Wc3:WoW Open Beta Released!

What do you think about this demo?

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Level 6
May 19, 2007
this is a good demo cant wait for the proper thing but will blood elves and drenai ever be included or are you planning to include them after the main release??
Level 10
Mar 8, 2006
Yes. But we're moving on without him, and so far, progress is good and are moving forward pretty fast. Spells for Priests, Rogue, and Warlock are all done. Just need to finish the Talent system (yes, talents will be included in new demo) and add talent spells until those three are done.

I find that somewhat depressing. Might I ask WHY he refuses to give you the map?

(If it'll get too off-topic or if it will take too long for this thread, just PM me if you like)
Level 17
Sep 25, 2004
So you decided to relase the same demo that the old team decided several times that wasn't to be relased. And without even bothering to ask who worked on it first.

Thanks a lot Craka, really, thanks a lot.

Good thing I didn't import all the new models...
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
Sorry Nasrudin if this release insults you in some way. But I believed that it would make sense to temporarily release this map to get a review of what people think of an old version like this and then they can compare it to the newer version which will take about 5-6 months probably to make.
I also released this because we needed more reviews on bugs, opinions, suggestions, and stronger commentary about the project. Now that a hand full of people have played this, we have pretty much just what I was looking for.
Another reason why I released this was also to help answer questions to avoid having to answer them over and over again.

Also, the date that I take the demo down from the website is: 7/14/07. Sorry for not announcing that earlier :\


Hosted Project GR
Level 19
Jun 22, 2007
sorry if im stupid (and you probably think i am). But i just cant see why it is so important now with that old demo? Is it something you want to be kept "sacred" only for the members to use or? Just cant see the point in not releasing a very old demo, no offence, and before you start insulting me, just answer please i were just curious.
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
Our modellers and skinners (including Nasrudin) made these models only for Wc3:WoW. If you wish to use them, you must ask not only me, but the creators of the resources as well. Without our personal permission, you are not permitted.

Anyone who does steal them without asking WILL be sorry.

PS@ Nasrudin:
Actually, we agreed not to release the version that Beantony worked on. This is a completley different version. Did you download and look for yourself?
Level 2
Feb 18, 2007
about that with the demo, i found out what was wrong. i needed to start it on custom campaigns in the main menu in the game
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
I do agree that it is retarded to have a lvl 1 Alliance Paladin trying to gank people in Valley of Trials.. which is why their level may be increased in the next version or they will not be found in those areas at all; or they will spawn very rarely.
But it is a fact that they will not be removed. No question about it.
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
I thought it was time to set up a list of stuff that will be included in the next release. Not all of it is really done like it says, but that means they will be done for sure... so it's kind of like the same thing, but a longer waiting duration lol

Here is the link to the post including all of the updated stuff for the upcoming release:
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Level 3
Feb 5, 2007
The thing i hate mostly about the demo is that you earn money so slowly. Got a level 1 item in level 20. Lets hope prices and money making has been tweaked abit.
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
Gaining gold is easier now. Completing quests helps alot. New items are being added as well: level 1-25. All of the items? Most likely not. But we'll try to get alot of items in.

Skills can be levelled up, yes. They can be levelled up in the released version too I believe. Go to a trainer in a major city (Orgrimmar, Thunder Bluff, etc.) and find your class trainer in that city. There will be two cages in front of him. Get close to the trainer, click one of the cages, and there will be spells available to upgrade/learn. If this isn't in the released version, it's already in the new one.
Level 32
Oct 23, 2006
Warcraft 3: World of Warcraft

I managed to make an account over at WC3:WOW and grab the demo campaign: now if I could only shoehorn in some time to actually play...
anonymous (unverified): Thanks for the update Craka_J & War3:WoW Team.

Just a courtesy call here. The site looks great (as I expected).

Best wishes: GJ GL HF!
Of course, I also some how managed to post in the wrong place: stupid fingers!

After I run the demo for a bit, I'll vote in the poll; until then: [broke=+ REP]Craka_J[/broke]
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
Thank you, Wolverabid. I and the rest of the Wc3:WoW Team appreciate any support we get greatly appreciate.

Also, after you've played the demo and have voted, it is greatly appreciated if you post why you liked/didn't like the demo. Reporting bugs is very helpful as well.
Thank you for your support!
Awesome Demo. It is great, but doesn't completely pwn. I like all the features but it gets boring after a while of traveling. Heck, I can't even find thunderbluff! Also, sometimes your party will trap you in a corner. Luckily, if you click "Stop" or "s" then they will flee a bit for you to escape.

The thing that really angered me was that the hunters had a minimum range. I think it would be better to allow them to have no minimum range so they don't always have to flee to attack, it gets annoying.

I like the terrain and I love the fog but the terrain is very repetitive. There is a very long loading time too, but I manage. Besides, it is hard to load all that data.

Also, I haven't seen it yet but can the AI controlled heroes have a party? It can make it a little more interesting instead of just killing them because I have two (two levels higher than me) blademasters that pwn anything that come in their way, except air units such as swoops or w/e.

I love the mountianous feeling of the map and I love the smooth camera viewing. But sometimes it makes me sick when my unit walks around and the camera shakes a bunch because he is constantly moving due to the fact he has a minimum range!! Arggh...

Overall, this game is great and I can't wait for the full or next demo release. :thumbs_up:

Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
Awesome Demo. It is great, but doesn't completely pwn. I like all the features but it gets boring after a while of traveling. Heck, I can't even find thunderbluff! Also, sometimes your party will trap you in a corner. Luckily, if you click "Stop" or "s" then they will flee a bit for you to escape.
Once again, this is a pretty old version of Wc3:WoW. The new version should make travelling easier thanks to the Flight Path system we plan to add sooner or later. The "S" key is actually meant to help you with situations when you get stuck in a corner by your party members. Pressing S a few times will order your party members to move in the direction your character is facing. Hopefully though, the AI which we're improving will help make these situations more rare.

The thing that really angered me was that the hunters had a minimum range. I think it would be better to allow them to have no minimum range so they don't always have to flee to attack, it gets annoying.
Hunters have been fixed and have longer range now and might also have melee attacks thrown in for them as well when engaged in close-quarters-combat.

I like the terrain and I love the fog but the terrain is very repetitive. There is a very long loading time too, but I manage. Besides, it is hard to load all that data.
Loading the maps might not get shorter in the next version. It's hard to make loading faster and are not 100% sure why it takes such a while to load. Hopefully we can decrease it before next release.
Most of the terrain is being remade and improved as much as we can.

Also, I haven't seen it yet but can the AI controlled heroes have a party? It can make it a little more interesting instead of just killing them because I have two (two levels higher than me) blademasters that pwn anything that come in their way, except air units such as swoops or w/e.
Air units (including swoops) will be attackable by melee units in the next version and hopefully Player-Bots can start their own groups in next version as well and possibly invite you themselves, however that is very unlikely.

I love the mountianous feeling of the map and I love the smooth camera viewing. But sometimes it makes me sick when my unit walks around and the camera shakes a bunch because he is constantly moving due to the fact he has a minimum range!! Arggh...
There are three camera modes. RTS mode, Third Person Camera mode, and Third Person Camera mode with manual camera control. For information about this, go HERE.

The Game Guide page contains information about the basics of how to play Wc3:WoW, including systems. So far, it only supports the current beta released in the Downloads page.

That is it for now. Please feel free to ask other questions regarding Wc3:WoW. Also, it is highly recommended that you read everything on the About page and the Game Guide to help answer questions you may have in mind.
Thank you for your support!
Level 6
Jul 6, 2007
I'm really an idiot sometimes. I accidently voted for 'It's Horrible!', so I apologize. I really like this.. a lot. The best part I noticed was the enemy NPCs who were running around leveling on there own. Unfortunately, a dwarf rogue killed me. I can't wait for this map to come out, as it will give me a reason to end the obsession with WoW.
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
Craka_J said:
am sorry to announce it, but the open beta's deadline has finally come and is now taken off the website. The next open beta won't be out soon so if you're really hyped to beta test a closed beta version sent to only official beta testers of the Wc3:WoW Team. To apply for the beta testing team, send an email to the team at either [email protected] and [email protected] and in the email, you must include answers to the three following questions:
  • Do you have a fast internet connection?
  • Can you download and upload large files (30m-80mb) within an hour and a half?
  • Will you report all bugs and suggestions to the team at either the private team area of the forums, by email, or in a(n) instant message(s)?
pplying to join the Wc3:WoW Team pretty soon would be smart since we plan to release a closed beta to the beta testers of the Wc3:WoW Team soon. Probably around a few weeks or a month.

-Craka_J and the Wc3:WoW Team.

PS: I will close this thread once the closed beta is released to the Official Wc3:WoW Closed Beta Testers.
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Level 14
Jan 2, 2007
What aditions would Wc3:WoW have besides normal WoW. . .i mean i doubt you are just going to make a WoW with Wc3 gameplay and graphic. . .i sincerly think that the game feeling of Wc3:WoW should be complet diferent of Blizzard WoW. Anyway its your project , and its only a opinion. I remember when i first heard about WoW i thought it would give a cool in-sight of Wc3 World , that Epic Quests will await , with imba roleplay. . .but as it turned out. . .except the races , and factions , basicly except the names. . .Blizzard WoW has nothing in common with Wc3. I always thought it would be cool to evolve your character from rogue to something else. . .maybe by doing some quests . . .evoulving your rogue to a Warden or a Demon Hunter. . .the epic Hero Types of Wc3. To bad you guys will not change that aspect. Anyway Good Luck Wc3:WoW Team.


Hosted Project GR
Level 19
Jun 22, 2007
the only noteable difference (aside from the bugs) is that they will probably make a sort of main q, at least in the single player version to make a difference, but the gameplay wont be changed.
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
Gameplay will not change that much or at all. Whatever Blizzard did to make WoW's gameplay is obviously doing the right thing. There for, if we keep the greatness of WoW in it, Wc3:WoW should be more fun. Alot of people hate evolving characters in case you haven't noticed so that will never happen.

We'll add things to Wc3:WoW that WoW has, yeah, but after we get all of the basics finished first. What will we add? Well... stuff that shouldn't impact the gameplay so much, like holiday events that may not occur in WoW or something like that. We've already added a couple things that impact the gameplay pretty strongly, such as the Player-Bots AI and how statistics are added to your character. Being able to add more points to one statistic should help make your character more unique, especially during PvP.
Level 2
Jul 16, 2007
Well said, Craka :grin:
Anyways, here's the usual question:
How's the project going? I mean it seems like it's dead or somethin'.
And I noticed your the only one in the forums (Both Hive and the Official Forum) that's mostly active.
What's happenin'? :confused:
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
Wc3:WoW dead? Nope.
-Sgt Johnson has finished spells for Priest and has started work on Rogue.
-Shados is still working on Warlock spells.
-I'm doing terrain as often as I can.
-Saitek is now triggering new systems, fixing bugs, and adding new features.
-Not too sure if TripX wishes to stay with the Wc3:WoW Team and finishing some systems for Wc3:WoW though.
-HappyTauren has been providing quite alot of resources for Elwyn Forest.
-The beta testers have reported some bugs. But haven't reported as much as we thought we'd get. Have about 4 bugs and we have about 15 beta testers. Some beta testers will not recieve the closed beta due to their lack of bug reports.
-THE_END has been working on the same tiles for over a month.
-I've tried to be as active as possible.

The team doesn't communicate as much through the forums. But we speak amongst each other on Instant Messangers such as Xfire and MSN Messanger usually. Progress can be better. It can always be better. But at the moment, I believe it's safe to say that the progress is acceptable.

Level 2
Jul 16, 2007
That's good to know
By the way, I have a very BIG list of bugs.
You know? Mispellings, Glitches, and other stuff :thumbs_up:
Level 2
Jul 16, 2007
I'll send it, sooner or later :grin:
By the way, you guys should really improve the look on the official website :wink:
Level 2
Jul 16, 2007
I'm still confused of the difference between normal HTML, XHTML, and DHTML.
Flash and JavaScript would look good on the site (If they even allow it on FreeWebs)
I know some basic and advanced HTML, but I'm trying to learn more about it.
When I get a more decent knowledge about HTML, I'll help improve the site :thumbs_up:
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Level 4
Nov 3, 2006
no, i dont mean that :p, in my email i sent u all a map i used to work on its full of heaps of good triggers which may help, also it has many models attached e.g units and lots of weapons (also had my beta tester app. :p)
Level 14
Jan 2, 2007
I remember when i first heard about WoW i thought it would give a cool in-sight of Wc3 World , that Epic Quests will await , with imba roleplay. . .but as it turned out. . .except the races , and factions , basicly except the names. . .Blizzard WoW has nothing in common with Wc3. I always thought it would be cool to evolve your character from rogue to something else. . .maybe by doing some quests . . .evoulving your rogue to a Warden or a Demon Hunter. . .the epic Hero Types of Wc3. To bad you guys will not change that aspect. Anyway Good Luck Wc3:WoW Team.

Ha-ha , now Blizz wants to implement Character Hero Classes such as Death Knight and othersid WoW : Wrath of the Lich King. :)) This is a bit funny. . .so now i guess that after you finish like Wc3:WoW. . .and you will start on the "Expansion Pack" will you implement this idea also ? :p
Level 3
Feb 5, 2007
Uh-oh i've heard bout' the new expansion pack. Blizzard offers some more work for the team to do, though surely won't see any expansion stuff in the next release of this mod. I hope that we might see some expansion areas in some release of this mod in the future.
Level 4
Nov 3, 2006
ah i see cool as, does that mean its one where the unit moves and doent just teleport? also did you get to reading my email yet?
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
The charge ability works fine and just like it does in WoW.
Your email has been read and replied to.

PS: I've returned back from my two week vacation and will try to dedicate my time back to Wc3:WoW. But while I am not working on it internally (and not ordering people around and working on sites and forums) I'll be playing WoW once again.
~Craka_J; Leader of the Wc3:WoW Team.
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