporter model
- Naga Town Hall
- Lava Bomb model
- Venom Warrior skin
- Diabolic skin
- Despoiler skin (Demon Soldier)
- Satyr Worker model

Script & suggestions:

- Av3n (Your valuable help with items, abilities and other stuff)
- RedDragon (Abilities help and other stuff)
- Tarrasque (Your models and feedback were very useful)
- JetFangInferno (For his suggestions and FX development)
- GaDDeN (he has been a great helper with this project)
- Kyrbi0: Abilities and some other ideas
- Tim. (Thanks for his comments and for directing WC3C
- Veev. For his help in grammar
- Archmage Owenalacaster. For his help with the AI improvement.
- Earth-Fury for Board script.
- WC3C community (for all the feedback received)


Some of this icons are as is, others were modified in borders and/or recolored in some cases, but they are based on the original work of the following authors:
- CrazzyRussian
- FrIkY
- Handclaw
- M0rbid
- neo1989
- NFWar
- TripleDotta

Other Credits:

- Vexorian: For your excellent WC3mapoptimizer. This map was reduced and protected with wc3optimizer 5.0
- RedDragon: A great supporter, thanks a lot.
- scumedit.net (R.I.P.): I have an special gratitude with this clan for its support and bugs comments.
- PitzerMike: For keeping alive JNGP. This map has been developed in Jass New Generation Pack (5d).
- WC3Campaigns.net: For all the great support and hosting of this project.
- This map has been compiled using Jass Helper version 2012-03-10. Credits to Cohadar and previous authors."
- Cohadar (For improving JassHelper and keep it alive)
- Pipedream (Grimoire is too sexy)
- PitzerMike (safety dance :p)
- Zoxc
- RedDragon: Ideas and suggestions
- Red-Bones-Ghoul: Ideas and suggestions (Lord of Darkness abilities)
- Blade.dk (his war stomp spell making tutorial opens my mind to the JASS world)
- scumedit.net (R.I.P.)
- www.wc3c.net
- "Blizzard: For creating patch 1.24 and fuck the WC3 modding community


  • Fixed a typo in players' multiboard (kills =>; Kills)
  • Fixed a bug where succubus keep jumping on target units when they're smart ordered.
  • Selection circle in Burning Beast reduced from 2.5 to 2
  • The building command card in naga and demon workers has been reordered so it follows the standards in WC3
  • This version will bring a new melee map: FOREPLAY (coming soon!!)

  • Fixed the missile Z launch of Demon Zeppelin and changes the missile art.
  • Added the heal cargo ability to Transport turtle and Demon Zeppelin. This ability regenerates hitpoints in units transported in those cargo unit types. With this we'll give to this ships a more valuable usage.
  • This version comes with a new melee map: Roads Untraveled by Sonofjay

For opinions and suggestions, you can post them here or in the official forum: http://powerofcorruption.com/community/

Altered, melee, Naga, Demon, PoC, Power of Corruption, Sunken Ruins, Ancient, Temple

Power of Corruption v2.3b (Map)

13:14, 27th Mar 2010 ap0calypse: Approved
Level 4
Nov 3, 2023
Despite the "recommended version" being listed as 1.21b, I'm unable to run the map for some reason.
(which sucks because this looks siiiiiick!)