Wc3:WoW Open Beta Released!

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Hosted Project GR
Level 19
Jun 22, 2007
God plz dont add any expansions, or at least make some servers without it, i rly dont like TBC and i have 2 reasons: in tbc, everything got much easier, and any nerd could get tier 4, 5, .BEFORE tbc you actually had to deserve the stuff you had, most ppl didnt even have ZG gear actually.

My 2th reason, now that outland is there, the old high lvl areas are almost empty, and well, this is personal, i just think outland is ugly but dont take that one serious, heh :D.
Level 8
Jun 23, 2007
It did not get easier maybe because your doing heroics and not real instances? try doing black temple or hyjal i think? i dont really know i quit sold account. But its not your decision they have been working hard on this whole thing if they want to well ill still be supporting and its not 2th its 2nd =) Goodluck team and have fun with this game its more about fun then work.
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
The expansion did indeed make it alot easier to level from 58 to 70 and also made your chances to get 'rich' alot greater. Only reason I'm not 70 yet is because of lack of interest in the game and my eagerness to play Warhammer Online, even though it's still got quite a few more months left to go until it is released :\

All it takes really is 6-7hrs to gain a level in Outland and doing those quests continuously.

Only reason why we'll most likely never add Outland is because it's huge, would require alot of hard work which would take forever, and some other reasons. Northrend on the other hand is more sensible since it's smaller than Outland and will require quite a bit of work but not as much as Outland would require. If Blizzard plans on adding a new continent or new world to explore, there is a strong chance we won't add it because we'll be lacking tilesets to make it.
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
No room left!

las! The Closed Beta Team has been filled to the maximum we needed! Twenty(20) people are now listed as Beta Testers now and will recieve the beta when it is ready for testing. To those who missed their chance to become a Closed Beta tester, we can only tell you that a hand full of testers will probably prove insignifigant to us by lacking to inform us of new bugs and so on and lack of useful suggestions, which will lead to that group to be removed from the next Closed Beta and allow others who never had a chance to test the beta to become a part of the testing team.

here will probably be about three to ten Closed Betas to be released before the Open Beta is released to the public. So there will be plenty of Closed Betas to look forward to. Some people may say that being a beta tester is easy; but it's really not! Unless if you have more than enough spare time and never plan anything, it'll probably be a bit difficult in the long run to provide plenty of bugs, suggestions, and so on for the Wc3:WoW Team. What's the motivation? Well if you don't provide enough bugs and suggestions (You need to find atleast one new undiscovered bug!) then you get removed from the list of people to receive the Closed Beta and that's the end of it, but you still get credit for the work you've done... that is, if you helped us at all with the Closed Beta.

~Wc3:WoW Team.
Level 8
Jun 23, 2007
Craka You can always count me in for a tester Goodluck testing testers and have fun *mumbles* lucky people...
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