Wc3:WoW's WoW Terrain Look-Alike Mini-Contest
Contest Deadline: Contest is over.
Greetings fellow users of Hive Workshop!It has been decided that Wc3:WoW needs to know what kind of terraining skills Wc3:WoW/WoW fans possess. So we decided to host a World Of Warcraft Terrain Look-Alike contest! Make your terrain in Warcraft III's World Editor. The goal is to make a terrain that resembles a major area of World of Warcraft such as Orgrimmar, Thunder Bluff, Undercity, Warsong Gulch, Crossroads, etc.
What needs to be terrained is at least three screenshots worth of terrain of one area. Feel free to submit multiple areas of your terrain. If you make Orgrimmar but also want to make Loch Modan, then by all means, please do so! If all areas terrained by you (This contest will not accept partnership) are impressive to the judge(s), then that is a plus 1-3 points in the finals ratings.
You can use custom models, but WoW exported models is prohibited, and you cannot use any of Wc3:WoW's files as well. You can make your own models or have someone else make models/skins for you or you can search on the web for resources such as The Hive's Resource section.
What we're looking for:
- Accuracey in terrain. I want to be able to tell what the area is immediately!
- Creativity. Add little details to the terrain that is necessary, but isn't too much work to over-due the terrain.
- A fog that works well with the terrain. Using the one that is in WoW in the area you're making is wise.
- Good use of doodads and tiles.
What we're not looking for:
- Editting images with photoshop, paint, or any other programs is prohibited. But you can add titles at the top or bottom of each screenshot.
- WoW Exports is not something we want to see in your terrain.
- Wc3:WoW doodads, units, tiles, and other files in the Wc3:WoW mpq is 100% prohibited, unless if you can find them on another website.
- Working from someone elses map is not allowed.
- Terrain of indoor areas such as an inn or something pointless isn't what we're looking for. But if you can make it look amazing, we may pass it by.
The winner will receive credit on the website's The Team page, get additional +reputation, be added to the Closed Beta Testing team, and will be given a new title to replace "Member" to "Terrain Contest Winner" and will also be able to choose any color they wish to show in their user name such as turning "Craka_J" to "Craka_J".
And if Wolverabid agrees, you'll also get a custom icon to apear under your profile to show that you've earned something.
There will be second and third place winners as well, but their rewards won't be as supreme. Here is the rewards list:
First Place Winner:
- Gets put into the Closed Beta Testing Team and will have a chance to experience new features and so on that has never been seen before in public!
- Username color change at the Official Forum.
- 1st Place Terrain winner may have a chance of being recruited to the team.
- Title at Official Forum for first place winner of Wc3:WoW Terrain Contest.
- +20 Reputation Points.
Second Place Winner:
- +15 Reputation Points.
- Gets put into the Closed Beta Testing Team and will have a chance to experience new features and so on that has never been seen before in public!
- Title at Official Forum for second place winner of Wc3:WoW Terrain Contest.
Third Place Winner:
- +10 Reputation Points.
- Gets put into the Closed Beta Testing Team and will have a chance to experience new features and so on that has never been seen before in public!
- Title at Official Forum for third place winner of Wc3:WoW Terrain Contest.
- Terrain must be done 100% by you only.
- Partners are not permitted.
- Terrain must look like something from WoW. If you have screenshots from WoW of which your terrain was based off of, that can be a plus.
- Stealing other people's work will disqualify you from the contest.
- Wc3:WoW and WoW exports are NOT allowed.
- Terrain must be based on an area that is actually in World of Warcraft.
- Expansion area terrains are not what we are looking for. That includes Northrend too!
- Custom models, skins, etc. is permitted. But cannot be exported from WoW or Wc3:WoW.
- File-type of your terrains and source must be one of the following:
.jpg / .jpeg / .bmp / .png
~Craka_J; Leader of the Wc3:WoW Team
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