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Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
It has been more than six long years that this mod has been under the heavy exclusive development of the Wc3:WoW Team. Many have joined and left the team throughout it's creation, but alas, we have come to the conclusion that the project is too much for our small workforce. And finally, the Wc3:WoW Team is publicly releasing the mod and it's content - unprotected - in hopes that other dedicated aspiring mod creators will do a better job with taking over the project and bringing it to a completed phase.

We thank you for the large amount of support you guys have given us throughout the making of Wc3:WoW, because without the passionate fans who helped keep the morale high of our developers, even this day might not have come. Thank you again and enjoy the content we are now leaving to you!

First Wc3:WoW Demo Evar! - Uploaded Febuary 5th, 2009 (AKA: When dinosaurs roamed the earth; this version was actually released BEFORE Vanilla WoW even released)

Wc3:WoW Old Version - Uploaded April 1st, 2011 (You must have patch version 1.23 to play, get Patch Version Switcher tool)

Wc3:WoW Latest Version - Uploaded April 1st, 2011
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