Wc3:WoW Open Beta Released!

What do you think about this demo?

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Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
his evening, Craka_J released a mid-early version of the Warcraft III : World of Warcraft campaign demo! The demo features much more than Beantony's version featured, but although even this version may seem a bit small, do remember that this is version is about a year and a half old, so much more will be in the latest demo.

hat was the reason of the release of this old demo? Well being that the latest demo has missed more than one release dates, we've decided to release an old version publicly! Not only as a way of us apologizing for the excessive inconvenience, but the team has also agreed amongst each other that it would help bring attention to the mod and give our fans a feel of what to expect in later demos.

e the War3:WoW Team greatly hopes this decision satisfys most or all of you who've waited for a demo for so long... too long! If you are curious where to download the file, you can download the campaign at the Downloads page.
-The Wc3:WoW Team
Level 2
Jun 4, 2007

When i press on the download link and it takes me to RapidShare and says File Not Found is the Demo really there or its curropted. :D :)
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Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
The cause of this problem is because our server is experiencing high latency and/or recieving heavy traffic. The link no longer works due to these problems. The War3WoW Team has immediately started fixing the problem, however it may take up to an hour or a little longer before the link is fixed. Please be patient!
-Craka_J and the War3WoW Team.

Download is now up and running again. If you are still having same problem, PM me.
Level 3
Feb 5, 2007
I did not expect that the old demo would be released again. Now all our fans will be so happy. Remember that it is about 1 year old, which means that you won't see all the models you've senn in the screenies. However there is still alot of custom models, and seeing the walls of ogrimmar sure feels like WoW. Also, only the orc and tauren race is playable, and then i think that troll might be playable, i don't know for sure.
Level 3
Feb 5, 2007
Because Craka_J lost it of some reason i think. I do fear if we'll ever see a new version of this mod though, as the 'Important' members of the team 'Freakazoid Nasrudin Hernan_g and so on' ain't a part any more, plus that the team has lost connection. I do hope that we'll see another version of this mod sooner or later.
Level 19
Apr 25, 2006
I have to see this... (testing now) I've been kept too long away from single player.
EDIT: It was boring, no dialogue. I attacked the human fortress with orcs in the central Kalimdor and got in their base. However the humans in the base did nothing when I killed them and the orcs got stuck in the gates. Landscape seemed too empty of doodads also.
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Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
Next release is aiming for better looks and stronger gameplay. We're going to start fixing bugs shortly, so any reported bugs to either this post or PM'd to me, will be the bugs we strongly focus on. The bugs you notice are the ones we want to fix most. :)
Level 19
Apr 25, 2006
Also when I crossed the bridge in tauren place the camera was messy for a second, it showed a closeup shot of the bridge or something. The game would need a lot of dialogues and some random things in the countryside to keep it interesting. Also some kind of a plot would be nice.

EDIT: And also one of the heroes who was with me died, but when I left the are he was suddenly with me alive again. Also there could be a way to call the friend heroes out of the battle.
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
Yes, the bridge gets a close up because you enter a region by the bridge which triggers the camera to relock itself to bridge, but then it unlocks because by the time you pass the bridge, you enter the next region which triggers the camera to lock back onto your character.
Plot? Well quests weren't really the main priority at the moment when this demo was ready. So next demo will feature more quests.
Level 3
Feb 5, 2007
Most races ain't playable in this demo (As i've said a million times before, it's a 1,5 year old demo after all). Remember this was just an early beta release, which was tweaked abit by the team, who continued Beantony's work.
We'll see how the new demo will turn out when it is released, as the team has worked 1,5 year on it.
Best of luck to the team... As always.
Level 2
Jun 4, 2007

the demo pwns lol it rocks it looks just like WoW and when u gyus finish it, it will be even better lol thx Cracka all i can say is KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK WERE ALL COUNTING ON U GYUS :D :) :]
Level 15
Feb 9, 2006
Well, I guess things are moving slow due to lack of communication. Take me for an example. I joined the team 6 months ago, but where not given any instructions before yesterday. We need to communicate better better guys. Have one leader which gives every team-member one or more tasks !
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
Freakazoid, former member of Wc3:WoW, has sent me a newer version of Wc3:WoW demo. It contains minor bug fixes, more playable races, custom tilesets and models by Nasrudin, and of course, many new areas to be discovered! However I will not release this version, since some areas need work and there are too many noticable bugs, as in the older version(s). I will post a screenshot or two to show what is in it later.

Why are things moving so slow? Well for many reasons. Only four people actually respond when asked to, HappyTauren refuses to send me the map, and other team members leave without warning because of these reasons and never let us know. So the real team of Wc3:WoW at the moment is Me(Craka_J), Shados, Storm_Surge, and WILLTHEALMIGHTY and maybe Operator since I just told him to do some abilities. :)
Everyone else? dead.

So out of about 20 people, four prevail. gg team! :D
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
That is our plan. Once Wc3:WoW finishes both Kalimdor and Lordaeron, we will most likely start making the Drenai area and the Blood Elven area. What about Outlands? Well... since it is so big and so much more work for us, we may not make Outlands. However, if the team agrees together to work on Outlands, we will.
PS: To people like "Burned" who voted that this demo sucked big time, please leave a post BEFORE you vote. Any reason why you hate or love this demo is appreciated, for we will fix or enhance any bugs or down-sides you point out if necessary. Thank you in advance,
-Craka_J and the War3:WoW Team.
Level 3
Feb 5, 2007
Perphaps i was the only one who tested this map before the new release. Remember this is an old map, but i was lucky, since i got to try it out, before link was broken. I think it is good that people get to try out the demo, which was missed by so many. :)
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
Wc3:WoW will soon emerge from it's current/past status of being dead and once it is official that things are moving forward, it will be announced in the News page on Wc3:WoW's website, with some extra information about what to expect in the new demo which is to be uploaded in the downloads page about 6 months from now I predict.
Level 2
Jan 19, 2007
It pwned

The Demo was great :) just cant wait until its all done... Terrains are realy smillar to the wow ones... But the one thing that i mind is that almost no quests are in the map. I started with a Tauren and got just 1 quest to travel to Thunder Bluff then i moved my hero to Camp Narache and saw 0 qu's :thumbs_down: since i was disapointed i made a few quests like "The Hunt Begins" , "The Hunt Continues" ... Make some more quests atleast at Taurens didnt had time to test Troll/Orc *Tryed to create a Orc but it didnt work* ... :) And one more thing that i minded my Tauren shaman had some "wow unknown spell school" Totemic Mastery (something Like that) Just keep the good job...
->Sorry for my English<-
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
Yeah in the new demo we'll add atleast 5 new quests to keep you guys occupied when it's out. Spells for some classes might not change though. However the Warlock class will be playable and be accuratly made and I plan to have Priests to be playable too.
Druids have alot of bugs in their spells so they'll definately be redone as well.
Can you expect new character models in the new version? You bet. ;)
Level 2
Jun 4, 2007
WeeHee Keep up the good work gyus i cant wait till full virsion lol even tho the demo rocks too keep up the good work lol weeheee you gyus rock :)
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
Tonight, I plan to release news that will make you all, the fans of Wc3:WoW, suffer in excitement once you see what major feature will be in Wc3:WoW when it is completed. Keep checking the News page, since it's the only place I feel like posting it.
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
Yes. But we're moving on without him, and so far, progress is good and are moving forward pretty fast. Spells for Priests, Rogue, and Warlock are all done. Just need to finish the Talent system (yes, talents will be included in new demo) and add talent spells until those three are done.
Level 2
Feb 18, 2007
there is something wrong with the demo. or my game. when i load it, its ok. but when i start to play, the envroiment is a purple and black box. and i start as a mega hungry hero. please help me.
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
This happens only on characters that we did not include in this demo. The races that cannot be played in this version are Dwarves, Gnomes, Humans, Night Elves, and Undead. Only Trolls, Orcs, and Tauren work properly.
The races that will be included in the next demo are Humans, Night Elves, Orcs, Tauren, Trolls, and possibly, however very unlikely, Dwarves and Gnomes.
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