Wc3:WoW Logo Mini-Contest
Contest Deadline: September 28th, 2007.
Contest is over.
Greetings fellow users of Hive Workshop!Contest is over.
It has been decided that Wc3:WoW needs a new logo, but the one I've made is apparently the best we can get; and what we've got now is currently out-dated and doesn't look cool enough or professional enough. So the purpose of this contest is simple: Who ever can create the best Wc3:WoW logo gets rewarded and the logo will replace our current one being used.
The winner will receive credit on the website's The Team page, get additional +reputation, be added to the Closed Beta Testing team, and will be given a new title to replace "Member" to "Logo Contest Winner" and will also be able to choose any color they wish to show in their user name such as turning "Craka_J" to "Craka_J".
And if Wolverabid agrees, you'll also get a custom icon to apear under your profile to show that you've earned something.
There will be second and third place winners as well, but their rewards won't be as supreme. Here is the rewards list:
First Place Winner:
- Gets put into the Closed Beta Testing Team and will have a chance to experience new features and so on that has never been seen before in public!.
- Username color change at the Official Forum.
- Credit for winning logo in website's The Team page.
- 1st Place logo will be used for the real Wc3:WoW game in loading screens, websites, and forums.
- Title at Official Forum for first place winner of Wc3:WoW Logo Contest.
- +20 Reputation Points.
Second Place Winner:
- +15 Reputation Points.
- Gets put into the Closed Beta Testing Team and will have a chance to experience new features and so on that has never been seen before in public!
- Title at Official Forum for second place winner of Wc3:WoW Logo Contest.
Third Place Winner:
- +10 Reputation Points.
- Gets put into the Closed Beta Testing Team and will have a chance to experience new features and so on that has never been seen before in public!
- Title at Official Forum for third place winner of Wc3:WoW Logo Contest.
- Title must be "WC3:WoW" or "Warcraft 3 : World of Warcraft" or "Warcraft III: World of Warcraft". Title can not be "World of Warcraft III" due to legality issues.
- Logo must be by you, no partners!
- Logo must be made on computer. Sketches, doodles, and other pen/pencil on paper art will not be accepted.
- Copy & Pastes are acceptable, but must be in very good quality. Blurryness in C&P images gets disqualified. Credit must be given to creator of image you are C&Ping.
Contest is over.
~Craka_J; Leader of the Wc3:WoW Team
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